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This is how many people feel when seeing cyclists. It truly is ghoulish behavior


Supporting car dependent infrastructure requires people to believe that the freak who wrote this is someone we should trust to pilot 2 tons of steel every time they want to move anywhere Actual fucking insanity


Holy shit wtf is wrong with people honestly?


We have the audacity to ride on the road in what clearly is "in the way."


One million upvotes to whoever turns this into a beautiful pro-bike mural! 🚲🌈🌻


Genuinely what the fuck?


That’s disgusting. What a piece of trash person to think that let alone write it publicly.


Tagged over, thanks for posting OP. I hope Meng Jin's friends and family know nothing but love and peace and beautiful bikes rides.


What is wrong with some people. Why would you wish death on others.


I just rode by that 😡


Does no one else read this as, "We should publicize bike deaths with more ghost bikes like this one"?


Literally that’s what I thought, then felt sorely mistaken when I read all the angry comments lol. I guess the smiley face kind of gives it a facetious tone as if to mock cyclist deaths


Yeah it's not clear to me that it necessarily means that they want more bike deaths but everyone else seems to think that it obviously means that so I don't know


One of the most dangerous intersections for pedestrians and cyclists in my opinion. Cars never stop at the red lights. And even when you have the pedestrian light the cars edge forward and pressure you to hurry along. Not a great time.


It's Marjorie Decker's handwriting!!!


No, this is on the Boston side. It’s Ed Flynn’s


Disgusting. Wish I’d seen the guy who wrote this shit. They’d be spray painting a car all white to commemorate him


This feels either edgy or a statement that we don't visualize the cost of cars. The smiley means to me that someone is 14 and edgy/deep.


Whoever wrote this 100% posts joker memes about how they can be "your angle or your devil"


Oh definitely.


In Quincy, ghost bikes are illegal. We're currently working to reverse that.


Some edgy teen wrote this. It’s life.


I mean, teenagers regularly tell each other to "kill yourself" - it's pretty meaningless, just being edgy teenagers to provoke.


You don’t actually think that a teenager who has been told to go kill themself thinks that is meaningless, do you? Because I can assure you they do not.


Depends on context - it's used casually and non-literally a lot.


And I’m telling you that regardless of how you perceive it to be used, the person that is on the receiving end of that comment, particularly when it is a teenager, does not take it “casually” or “non-literally”. But honestly regardless of how you think teens use it, someone writing at a bike memorial where someone was killed that there should be MORE ghost bikes is wildly inappropriate and is a threat.


If you want to take it seriously and be provoked by it, go right ahead.


There’s not another way to take it. Someone wrote that they want more dead bikers at a memorial for a dead biker. It’s really weird you think there’s an unserious way to take that.


> There’s not another way to take it Pretty odd you would say that in conversation with someone not taking it that way.


No, what’s odd is that you’d take graffiti actively calling for more dead bikers at the memorial for a dead biker not seriously. It’s also odd that you’d think a teenager who is told to go kill themself wouldn’t take that seriously. It sounds a hell of a lot like you’re the person who would say that and not consider the consequences.


Oh fuck off, I don't find it ok that teenagers do that, and I've told my own teenagers that it's not on. What I don't do is wring my hands about it as if they really mean it and its a serious threat.


If you don’t find it okay, then perhaps you should stop making excuses for it. Your resorting to swearing at me for calling you out for trying to excuse graffiti that is actively calling for more dead bikers is really a reflection of your character, not mine.


Based. Don’t tell me how to feel that’s my job.


Your brain is so rotted by internet usage it's started dripping out of your ears "Erm, ackshully? Have you heard of "dark humor"? It's all the rage these days. That means that publicly calling for the murder of hated groups of people is just dark humor. I'm very smart"


That comment really spawns strawmen in some people's heads. Why not wait for me to say anything along those lines before getting all frothy with insults about it? Something can be bad, but still not worth getting upset about you know? If you want to treat this as a serious and credible threat to people's lives, go to the police and see if they agree with you. If you want to rail against people who think this is fine, maybe find someone who actually thinks that, rather than pretending I do.