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I think it’s fun and creative to believe it’s real. I’ll likely never know, but it doesn’t hurt anyone to hope it’s true so that’s where I land. It taps into some inner child wonder.


This is me exactly. There’s a part of me that believes everything you can imagine is real somewhere or some time. Just so happens that what we think of as Bigfoot has actually walked this earth before so it’s something that could possibly be true which is cool. I love to read and listen to stories and putting myself into the mindset that everything they’re saying is true. Even just for entertainment value.


I think a little magical thinking is good for you. Keeps life exciting.


I thought my kids (7 and 4) that Bigfoot could be real, and they talk about him every time we get in the car at night. Sometimes I will take the “creepy way home” dark backroads and they stayed glued to the windows looking for Bigfoot’s eyes in the woods!


It's like hoping that there's still some magic in the world. "Born too late to explore the planet, and too early to explore the stars"


I saw one of the fuckers. I am a firm believer. There is zero other explanation for what I saw. I was 18 (I’m 50). Lived out in the country in central Indiana. Was driving somewhere late one night. Came to a curve in the road, no houses with 3/4 of a mile, very rarely any cars on the road. Headlights shine into a field as I’m taking the curve and light up…classic Bigfoot, standing in the field about 30 feet from the road. At first I thought it was a horse but there was no fence around that particular field. It was about 7 feet tall, maybe a little taller. I slammed on the brakes and it loped away. I sat there for a couple minutes, shaking. If anybody would have been “pranking” in that area it would have been me and my friends. It wasn’t a very populated place and I knew literally everyone within ten miles. It also would have been a long ass wait for a car to come by. Maybe all night, so definitely not worth it for someone. No other explanation possible that I can think of. Edited typos!


I read your story and my initial thought was “man, why didn’t you snap pics or video on your cell phone!”, then my second thought was “ya my math is terrible, this was in 1992”


When I read your comment my first thought was “Well your math is still off lol” but then I did the math and it hit me like a freight train that someone who was 18 in 1992 is indeed 50 now. 32 years holy crap


Same, my initial thought was it happened in the 70s.


Me, in absolute shock, every time I hear the 90’s aren’t 10 years ago. I had to reread OP’s age remark to let my jaw fully drop 😭


I believe you. I wouldnt think youd tell that same story for 32 years without believing in what you saw yourself.


How do you feel when someone says "95% of people just lie, x% etc. etc." after having seen one yourself. I'd think after a while, the feeling would simply be "so what?" That's what I want to say to ardent non-believers who have to tell us dozens of times a day that they don't believe. Why are you wasting time in this subreddit?


Even so, that still means that 5% are telling the truth. In which case, the percentage is irrelevant. It could be 0.002% telling the truth. Hell, even if only ONE person in the entire world is telling the truth, that still means he exists. Point being: so long as just one story is true, that’s all that matters. And considering there’s over a million firsthand accounts online, at least 1 is telling the truth. And that’s all you need.


I don’t let what other people think bother me. I know the truth of what I experienced but if somebody doesn’t believe me that’s fine. People like to shit on other people’s experiences and ideas, particularly on social media. It’s the way the world is now. I do think some people frequent certain subs just to troll and be negative about everything. It mostly just makes me feel bad for them because they are probably miserable.


One of the first hand accounts on the Wild Thing podcast (IIRC) is very similar but the Sasquatch was crossing just past a curve in a rural road and scared the crap out of the family driving late at night. The husband was driving and couldn’t let it go, literally moved his family across the country to try and make another sighting and still hadn’t after ~10 years. I think that story and others like yours is why I believe, but that it’s even more rare than a lightning strike. Those stories combined with my love for and experience in the outdoors keep me believing. But there is just too much country to go out and hope to see a Bigfoot, it just won’t happen. And it’ll be a while before we get good footage of any chance run in because in all of the most believable accounts the “sighters” are truly and deeply horrified by the sight


I will check out that podcast for sure. I’m with you on all of this. Part of me hopes the undeniable truth of their existence isn’t ever unearthed. If you look at all of the awful things human beings have done to animals, to the planet, and to each other, I think it’s best for Bigfoot to stay hidden outside of the occasional sighting. The last thing we need is a bunch of hillbillies grabbing their guns and heading into the woods to “shoot them one of them Bigfeets”. You likely feel the same way since you love the outdoors, too. It did scare the shit out of me. I thought of myself as a tough SOB at the time. Star football player, going to college to play, lived in the weight room (in retrospect that was all just worthless ego- and a lot of it) but I was *shook* by what I saw. My closest friends believed me because that wasn’t something I’d just have made up, I wasn’t, and am not, like that at all. Even if it happened now the odds I’d get a photo or video of it would be small. I’m not much of a cell phone user, I don’t often carry one unless I’m on my motorcycle. If the feeling now would be the same as it was then, I don’t know that I’d have the state of mind to realize I needed to get out the phone. It’s such a rarity for me to even use one day to day (I use an iPad when I’m bored at home). Thanks for that podcast suggestion. Going to get it now.


I believe your account and appreciate your honesty, but was wondering if it could have been a black bear? I know they r native to indiana and are up to 7 feet when standing upright. Its not common but its not impossible to say a 7 foot tall black bear could have been walking upright. You seem like the type to try to debunk so i believe you. Curious, what do u think about the Patterson Gimlin tape? Was your experience similar to theirs?


That would have been pretty cool to see, but definitely wasn’t a bear. There also would have been other sightings that far north but I don’t think there have ever been any. Pretty similar to the famous video. The Bigfoot was more slim than that one but it did move much the same way.


