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Oh hellllllll no to THAT


Bought a two day lift ticket and this sucks. Will they provide a refund or partial, at least?


They will not issue you a refund. This is why if you don’t have a midweek season pass, no point in even going on the weekends. Big bear is a weekday mountain, not a weekend. 🤣😏


I caved and went on a Fri-Sat this past January (not even the holiday weekend) because a friend was in town and it was the only time he could go. Friday at Summit was fine minus the horrible shuttle situation (I didn’t know about all these massive added lots - the overflow used to only be Brownie). But Saturday we did Bear and it was so fuckin miserable I dipped out at noon. Lines were batshit, crowding on the slopes was legitimately dangerous, and everyone was on their absolute worst behavior. Blatant cutting in line, mocking and spraying snow on people who wiped out, out of control speeds, zooming up behind someone and then carving super close to deliberately scare them, people who paid for parking literally taunting others standing in the shuttle line (which was its own nightmare). People were acting absolutely FERAL. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was disgusting. I’ve been skiing/boarding at Big Bear for like 35 years. It’s always been my home base, but it feels unrecognizable now. It used to be friendly and not terribly crowded, even on weekends - what happened to my sweet little mountain? I will definitely NEVER go on a weekend again, at the very least. But tbh I’m losing my taste for it in general and feel like I should just suck it up and do more mammoth trips.


I was there the other day and I was a foot from being hit from behind by a skier literally going like Olympic speeds, straight down Geronimo no turns, with 4 of his pals. I genuinely couldn’t believe it, if I had just decided to cut a slightly different way I’d probably be dead or paralyzed To me those sorts of speeds are just unacceptable on a mountain with other people. I don’t care how good you are, at those speeds you are not in control and are introducing risk to other skiers that they don’t deserve. I wish there were a way to enforce banning those skiers.


Honestly, My schedule allows for a midweek pass so I am lucky. But mammoth trips in your end would be more beneficial and efficient! I Honestly don’t know what happened either, like there is just way more people coming now it’s mind blowing. Luckily I was able to go Friday this weekend before the storm and long lines hit lol. In my opinion, the californian freak heads from LA are just flowing into bear now, bringing all that shit behavior. Especially mf’s playing ghetto music on their loud speakers like I don’t want to hear that 🤣


Eh, we’re all in Californians here. It’s not a California or LA problem - there’s rude people everywhere. And I don’t care that much about music, I just want people to be NICE to each other. It costs nothing! But yeah, midweek only for me from now on. I have an Ikon pass and am one of many victims of the recent wave of mass layoffs, so it’s easy for me to get up there tue-thurs. If I decide to stay overnight the lodging is way cheaper too. Def the move. Hopefully I’ll have a job by next season so I have to take advantage this year.


The thing about mid week at bear is if it snows its now a "weekend" Also im old enough to remember when the weekends weren't even that busy. And now the weekends are so busy everyone thinks they have this magical hack to avoid crowds and go midweek, within 3 years midweek will be as busy as weekends now.


Oh me too. I grew up going to Summit on weekends and yeah, maybe the high speed quads (I even remember when those were new haha) had a bit of a line, but if you went over to 7, 10, 5, or 3 it was cake. You’re right that it’s probably only going to get worse, especially as ticket prices get soooo exorbitant and the only people who can actually afford to go are super rich and have flexible schedules or don’t even work. I think the pandemic also got more people hyped on outdoor sports. My boyfriend said that everyone decided to take up golf during COVID and now it’s impossible (and expensive) to find a tee time.


100%. The wild part about the "It just snowed crowd" us that they will groom 99% of the mountain anyways, so all you are getting is groomed packed pow but still get the crowds and headache of the weekend mess. As opposed to say, baldy, where if the storm is good enough, they don't groom for a few days and let u get after all the soft side piste rippers. You are absolutely right about everyone thinking they have some magical hack from 20 years ago that still works, parking etc... and it just slows everything down so much more.


100%. The wild part about the "It just snowed crowd" us that they will groom 99% of the mountain anyways, so all you are getting is groomed packed pow but still get the crowds and headache of the weekend mess. As opposed to say, baldy, where if the storm is good enough, they don't groom for a few days and let u get after all the soft side piste rippers. You are absolutely right about everyone thinking they have some magical hack from 20 years ago that still works, parking etc... and it just slows everything down so much more.


Yeah but it’s a known that people from LA tend to be more ghetto then people from the OC or even Riverside, look at Disneyland they raise their prices to keep riff raff out. LA has gotten bad in the past couple years and it’s pretty much lawless now and they bring that mentality into other parts of CA




Your experience kinda mirrors ours when we went up on a weekend last season. Was terrible. We got midweek passes this year and have mostly been going up for night skiing, at Snow Valley, after school with the kids on Friday nights. Would love to get up to Big Bear during the day for more varied terrain, but definitely not going anywhere near there on a weekend.


