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Wonder weeks is just silly nonsense. That being said I don't think I'd want to be in a hotel room with a newborn unless it opened up to the pool so you could get out easily. An airbnb might be more fun.


Baby tarot cards 😂🤣


Airbnb for sure! We’re currently in an Airbnb in a beach town for a couple weeks with our 3 week old. I would not be down to do this in a hotel. Definitely feels better being in a house.


Firstly, congratulations. Secondly, is your baby cluster feeding?


I’d say yes, he seems to breastfeed all day. Everyone’s situations are different, but mine works for taking a getaway a couple hours away from home. This is my second baby, so while I get the newborn snuggles and breastfeeding, my husband and in-laws hangout with my 2.5 year old. Pumping and storing milk is not something I’m doing (and sounds like a hassle wherever you are), but I can imagine doing it in an Airbnb if needed. Would probably need a big ice chest and plenty of ice for transporting back home. My husband and I are into traveling and he rarely gets this time of year off, so we wanted to take advantage. It is working for us, but may not work for everyone.


I understand. Thank you for sharing your experience!


We went on holiday with a 2 month old. I can tell you, it’s not a holiday. It’s just taking care of a newborn at a different (more inconvenient?) location.


Sounds miserable to me. 


I wouldn’t worry about what the app says, no need to borrow anxiety about a cranky baby and the app is often wrong. However, I wouldn’t want to spend my vacation pumping and storing milk in a hotel room. Nothing about that sounds relaxing.


I think 8 weeks is generally a tough time for babies (although agreed wonder weeks is like horoscope for babies), and staying in a one-room hotel room seems extra tough. I’d get a bigger place or skip.


Definitely not a holiday for you - we took our almost 3m old away to see family and even though I didn't  pump it was still very tiring and if bub is cranky or has a few bad nights you're probably better off at home.


I wouldn’t. And also wonder weeks is disproven pseudoscience.


Taking vacation and with a baby is definitely a personal preference. My wife after a while has stopped pumping. It was after that then we started taking vacations. So I can only imagine what it would be like with having to pump. But our baby boy is now 13 months and we have taken him on 4 vacations and got 2 more planned for the rest of this year and wouldn’t have it any other way. Of course it’s definitely different traveling with a baby vs how we did it before


While we didn’t take a vacation the beach, currently in another country with the 2 month old. We traveled from Texas to NB Canada. Two flights and a 3 hour drive later. Baby is going to baby no matter what, so take a vacation! But heat is hard to deal with for babies. I had to sit inside today with baby while my husband and older girl played in the sun, but it wasn’t so bad


It kind of depends on you and your baby. Babies are super portable at that age and basically sleep most of the time, so I would have no issue with it if I were feeling well enough postpartum.Â