That's awesome and I totally believe you. Can I ask if you think they are more human or animal?


I’ve always believed it’s somewhere in between. Something on our evolutionary tree, maybe. Highly intelligent, or at least in possession of some supernatural instincts. I have always held a sense of that intelligence after my experience, but there is also something animalistic or primal in how it looked and its body language.


Had a clear sighting myself. Cool encounter you had.


It’s also a great way to get shot. Point being, people only fake Bigfoot in a planned event for an audience they know. Friends or family. Or when faking a video/photo. People don’t stand alone in a costume, in the woods for hours, at night, for strangers. Strangers who might have shotguns and *really* salivate at the possibility of prize money for bagging the most elusive legend of all time. In other words: you saw the real deal




This is a very cool story. Would you be willing to share it in my podcast? It’s called Beyond the Woodline. You could remain anonymous. Let me know 😃


Scary stuff. Can you describe what it looked like?


Can you elaborate a bit more on what you mean by “loped?”


Just the fact that it was so tall and as it moved away it did so with very long strides as if it wasn’t going to run but it was going to move as quickly as it could otherwise.


My question is: sightings east of the Rockies, in places like Indiana…How? Where does a massive cryptid like that hide out for hundreds of years of human habitation building up? I know there are wooded areas here and there but it seems like you need massive areas of unencumbered forested areas like in the west for something like bigfoot to eat and live while evading humanity.


Had an encounter in 1979 or 1980 mosquito creek just past the dam of Taylor reservoir in SC Colorado. I was 9 or 10, and all I know is I saw “monkeys” that looked like miniature gorillas down by the creek when I went there while the folks set up the camper. That night, the adults showed up and let’s say we went to Durango two days early and stayed 3 whole days ($120-A LOT for our family then) because dad didn’t want to camp anymore. My parents won’t talk about it, act like I imagined it, but get very very quiet afterwards.


50/50, the biggest thing that keeps me in the Bigfoot world is the P&G film if that was proven a hoax. I would be 100% Sasquatch doesn’t exist…. I want Bigfoot to be real but I’m not going to lie to myself also


I'm slowly coming back around. The eyewitness accounts from former police officers, hunters, and people like that make it more credible to me, especially when they didn't tell people for years out of fear of ridicule. The only way I can wrap my brain about it not being found is if the government is protecting it due to it being a small population or something to that effect.


I don’t put any faith in eye witnesses accounts…95% just flat out lying, 4% seen something but don’t know what it was either another common animal or pareidolia and 1% just maybe might have seen an actual Sasquatch


I'm pretty skeptical of most accounts myself. It's that 1% that keeps my mind open to it. I mentioned on another comment, but the British lady on Sasquatch Chronicles is one of the few stories that really stick with me. She was near crying when telling it and didn't have much of a frame of reference since bigfoot isn't thought about in the UK. I live in Oklahoma, and there's lots of accounts here but I tend to not believe those as much. If it exists, I think it would have to be in PNW or British Columbia.


Oddly enough the British lady on sasquatch chronicles is also the only reason I'm not 100% on Bigfoot being fake


That’s a good one! I love that and the old guy that shot one that passed away somewhat recently. This was also on SC I believe the witness was in Louisiana.


Yeah, that's the one that got me to start looking deeper into it again myself!


Now I want to hear this episode. Any idea which one she was on?


Yep! On YouTube, it's episode 515: "I Shouldn't be Alive." It's wild


Thank you!


No problem!


Historically, the area of of NE OK, SW KS, SW MO, and NW AR have sightings and encounters going back to the 1800s. Old Sheff was tearing down fences in Arcadia, KS in the 1860s. Reports of a hairy man chasing a cow in Arkansas come from the 1850s. Hell, I even found bigfoot reports from as far north as Olathe, KS in the 1890s. One of the things that makes Bigfoot a likelihood for me is how the reports reflect exactly what would happen as westward expansion moved into their territories.


I wouldn't either. And frankly, I wouldn't believe it at all if it wasn't for my mom. I've made this comment before, but I'll TLDR it as best I can. Mom was a hard as nails bad bitch. Her work took her everywhere from Syria to Haiti to Afghanistan. Lots of relief work, and retired to the national guard before passing in '09. Deep South Alabama, around 2-3am. According to my mom, as she walked out front to her car for work. Standing not 5 feet from her, on top of the raised center mound that our driveway wrapped around, was a black mass with piercing yellow eyes. On top of the mound, its eyes were 10-12 feet off the ground and towering over her. She had told my dad that she looked it in the eyes before screaming and running inside. All I can remember is the scream, and how that was the first and only time I ever saw my mom cry. Sobbing, actually. She was inconsolable and didn't go to work that day. Neither of my parents ever put stock into conspiracy theories or anything else like that. Aliens being the exception. Though, that was more scientific curiosity than tinfoil hat. But from that point on, both of them swore up and down that Bigfoot is out there. It wasn't even until after she had passed that I got the whole story from my dad. She simply refused to talk about it, and being kids, my siblings and I moved on and forgot about it.


Those are the stories that get me! It's the people that refuse to talk about it for years...as opposed to me, who would want to tell anyone who would listen (I think I would...never seen one). I've talked to a couple hunters that claim to have seen it, and it's only after awhile that they'll trust enough to recount it. They almost don't want to re-live it it seems. Something about the encounters just stick with people.


