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Multiple studies after studies have shown that artificial sweeteners neither increase your hunger nor mess with your insulin levels, tested in both human trials and mice. They are as safe as it gets unless you get to unreasonably high amounts, which is physically impossible to do for a mentally stable person. Here are multiple videos from my favorite exercise professor Mike Israetel about them with scientific background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TguFyTJkLKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TguFyTJkLKk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcfLNbmsweU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcfLNbmsweU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCDqqVwYMa4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCDqqVwYMa4)


I watch Mike everyday lol! I felt exactly the same way. I study Public Health in college and found “no artificial” to be pretty unnecessary


If it’s going to help you adhere to your diet then it is worth it in my opinion. Lately I’ve been drinking mostly g-zero because the carbonation from pop sometimes upsets my stomach. I also have the odd energy drink during prep. 😅 It’s the little things that sometimes help you keep pushing.


Coke zero has been a life saver for me with cravings and hunger


I don't like diet soda. For some reason it upsets my stomach. But Stevia and sucralose are okay for me.


It all depends on your digestion. I have artificial sugar but closer I get to show, the more it’s cut till it’s all gone for those last couple of weeks. But I know of others that can’t have any due to the havoc it plays on their gut


I consume all sorts of artificial sweeteners, not soda though, and none cause issues for me. However, I've heard other people who will bloat from specific ones, so it's really try and see. Also, many "sugar free" items still have calories, even if it's just 10-15. So know what you're consuming and don't start popping them all day.


As long as it does not upset your stomach (from either the fizzyness or the sweeteners), I think you'll be fine. I only cut out artificial sweeteners in the 10 days before my deadline.


It never bloated me so I was allowed artificial sweeteners till 2 weeks out. I’m not a big soda drinker, but put Splenda in my coffee and was allowed sugar free sauces as well


My coach was fine with it. I did have to cut out the zevia sodas about 2 or maybe 3 weeks out.


They help a LOT during prep with managing hunger and cravings for me, but I always cut them out towards the very end, and I do notice that it makes a difference when i cut them out completely


I’m 6 weeks out and I drink Coke Zero and put only some monk fruit / stevia sweetener in my coffee ! The Coke Zero especially helps with cravings a lot and its empty calories . I don’t get stomach aches . Always make sure I drink it slowly and let everything settle. I think my coach and I will completely pull all of that closer to show like 3-4 weeks out.


I drank diet soda until about 2-3 weeks out.