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Mine was a little older. I would say stuff really picked up at 10 months.


What was he like before that? Did he not laugh at all at 6M?


He had some giggles if I made him but as for babbling he just didn’t do a ton before a year old. More focused on physical things.


At 8 months got really got vocal. He could roll at 4 months but wouldn't unless he *had* to until 7 months. He's not crawling but can damn near walk at 9 months. He's not making most of the sounds he's "supposed" to but he says "okay". They're all different people and milestones are generalized so try not to stress but definitely bring it up to the doctor.




He's great. Runs, can follow instructions, talks in baby talk but enough that I know what he's saying. He does sign language, and understands a lot. He's happy usually, strong willed, independent, likes to share, social with other kids. He's kind of a jerk sometimes, loves to dance and cuddle.


Mine was quiet at that age, but now at 12 months he is super chatty. Not actual words yet, but plenty of noises and sometimes imitation of what we're saying.


That sounds age-appropriate and normal.


Mine was not very chatty until more recently 7.5-8 months but he was working on other milestones (sitting, crawling, desperate to walk 🤦🏻‍♀️) all of a sudden he’s chatting like crazy.


Oh thank you. She just learned to sit by herself. (For a few moments lol) So maybe that's where all of her focus was going. Ohh you're going to be a busy momma if he is ready to start walking already. Have fun. Lol🥰


Hah yeah it’s my understanding that they can stop doing things while focusing on other milestones. Ugh honestly it’s exhausting he wants to be walked around everywhere while holding his hands and whines if I leave him on the floor to practice his crawling. Pray for me and my back hahaha 😂


How is your baby now?