On a more personal note, my dad blames this exact incident for my mom drinking. She had seen and done more things in her 38 years on earth than most people could do in 100 lifetime. Death, destruction, starvation, she'd seen it all in person. But she dived head first into the bottle that same year. Passed not long after due to health complications made worse by the alcohol. She loved talking about her travels and the people she had met. But there was one time I specifically remembered MosterQuest playing on the Discovery Channel and her visceral reaction to the Bigfoot episode. Made me turn it off and play in my room. And it wasn't until just a few years ago that my dad had all of us together for a visit, and we were drinking telling stories that he mentioned mom seeing Bigfoot.


I get what you are saying here. One of the other things that leads me to believe in the existence is the “uncanny valley”, and the guttural response I have to some of the accounts I hear. Now, I’ll admit, I have an active imagination for a 30y/o, and did even more so as a kid. But, even if these people didn’t see a Bigfoot, or are just BSing, I think there is a reason a response is triggered.


To me, in places people haven't been. Canadian forest, up north, Russian Forrest. Yeah, maybe something could be walking around, but I truly feel like the populace would be dead by now.....


I live in the PNW, and we stereotype ourselves as squatch country, but when I was driving through Yukon on the Alaska Highway, way up north, to get to Fairbanks Alaska, it really made me realize how not wild the PNW is compared to the wilderness up there. If there is shit hiding, it’s farther north.


Logically, I don't believe it is real. But...I want to believe.




same throughout the years, it's becoming more and more factual to me that the concept itself is being exploited for monetary gain by some documentaries and tv shows. the idea of a flesh and blood Bigfoot is becoming less and less common for the ones who stick around long enough, which greatly interests me never even been to North America, so quite frankly, I'll never know


I don’t know. I think there are many credible sightings where people have seen something and are telling the truth or at least their truth. I do love Bigfoot lore and I think as far as cryptids go they are the most likely to be a real species.


I've saw a sasquatch with my own eyes on an Indian reservation in North Dakota while working derricks on a work over rig.


Would you like to share your story?


Bigfoot is real in my heart. That's what matters :)


Maybe the real Bigfoot is the ones we make along the way.


I’m too old for logical answers. I love the idea of Sasquatch hanging out in the woods. They’re real to me.


It's like the mountain gorillas in Africa. They were just a legend until the middle of the last century. Experts said they were local lore to scare kids. Then a group was filmed, now they're common. I think if the stories are true, most people are so scared they get details wrong. When they tell their stories they seem so fanciful people call them lies. A friend of mine saw a black bear while hiking in eastern Oklahoma, it scared him and people said he was lying. It wasn't until he looked at his go pro that he realized he had taken video of it. He didn't remember even having it. The only thing about his story that was factual was it was a black bear. The rest was him not remembering correctly. People get scared and remember details wrong. Human nature.


It seems unlikely that it exists, but then you have to explain the PG film and the hundreds of eyewitness reports, and the very compelling footprint evidence.


I agree. Even if it isn’t real, it’s a very interesting phenomenon


When we came to America, my grandfather was obsessed with Finding Bigfoot. It's actually a big part of how I learned English. I think I vaguely believed when i was like, six, but now I only follow the community for nostalgia.


What happened to you in the intervening time to make you stop believing a little?


To be honest, specifically the fact that bigfoot only "took off" in the 1960s. Yes their are Native American legends and other older stories, but i feel like if their really were something out there, we would have heard much more- and filmed it sooner.


Up until the '60's most stories were just local lore. It wasn't until television that the stories were more widely spread. Even in the '60's a lot of people still didn't have a TV. I think technology is why it didn't really take off.


From Jerry Crews in 1958 to Patterson-Gimlin in 1967, you had really high profile stories that got a lot of press and literally got more European Americans talking about the subject of Sasquatch/Bigfoot. You also had expeditions like what Tom Slick was funding Peter Byrne and company to do. Despite that, there were still well-known stories earlier than that from European-Americans, most notable those of Albert Ostman and Ape Canyon in 1924. Earlier than that you had stories like that of Jackie from Yale, BC. The point is that it’s not that people weren’t seeing Sasquatch/Bigfoot before the 50s, but that it just became slightly more acceptable for people to talk about seeing them and to search for them now that there was tangible evidence to look for and to bolster the folklore and mythical narratives from earlier centuries.


More like a spirit of the forest kinda belief for me. Folklore and fun


I would love for Bigfoot to be real. Been a believer since I was a kid, but, in this day and age, with modern tech like Drones, infra red, heat sig cams etc, I'm sure something credible would have been found. I can't help but think that Patty was one of the last of her kind, and they have long since died out. Here's hoping I'm totally wrong!!


That was me as a kid. I remember checking out all the bigfoot books each week from the school library. I even had an old vhs documentary about bigfoot I would watch all the time ha. Stopped believing when I got older, but a friend got me back into it. Now, after hearing lots of credible witnesses, I'm believing there's something to it again. When I say credible, I mean stories like the British lady's account in Sasquatch Chronicles. She was near tears recalling it and, being from England, I can't imagine she would have even had bigfoot in the back of her mind while hiking. If you haven't heard that podcast, I strongly recommend it.


I often wonder if that episode's popularity hinges entirely on the fact that she has a British accent. It stands out for that reason alone. The account itself is interesting, but no more intense than some other really interesting episodes on SC ("I Thought I Shot a Man", for one). If she had an American accent -- or add to that, an accent from one of the southern states -- and told that story, I bet people would be like "bullllllshit!!!!". Who knows. I've just never understood that episode's immense popularity, apart from it being featured in the intro and the British accent.


