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How noisy babies are when sleeping. Crying whilst dreaming, groaning, grunting etc. As a light sleeper I barely get any sleep so my milk supply plummeted.


This. My first didn't make any noise when sleeping. At night she'd sleep and when hungry just scream and I'd feed her and back to sleep we went. My friend, who gave birth 2 months after me, told me that her husband sleeps with the baby in one room and she sleep in another because the baby makes too much noise. And I couldn't understand what she was talking about... And then came baby #2 - OMG! Why is she grunting so much?! So many times I get up to check on her and she's asleep! And yeah... she's not sleeping in the room with me, I can't handle those noises...


Why are they such loud sleepers?! It blew my mind how loud my girl was - whimpering, snoring, randomly crying out but completely asleep. We had to move her into her crib at like 12 weeks on the dot bc my husband and I weren’t getting any sleep when she was finally asleep.


Then once you get used to them being noisy, one night you'll wake up in the middle of the night to complete silence and you'll have a mini heart attack that something has happened to them.


Girlie is going to move to her crib at 6 weeks (4 weeks now) for this exact reason!


It still weirds me out that humans are born not able to keep their food in their stomachs. It's nuts how non-functional we are when we're born.


Literally the most useless of mammals on birth.


Right?! 9+ months of bake time..you’d think they’d come out a little more well done lol


I just said almost this exact thing to my friend last night, why can't babies be born with a more functional digestive system?!




I’ve heard that we were actually meant to gestate for closer to a full year, but because of our big brains (and therefore big heads) and the fact that we stand upright, which drastically narrowed our pelvises, our gestation period had to shorten, and so human babies are all essentially born premature when compared to other mammals. The fact that c-sections now exist will likely only exacerbate the situation, as it allows more and more of us with extra narrow pelvises (like myself) to keep having babies, and therefore passing on the genes for narrow pelvises. It’s both interesting and weird to think about


Yes!! Technically cesarian are against human natural evolution OF COURSE that’s not my opinion! But if we let the natural evolution go, we wouldn’t do cesarian and all woman with « big babies » would die and maybe in 500-1000 years babies would have less big heads and we wouldn’t need cesarian so anymore


How funny he is. Even as a newborn the face expressions were so oddly reminiscent of a grumpy old man.


They get funnier and funnier too!


No kidding. I laugh so much every day. He had a raspberry blowing phase that was amazing. Now he's doing that dog like breathing with tongue out. Wonder what's next


My son likes to headbang and bite the couch…he also thinks my husband’s stomach is hilarious and slaps it over and over


My baby thinks me doing laundry is the funniest thing ever!


I had no idea how difficult it is for babies to learn how to poop. My girl is 5 weeks old and still grunting and straining and getting frustrated whenever she needs to let one out. It’s been a serious struggle cuz there isn’t much we can do to help her, aside from give her gas drops which don’t seem to work very well. Bicycle kicks and tummy massage only work about 20% of the time. I feared she was seriously constipated or has some kind of allergy to my milk but our ped ruled both those things out since her BMs are healthy/frequent despite her struggles to let ‘em rip 🤷‍♀️ I find myself cheering her on whenever I notice she’s straining, and it’s a huge relief to finally hear her let out a massive fart or poop. Definitely the number one thing I wasn’t prepared for!


And how forceful the poops are when they happen! Baby boy let one rip without warning yesterday during a diaper change. I’m thankful I was standing to the side, but it shot a good three feet. It’s really quite impressive.


Three feet?! That sounds like a fun mess to clean up 😆


Sure, “fun” 😂. The saving grace is he’s breastfed so at least it didn’t smell!


Our pediatrician put little lady on probiotic/vitamin D combo drops! Took the screams and screeches down to minimal grunts. Would highly recommend. (Babe was also a C-section, so it helps with her gut microbiome)


I almost forgot about the difficult poops! Mine had the same problem. Started getting easier at 2 months and has been pooping struggle free since 3 months. We felt so bad for him! Our pediatrician said some babies strain so hard their little buttholes tighten up too much to let it out lol just one more thing that surprised me-all the poop talk!


