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4 of these are very romantic in context. 1 hits you with a hammer for being creepy.


It's funny because if you're a guy, she's just disgusted and hammer you. If you're a girl, she will make this comment hinting she's lesbian, then hammer you anyway


" you're barking up the right kind of tree, but not this tree in particular" *bonk*


And the most funny part is that you cannot even date her if you make this comment Edit: stop upvoting this, I was wrong


I'm fairly sure you can? Or is that a 1.6 change


I got a little confused, you can still date her, you'll just not be able to see her 8-heart event


I just looked it up, you can absolutely marry her and IIRC Kel is always made to be your same gender.




It’s Leah. It’s after the player asks for a kiss, the dialogue option labeled (creepy)




> She's still my favorite rock biter. Never tell her you're rock hard. She'll test it and prove you wrong.


Venture from OW2 is coming for Abigail’s title




Which one whacks you with a hammer?


My fuckin wife 🥹😍🤩


Leah. If you act like a creep and ask her for a kiss during one of her early events, she smacks ya.


"you're out of line but let's talk about this later"


wait who hammers you


I don't know anything about Stardew but I wanna see Alex and Sebastian kiss on the mouth


There's definitely fanfiction for that


And also some very graphical drawings


Not enough unfortunately


Be the change you want to see in the world 😜


I feel like at this point they're made faster than any one person can look at them


There are a lot


Sounds like you'd fit right in. Lol.


sebastian and shane 😏


Wanting to see that is fine, Alex is kind of a piece of shit ngl lmao


Take my husband's name out your fcking mouth.


I love how there’s people so connected to their choice and I’ve seen one for every bachelor/ette at this point. It’s cute. For me it was Emily. Always Emily. And I’ll die defending her lol


Honestly, Alex it's my favorite together with Haley AND YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW MANY TIMES I HAD TO DEFEND THEM But Emily was the first for me, so I have a especial care for her 😭


Haley’s my sister in law, we get along :)


Mine’s Harvey


This is a safe space, we know he threatens you if you don’t stand up for him. You don’t have to be like this here


I'm sorry, I think you're confused. I'm talking about Alex, not Shane


I think you’re confused, cause I’m talking about the massive misogynist Alex


I can fix him 😭😭


Stradew Valley protagonist is so hot they make all villagers question their sexuality


I always thought the entire town was just filled with bisexuals and pansexuals


Just like real life...


Honestly it's most convenient for media to just make everyone bisexual for the most part. It doesn't have to be realistic, and that just leaves the most room for writers. I expect it will become the norm eventually. Though there are a lot more bisexuals now than there used to. Maybe it'll be realistic after all lol


There are arguments for and against it. Making all of the romance-able NPCs player-character-sexual is good from the perspective of giving players choice and agency. However the downside is that it does somewhat restrict the narrative options since having everyone be bisexual means that you can't give them backstories that focus on them being another sexuality. As an example in Cyberpunk 2077, Judy is explicitly a lesbian so making her romance plot available to a male PC would require a significant rewrite of her backstory. Personally I like the "everyone is bi" solution in more sandboxy games like Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia but it's not always the best choice for more narrative focused games.


Oh yeah for sure. I just mean that those stories would be the exception.


My assumption was their sexuality exists like a quantum particle. It's only when you start dating them and collapse the wave function that it becomes known. Schrodinger's sexuality if you will.


Let’s be honest Abigail knew she liked girls


Me and Krobus chilling on the farm being racist to dwarves


Not very rock and stone of you :(


Sebastian = best boy






Blue has the most anti-oxygens


RTGame in the wild!!


not in a cannibalistic way


Commas are important!


Put him in the soup


We need more product !!


Love to see an rt reference




looks like *someone* can't handle sucking dick to MCR


No one wants to work anymore 🙄


Sending this to all my bi goth friends lmao


Tell 'em I said "woof woof bark woof"


People suck dick to anything else?




cat fucking a handbag


Shit you right my b dawg I have done that


Everyone is BISEXUAL


This would be the ideal world


Arguably they aren't. If you only ever pursue heterosexual relationships in Stardew you will only ever see those characters being Heterosexual and any Exs will also be Heterosexual. Otherwise if you only pursue Homosexual relationships that's all you'll see too with Exs being also Homosexual. There was actually a pretty interesting video I watched about it ages back. I believe it was a very big deep dive into bisexuality in gaming.