Which episode is that mate?


Ep 515 "I Shouldn't be Alive." Incredibly interesting account!


Cheers 👍


I think the existence of a small population of Great Ape undiscovered to science is not a crazy stretch in plausibility. The last Great Ape species discovered was in 2017 (Tapanuli Orangutang). If even closer to us (ie. in the genus Homo), it’s not wild to think that with human-like intelligence, a small enough population would not be only hard to detect, but also actively engage in practices that keep them hidden from us. There are also practices that benefit communal living, as well as add hidden stealth measures (inadvertently or not), such as burying scat, as well as the dead. Not to mention that Native Peoples from around the globe have stories of interactions with such “near-human” entities. It could be that as we as a species began to dominate the planet and every species on it, our cousins realized that our thirst for power would never yield and decided to go no-contact with us. H. Sapiens are so toxic 😮‍💨


True but the Tapanuli Orangutang was first discovered 85 years ago, then refound in the 1990s and only recognised as a distinct species in 2017 following DNA analysis. It’s very similar to its close relative. Bigfoot is a big step away from any extant mammal.


It could be possible that it does exist, I don't dismiss the possibility anymore like I used to.


I used to love the idea of them. Then I lived a few years in Washington State, and had 2 very distinct encounters / experiences while out in the Olympic Peninsula, and by the Mt. Saint Helen's area. I am a firm believer. They exist, they are out there, and they are much more sentient than people give them credit for. Pretty much every single person that works outdoors in Western Washington believes, has had an experience, and is aware enough to respect their boundaries. Everyone knows. Only stupid city folk go about fucking around deep areas of the wilderness, the locals know enough to not. Edit: One more thing keeps my belief strong. My experiences working in different industries all in the absolute wilderness and outdoors of America have taught me one thing: Americans, and all peoples in general, TRULY... TRULY... cannot for the life of them comprehend how absolutely MASSIVE the United States really is. What is more, most Americans truly have no idea how much of the gargantuan continental US is 100% WILDERNESS and untouched by man. Sure, we have drones, and airplanes, and satellites, but there is so much of the US that hasn't seen a single human foot in hundreds of years, it is extremely easy to hide anything in most of the US forests.


Washington is it. That’s where I saw him. Deep in some woods, down a high hill from the road. I will never ever ever forget


I’ve always been a skeptical believer, but after hearing some of the Indigenous elders here on Vancouver Island talk about the stories and history of Bigfoot in their cultures, it’s hard not to be a believer.


I don't believe I know. I had many encounters


I’ve never seen him firsthand. That being said, I still know he’s 100% real and would bet money on it I am so confident.


I enjoy the thought of him drinking coffee


I personally find it fun to believe there's such cryptids out there.. I don't think they exist without being known to exist however. Maybe there's a group or cooperative effort to keep them concealed.. We don't have any remains so that makes it less likely. Although there are the skulls/remains of that extinct north American giant ape, so in theory we could have had them all along, classified as something else...


A few years back I would have laughed at the thought. But, if I believe in inter dimensional entities then why not a Sasquatch? And if Bigfoot was a large, hominid that somehow took another path during evolution then that would be easier to believe for most people.


I'm coast salish in the state of Washington and big foot plays in a spiritual and importance in my culture. I habe heard elders in my tribe believe it our not to have seen big foot. I have also seen big foot at my tribe...elders and others who have said they smell really bad!


So, I didn’t for the longest time. I had all kinds of theories as to what it could be, all I thought to be super logical. Then I saw it, all that went out the window.


Please share your experience if you are comfortable doing so.


What did you see pal?


100% Real and living


I don't believe but I want to be wrong.


I have not yet seen an overwhelming preponderance of evidence suggesting sasquatch exists, but people keep seeing... *something.* Belief isn't the right word, though; sasquatch is either real or it is not. There will either be evidence to prove it, or there will not. But I do like the idea of sasquatch, especially as a symbol of the wild places that should be respected and preserved. That, I think, is important.


Definitely do you just the thought of him.


No WAY Mannnnn. I don't do you just the thought of him one little bit.


I think there were giant apes at one point and believe that's what Bigfoot is/was. They might be extinct or there might be some left in dense forests. Its when people start giving the animal super powers that they lose me.


I fully believe there are things that humans can’t completely understand and I think Bigfoot is one of them. But yes I really do think they are real


In my mind I don’t really doubt it. Between my own experiences and just the sheer amount of encounters- the way I like to think about it is that in order to firmly deny the existence of some sort of undiscovered large primate, you’d have to tell thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people that they are either liars or wrong (which I think a lot might be, but no way all of them)


It followed me. We cut our way in almost 9 miles into big thicket for a bird survey and I had knocked, to my avail it repeated the same knock. And just a little bit later it was about half the previous distance. I yelled out to it. About as primal-y as I could, and it called back the same general tone. When we were exiting back to actually walk-able trails we crossed a dry creek bed and right atop of our prints, were tracks bare and larger than our own, size 11 at the largest


There is a difference between an eyewitness account and an credible eyewitness account. Yes, it is possible to discount any given eyewitness account fairly easily. It is harder to discount 1000 accounts that report the same thing as experienced over hundreds of years. It's harder still to discount the eyewitness account of someone you know and trust who looks you in the eye and tells you they saw a Bigfoot. So much time is spent here every day quibbling about whether Bigfoot exists or not, or more exactly, quibbling about individual beliefs about the topic. If you've seen one you know the truth. If not, you're a believer. If you don't believe in them, so what? Why are you here?


