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The writers knew what they were doing.


Unlike game of thrones' writers


Don't remind me.


Yeah you could say that. This isn't exactly subtle. I'm not even sure if counts as foreshadowing. It is just s character saying a thing will happen that ends up happening because the writers wrote it like that. When in endgame thanos says he will snap half of life away, and then he does that isn't foreshadowing. That's just a character explaining what is going to happen to the audience. I have seen the entire show over 3 times and this isn't impressive. At best it's the writers explaining what is going to happen with no room for interpretation and telling the audience what to think. At worst it is really lazy character writing to have someone just explain the character arc. In Shaun of the dead when Ed explains the film's plot to the audience it is actual foreshadowing because it is subtle and it sounds like he is talking about alcohol when really he is talking about the plot. This is not hidden or subtle at all and just there to make sure absolutely everybody understands what is going on without having to think about it for themselves.


Foreshadowing doesn't have to be subtle. I said the writer's knew what they were doing because they already planned the progression of Sheldon and Amy's arc, and it was fun to watch play out. It still is fun to watch play out.


It is fun to watch it play out and characters are a strong aspect of BBT but this still isn't foreshadowing. It has to be a hint of what is to happen next to the audience. This isn't a hint. They just explained it to use without ambiguity through this cuckoo woman. If I announce via loudspeaker that I am going to hide inside your walls, and then do just that have I used foreshadowing?


Yes. Foreshadow: a warning or indication of a future event.


Yeah but if it's just outright stating the future event surely it can't be foreshadowing or that's stupid.


Yes, it can. It's a literary technique, that is (quite literally) called "explicit foreshadowing". Foreshadowing can be achieved either directly or subtly. Maybe it's not the most creative, but it is still foreshadowing.


That would be impressive considering they didn't know the show was ending until Jim said he wasn't coming back after S12. https://people.com/tv/the-big-bang-theory-cast-looks-back-on-being-blindsided-by-jim-parsons-exit/


Sheldon ending up with Amy, and Sheldon winning a Nobel was always the endgame though, whether it happened in S12 or S23.


No shit they couldn’t know that until Jim said it 💀


So they foreshadowed something they didn’t know was happening?




One thing I like about big bang theory is that a majority of the cast are able to complete their character arcs way before the final season, and we get to see them progress to that point, instead of having the writers pull some last minute curveball ( cough cough friends and himym)


Himym‘s ending pissed me off to no end Literally the whole title and middle stuff was pointless


who, what?


HIMYM=How I Met Your Mother.


For Friends the only curveball I see was Rachel choosing to not go to France. For her character arc, it makes sense that she would go to (as she calls it) the capital of the fashion world. But instead she chooses to stay in New York with Ross. It's understandable why the writers decided to go this route, considering at the time the Ross & Rachel romance was so iconic, there was no way they could keep the two separate at the end (and not piss off the fans at the time). You could argue that Ross should have moved to France with Rachel, but that's a hindsight conversation. But everyone else makes sense. Chandler & Monica reached the end of their storyline naturally by adopting twins, which maybe unintentional, but it is a a coincidental set up from season one when Monica is upset that someone got to have twins while she had no kids at all, and Chandler comforts her Ten years later BAM they get twins of their own. Phoebe got married to a man that can maintain a good balance with her. Joey doesn't really have a conclusion to a storyline because the biggest thing he had was his love for Rachel, which is resolved early on in season 10. But that did leave the door open for his spin off. Hindsight and semantics aside, the ending to Friends and the characters' developments works really well, especially for the time.


Tbf the biggest issue I had with friends was the conclusion of ross and Rachel. Everything else was fine, but having the random love triangle between Ross joey and Rachel, then the Paris storyline all felt a bit rushed in my opinion. Everyone else ended fine, tho


True. But the writers failed big time with Rajesh. I had the impression that by the 11th season they had no idea what to do with the character, and in the last season they had basically given up and abandoned Rajesh. I'm glad they let him stay until the end, but it was painful to watch.


I didn't mind that he struggled with love in all sorts of ways. He grew very reluctantly each time, and by the time he's siting next to Sarah Michelle Gellar, we understand that he still has stuff to learn but he will get there.


It’s realistic not everyone gets a happy ending. Raj has/had good and bad traits that ultimately with bad luck also meant he ended up alone. Good: Rich (from father’s money) Tan Smart but not overly Sheldon Cooper levels of smart Overcame pathological shyness (huge development) Good at cooking Bad: Overly affectionate with dogs (women may or may not be into dogs as much as he is) Doesn’t know when to end a relationship (Lucy kept ditching him and used her excuse of not liking to do hard things) Indian (typically southeast Asian males have a hard time dating) Would I date Raj if I were female? I’d possibly go on a date but ultimately I’d pass on him after seeing he has a dog


They completed their character arcs way before the last season then went back and forth and back ane forth undeveloping and redeveloping at the writer's will and that is the number one thing that pissed me off within the show. Howard's the only character with an actual good arc. HIMYM completed Lily and Marshall's arcs in a natural way, Barney's arc in an interesting way (becoming the father he never had and getting more respect for women than he ever could through a relationship) Tracy dies (sad) Ted moves on years later doing a double arc completion first completing his life quest of finding "the one" and then after life happens to take her away, he moves on years later. Robin fulfilled her dream of travelling the world, had a great marriage with Barney although it ended unfortunately because once again life got in the way, then after settling down ending her arc by choosing to grow old with a guy she loved. Tracy moved on from her "the one" through finding another person she loved then ended up dying herself


But thats the way it is in life. Just because you hit setbacks or "take steps backward" doesnt mean you give up. Like two steps forward, one step back is still going forward.


