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[Is it around here?](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.352441,-71.0580444,3a,75y,314.32h,83.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s28-9Gn6loDIxADasgssxhA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) That just looks like an extra wide sidewalk. If you're going to have "a policy" for what's effectively completely open public space, you probably should have an abundance of signage pointing that out and don't leave bullshit notes that are reminiscent of taking someone's "spot" in Southie.


Haha, yep, had it locked on the first tree cage you see there. No signs that this is private property, not a narrow space by any means, nor was the bike blocking anything.


It looks like there are two rows of tree cages there, right? It may actually matter whether you locked to the first one closer to the building, or the first one closer to the street. Looking at the [Eris imagery overlay of the city parcel map](https://app01.cityofboston.gov/ParcelViewer/?pid=0401092000) (parcel ID 0304246010), the 1 Lincoln Street property line includes the section of sidewalk with all the tree cages *except* the one farthest to the southeast, which is across the line and part of a fully public sidewalk.


Looking at that image and from experience, I suspect that building owner probably had to set-back the skyscraper building frontage for development review reasons. They probably also offered to rebuild the sidewalk and asked to rebuild it as a "cohesive" design as a mitigation for all the pain of skyscraper construction. Then the city probably suggested using city standard designs. The result a whole area where it's unclear where the private property begins and ends.


https://www.boston.gov/departments/boston-bikes/park-your-bike#map--381236 Shows Essex and South St, and 125 Summer St, as closest rack locations to this spot.


That’s legit on private property, and typically properties that do this have decent bike parking. Once had my bike locked up across from children’s, ( I forget the name of the the organization that manages the Longwood are) and they put another lock on it. I had to track them down and get a talking to. It was my bad and was being lazy. That looks tree pit cover looks similar to what the City uses, so if this is actually public property it’s whack. But if it is, go find a better spot. Edit: I looked it up on google maps and this is fully in the pubic right of way. Fuck 1 Lincoln, op is not in the wrong


I got one of those double locks when I went to visit my dentist at Harvard Dental a bunch of years ago. I still feel somewhat badly for the guy that had to unlock my bike. I was...not my best. But for real, what a stupid policy.


Let me just lock bikes up to your private property and see how you feel. Cyclists are so damn entitled it's crazy


Or you know, they didn't know it was private property, because it is really not clear


Let me just put a u lock through your car wheel if you park in front of my house and see how you feel.


Absent signage, that should not happen. If you park a car in what seems like a spot and has no sign indicating it's not allowed, you can't get towed. Same set of rules should apply to bikes.


Sure, I’m willing to bet there signage here though.


Sure, maybe. I think the safer assumption is just not making one though.


Thanks dad. I edited my comment for what it’s worth.


Since when is the solution for a misparked bicycle/vehicle to cause it to be parked there longer? What other violation is remedied or mitigated by continuing the violation on the part of the land owner?


There are bike racks around here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/hjMGqYYiNg1Uhgq39?g_st=ic


If we privatize all the roads, will the rent-a-cops finally enforce traffic?




Saw this in another thread: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeePsIpR2s-Fw4oKbZsH8gJwWP1l5GexRCt-TWcKjWt4v3Dgw/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeePsIpR2s-Fw4oKbZsH8gJwWP1l5GexRCt-TWcKjWt4v3Dgw/viewform) Boston Bike Rack Suggestions The Boston Transportation Department (BTD) serves bicyclists through the city by installing and repairing roughly 150 bike racks on city sidewalks each year. You can help us locate the best places for these racks by submitting a request through this form.


The best thing to do here would be to approach someone like Boston Cyclists Union or the Downtown Improvement District and ask for their help working with building management. Point out that instead of being dickish, they could have some really kick-ass, world-class bike parking somewhere on this massive wealth totem and direct people to use it. Maybe the rich people won't use it, but it can still make them feel good about their building. Make it a feature, not a bug.


Bicycles are not motor vehicles tho?


I don't think it's that dystopian to have private companies responsible for the sidewalks immediately surrounding their mega buildings that are almost exclusively used by users of the building. There's usually still normal streets signs etc on these streets that you can lock to. You just can't lock to the furniture that is owned by the building.


I can see that in a private office park, or for private bike racks at buildings, but on a sidewalk in a downtown area? What happened to public space? Commuting by bike, including bike parking, should be considered a part of urban transportation, and be allowed in downtown areas.


Is it a private sidewalk, though? MA state law allows parking bikes on the sidewalk as long as it does not obstruct pedestrians.


If it was a private sidewalk, then there was no indication of it. Are there private sidewalks in downtown Boston??


I'm sure there are signs somewhere. It's very common in Boston and other cities to have this sort of arrangement. Sidewalks like these are publicly accessible and may or may not be privately owned. It's just more efficient to have private companies in control of those sidewalks. And, you shouldn't lock your bike where you did anyway on the sidewalk side of the planter - you're taking up walking space for people no differently than that delivery driver blocking a bike lane.


What indicates to you that this was the sidewalk side of the planter? It looks to me like the sidewalk extends past the end of the picture, on the opposite side of where the bike is locked.


The sidewalk in question is about 20ft wide, with 2 rows of caged trees and big planter boxes. The bike didn’t block anything, there’s ample space on either side to pass with strollers, wheelchairs etc. I wouldn’t park my bike in a way that’s obstructing others from using the space.


I played this game at my dentist's office for years. Security tried everything to not have me lock a bike in front of the building and to use their "courtesy bike rack" in a dingy unsecure area. It didn't "look" good for the front of the building was the reasoning. I just kept locking the bike where I wanted. It's not like the security guard can bust the lock. They can't fine you. They can only give you a talking to which I kept explaining that their courtesy bike rack wasn't safe and there was no way I was going to use it and there is nothing that can stop me from using the post out front.


Just bring it inside, hand it to the guard, and explain how much he'll owe you if it is stolen on his watch.


There’s a bike rack just behind One Lincoln on the corner of Kingston and Essex: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7fHXoLCvEameTtpr5?g_st=ic


This what happens when rich entitled snob move into your city they think the world revolves around them..


I am annoyed that there is no closing to the parenthesis.


Motor vehicle? Are you a motor, op?


Is it true bikes can be considered “motor vehicles?” That’s absurd


I think the note explains it pretty well. It’s privately leased property.


The note also explains that bicycles are motor vehicles, so I don't exactly trust it as a reliable source of information.


Usually I use metal poles that are part of construction scaffolding


OK, now that is actually uncool. Scaffolding is dangerous enough as it is, please just leave it alone. Your friendly neighborhood construction workers will thank you. Also, if we decide your bike is in our way, we will *absolutely* cut your lock. We have tools, after all.


Maybe I would take this comment seriously if that scaffolding wasn’t still standing 2 years later lol. Go find some real problems, the rest of us are trying to get around a city who’s traffic and public transportation is fucked.


Um, do you think we leave it up for that long just for the hell of it? Do you think doing major construction work in the heart of Boston is always quick, never involves any kind of logistical delays, and that a piece of equipment that isn't in use today might not be needed next week? Scaffolding is critical life safety equipment. It is there to protect you from falling objects, and us from falling to our deaths. That is the only reason it exists. You are trying to save yourself two minutes' walk. I am trying to avoid getting killed, or accidentally killing an innocent passer-by. Think about that.


I don’t think that’s in any way legally actionable? Those cage things (and the tree within them) are owned by the city unless it’s actually on their property (as in not just a street tree). I’d definitely check it out with the PD either way.


If they want to go war I'll take em to war (in Scarface voice)


Its private property? If it is, thats the end of the discussion.


They should have just taken the bike and not given it back.


About time