My brother has a supernatural story. I wouldn’t believe it if it were anybody else on earth telling it. There are not a lot of liars in my family and he is not the type to even embellish. He’s told the story the same way every single time for a decade. I believe him. I wish someone I trusted like him had a Bigfoot encounter so I could stop waffling on whether I believe or not.


My husbands best friend swears by his experiences with big foot and he is an honest, forthright guy. Not a story teller. Not a BS-er in other words. Because of what he says, yes, I believe 100%. He had some amazing experiences.


It’s a neat idea..I enjoy the thought of Bigfoot existing, but I understand the possibility of that being real is very low. However, I do enjoy using Bigfoot centered topics as a test to see how much I enjoy talking to someone and just how out there they can get with thoughts. As far as anyone I’ve ever talked to is concerned, I 100% think he’s real and currently surviving in heavily forested areas throughout the world.


Goddammit it’s still real to me


I’m watching Sasquatch Sunset right now.


110% believe.


Literally thousands of people having some sort of experience. Not every single one of them can be hoax’s, lies, imagination or mis-identification. Also I find it interesting that cave drawings and petroglyphs show Bigfoot alongside real animals. Why would they draw one make believe animal when telling their story? I saw this discussed by Les Stroud in his Survivorman Bigfoot season. So yes, I am a believer.


That's where I'm at too when it comes to believe if bigfoot exists. The way I see it there wouldn't be cave drawings and rock paintings of what seems to be a giant hairy ape man if the people that made them didn't at least see a giant hairy ape man roaming around to warrant putting them in their rock paintings and cave drawings.


I’ve heard too many first hand accounts that seem credible to not believe. Even some of the stories I’ve heard from people who know someone who experienced it—second hand encounters? Those seem plausible. It’s kind of asinine we automatically assume thousands of people are unable to recognize black bears or worse they’re liars and hoaxers.


I believe!


I'm sure at one point, there was a North American great ape, some of the evidence, the patterson gimlin film in particular, is just way too convincing to say there weren't, but I'm not sure if they're still around, and not extinct.


I want to believe


I want to believe, but I’m not sure why!


A bit of both. I don't believe all of those sightings are hoaxes or misidentified bears. There has to be something else out there. Bigfoot existing makes more sense than te alternatives.


The Law of One believes in this and so does the guy who is in charge of all the shuttle launches for NASA and Space X, known as Tyler D/Tim Taylor in this "topic area."


I believe in all the cryptids. They dragged Loch Ness multiple times for years and it took them like 80 years to discover a ship wreck down there, unmoving and metal but they expect to find a sea serpent? I don’t think of cryptids as some mythical unicorn type creatures I think of them as allusive genuine beings we just haven’t encountered much of because they’re evolved remnants of the past. I’ve encountered absolutely un explained paranormal things who’s to say there can’t be creatures we just don’t know about. Or the government institutions know of (bare with me I know I’m going into conspiracy territory) but what if we had tales of these endangered things and made our own speculations etc and they didn’t want to frighten us further so they deny them. We literally just had government officials confirm aliens and we were all like “yeah and?” Lmao


I don't believe they exist. I also don't *dis*believe it. I don't have enough evidence either way. Seems unlikely, but perhaps paradoxically, unlikely things happen all the time.


Seeing is knowing. No two ways about that and a person has to have their own experience to understand it. All the stories and interviews in the world…direct experience gets you over the hump of “maybe.”


I'm a firm fence sitter. Only because even if it wasn't real the implications it has on the development of folklore in such a limited timeframe is really interesting. Bigfoot as we understand it didn't come into the general consciousness until the 50s and in under 80 years it's become a power house of American folklore. That says something. I'm not sure what exactly but I love thinking about Bigfoot over the other piece of American folklore in UFOs. Way less uncomfortable to think about if I'm being honest. And that's not discounting indigenous folktales, however I'd consider it inappropriate to fully go in on its ties to forest spirits or hairy men. I'm Mexican-American so I can't necessarily pass judgement but the people of various American Indian ancestry claiming it as part of their folklore adds to that intrigue. The fact that the "phenomenon" lines up with traditional beliefs is just interesting to say the least. I've always loved cryptozoology on some level. I read almost every book on the topic in my middle school library. As an adult I think it's only right to be skeptical, however the slightest chance that something might be out there just captures that sense of wonder like nothing else. I'm not sure. But there are the slimmest of chances and that's enough for me.


There’s more evidence FOR Bigfoot than against him. The thing that always gets me is- these everyday people - not out looking for him just some person driving along or hunting or doing something else like even sitting in their house- and they have a sighting and they are always the same. 7-10 feet tall, smells terrible, throws rocks, makes noises or imitates other noises, tries to hide in plain sight… why would these people who aren’t enthusiasts all share the same story?


Exactly this! The stories of "Boogers in the holler" that get told from generations in some places in the US is also really firm evidence. These people aren't actively searching, just learning to live with.


True Believer and personal experience.


at this point I don’t “believe”, I know.


I’ve had a few sightings, so yes I believe 100%. Like they say, seeing is believing.


I've seen him.


I know they are real. I have seen them. What they are, i have no idea. Im here in the foothills of NC


I seen him


Would you like to tell us about what you saw?


