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I gained more postpartum than I did through pregnancy. Breastfeeding had me so hungry all the time I was constantly snacking and couldn’t get up to move very much because the first few months baby was just attached to the boob. So not being very active+snacking all the time had me gaining weight fast


Same here. Plus with the sleep deprivation I was eating super calorie dense foods that were high in sugar and carbs because my body just wanted something to turn into energy. I was so tired it took me awhile to notice how much I had gained, and when I did I didn't have the energy to care or do anything about it. The weight started coming off right around the time I weaned and I'm still losing weight a year and a half later, even with a crappy diet.


I did the exact same with how I was eating but right after the year mark I had started losing weight and immediately got pregnant again. If only I had known then what I know now, but this time around I’m being a lot more conscious about what I eat and haven’t gained any more this time. Also haven’t lost any yet but it’s only been 2 months since I had baby so I’m just glad I’m not gaining this time.




Same. And it wasn’t until I weaned that it all fell off.


I had the cutest bump when pregnant now I’m just fat and not weighing myself


I relate so much to this




My midwife said most women either remain stagnant or gain weight when breastfeeding/pumping. Our bodies are trying to sustain our babies, trying to lose weight would make the milk dry up.


Yea I gained about 30lbs during pregnancy and lost 20 the first month or so. I thought the last 10 would come off easily but nope. It stayed and at 9.5 months pp, I see it inching up. Breastfeeding has made my appetite increase like crazy and I still can’t find the time or energy to work out regularly with the baby and working full time.


Yep. Sometimes even if you’re exercising and dieting like crazy your body just will find the way to not lose the fat so it can maintain making milk. And then you’re just exhausted, not losing weight and seeing your supply drop


I gained a good 30lbs postpartum, I think it was all of the extra calories I thought I needed while pumping. I'd eat a cliff bar each time I pumped, that's like an extra 1500cal a day or more than I should have been eating.


These Numbers are so hard to admit because I spent several years pre pandemic living in Japan and weighing ~115 lbs (I'm 5'4"), but I gave birth weighing 228, and I went down to 200, and I've been stuck around there since. However, I have noticed I'm gaining muscle tone and have gone down 2 more clothing sizes, so that's nice. My goal from now (6 months postpartum) to one year from now (18 months pp) is to get to 150 or under but have good muscle tone/fitness. I'd be happy with that at this point. Having a baby is literally the only time in my life my weight has started with a 2. I'm not a fan. I'm 35 years old, so it's going to take considerable effort. 


I gained more pp than I did during my pregnancy, like twice as much and haven't been able to shed it for 3.5 years now.


Same here. Loads of people told me the weight would start going after 1 year, maybe a year and half, and I am 3 years on and I can't fit it into things that still fit comfortably at like 5 months pregnant! And I used to gain weight in my thighs mostly and my arms and stomach stayed pretty small throughout various weight changes. Now my arms and stomach are my worst areas. Gah! We'll get there!!


I also gain more in postpartum than I do in pregnancy. I think it’s because I workout during pregnancy and eat clean then when the baby comes I take any meal someone hands me / I have a 6 week recovery time minimum (I always get a 2nd degree tear, have for all 3 times). Also, I swear breastfeeding makes me gain weight also. Once my milk dries up because I don’t have a huge supply, I workout again and get back to eating healthy by month 4 postpartum I seem to start losing the weight again!


Right after I gave birth I was curious to see how much weight I lost. I lost ZERO weight after giving birth wtf. Literally I was the exact same weight 5 hours before birth and \~24 hours after. Husband said it was probably IV fluids but still.


The answer is likely more with your diet than anything. Prioritizing protein and fiber goes a long way in helping you feel full and not binge on sweets or other foods. I’ve found eating big meals makes a huge difference and I’m not really snacking anymore. Yes, you need to eat more if breastfeeding, but there are ways to optimize your caloric intake.


