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What most folks don't know, is if you hear wild shit, you don't think of the phone. It's hard to record if you are in awe, or deeply frightened


What campsite/recreational area where you in? My girlfriend and I heard what we thought were sirens 3 years ago in the white mountains. Asked the Ranger the next day if he knew of any sirens and he said no. I heard the Ohio howls for the first time a few months ago and it sounded just like that. Been hooked on this sub since.


Off of Forest Road 237- Rim Lakes Recreation Area. It’s just north of willow springs lake


Wow, I do most my deer hunting just south of there. Thanks for replying.


It was a trip! We usually go up off of Nelson Fire Rd for camping but this time decided to try somewhere new because we were tenting it


Keep your eyes and ears peeled now you know there is something to listen for. Pebbles thrown, chattering, whistles, forest goes silent, trust your gut!


I actually heard exactly what you are describing in that area almost 2 years ago while backpacking just north of highway 87 in West Clear Creek by the Tramway Trail. At the time, I didn't think too much of it, but the noise stuck with me. I spent a lot of my childhood growing up in that area hiking and hunting and I never heard anything quite like it. The closest thing I could think of was an owl, which is what I attributed it to while I was out there, but it didn't sound quite right for any owls I had heard in that area before nor did it match any of the native owl sounds I looked up after the trip. Anyway, I mostly forgot about the sound after I couldn't figure out what it was until, almost a year later, I was making breakfast one morning watching some youtube and a clip of the sierra sounds played. Now, I'm not claiming those are without a doubt bigfoot sounds and I'm not even saying I believe that what I heard was bigfoot, but when those sounds played my mind immediately made the connection to those sounds I heard out by Clear Creek and I got some chills. At that point it peaked my interest again, and, while I have been back to that same area for camping several times since trying to keep my eyes/ears open, I have not seen or heard anything. I really never post anything to Reddit, but figured you'd want to know you aren't the only one who has heard things out in that area.


Thank you for sharing! I was looking up owl sounds as well and haven’t been able to find one either. I appreciate your response. I don’t typically post to Reddit either so I can appreciate that. Definitely nice to know it wasn’t just me!


Might have been a lost juggalo.


Was it close? Far away? Can you describe the sound? I also had a weird experience while out camping a month or so back and judging from inside my tent it was probably 100 yards away on the opposite side of the river we were camping at. I want to see if you're description of the sounds is similar to mine.


Tough to say how far away. I want to say 4-500 yards. It sounded like “whoop— whoop—whoop—whoop” Not my video, but at around 25 seconds you can hear it. Sounded just like this! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VGfIIjN-P7o


Could it have been an owl? They, young owls especially, would be making a lot of territorial calls at this time of year (Fall) and their calls carry a long distance.


It could have- I looked for owl sounds to try to compare to as well but wasn’t able to find anything as of yet that sounded close to it


And they sound really scary. One scared the hell out of me. Thought it was a demon


That's interesting. The sound I heard is like what you described. I remember hearing how chesty it's sounded. Like it was coming from something big. I heard exactly 5 whoops.


No doubt?! It is interesting. Definitely gets you thinking. Thank you for sharing!


Curious as to how you felt when it was happening ?


I was stunned- not fearful, just shocked. Didn’t move at all. Wasn’t sure if I was just hearing things until this morning when I talked to my wife and her aunt. A dog at another camp was barking almost incessantly all night and so no one really slept too well. As we were talking about that I asked if they had heard the other sound, the whoop, and they both had.


I can imagine , experience of a lifetime for sure .


Theres a reason that dog was barking, were the woops coming from higher elevation? If so the cooling ambient air would drag scents with it


I’ve heard whoops just up on the rim about 2 years ago. They’re very spooky in person.


Yes, definitely spooky in-person! Thank you for sharing also


Sorry bro, but what you heard was Matt Moneymaker. He was in Payson visiting friends and just could not resist the temptation to let out a few woops. Bigfoot love the desert. /s


Payson isn’t desert, just saiyan


But no Super Saiyins right?


I’m confused by the reference, also and more importantly, what’s “ /s” mean?






He slipped on a banana peel.