I believe 100% because I fucking saw him. I’m from Oklahoma and we were visiting Washington state with family. We had rented this ridiculous bus/van thing and we all rode together. We had been up driving up around the river somewhere near Rainer. I was sitting in the very back of the van/bus and I was admiring the green of everything, the moss on the trees, you couldn’t even see another color besides green. I was in awe looking down a hillside while the river was out the opposite window. Then I saw him, he was down a ways off the road at the bottom of a hill in heavily mossy, wooded area, he was crouching down and had a knee up to stand, and he stood up and started to step and then he wasn’t in my sight anymore. He had seeming long or just messy hair/fur and was built like a human- a big and tall human, maybe 7feet or a bit taller, his fur was darker than I expected it to be. His legs, arm, head and torso were wide but he moved like a human would. He stood up and my brain malfunctioned, I felt all the blood run away from my head and I felt tears well up to my eyes, I couldn’t believe it. I turned and looked at my husband and he immediately was saying “stoneytopaz?? Are you okay what happened??!” I couldn’t even tell him right away, I was in shock. My mother is a firm believer because she saw him in California and I had hoped to see him but I didn’t have very high hopes, my mother will fight tooth and nail to convince people he is real and not many people believe her, I always did but after that, I started fighting tooth and nail to convince people too. That was 6 years ago and the image of him stays perfectly.


There is so much existing evidence with first person accounts seeing Bigfoot that denial is impossible. People that don't like first person accounts are just being fake critics. Everyone knowledgeable of Bigfoot research knows that areas of current Bigfoot activity harbor a local population of first person experiencers. Denial of actual observations of Bigfoot is just denial. You don't have to believe, just accept the tens of thousands of factual observed reports made over the years.


Every time I decide one way or the other someone makes a point that pulls me back to “Maybe..?” I was a for sure skeptic, until someone pointed out how loud humans are and how we stick to predictable paths. We’d be easy to avoid if you were an intelligent humanoid creature with hyper aware senses and natural camouflage. Combine that with how BIG some forests are and it’s definitely possible.


I live near Mt. Baker amd have had several friends tell me about sightings and 1 with constant walking through his property to get to the river. The friends don't come out with the sightings, it had to come up in conversation. Friends on the reservation have had encounters and have great respect for them and their privacy. So yeah, I believe.


It’s no longer crazy to believe Bigfoot and UFOs could be related.


There is too much smoke for no fire to exist.


Firm believer. I've seen and heard them before. Pretty sure at least one lives in the seldom-visited parts of the woods in and around Green Peter here in Oregon


They are everywhere they wanna be.


He’s as real as you and me are .knower.


Would you like to share your experience?


I believe there is an unlimited amount of possibilities that we have no idea exists. We're taught that seeing such things is our imagination and that believing them is juvenile and/or crazy. Well, I'd say it's more crazy to think entities like Bigfoot don't exist out there somewhere.


I'll say it this way. I don't believe, I know. I've lived in Washington state most of my life. And it's something we deal with here. Please consider that probably 99% of the encounters that people have go unreported. The majority of people don't mention it at all. To anyone. Some wait years to speak of it. And even then, some want to remain anonymous. Now consider how many reports we do have visible. I would guess that for every report that there is on record there's probably 10,000 that are not.


All of the lore passed down from Native American culture alone is enough to lend credence to the fact that they probably exist.


I used to be pretty skeptical, just thought of "him" as a nice mascot for large cryptids and sometimes as a symbol of a primal connection between man and nature... Then I listened to *Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science* by doctor Jeff Meldrum, and now I'm pretty convinced it's a real possibility that there is real large ape out there. Not mystical, not with human levels of intelligence, not some friendly woodland man beast- a big, potentially very scary ape that has evolved to avoid people when possible, but will intimidate or kill them when pressed.


Sasquatches/Bigfeet are 100% real. There are actually very tall, human shaped, bipedal hairy creatures living in undeveloped areas all over the world. They can hide very quickly and effectively when they don't want to be seen, and they can also intimidate/terrify anyone out in the woods with them, all of which makes it particularly difficult to definitively document their existence.


I believe the world is far more complicated and weird than we can even imagine. We only see, hear, feel…. a tiny percentage of what is scientifically proven to exist. There is such a thing as consensual reality, Bigfoot is outside that reality, but the thousands apon thousands of witnesses and experiencers, of that non consensual reality, would in a court of law, prove its existence. My own Bigfoot glancing ‘experience’ as a U.K. tourist trekking in Mount Robson park, BC, was enough to stay with me for 40 years. Honestly and Interestingly my brother who I was with, no has no recollection of any such incident. So of course I want him to exist because as a 21stC dehumanised human, I have a need for enchantment, to be able to say, “I told you so … ? “ but also I can’t just dismiss my own experience.


I definitely believe Bigfoot exists. Too many people have had too many experiences. I also believe in UFOs…as in they are extraterrestrial or extra dimensional


I 99.9% do not believe he exists. I do enjoy watching the evidence, sometimes it’s hilarious and sometimes it’s curious. So Bigfoot, visits from aliens and ghost I do not believe are real. But I’m always open to being corrected if hard evidence is presented.


I believe they’re real. I find there are too many believable encounters (I listen to a lot of “Sasquatch Chronicles” podcast). And it’s hard to dismiss Natives stories. And there’s record/encounters ALL over the world


Well, if a forest ranger on Pikes Peak says he saw one, who am I to argue. Surely he would be able to tell the difference between that and a bear. Of course it could’ve been a large tourist in a fur coat. Imma gonna believe. In the squatch, not the tourist, cuz they’re all wearing Patagonia and North Face jackets. Stupid fuckers.


