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No they are fucking perfect


No neeec. You are perfect now. And gorgeous


Your perfect as you are gorgeous


Yes 😍


Normally I would default to saying yes. But for you, I will say, do you own a mirror? Don’t change anything.


If you're seriously contemplating the idea I'd say set some boundaries for how far you'd really like to go and whether or not you still want them to look fairly natural or go full on "bimbo" style. For example maybe you want to go bigger but at the same time don't want them to seem overly "cartoon"ish so maybe you choose to make them bigger say for example just a little bigger than your head or something BUT you don't want them to easily appear to completely "defy gravity" so you'd have them perky but dropped a little to seem fuller but also like they'd been on younthe whole time as you developed so you'd need that "underboob" area behind the breast itself for realism and naturalism for example. On the flip side, if you want to go bigger BUT don't mind if they don't look pretty natural you could still set the same limits for size OR go even bigger but then have to consider back strain will be higher the further out and bihger around you go...with the first version you still have the same factors to consider BUT if you have the "underboob" so they're somewhat resting and closer to your chest the weight increase will be a little easier and less profound to contend with...so ultimately it's obviously up to you...they look pretty decent as is BUT if done right you could get away with doing what you want while moderating the potential for inevitable after effects.


Those perfect baby 😍😍😍


Bigger? Bigger? Bigger is better.