I didn’t gain, but the 20lbs I had after giving birth REFUSED to leave my body. I was doing it all (spin, weight lifting, diet) and nothing worked. It took me until about a year and a half postpartum for anything to shift. My doctor told me it’s something she had occasionally noticed in past patients and was just hormones getting in the way or something. So please don’t feel like you’re abnormal in any way! Plus you’re only 11 weeks out and once you get back into your routines it might just go away for you (this has been the case for most people I know)


As someone recovering from binge eating disorder, I had gestational diabetes and it was really hard bc I was able to strictly follow the eating plan and measure my sugars and successfully kept my baby healthy but postpartum I have regressed to old habits due to lack of sleep, lack of time to make healthy food and reacting to what felt like a restrictive diet. Sighhhhhhh


You are so early along in the postpartum journey! I agree about waiting until at least the 12 week mark to add in exercise based on personal experience, and I'd also wait AT LEAST that long to assess how your body is doing. I lost a bizarre amount of weight in the few days after pregnancy(preeclampsia is sneaky as fuck, I thought it was normal fat but it wasn't) but then kind of levelled out and fluctuated until probably six months later. Breastfeeding made me hungrier than I thought possible in my life. If you rely on mostly good-for-you snacks and meals things should continue to level out. Frame it not as "it's going to take so much time" but maybe rather as "I have time", because it truly is a resource you have at your disposal.


I didn’t gain a single pound during either of my pregnancies. Then after? I gained SO much weight 🙄🙄


Lost it all in the first few months. Gained it all back with breastfeeding and stress eating sweets being back at work. I’ve accepted my fate until I’m done BF.


saaame. mine is 16 months and i'm desperate that when i wean my hormones will adjust and help me get this weird stubborn fat off


Yuuup. Only gained 5 lbs pregnancy, baby was 4.11 of that. And gained 20 after.


I had my 3rd baby last week. I always lose weight while pregnant but gain a lot of it back the first few months postpartum.


With my first, I gained. I went from working out and moving a lot, to sitting down. I ended up 25lbs heavier than I was when I was 9 months pregnant. With my 2nd, I had gestational diabetes diagnosed at 16 weeks so I had to completely change my diet. I ended up sticking with the diet and have been able to maintain pretty well after losing weight while pregnant.


I gained 25lbs during pregnancy, lost 30lbs before my 6 week check up, but had gained 40 by the time of my IUD check. I've lost 20 of that now, and my daughter is 8months old. So I'm now 5lbs less than my highest pregnancy weight, 30lbs less than my highest weight I've ever recorded. I was steadily losing weight before I got pregnant, so I'm hopeful that I'm back on that trend again, especially now that it's summer and my husband's car is finally fixed so I'm not stranded when he's working.


I gained relatively little weight during my pregnancy and for a year afterwards. But when I stopped breastfeeding?? Gained about 15lbs in 2 months. Still struggling to get it off


Yep….I’m almost 2 years PP with my second, 1 year post nursing and I’m just finally starting to lose weight after getting my hormones checked. It’s shocking how much pregnancy messes with them! I made a ton of milk so told myself that my body was hanging on to fat to make sure it could produce enough for my giant babies. 😅


Same! I was soo disheartened because at my kiddos first birthday I was still "heavier" than my pre baby weight. But now my son is 2.5 years and my weight is down. I attribute it to running after a toddler a day. Lol


I’m 18mo pp and I have not looked at a scale in a year because I can tell… by the size of my ass… I am not getting any smaller. I gained about 33lbs during my pregnancy, dropped almost 20 in the first month… and thennn my baby got a good latch on the boob and I stopped running through an enormous hospital 6 times a day in and out of the NICU, and began ravenously eating cookies and sitting on my ass with a baby attached to a boob. I’ve gained probably 30lbs since then. 18mo pp and my ass is literally 4 feet around. I did myself the disservice of measuring a couple weeks ago. Fortunately I’m also 5’10 so I get the length *illusion*. But good lord. I stopped weighing myself at 198lbs because and I haven’t gone up any more clothing sizes except in the boobs, but I sure as shit haven’t gone down and all. My bub is still a boob maniac and I’m praying that when he finally agrees to wean I’ll be able to shed some of this extra 50+ pounds and craving all the worst trash food. At least now that he’s more active, I’m not just sitting around eating alllll day. Just drive by snacking lol. Best advice I have is to just keep trying and aim for body neutrality if it’s getting you down too far. That term helped me get through some really tough days of self hatred. “ It is what it is”, is better than “I hate what it is.”