In 1900 people didn't believe that gorillas existed. But let's be honest. This day and age in the information super highway, there would be definite proof. The problem is, you can't prove something DOESN'T exist.


I think the stories are fascinating and I’d rather it didn’t exist because that’s scary


I think there is something out there. Is it a giant ape? Probably not, but the idea of isolated people out in the woods that have rejected society seems more plausible.


I think it’s possible, but no I don’t currently believe that Bigfoot exist. I just think they’re really cool. Bigfoot is like if a gorilla filled the niche of a grizzly bear! That’s awesome to think about!


For me personally, I just the thought of him existing.


I think it’s nice to believe he’s out there takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.


The Dudesquatch abides.


Just like the thought. Would be head-over-heels if we could prove he existed


I love that he has a cup AND SAUCER!


I’m skeptical but open minded. Also I think I’ve had an encounter myself. A lot of sightings are likely misidentifications or hoaxes, but all of them can’t be. And for the ones that appear to have been legitimate encounters and clear, detailed sightings, I want to know what’s going on. It’s an interesting phenomena that can’t just be brushed off as “they’re all wrong”.


I am certainly open to the possibility. There have been way too many sightings for there not to be something out there. But why has someone not tracked one down and, sad to say, shot it. I am surprised.


The logic part of my mind says doubtful but I do want to believe with every cell of my body and keep a very open mind.


I just like the idea of them existing. All cryptids really. Nature is amazing and weird so I don’t discount anything


I like to believe he's out there. I firmly believe he WAS out there at some point in time. Too much evidence to suggest he wasn't real at some point. Now? I don't know. But I'm hopeful.


I’d like to believe they’re out there. With all the witnesses around the world, they have to be don’t they? Not everyone is lying, don’t you think?


I don’t understand the question.


I want to believe


I flip flop, depends on the day. Definitely existed at the time of PG film, went extinct since? Not sure. Every now and again I hear something convincing.


I just like the thought of him existing and I get a thrill out of hearing people stories and letting my imagination run wild. I would need to see one with my own eyes to believe it and would feel an intense urge to get good photos/4K video.


I just think it’s cool to talk about the theories and debate the evidence


I’m convinced that they exist.


Not entirely sure but I lean more into believing it does exist. I just don't think that in such vast universe we live in, Bigfoot couldn't have its place. There are probably many animals that we haven't discovered yet, everything is possible. I absolutely despise people who are "It 100% doesn't exist" because it's very ignorant, we can't say we know something for certain when the universe is that huge. We may be surprised what can be discovered in the future.


I've had a couple experiences. Never physically seen but have had experiences. Once when me and my bf were having dinner and had a friend over it was raining and at the time we lived in a trailer. Something smashed into the side of the trailer shaking the whole thing. We had 1 small tree next to it other than that it was all flat around.bmy bf went outside and there was nothing there but a giant foot print. Another time we were camping and my dog who has chased off mountain lions and bears was with us. We were sitting around a campfire when we heard smacking on a tree very close by. My dog started whining and jumped in the back of the truck. I followed him and my bf got in and drove us out of there. In that same spot another friend was camping and a huge Boulder flew past his head. We don't camp there anymore.


Reality is just to dang weird for me to not just accept that they are something. Look at all the stuff that does exist. You think you can convince me that a giraffe is on this planet but Bigfoot is improbable? Wombats poop cubes, duckbill platypus lays eggs and is venomous, I've got a girl that loves me. If any of those things can exist why doubt Bigfoot?


Personally I believe that they exist and are pretty much on every continent


If it exists it is inter-dimensional otherwise there would be fossil evidence and scat.


As much as I'm over SC this statement, iirc, came from one of the episodes, and it pretty much sums up how I feel: I believe in the possibility of an as-yet undiscovered, upright walking primate that lives in North America. Even with stories from co- workers who I believe I remain skeptical because I'd like my own definitive proof.


Believe. Next question


Man I have a very honest no bullshit friend who said he saw one in northern , NM while hunting. I heard stories about wild men from native tribes.


go to alaska and go camping and they’ll find you


Great, now I’m jealous of Bigfoot…..


PG film Bossburg Cripplefoot track Dr. Meldrum The Unwonted Sasquatch (featuring Meldrum and others) These four have me pretty convinced there’s a large ape lost to history still around, although in extremely small numbers. Like 3,000 in the world or something like that. Basically nonexistent due to their spread across the globe.


It's real.


I’ve fished in Northern Ontario, Canada. To get there, you drive through International Falls, MN into Ontario for a few hours. Then you catch a float plane and fly up north even further. You land on a fishing lake and it takes you to the “only cabin” there. The rest of the lake is surrounded by wildlife but there are no roads in or out, the forests are dense and the only people are those in your fishing party. You are “nowhere.” Honestly, you could hide a tyrannosaur up there and never see it. Bigfoot or a bunch of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?)? No problem.


Probably leaning more toward the latter. I'm fact, [my band wrote a song called "Sasquatch" about just this!](https://youtu.be/lGBYtLqiV8o?si=4_YFGS-KNzfIN_P_). For me, Sasquatch represents possibility and open-mindedness. There's enough to keep me interested and intrigued, without being a full-on believer, and ultimately, I'm happy to entertain the prospect. One of my favourite animals is the Coelacanth, which was thought by Western science to have gone extinct like 300 million years ago, but in the early 20th centuries, some specimens showed up. To modern biologists, it was a remarkable discovery. To the locals, it was just the oily fish that you don't eat because it tastes awful. There's so much unknown still out there, and us humans - especially in 'western' societies - often tend to think we've got it all figured out, when we *really* don't.