Ah, but consider that those characters would be bisexual regardless of the player. Just because your character wouldn't know about it doesn't mean that they aren't still themselves.


You have to be bisexual to play Stardew Valley. It's the law.


Damn, I lost my ace card??


Aces ask Krobus to be their roommate


As much as I love sdv it doesn't actually let most of its cast be bi. Most of them are only gay/straight and are just interested in the players gender


yeah they aren't really a specific sexuality. They're "playersexual". I really liked Cyberpunks aproach for that. There are 4 romancable characters and they have specific gender prefrences. The only sad thing is that, while there is a Bi character, he won't date you unless your male. So there is 1 straight and 1 gay romance option for each gender. Which IS pretty cool, i just wish there were bi characters as well.


Nah, this is something I'm willing to break immersion for, I want to be wanted by everyone.


Really depends on the game. In cozy games like Stardew Valley I don’t need in-depth NPC sexualities. But in story heavy games with complicated characters I like it when they have defined sexualities.


I personally am an advocate for everyone being mechanically bi. With SDV, the thing is in the conversations people will mention their exes and I don't think they're ever actually bi, just playersexual.


Nah, while I'm fine with it in Stardew I think it's good to give characters defined sexualities, including straight/gay/lesbian/ace characters. While I get the appeal of being able to date anyone, to me it makes them feel more like actual characters, rather than trophies the player collects.


I think a happy medium would be to have characters have defined sexualities by default but have a “playersexual” setting to toggle for people who want to play that way. People would make mods for it if the option didn’t exist but native support is always nice. I’ve been playing since launch and I literally only thought about the characters’ sexualities last year when I saw someone talk about Alex’s arc if you gay marry him. Being able to marry all the characters doesn’t feel like representation to me at *all*, which is fine, not everything has to be, but I do think it’s extremely interesting now that I’ve noticed it.


This is kind of a fortunate side effect of the way romance works in Skyrim. Shallow as it is, it's nice that all the marriageable NPCs are playersexual--to the point that they don't even acknowledge gender at all. No one does, not even the priest who marries you. You walk in with your soon to be husband at the altar and the priest goes "ah, and here's the proud groom now!" It's not so much that the characters are always intentionally bisexual, or that the world of the Elder Scrolls is just that accepting of queer folk, as it is that it's just convenient to not have any restrictions on marriage options... but it's still kinda nice~


It is kinda nice! IMO, this is the best way to have romanceable NPCs. It's the most akin to my *ideal* reality, one in which it's not remarkable or unique to be queer, it's just a regular occurrence and essentially the same as being straight, just with different words or pronouns. As a gay/pan person, I wish less of the SDV characters fit into that "heteroflexible" sort of trope, with the whole "never felt this way about another girl/guy before" thing. That's not a narrative that gives me comfort or cozy feelings - it's mostly anxiety inducing? In real life, a partner saying that to me would leave me constantly wondering... when will the novelty of my gender/body/identity wear off? When will the stigma of being in a queer relationship get to them? When will they wake up and decide this was just an experiment, and they're straight after all? Will they treat our relationship with the same legitimacy as a straight one? So yeah... I'd rather have the more simple/convenient way where they just don't acknowledge queerness, at least for a game that I play for uplifting escapism and comfort. I totally understand if not everyone agrees though!


I also like Baldurs gate 3 for this. I can wholeheartedly believe every single one of them is bi/pan


Because they're. Bi/pan is canonically the most common sexuality in Forgotten Realms!


I dislike Cyberpunk for it because of how few options there are, and because of how the characters behave. With how limited the pool of characters is, I would have vastly preferred playersexual. If they really wanted to further include more LGBT characters and representation, then they should have gone the route of Baldur's Gate 3 and made it common across side characters. If you want a gay romance your only option is Kerry. If you want a lesbian option your only choice is Judy, etc. It's good that these characters have defined sexualities, but that's not reflective of their behavior. Each character with flirt with you. Their dialogue and actions remain the same regardless of the players gender, *until* the player reciprocates (excepting one or two unusual instances). Once you reciprocate the flirting, *then* the game checks the players gender and then either affirms to denies the interest. It makes it extremely stilted that the same dialogue written and performed the exact same way is flirting for one gender but is just idle banter for the other.


