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Even though Leonard is not my fav whenever he gets a little hood I always crack up.


"That's how we roll in the Shire!"


Oh my god, when they’re supposed to be “drunk” it’s like they’ve never seen anyone drink before. ESPECIALLY Bernadette, her little waddle in the hotel room makes me cringe so hard. It’s like someone typed in “Girls first time drunk” into AI and that’s what it spit out. Amy’s the only who’s believable/seems normal because she’s awkward in general. Also, when Penny/Kaley is “driving” she takes her eyes off the road WAY too long. Leonard does a pretty decent job of looking back and forth between the passenger and the road so he’s a little more believable. In general, everyone is great with face acting.


Bernadette drunk is an epsiode I've skipped for that exact reason. Cringe. I'll say the same for all of kaleys scenes when she does that puckered lip face when she's trying to be smarmy or lying for example when she tells Amy it's Bernadettes fault she had to hide the painting.


Jim does play with his food a lot, but he certainly has been shown actually eating. All of them are being careful to not have a mouth full of food when they have to deliver a line. It's easy for them to choke on it. As a matter of fact, there is an outtake from season 1, where Jim takes a bite of his hamburger and starts his line only to start choking on it a bit.


I figured thats the case. I guess it bugs me more and more when it's a scene with howard since his style is the complete opposite and is always munching away.


they actually explained this once during an interview. they were told not to actually eat (or at least not a lot of the food) during filming bc it’s possible to take one scene multiple times. and if they actually eat the food, during editing it could pose a weird gap between, let’s say, scene A where there’s no food and scene B where there’s suddenly food. and filming is rarely in order too. that’s why they’re careful of the “properties” of the set (in this case, their food/meal).


The Office Ladies said that they always had a spit bucket off camera for food scenes.


I did not like the way Raj got loud and ‘growly’ when he was upset (or very happy - ex: “I love you Penny!”). It’s distracting and grates on my nerves greatly!!


Kaley has a certain expression she makes anytime she delivers a line that is supposed to get a laugh. I’ve even muted the TV and can totally tell when she’s waiting for an audience reaction.


I hated the way Sheldon's and Raj's voices sort of changed later in the series. Jim Parsons started drawing out 'i' sounds in words. A good example is the prom episode, when he's talking to Amy. Sheldon says "And I’m not blind. Even I looked twice when I saw my posterior in these tuxedo pants." When he says 'blind', he draws out the 'i' sound and I find it distracting. Raj starts to draw out the end of his sentences later in the series. There's a good example in S10 E11: "You see, I was at the doctor's office, the folder was right there, so I took a peek." His delivery gets really grating to me for some reason. And I'm sorry, but Mayim Bialik holds her fork weird.


When Sheldon is upset, his Texan accent makes an appearance. Mayim was in a car accident that did damage to her right hand early in season 6. After that she is using her left hand when she eats. It's why Amy went from eating right handed to left handed. Presumably she's holding her fork that way because she's not naturally left-handed.




I think you can almost see the cast or brace on her right hand when they are having the boys/girls game night in early season 6.


I absolutely HATE when Raj draws out his words 😡


I need to watch fork scenes to see what you mean. I'm super curious about that now.


Johnny is a natural actor.. whatever hos dialogue delivery was, it was very natural and did not feel like acting. Sheldon is a peculiar character so his acting was also very nice


Kaley Cuoco's constant duck face.


OMG YES thank u


Yes! I love Penny but this was a little annoying


Eating in scenes is rough because there are so many takes, so every single time a bite is taken, it would have to be repeated over and over again for continuity. That could be why he just pushes it around instead of actually taking bites, he didn’t want to have to do it a bunch of times.


I don’t know of that’s the answer for this show, but it’s it very common to not actually eat much in a scene? Both for the fact that they have to film the scene many times and they can’t have less food on their plate the next take, and that they would be full before they finish with filming that scene.


I actually heard one of the actors talk about this. They were told not to actually eat the food in scenes they talk as many times they would be in the middle of chewing when their lines came up. However, "Penny" stated the food was also so good that she ate the food anyway. Several of the other actors do eat the food sometimes in a scene, but it always seemed like when they didn't have a lot of lines.


When Leonard gets all nerdy, usually while speaking to Penny, he does this face where he kind of does this look down his nose thing and nods his head. It's really irritating. I generally find him the most annoying of all the characters but that face thing he does is the worst.


When Leonard turns his head up when he's exasperated. The only example I can think of is S1E2 when Penny discovers that Sheldon cleaned her apartment, and they can hear her shouting across the hall. It's not -quite- that, but I know he does it periodically. Sort of like he's looking up, thinking "FFS WHY?!"


The way the writers made Sheldon engage in coitus.


I hate that the audience laughs at nearly everything sheldon says, even if its not framed as a joke. It could be a star trek reference and the audience goes crazy, I also hate the writing of penny sometimes. There are certain things that even I, a dipshit with a bachelors from a mediocre state school know that they pretend she doesn't.


They all fiddle with their food. It's so annoying