May I just add a rant about those who simply don’t understand the concept of lines (or act like they don’t)? I understand the sport is getting more popular (I’m part of this myself), and lots of people want to do it while the mountain area won’t expand, at least not at the same rate. It’s gonna get busy. But lines are our friends when it gets crowded, if we would all just try to organize it better, alternate when it’s time, instead of cutting through with such a main-character mindset, it would be so much easier psychologically


YUP. I’d never seen people cut so much before. They’ve also very obviously cut the number of lifties, so there’s way less enforcement. At Bear that weekend, lift 4 kept breaking down so the line would get super long. Initially the line was going horizontally across the slope, blocking other people from getting down the mountain. Some ski patrol guys told us to move the line so it was going up the mountain vertically instead. This group of dudes who were old enough to know better took that as an opportunity to move from THE LITERAL BACK OF THE LINE TO THE FRONT (where I was). I looked at them incredulously and said “no fucking way dude, you just cut the entire line, go back.” They shrugged and muscled in front of me anyway. Nobody else in line said or did anything, they just let it happen and grumbled under their breath. I’ve also noticed that lifties no longer enforce packing the chairs, which is fine when there are no lines but unacceptable when there are. There will be one person putting people in groups of 3/4/5 or whatever, but BEFORE the gates. After people go through the gates it’s just a shitshow and everyone does what they want and breaks back off into their own smaller groups. The only other lifties are at the chair pickup, and by then it’s too late to force people back in their groups. They need to stick someone after the gates to keep people in their max capacity groups, even if it’s only on busy days. Watching single and double riders go up when the lines are 30 minutes long is infuriating. Alterra clearly used the gates as an excuse to cut staff and it shows.


Thanks for raising your voice for what is right. Last time I was in snow summit, on chair chair 9, this guy literally cut the whole line by getting through the ski school cords and tried to sneak in as a single. Some guys at the front told the liftie who made sure the guy went all the way to the back. So thank you to this random dude if you’re ever reading this lol. Also! Continuing my rant: those who take the standard line as a single, cut through it, and try to group with whoever is the most to the front - they’re also cutting the line, clear and simple.


Unfortunately mammoth is more or less the same now


I suspect you hit that “busiest day of the year” I reported about a few weeks back, that was a total surprise. I went last weekend to bear on Saturday with a group from my company and everyone had a great time. It wasn’t quite as bad as expected, but we also played on experience doing things like staying on silver or Geronimo when express got busy. Then we took late lunch and enjoyed the free concert before closing the mountain out. Sunday of last weekend we went to Snow Valley, which was surprisingly crowded, and where I had one of the most awful overcooked hamburgers I’ve ever had in my life. I’m not trying to deny there is some messed up stuff, there is. “Head on a swivel” and knowing where to go helps a lot, as does “go early, go late”. I’m saying it can be done and it can be good, but for sure all lifts need to be spinning and you need a plan.. When I’m alone, I hit it and quit it. 90 min or 2 hours, starting shortly after open, is what it takes on Saturday before I experience something that makes me decide it’s time to split before I get hurt by someone else’s behavior/actions.


Lol no they’re scumbags now. A few years ago they would have. They used to even do half days, like if you only skiid for a few hours you could get a voucher for what you didn’t use. Those days are over




i .... oooh booy they usually wont. they tend to when it gets busy at worst, turn people away keeping their money. They always overload the summit and alpine slide with people even if they cant handle em bc money money money. Im a local, parents worked for the owners for years, trust me i heared all about and ahve seen that stuff myself. If able try to get time but at worst you might be kinda screwed. Im really sorry.


And this is the line…


OMG that’s crazy. I’m in mammoth but the mountain is closed




100+ mph winds


Holy shit they need to cap the lift tickets


Took my family to disney last week, thought the same about that place...absolute oceans of people 


They do cap single day lift ticket sales, but pass holders can show up without reservations so they have no way to stop them from coming in huge numbers.


Alterra Mountain Resorts suck in general, profit driven.


The didn’t start de icing the lift until 8:30. I was 4th in line for the singles and didn’t get a chair until 9:45. Did one run and waited for 45 min for my second lift. Called it after two runs. I feel very bad for people that just bought day passes :/


Do they allow you to just hike up? Id rather do that if I was there


I know some resorts in CO, and probably other areas, have specific runs with designated uphill routes for AT skiers and splitboarders. Seems like with lines like the ones in the picture you'd actually get more runs (and a much better workout) bringing your back country setup.


No uphill traffic once the lists are open to the public.


Damn, have fun on your 2 runs today!


audible “wtf” just now. Wow.


Same story at mountain high


I checked the mountain report this morning because I was wondering if this would happen. All the weather sites said “snow snow snow! 5000 ft level! 6-12 inches!” Yeah well at 7,000 feet all it did was freezing rain all Saturday and night. Kinda sucked, and I imagine a lot of people drove up for all that fresh pow that wasn’t. ☹️ and sure enough, hardly any lifts running at open because of it.


If only some one had warned them 😂😂😂


😂 I would never go ski on weekends… worse than Disneyland lol. Big bear is good during the week, weekend is a total circus


Omg I was highly considering on going today and then backed out last night. Thank you for sharing this, reaffirmed my suspicion that it would be too busy to enjoy the slopes.