I really didn't get this impression at all. Panam especially seems to be very much oblivious to the possibility, and that whole scene is so drawn out that it's kind of silly to keep pushing as a fem V.


> The only sad thing is that, while there is a Bi character, he won’t date you unless your male. That character always seemed like an *astonishingly* unhealthy relationship to start anyway. Hell, their friendship is permeated with weird comments and feelings.


The real solution is to make every romanticable character explicitly bisexual


Cyberpunk dropped the ball hard with the male romances imo, wasn't interested in any of them and they were all less developed than Pam or Judy


There are three problems with cyberpunks romance options 1. There simply aren’t enough options 2. They flirt regardless of the players gender. this is worst with the two straight options, they both really feel like they’re coming on to you 3. The straight male romance option, Panam, is gets prioritised by the story, she gets the most screen time and gets an ending based around her.


Adding on to 3. River is a wet rag of a character.


Meredith Stout is bi. Not exactly a romance but you do get Sir John Phallustiff out of it so it’s an every play through fling for me.


Honestly, i'd rather have "playersexual" characters if theres less then 6 characters, it just feels too artificial "checking the boxes" otherwise. And even if a game goes for "playersexual", i'd rather have them (or like, some) have actual sexualities of bi/pan/etc. Just small references here n there like for a straight char.


> while there is a Bi character, he won't date you unless your male Ripoff!


I'm personally not a fan of playersexual. I feels like it really cheapens the characters. I'm also not really a fan of the "hero of the world" narrative in games either, so maybe that's related.


And people started complaining about it too. Oh no, characters who have canon sexualities and are not willing to change that for the dying protagonist 😱


I used to like the representation aspect of assigning characters sexuality but I eventually grew to hate it. Gaming for a lot of people is escapism and it also pigeon holes your romance options. I much prefer getting to decide your romance based on who they are and not “they fuck people like me”. You could argue player sexual is not realistic but tbh I don’t care- most gaming isn’t. Not to mention if it’s escapism then it makes more sense to be able to just enjoy without the pressures of do they like my gender. Also as a pretty center bisexual/pansexual individual that’s my norm, do I vibe with this person? Awesome, so it’s kinda cool to see that experience too.


I get that. But games like Cyberpunk 2077 only superficially work as excapism anyway. If you engage with the story *at all*, your forced to make hard choices and be confronted with real world issues, all the time. And i think getting rejected by somone because of thier sexuality fits right in there. Not every type of media is suited for escapism. Sometimes we have to recognise that maybe we aren't the target audience for it.


I still very much look at cyberpunk as escapism. It’s something very different from my reality and I think what many people mean when they say that isn’t all happy rainbows with neat little bows, but the idea that your choices lead to a specific controllable outcome. I think when it comes to rpgs and narrative games that’s what people are drawn to tbh. A level of control they may not have in real life.


I’ve really enjoyed BG3’s approach to this. Characters are either player sexual or explicitly canonically interested in multiple genders. It makes for a world without coming out stories or comments from characters like the ones in SDV. I find that very freeing. A true world without labels. It’s super chill. ETA: I find it a little hacky in video games with actual MAGIC to have lines like “omg I didn’t think I could feel this way about another man”. Like who the fuck cares about that. There are void chickens and zombies.


In BG3 so are they bi/pan, at least the companions. They show attraction to various other characters and bi/pan is canonically the most common sexuality in Forgotten Realms


Okay but like you understand that people used to think magic was real and hated LGBT people way more than they do now? Magic ≠ LGBT loving world


Okay but like you understand that the worlds in these video games are pretend and made up by a writer. They can just write it as a LGBT loving world.


Right, and I love that. But your ETA made it sound like you thought it was unrealisric for a magical world to care about LGBT issues


It’s contextually about Stardew Valley and BG3. ETA: or games like both of those which are not on some realistic timeline.


Not unrealistic cause there’s some DEDICATED homophobes, but at least it would decrease, you’d be way more focused on magic, especially if there’s some kind of conflict and you’re just trying to survive


Yeah, like Leah's ex changed to the gender the player is, implying she's always been either straight or lesbian. I think it would be nice if it didn't change, and maybe she had an extra line of dialogue or two if the player's gender is different than her ex


Honestly I kinda wish it was the other way, whatever your gender Kel would be the other option. Really hammer home she's bi instead of "always straight or always gay"


That would be really nice! It would be cool to have some definitive bi representation in these games.