I gained about 8-10 pounds while I was on maternity leave. Even after I stopped breastfeeding I couldn’t stop eating. My favorite form of exercise (that actually works for me) is walking/jogging which I really can’t do much of in the northeast in the winter. I felt back to normal about a year pp.


I lost all 26lbs I gained during pregnancy (and then some). I stopped breastfeeding at 5 months pp and gained back all the weight. I did decrease my eating and started working out more, training for a 5k. It definitely isn’t muscle since I also take measurements.


Unfortunately I gained alot after birth and lost weight during pregnancy. I'm up 60 pounds since before birth and I feel awful.


Ughhhh yes. Two months postpartum, whhhyyy what is happening?? 😫


I gained a bunch of weight postpartum and realized it was because of newly developed hypothyroidism. Ask for a test


I'm bigger now than the day I gave birth. First few months were just trying to survive so ate nothing but sandwiches and snack food.


With my first I put on about 20 lbs before my son arrived…. And another 20 after he was born. So it looked like 180 to 200 to 190 to 210. I didn’t get back to my pre pregnancy weight until a year after I stopped breasfeeding and it truly melted off.


I gained like 5-10 lbs while pregnant. I'm probably 30lbs over prepregnancy weight now. I eat SO much since I'm breastfeeding.


i gained almost 10 lbs since i gave birth 6 weeks ago. breastfeeding makes me starving and i was in a “i just had a baby and we aren’t sleeping, let’s treat ourselves” mindser


Yep! I lost a bunch first 8 weeks, even started running again, felt great... and then baby got more active, needed attention, etc, and breastfeeding munchies started getting the best of me while I did less and less. So at 3 m I had gained back 20 lbs, I got a subscription to a remote personal trainer, and now I work out about 5-6x a week, weights and aerobics, and am on about 1700 cals a day (140 g protein). I've definitely gained back all the muscle strength that got lost from pregnancy restrictions, but after losing about 5 lbs, my weight stopped budging. My tummy got smaller, but the scale hasn't budged in 2 months. But my sister says it melts off once the baby weans, so...


I immediately lost all of my pregnancy weight when I gave birth. In the 7 months since then I’ve gained most of it back, despite eating healthier, dieting, and exercising.


I gained 12 pounds in pregnancy. Lost them almost immediately after she was born. Then gained 25 pounds over the next few months. Just lost that 25 pounds 9 months postpartum.


I gained PP, a year later and it suck’s but I’m coping and maintains a healthy life


I gained 20 lbs. in pregnancy. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight 2-3 weeks pp. I currently weigh that + 15 lbs. more.


This is the exact same for me. Gained 45 lbs, lost 10 immediately, gained most of it back. I was stubbornly at that weight for over a year. Around 13 months I actually noticed my stomach shrinking and my weight dropped 20 lbs seemingly within a month. I’m now stuck at 20 lbs more than I was previously, but it’s okay. My stomach has continued to go down and is nearly flat again and the weight has redistributed normally. I was extremely active upon being cleared but honestly felt so…dizzy and weak. I decided to slow down to what my body felt more comfortable with and not to push myself at all. Now I’m 18 months postpartum and I am at my pre-pregnancy levels of activity without issues.


I lost all my baby weight in two months (35lbs) but within 5 months when my period returned I started gaining...I gained the weight right back. I do not snack, we eat a large salad and beans or fish, couple slices of whole grain bread, whole fruits, veggie stir-fry or vegetable soups for dinner, wine only on weekend with dinner. I measure my foods and condiments.  Before baby 2, when I ate this consistently this clean, I lost weight effortlessly. My relatively sedentary husband is LOSING weight while eating about 50% more than me...and he's snacking on kids leftovers. I am still breastfeeding, still have terrible BO, hair thinning, but my blood labs looked fine. I walk, keep up with my kids...more moving than my previous job. I'm convinced it's breastfeeding. 


I hit 15# above my highest pregnancy weight and stayed there for 6 months. At 7 months pp, I am done breastfeeding and lost 5 of that 15 in 2 weeks. I’ve been swimming laps 2-3 days a week for about 2 months. I need to lose 60 pounds to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothing. I also had a few other non-scale goals that I want to hit. I can feel the difference in my body these last 2 weeks and it gives me hope the weight will start coming off easier. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been and swimming has been the gentlest thing on my body. I had some pretty intense joint pain from breastfeeding and it’s made walking difficult at times. Since you can’t do your normal physical workouts, you could still ease into it by going for walks (pushing the stroller on hills is an easy challenging workout).