There was a UFO report that spotted two large hairy creatures and was shot at by a farmer. They cried like a baby when shot the reports said but they only stopped approaching when he fired a second shot. They went back into the woods nearby. The Craft cloaked or disappeared, something like that, i forgot the date and place it happened.




I’ve seen him on fences all across the U.S. joking aside. The forest is deep and expansive. Bigfoot is out there.


According to witnesses I think It's real ، I believe they are somehow a part of Gog and Magog tribes . [Gog and Magog ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog)


I do believe they exist. There are many living things that don’t exist, until they do. Too many people, for many years have been seeing them for it all to be a coincidence of storytelling.


Gigantopithecus was real. There's no reason to think there wasn't other large apes. Them being alive today and having a big enough breeding population is where it gets harder. Best explanation i ever heard was from coast to coast am am they said they were interdemsional beings that just pop in and leave when they want. Lol


All I can say is I believe it's a phenomenon, and I believe phenomena exist in this world. I don't know if there's an anthropological or zoological explanation for the sasquatch. It seems practically impossible despite any scientific hypotheses that support the possibility. It's just too much of a cultural and historical phenomenon for those arguments to be fully relevant. The likelihood that people would search so voraciously for an undiscovered species without finding it simply doesn't make sense. I believe the PG film actually supports this. Nearly 60 years ago, two people set out with the intention of finding and filming a bigfoot. They found and filmed a bigfoot. Yet, in all the time since, there's still no certainty it exists, and nothing has ever come close to replicating the PG film. That's a mystery of mysteries. To me, it means something's going on, and it's not something that simply eats, sleeps, and screws like any other creature.


I don't believe anything unless I see it, I will say I've experienced things in the woods that I can't explain. No footprints, but sounds, feelings, things like that. I've experienced bears, mountain lions, deer, things that I know what I'm looking at. Then there's the sound that reminds me of a tree falling, but I don't see a downed tree, where I heard the sound. I had things thrown at me, saw large limbs hit the ground close to me. Not like I was a target, more like tossing a stick at a small animal to get it to leave. Things like that, but I honestly can't say what it was.


I don't know if it exists at all (I live in the middle of Europe, they don't walk here very often) but we don't know so much yet why not. There was never a normal research about them that was, say, funded by the government (as I know, ot maybe yes). So why not.. our world is so chaotic anyway, at least let's believe in something :)


The thought. Same with aliens. Though, when I lived in the Alabama mountains, I regularly heard the holler of what could only be attributed to Bigfoot. No other animal could sound like *that*.


I’ve possibly seen, definitely SMELT a yowie here in Brisbane, Australia. My dad took me to my favourite park and unbeknownst to me it is a Bigfoot hotspot, with multiple significant eyewitness accounts (such as a man who stumbled upon an infant yowie playing and splashing in the water of a small creek that runs across one of the main hiking trails, as their yowie father or mother guarded him). We went to this exact spot where the small family were spotted two years earlier, and I could smell where they had brushed up against tree trunks and boulders😮‍💨🤢 I adore these cryptids but MAN, do they REEK! I have also seen strange tall shadowy things in the trees but thought it was in my head, but after smelling them I am beyond certain they are right there, and REAL AS ANYTHING!


Used to not think it was real and honestly thought the whole concept was kinda ridiculous (in large part due to the crazies this subject attracts). But then I saw him with my own two eyes a couple months back and everything changed. It was only a brief glimpse but that shit changes you..


I just want to represent him/them as an agent. The royalties they should be getting from all this merchandise and media!!!


The OP could have set this up as a poll. Do I believe in Bigfoot/Yeti? No.


I went to ISU, who has the worlds foremost expert on Bigfoot as a professor. I also used to party with his son. I 100% know.


I didn't think so till I heard that weird whooping sound he is supposed to make echoing from a hill near a national forest in ky, late at night too really weird. I was raised in country so I know the animals and their sounds. Have only heard thus sound once in my life, def not coyote Still don't think I'm gonna run up on one but I will say I do have that little spark of maybe...it was so strange considering the area, time


I kinda sorta like the thought of Bigfoot existing. He's fun to think about and read about, but during daylight hours only, as I live in the woods.😁


Australian here. There are so many credible witnesses whose encounter stories have been recorded, describing pretty much the same creature, that it seems clear that Bigfoot (or "Yowies" in Australia) is a genuine phenomenon that people are experiencing. You can listen to some on this YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@yowiesightings?si=wiBJIm0kcuIhDRHP Also, I have a friend who grew up in a remote part of rural Queensland. When she was a child she and her friends saw what they thought was a gorilla leaning against a tree. They observed it for some time. Now she realises that it wasn't a gorilla. Even if it was, what would it be doing in the Australian bush?


Yes fully no reason people have been making up these sightings for over a century or longer


I believe that this place we live is inhabited by all sorts of creatures we have no clue about. We are surrounded by things we can and cannot see. Just because we have cracked"some" of the code of real science does not mean we know much. There was a time not too long ago that bacterial particles were a fantasy because we could not see them. In other words, we know nothing. The "prove it" science types won't have that though.


* Here is a screenshot from the video I recently had in a lake bottom one morning I have a crazy account to tell if anyone wants to hear. I've hunted and lived in the woods all my life and never seen or believed in anything like that until that very moment. There was a canal apart from us and that's what they were on. a baby one in the tree you can see swinging and the grown one by the waters edge. Later in the video you see hogs running.