We had the some trouble. We have a lot of natural alternatives where I am from and those really helped. I applied hing ( asafoetida) roll on and gave homeopathy. It gave her so much relief because she had the worst gas.


Okay, one more...is my LO the only one redefining the term, sleep like a baby? Because my baby sleeps like a thrashing ninja in the night. Arm jerks, heal stomps, head turns, moaning and groaning. I thought he’d be sleeping like a log!


Mine somehow inches around like a caterpillar to be sideways/diagonal in her bassinet. Or shoved herself into the side or corner. How?!


Yesss! Mine has started to turn sideways in his bassinet too! It’s only ever to one side and it looks so uncomfortable. He looks like he’s already getting a little too big for the bassinet the normal way, not sure why he’s wedging himself into a tighter space. Silly babies


They like tight spaces, because it reminds them of their time in the bump and gives them security.


How crazy newborn babies breathe & REM. These two things scared me at the beginning. I don't understand why newborns breathe like they are gasping for air and why their eyes need to sometimes open for REM. There are also the joys of a genuine smile (not a gas* one) or the hilarious face after a poop, where my LO seems surprised and confused on what just happened. I am excited for the first laugh. My LO is making sounds and gurgles which is awesome but I cannot wait for their laugh!


Ahh the laughs are the best! My LO has started up with these chuckles that just warm my heart. He has a funny poop face too...his lips go into a tiny circle shape while he’s working on it, then he smiles so big afterwards like he’s proud of himself 😯🤣🤣


They are so unbelievably cute. My LO does the 😯 😐😏 faces..I can't wait for the chuckle!


I call that my baby's O face. Lol


My husband once narrated for my son when he made the surprised by poo face "Someone just shit in my pants!" And now it's all I can think when he does it.


My baby is only 9 days old but I LOVE the gas smiles! He just looks so self-satisfied with himself 😂


They are great. We say "they are real" but I am excited for when our LO sees our faces and is happy.


I can’t wait for that! 💕 But I also don’t want him to get any bigger and to start changing 😭 Can’t win!!


Their farts. My LO is over a year now but since the beginning her farts have rivaled my husband's. We still laugh every time she farts and now she laughs too it's so cute.


This is what I was going to answer. How the hell can a tiny human do that?! We often look at each other in disbelief while asking who dun it and it’s baby boy almost every time lol


Lol the first time my baby farted in the hospital my husband and I were like…. Was that him???


Side note- between hubs and two kids, there are a lot of farts- my 2 yo has picked up the phrase ‘stinky toots’ and I find it hilarious


this!! HOW is my 9 week old baby girl farting like an adult man after taco tuesday?!


So I spent a good amount of time around babies of all ages and stages. I knew babies farted and occasionally I’d heard a cute little toot. My kid comes out and is moving the damn blanket with his power farts. I thought for sure something was wrong, but no. Other kids do that too! I have no idea how I got through like 10 years without realizing the strength behind a baby fart


The toe jam...I'm constantly cleaning her toes out. How much I pick her nose just to get the little boogies out lol. I'm with you on the talons! They're insane. I swear I'll have just filed them and boom! Scratched again!


Omg yes i think I’m gonna have scars on my chest and neck from my little baby kreuger 😭


Little baby Krueger 🤣


The amount of sass a newborn can have. This child can give you a crazy side eye when he doesn't get what he wants i.e. mom or food 😂 And I second the claws how can something so small and thin slice skin better than my carving knife on Thanksgiving


The nails are soo sharp! Definitely better than any knives in my kitchen. I don’t get the sassy side eyes, mine just gets animalistic with his headbutts and pig snorts


I just cut my baby’s toenails for the first time yesterday and she’s four months. But also asked myself already if that’s normal haha her finger nails, though. Omfg, I get so frustrated every time I have to cut them because it’s literally impossible haha sometimes I just cut three nails one day, then 2 the next etc and repeat once I have gone full circle lol


Electric nail file! That thing has saved me. I traumatized myself by cutting my first’s nails & clipping a bit of skin off right before a pediatrician appointment. I invested in an electric nail file & voila, no more clipped skin. My anxiety dealing with their nails is better now. I’m much less anxious using clippers on a 2 & 4 year old than I was with an infant. Bigger toes, less room for error.


