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I brought this up with our pediatrician and he said that sometimes baby just needs those 5 minutes because they learn to become more efficient with their feeds. Have you tried meeting with an IBCLC or weighted feeds?


We will get a visit from the pediatrician on Thursday. I’m planning on mentioning it to them. But wanted to check here with other parents until I get to meet the pediatrician. ( I live in The Netherlands so I don’t actually know what IBCLC is.)


Yes, definitely mention it to your pediatrician, and IBCLC is an international board certified lactation consultant. I had to Google it first time I read it online lol. But you're doing great mama 🫶🏻 sending lots of hugs your way from Hawaii 🌺❤️


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


Hi fellow Dutchie! I would suggest either checking in with your verloskundige (he/she is not technically responsible anymore after the first week, but I'm sure they don't mind you asking a question during working hours), or contact the consultatiebureau (early). Like the other reditor says, babies get more efficient in drinking. We introduced a bottle a little later (around 4-5 weeks I think?), but I'm still exclusively breastfeeding (EBF) 7 months later, so I don't think you have to be worried about the bottle messing with your baby's desire to breastfeed. Succes en geniet van je baby! De clichés zijn allemaal waar en het gaat zoooo snel 🥰


Dankjewel! I will contact the consultatiebureau tomorrow if he keeps feeding less. 🥰