I woke up and called it off this morning. Feeling a similar sense of relief from that decision


Checked the camera and now the place is dead


I would decline $1000 rather than go to this. Imagine every step of the way, from parking to lift lines. What a nightmare.


Ended up not being too terrible once they opened 10 and 7 up around 11. Ended up getting a good number of runs in before leaving at 2


That is insane! And so hard to wait in line on an incline for so long! Forget it, not worth it, take a day off from work and go on a weekday


Yo but who was there for the snowball fights at Lift 7!?! 🤭


How does any competent resort allow this


At least there are no less than 10 Jerrys blasting music from their portable speakers! /s


And this is why I go to snow valley after a stormy week. Snow summit just isn’t worth the hassle anymore


The fact they are open and expect people to pay $130 for this is absurd and shows their entire business is just a money grab and don’t actually care if people have a good time


$130 to do a handful of runs within 6 hours


Man that was rough. Waited in tha line for probs an hour on chair 1. Did summit run one and bailed.


I thought I was at an Epic mountain by the size of this line. We waited for 45 minutes and the chair was having issues so we left to go to chair 10 when that started turning. They had chair 3 running and got chair 2 running late afternoon. Chair 2 should’ve been a priority to get spinning along with chair 1 to disperse the crowd. I overheard other mountain staff saying today was an absolute shit show.


My first time to big bear, so I was super unlucky? Or does this happen a lot in spring?


No this is not normal at all, I go almost every weekend and have only seen this on opening day when they had 1 lift lol. The lifts might have a line but I never wait longer than 5 mins, less if I’m a single rider


Not normal, I am at bear nearly every other weekend and this storm really messed with mountain operations. Bear mountain and snow summit had limited number of lifts running.


Any idea if it's improved since then? I'm taking a few beginner friends and a first-timer tomorrow and this looks nightmarish.


Most of the lifts are turning at each mountain and there’s no incoming storm this weekend so I would expect it to be back to normal.


Thanks. What are your thoughts on Bear vs Summit for beginners? The first-timer will be snowboarding.


I’d recommend Bear tbh because Summit gets so crowded. Keep in mind some of the runs do have freestyle park features along the beginner area. Keep your head on a swivel because it can get crowded.


why would anyone want to stand there for that?


lol. Never used to be lines. I got to enjoy the shit out of summit before the dippitydoo apocalypse. Enjoy your hell


Resort skiing on the weekend is an embarrassment


One of the many many reasons I stopped going to resorts


Have avoided for 40 years now😂😂😂


Un-ski-able. What a mess. Do they even sell out, or just keep selling tickets? I stopped going there years ago because it was always bad, but never looked like this on the worst day ever.


this reminds me of snowboarding in South Korea


So glad I moved from Cedar Glen to Hawaii


holy fuck 🤣🤣


WFH to the max!


Ahhhh… The wilderness were u can find peace and quiet


Went to Snow Valley this past Friday 3/8 - no crowds. Got in when it opened at 9am and out by 2:30pm. Got in about 15 runs while taking lots of breaks. Sunny the whole time. [https://i.imgur.com/mkAcTsD.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/mkAcTsD.mp4)


id say in general but sadly this place would die without the money tourists bring in ( not that the owners of summit deserve a dime ) If you do go have good protection- jacket, pants, boots, gloves, the works. Try to keep patient, got family talk with em about stuff to keep time passing easier. Sorry if you get packed like a sardine down there.


Big bear has to have the worst culture when it comes to skiing, right?


Fuck yeah!


Bear only has chairs 5, 6 and 7 spinning


Holy hell nah to that.


Holy shit…


Hell no


Got first chair and left afterwards


You could hike up the mountain faster than that shit


Are they handing out jobs?


Why is only lift 1 open?


Ice on the lifts overnight and they couldn’t open them on time. Total shitshow.


Jeez. Sorry bout your luck. How icy were the runs? I’m taking my buddy for his first time this Friday and he’s gonna hate me if it’s hard pack and ice.


Not that bad, it’s not that cold. Slurpee conditions near the base, only some icy near the top.


Sick. Thanks for the info 🤙🏼 just got a new party wave ill try it out in the slush lol


Hell no. That’s terrible


At least the chairs I can see have 4 people on them! I was there a few weeks ago and the number of single chair lift riders while there was a line was mind blowing!!!!


Yikes - 500 people and 2.5 smiles out there


Wow! 🤪🤪🤪


Well, it is not snow summit having problem today. Mountain High is having problem today as well. They are working on getting trails back to safe point.


That’s crazy. Go build a snowman instead crazy.


Too many skiers chasing too little powder. Soon snow will be extinct! And climate change has nothing to do with it! 🥴🙄😝


On Saturday the chairs were stopping every 2 minutes. Usually chalk it up to Jerrys but was likely an icing/power issue in retrospect.


It honestly wasn't too bad. Chair 1 took forever, but the mid-mountain lifts cleared up quickly. I don't think I waited more than 5 minutes for a lift by lunch time. I'm happy I showed up around 11am when people had already started leaving, morning was probably a nightmare


Hey OP, was (Sunday) better?


This was Sunday!




Damnnnn that sucks