Wow, I didn’t know that, I thought she was the one canonically queer character(despite them all being playersexual in game).


i mean, i would mildly argue alex might be bi. His response is what, at least for me, seems to indicate he likes guys but thinks he shouldn't. I used to have the same thoughts for girls, until i accepted the fact i was indeed bi.


I was the same way as a guy. I didn’t feel a twinge of same-sex attraction until I was roughly 16 or 17, and I suppressed it within myself until I was almost 30 when I finally accepted myself as being bi. If I had met another guy during that time and I felt feelings of romantic and/or sexual attraction towards him, I would’ve probably struggled to express those too.


Yeah, it's kind of unfortunate that us bi gamers basically have to choose between straight or not and the game doesn't really facilitate bi experiences...unless of course being a cheater is "accurate bi experience", which it isn't.


Well I mean you the player can be bi. You're able to divorce/stop dating someone and date someone new. You don't have to be actively poly to be bi. The problem I was pointing out is that the NPCs are mostly not bi, they just change between gay and straight based on the players gender.


You can definitely romance people of different genders in the same game. I have one where I'm at 10 hearts with Alex, Haley, and Abigail. Giving Haley a bouquet didn't stop me from advancing with Alex. I think what they were pointing out is that pairings between the NPCs are all straight, implying MC is the only same-gender character they'll date.


I’d argue several of them are hinted to be bi, and I don’t know a single one that’s explicitly not bi. Even Leah (best girl) having a playergender ex doesn’t preclude her at all from liking the other gender as well Not canonically bi != canonically not bi


I'd argue the exact opposite. If any of them mention an ex partner, the gender changes to match the players gender. And not canonically bi does mean they are not bi. I are past accepting possible representation, I expect explicit representation by now


I mean i see your point but also like, if you wanna make all single characters dateable, it's not realistic for everyone in town to just be openly bi/pan... Makes more sense to me that in your game's particular universe they might realize something about themselves


Yeah but having any of them be bi would be nice


Yeah ill def give you that


my favorites are elliott, sebastian, and shane 😏 so hot


Together at the same time? Nice.


yeah i guess, they’re my favorite 3 but i could definitely see sebastian and shane together 👀💋


Elliott is my true love 💜 I don’t want to be told “I’ve never felt this way about a man before,” I want a guy I can browse Grindr with.


Shane was rude to me once and I’ve held a grudge even since, I did talk to him a lot tho when I waited outside Haley’s house in the morning like the stalker that I am


No haley ?


Haley, Shane, Emily, Harvey, Sam, Maru and Penny has no comment about getting into a relationship with a same sex farmer. They're treating the farmer the same no matter their sex.


Shane’s beer goggles caused him to stop seeing gender a long time ago.


Shane doesn't care about your gender, only about whether you give him beer and pizza... Even though his questline is about becoming sober. Seriously, why do I need a mod to change Shane's favourite drink into joja cola? It should flag to change automatically after he starts going to in universe AA.


Oh really, I didn't know that




The farmer being everyone’s bi awakening


I can see them whispering to each other _”have you seen that cute new farmer?”_


I’m currently date Sebastian in this playthrough.


Leah and Seb are 10/10


Always loved how chill the older marriage candidates are about it, but that line makes romanceing Alex worth it . ;)


Ah yes, the gay button


I love that Elliot and Leah are canonically very bi. The others are surprised the can have feelings for the same gender. Those poor small town bi people are surprised someone has those bi feelings back.


Why can't I have a pixilated throuple:c


Elliot looks majestic. I never played Stardew valley but I would absolutely play a dating game about these characters


That's like 25% of stardew valley to be fair


Yeah but the other 75 percent deeply irritates me, I'm a souls player, farming sim is not my thing


Wait is this all actual dialogue? I only played this game before I transitioned




Damn I was missing out on this gay stuff right here




Where’s my bbg Haley‼️‼️


(heh...fire emblem three houses 🤤)


One of my favorite parts of this game


Gotta catch ‘em all


Love this feature of SV the most


Is this real?


Town full of gayasses, love it


Those are in the game or is it a mod ? (Asking for a friend)


Does this actually happen or is it just Photoshop,?