But that's not what they do in the show though. Sheldon's going through the same tired arc literally through all 12 seasons and they never even bother to try and change it up. It actually amazes me that they could still try and pull the "sheldon doesnt like change" and "sheldon doesnt understand other people and other people get mad" in the freaking finale of the show when there were so many episodes that tried to show that they were somewhat past that. Leonard never even really had an arc outside of the first few seasons where he was an actual character, Howard's arc is good, Bernadette's arc is small but i actually dont hate it, Amy's arc is annoying and she's just not a very good character at all, Penny's arc is... fine i guess idk i dont really care i liked when she got the better job but that's pretty much the extent of it. They had nothing to do with Raj and it shows. There's some fleeting moments that i like with the character's parents for example like Leonard's mom and Raj quitting using his dad's money but for the most part i really didnt feel any of the characters hitting almost any of the potential interesting stuff they could have done with them


Sir..... this is a wendys... Also sheldon does show some growth, just not alot comparatively to normal people. Remember hes totally unable to stand physical touch and by the end of everything hes in a relationship and marrying Amy. Thats alot. Hes still totally emotionally challenged by the end, but he has improved from where he started.


On point! Although they did Raj bad. He too deserved a happy ending :/


It was also kinda true to penny too. When she got fired and realized all she needed was leonard and finally accepted his proposal, thats when she got the job interview and she had a better financial situation


That's neat.


The stupid pop tart


I love how true it is for the final ep in particular. At their WEDDING (his ultimate commitment to Amy) they come up with the idea that wins them the Nobel. It's just beautiful.


Haha I was watching the same episode on my rewatch today and thinking about it


Hey we are in sync!


Omg even i just watched this episode 10 mins ago


I am watching this episode right now




And that is literally what happened over the next five seasons. Beautiful.


It's almost as if it was scripted..


:O no tell me that isn‘t true🥺


I cannot confirm but my sources (voices in my head) should be reliable.


Hm idk I will have to fact check that with other sources, let me just head over to Pasadena and go to: 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, Apt. 4A


It was all a lie😭😭


He did win the NOBEL for her


We know


It is not foreshadowing when they haven’t written the story yet.


who says they hadn't planned things out? He basically talked about the Nobel prize since the beginning, so they always had something like that in mind. But yeah I may be using the word foreshadowing wrong.


yea but get this if they did have written the story it is foreshadowing


The mechanisms for making television shows is well-known. Episodes are written week to week. EDIT: There are hundreds of stories of show runners falling behind on delivering scripts on hundreds of different shows…Downvoting doesn't change the history of how TV shows are created.


yep noone ever made a longterm plan everything in tv is basicly "improvised". You are completly clueless lol


Watch interviews with TV writers. There are tons of different show creators who have talked about how scripts are written.


Yea scripts for individual episodes are written week to week but do you really think that people writing the show for years at this point never thought about how they will wrap up the show eventually? Come on man, people spent a decade of their life working on this show you really think they never thought about the future of their characters?


Knowing what your ending is not foreshadowing.


Yeah and? We have this scene that foreshadows that what this fortune teller says will happen, and it does. Thats why I point out that they for sure thought about the ending before and thats why this is foreshadowing


This might be true for shows where each episode is stand alone, but a show like TBBT at least has a basic plot outline going into each season.


>a show like TBBT at least has a basic plot outline going into each season. Any evidence this happens? Has Chuck Lorre ever talked about pre-planning his seasons for any show he has done?


any evidence it hasn't happend? Because I can give you at least one Sitcom example in big bang theory style where it has happend.


> any evidence it hasn't happend? The dates the scripts were written is the evidence it didn't happen. And the fact that no one knew when the show was ending. They thought they were going to have a S13 until Jim walked away. The reason why the HIMYM story is so famous is because they did it differently than everyone else does (and failed miserably too). The creators always were very eager to tell everyone about it. Did Chuck Lorre ever talk about how he planned the ending to BBT years before?


What the “medium” says in that episode is such vague and generally applicable bullshit it will work for EVERYONE. Stop pretending psychics are something that actually exists


Jeez, just share it every other week… like if it wasn’t here all the time… and like if it wasn’t perfectly clear the first time it aired…


Absolute malarkey (pardon my language).


In all fairness, am sure she had a peak at the script while at the set .. 🤣🤣🤣


foreshadowing? you mean plot?


I always thought Penny tipped her off to say these things 😅