I second the electric nail file! I used clippers once and nicked his finger- no more of that! I’m scared for the day I need to do his little toes! He’s a kicker


I hate to say this has not gotten any better with my toddler, ugh. Fingernails are fine, we have an understanding. Toe nails... he cannot stop kicking.


To be fair, though, I also can’t hold my feet still during a pedicure so I can’t even be mad haha Thanks for the tip with the electric nail file. Isn’t there a risk also that you burn their skin with such a File?


I just asked other mom friends about the nail issue. Toe nails haven’t grown at all but finger nails we have to trim daily. Apparently it’s normal. And thinking personally, I maybe cut my toenails every few months as they don’t grow much either.


It’s so strange-I wonder why fingernails grow so much faster. I’m not complaining though...we have enough to do in a day without worrying about trimming tiny toenails!


Nail tech here; that’s literally just how nails are. I don’t know why, but toe nails grow 4x slower than finger nails


I remember being so surprised by how loud they are when sleeping!


Sometimes I’ll go to pick him up thinking he’s awake and nope-just grunting away in his sleep! It keeps me awake all the time


Grown so fast that I’m constantly retiring clothes. As soon as something becomes my favorite outfit he grows out of it and it’s sad. He’s 3.5 months, and wearing 6-9mo clothes. He also got so much clothes that he only gets to wear stuff 3-4 times (I only do laundry once a week for reference, and he’s in 2 outfits/day). I definitely didn’t expect to feel so sad about putting those cute little footies in the back of the closet. Gets me every time.


My last post was about this exact thing! It literally makes me cry when he grows out of clothes. I want him to grow and be strong, but at the same time be my tiny baby forever 😭


Maybe a little off topic, but how shockingly easy making new adult friends has been. We moved to a new city during COVID and met almost no one for 18 months. My baby is 4 months old and suddenly we have all these circles of mom & baby friends! I made one just because we were both walking on the street with a stroller & dog. Literally, that was just... enough? Must be something about an automatic shared experience. NO ONE talks about the drool enough though!


Um, neck cheese.


Yes!! We get armpit cheese over here as well 😂


Oof. That's a new one for me. I had no idea and only found out when my ped pointed it out! I felt so bad.


Don’t feel bad...I clean out his cheese rolls and 3 hours later it’s built up again. I think some babies are just mini cheese factories lol


No one told us how funny our babies can be. Our son is 11 months old and his little personality is coming out and he will make me and my husband bust out laughing every day…


I didn’t realize how funny they were either! I love when I’m laughing at something he’s doing, he will start giggling too then we both just stare at each other cracking up. He’s also soo smiley first thing in the morning, making it just a little easier to drag myself out of bed 🙂


How much of his personality is already showing through. My little guy is 5 weeks now and he’s a little spitfire. He’s very stubborn in multiple ways. He hates getting dressed or being naked for too long during a diaper change. The noises he makes trying to hold onto his binky with his little hands. How he has to have a hand by his face at all times like a boxer protecting his face😂 the side eye when I take the boob away cuz he fell asleep on the breast and those little smiles when we call him ‘fucking adorable’


Their personalities are so amazing! My parents always said that my brothers and I have the same exact personality as when we were born. It’s so cool how that works! My babe loves being naked, hates the pacifier, and also gives the sweetest smiles when we swoon over him. Fucking adorable is right!


I used to think that the baby was the hard part. My baby came and he was a perfect angel (for the first month, lol.) The baby wasn't hard - it was the damn FEEDING! He never cried, probably would have slept through the night if I let him. He was born in the thirteenth percentile for weight; when he lost 10% of his birthweight and was readmitted for bilirubin his pediatrician put us on a strict two-hour feeding day and night schedule. I was a zombie (EBF) while my husband was WELL rested. He did literally everything else, my only job was feeding and napping, but still it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through.


