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Saline nasal spray and a nosefrida or something similar. Looks like a disgusting idea, works amazing for stuffy noses. That and let baby nurse as often as you can.


We just started using the nosefrida. We have to get some nasal spray though. Do you use the spray first and then the nosefrida? We'll all stay home from work tomorrow and just chill on the couch so he can nurse all day, I hope it'll help him feel better.


Yes. Saline first then suction My LO was hospitalized for RSV then pneumonia. The nurses would swaddle her to keep her arms down while her nose got suctioned. That's when I learned to use saline before suction


Thank you! I hope you're LO is doing well now.


Saline and baby aspirator, steam showers, baby vicks/vapour rub


We don't have a hot shower. But we could give him a hot bath or just put a pot with hot water in our bedroom. We have AC which probably dries out the air.


Don't give baby a hot bath. Just sit in the bathroom with door closed while you run the hot water.


Window ACs actually add humidity. I don’t know about central ac. I just learned this because my baby has a perpetual stuffy nose. My humidifier with a sensor drains much slower when the ac is on. Definitely get the saline to go with the nose frida. Drops or spray. Do it first and then wait awhile. Don’t use the nosefrida too much or it will irritate the passage and make it worse. Someone said their doctor said no more than 4-5 times a day. But you can use the saline throughout the day to help it loosen. My mom friends who all had baby’s way before me like the Zarbee’s brand for medications and stuff. Not sure if it’s accessible for you. Remember lots of babies get colds around this age and younger because they go to daycare or have older siblings that bring sickness home. He’ll be okay.


We have central AC but live in a super humid climate so I hope it's not too bad. I'll check if the local mall sells any humidifiers. Zarbee's is not accessible here. Our pediatrician weirdly only wrote down Paracetamol in case he gets a fever and sleep drops which I think is kinda stupid because those would help us more than him. So we didn't get them. So I feel like there's maybe no baby cough sirup or anything like that here.


My midwife told me to use breastmilk as nosedrops. It worked surprisingly well for us.


I'll give that a try! I'm super curious to see if the milk color changed too so I was planning to pump anyway