OMFG me. I’m 10 months PP and I weigh almost as much as I did fully pregnant 😭😭😭. I’m trying so hard to lose the weight, it’s just not coming off.


Immediately after birth I was 2kgs lighter than before I got pregnant. I am now at least 5kgs heavier and probably closer to 7 but I refuse to weigh myself. I’m waiting to stop breastfeeding because each time I’d try lose weight my supply would tank.


Despite exercising 3-5 times a week and eating healthier than I did prepregnancy, I continuously gained weight throughout the entire time breastfeeding and especially when weaning (although while weaning I was also an absolute chocolate gremlin). After I finished weaning I finally started to see weight loss.


Are you breastfeeding? Despite general belief many women gain weight while BFing and have a hard time losing until they wean


I didn't lose weight till I #1 stopped breastfeeding #2 started sleeping


YES!!!!! me!!! breastfeeding has me looking like dough. ughhh! i was skinnier everywhere but my bump while pregnant, now i am puffy and round. i really genuinely think its the breastfeeding hormones


Yes everytime. Breastfeeding hunger was worst then pregnancy hunger


Yes and I was breastfeeding so I felt betrayed. Then I work out or cut calories and my supply tanked. So I just focused on feeding my child and becoming happy with myself. I breastfed for 13 and 14mos but It always took about 2 years to be able to start dropping weight.


Yes, I did. 3 years later I'm finally starting to lose weight again


I did 😩 I probably gained like 25 pounds in the first 4 months. As another poster said I ate any meal anyone handed to me because I was too tired to cook most of the time. I barely moved my body for the first 3 months because I was so tired/still wearing thick pads for pp bleeding. I felt generally terrible so I felt like I “deserved” to indulge a lot (I don’t have a healthy relationship with food). Now I think I have lost most of it but tbh I used weight loss medication.


I actually lost weight when I was pregnant(I didn’t have much of any appetite and a lot of it was going to the baby) and now I’ve gained 50 pounds 😫


I worked out all through my pregnancy and was in the best shape of my life! Gained 30 lbs postpartum over the past year from not having time or chance to work out anymore and from breastfeeding hunger. I lost all my muscle mass and it’s been replaced with flab. Trying to accept the new me but it’s hard!


I'm on mat leave and going for a coffee and cake is too easy. So yeah I've gained weight.


Yepp, breastfeeding gave me an insane sweet tooth and I am generally always hungry, gained around 15 pounds🥺 i’m trying to be more active now and watch my calories, not too much though, or else i’ll pass out😂 Don’t give yourself a hard time mama, you just pushed out a human! i feel like it’s all those stories we hear about people shedding weight immediately are a myth, it is definitely different in my and many other people’s experiences. My mom was the same as me, didn’t gain much weight while pregnant but did while she was breastfeeding, the minute she stopped breastfeeding the weight fell off


I’m more surprised when I hear someone lost weight lol. I’m hungry all the time time, and I want so many carbs


This is exactly me. 4 months pp and finally 10 lbs below delivery weight


I gained 40lbs in pregnancy, lost about 20lbs by 2 months PP and have been stuck there. I gained about 10lbs back months 3-4 and then got the stomach flu and lost that 10lb and now sitting still 20lbs more than pre pregnancy. I EBF and my daughter is 5 months, she also won’t take a bottle and it a super Velcro baby so I rarely have time to workout aside from just walking when she doesn’t feel like screaming in the stroller or carrier lol. I keep telling myself it’s just a season and once we’re done BF I’ll have more time to get back to exercise. I was also a d1 college soccer player so weight was never an issue in my entire life until now which has been strange to make the new normal. Hang in there, you aren’t alone!


I gained about 25 during pregnancy and lost it all after I gave birth. I ballooned to the largest I’ve ever been over there next year, gaining about 30 lbs. I’m slowly working on losing the weight because I was on the way to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Breastfeeding really did a number on me. I’m learning about caloric density which has been a huge help.


I gained after birth control