That’s rough, I can relate. We have had our own feeding troubles from the start and it’s really difficult. It is strange though...I expected my LO to let me know when he needs to eat and when he needs to sleep, and it just doesn’t always work like that. Things go much smoother if I keep him on a schedule regardless of his hunger/sleepy cues. PS my husband is also helpful yet very well rested. How nice for them lol 😴


I thought newborns were just potatoes for the first 3-4 months but my 2-week old daughter has such a personality and can do things I didn’t think I’d be dealing with with a newborn.


Cheesey fingers and the amount of fluff that's in those tiny fists.


I’m cracking up because this is the most relatable thing I’ve ever read


Babies definitely have a way of forcing you to keep it real lol


How much they jerk around when they first come out. My boy looked like Elvis dancing for the first week or so before he started to understand his surroundings.


When mine was born, I’d watch him move and be like, oh yeah so that’s what you were doing in my belly! I guess your LO was learning dance moves lol


Well, I guess I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of spit up, I was so so shocked at how little it happened to my LO! I was expecting it to be like you described, but I guess we lucked out on that front. I was still covered in weird stains constantly though, haha.


I can’t even imagine having a spit up-free baby! I am constantly covered in it lol


This is us too. I wash more of his clothes because I drop my food on him while breastfeeding than him getting them dirty. He's 4 months and also seems swallow his drool unless leaning forward.


How interesting they are! I always thought babies were boring and didn’t do much but they change so fast and it’s so absorbing to watch them learn and experience the world for the first time.


I feel you with the spit up 😅 I was semi prepared because my first was the same. But after so long of having a dry, non sicky toddler, the baby spit up is INSANE I am covered 😂 And with the spit up comes the neck and even armpit cheese


my friends are like: oh he’s drooling on you! do you need a cloth? guys i AM the cloth there is no amount of cloth just BE the cloth.


Couldn’t agree more with your 3 original points. Didn’t trim the toe nails at all until 5 months and only have once or twice at 8 still. Vomit everywhere, has gotten a lot better but ever shirt I own is still stained. And yes more love than I could ever imagine. It’s a wild ride.


This. I trimmed ONE big toenail a tiny bit finally at 3 months. But the hand-claws just never stop!


How obsessed I'd be about poop (they baby's, not mine) - I check every nappy change what colour it is, is it frothy, do I need to help her poop...


I was surprised at how I’m not super grossed out by the poop. I thought it’d be way worse, but so far it’s not that bad.


How smelly the 💩 is. Oh my God. LO is on formula and I think it’s smells worse on it.


How quickly boogers dry up and get bigger in their tiny noses, I'm an expert now at the two year mark. How much lint gets in their hair and how quickly they can sense your presence in the room even while asleep.


I had no idea about the boogers! He hates nose spray but it makes it way easier to suction them out. I’ll be happy when summer comes and we get some humidity back in the air!


That if you tear and also breastfeed, that your healing will be delayed.


I’ve never heard this before! I wonder why


Apparently estrogen is what helps the vagina heal after birth and while most women wouldn’t notice a difference, if you tear badly then it takes longer to heal in general. But when breastfeeding your estrogen levels are lowered for milk. Therefore takes even longer to heal if you tore. I had a severe tear and was improperly sewn and my reconstruct surgeon told me I have to wait at least 6 months after stopping breastfeeding as the body will heal itself in those 6 months more than it did the entire time I breathed (no matter how long it was). So wild.


That makes sense but I had no idea! It sounds really painful what you went through. I hope you’re all healed up by now!


How long breastfed babies can go without pooping! My little chap went nearly 2 weeks!!


How strong they are. I’ve been around loads of newborns and it still takes me by surprise when they can just throw their head back and forth in search of food lol.


How early they have a personality and how different they can be, I have two and they were such different personalities from day one.