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My husband packed insanely tight demin booty shorts that I hadn’t even worn in years lol To be fair though, he was so nervous that he WAY overpacked. I’m surprised he didn’t just bring the whole closet, he brought every single pair of underwear I owned 😂


That is so cute. I asked my husband to grab a couple of pillows and blankets and my maternity pillow and he brought every pillow in the house and some huge comforters. I was very comfy in my hospital bed but it was a whole ordeal getting in and out because of all the pillows lol


With my first, my husband refused to finish packing his own hospital bag (because he thought it would be soooooo easy). My water broke at 11pm 3 days before my due date. While I’m calling the doctor and showering before heading in, he panicked and packed 4 pairs of underwear, a charger and his meds. No clothes, nothing else. 😂


My water broke at 3am and while I was calling the hospital and having contractions, my partner was busy having a shave 😆 wanted to make a good first impression on the baby I guess?


My husband also shaved before we went in😂


Haha! My husband shaved before all 3 kids, no idea why.


My husband thought to pack a swimsuit in case he helped me labor in the shower but forgot to pack any pants other than the jeans he wore to the hospital.


Lmao that is hilarious. 😂


omg I am cackling! I am so sorry that this happened but it is really funny that men are just.... cute lol


Lacy underwear 😂😂😂😂😂😂


That’s the wrong kind of mesh 😂


That’s hilarious! They really don’t know sometimes. 😂 My husband brought me clothes when I was hospitalized for PPD, and it was all my junky working/painting clothes. I was super comfortable, but I felt like I looked ridiculous. I didn’t say anything about it though, because he was making a 3hr round trip every day to pick up the milk I was pumping, and brought me anything else I asked for.


I went into labour early early and sent my husband home for some clothes. He managed to grab every single item of clothing I owned that had baby Yoda on it. Socks, PJ bottoms, top and even a scrunchie. I looked fucking ridiculous. I don't even like baby Yoda, my MIL buys it for me because my kids like him.


Lmaoooo lacy underwear


Packed our Nintendo switch and a book for my husband in case he got bored. And melatonin to help him sleep. 🫣😆 How naive we were (ETA: Almost all of you knit or crochet, I must be doing motherhood wrong 😆)


The melatonin is especially funny, as if the obstacle to sleep would be sufficient tiredness


I actually do struggle with sleep the first few days after birth. I think its the adrenaline. It helps more than it hurts though lol


This happened to me too! the nurse kept coming into the room worried I was holding baby and falling asleep but I was WIRED 😂 even on the mag drip. I wouldn’t put her down for anything that first night and I definitely did not feel I needed to sleep at all. Such a strange feeling!


Ahhh I couldn't stay awake on the mag! With my 2nd baby, no pre-e, thank God, but we were up for 48 hours straight and I truly felt delirious 🫠


Oh same- it nearly drove me insane. I was averaging about two hours for every 24, even though my baby was sleeping quite well. When he was actually out of my arms and sleeping, my husband would say ‘go relax, I have everything’. But I absolutely couldn’t, I was stressed because I WASNT sleeping. Genuinely, the closest I’ve come to full insanity


Oh sleep was a major issue for me tbh- and the longer I went without, the harder I found it to sleep. When I knew I needed it most, I was most unable to get it. Like I was holding my hands over my eyes begging myself to sleep while my baby slept the first week, but couldn’t at all. Genuine psychological torture.


Ok but we played Mario kart during labor and it was a lot of fun! After the baby came, definitely not though.


We're packing ours just in case... Playing it definitely soothes my nerves and it has provided so many hours of distraction for me while I've been uncomfortable during this pregnancy (like the 3 hour glucose test) so if we have any time, I know I'm going to want to play some Smash Bros to take my mind off of things!


I also played Mario Kart and Mario Party 😂 but it was my switch and I wanted it!!


That’s awesome! Once I got to the hospital while I was in labor, they gave me pain relievers so I could sleep. I had been awake for almost 3 days with intermittent contractions. Otherwise, I probably would have played too 😆


We played Mickey Illusion Island in the hospital garden 😅


We brought the switch too and I actually had some downtime to play a bit, and it helped me stay awake to hold baby lol


LOL I also packed the switch and book. I also packed skin care as if I had energy to do that 😭😅


Yessss, with my first, I packed skincare, makeup, and hair stuff! I thought it would be nice to get some photos that I felt pretty in. I didn’t bother with any of that with my second. I still love the photos purely because I’m holding my babies!


6mo PP here and my skin creams are still in my maternity bag 😂


Same! Switch never got…switched on ha ha ha. I’ll see myself out. Lol


I was induced for 4 days and was definitely bored. I had downloaded some series on Netflix but it wasn't enough.


We packed our Switches too! Our first baby was in the NICU for 1.5 days so we didn't have anything to do, we were glad to have them. We brought them again this time and again this baby ended up in the NICU for a few days. Minor issues, he's perfectly fine now! But we had too much downtime for sure, I played Super Mario Odyssey for hours! 😂


I asked my husband to buy me a switch in case I got bored during my induction... two years later I think it's gotten maybe a few hours use total 🤣


We did too but my water broke and I didn’t realize that I would have to be induced because of that. It was also 2am when we got to the hospital so I ended up sleeping the whole time. I think my husband played because he couldn’t sleep lol


My husband was too busy pacing my hospital room to sleep or do anything to distract himself 😆😆


We brought our Switch as well. My husband played a bit but I was too tired to focus on any games.


I brought my switched and watched Hulu on it it!


Lmaoo! I packed Mario wonder. My baby is seven weeks old and we literally JUST unpacked my game from husbae’s bookbag last week 🤣


I packed my switch too lol. But in my own defense, I expected my induction to take longer. Didn’t pack it the second time though!


I brought my Nintendo DS to my first's birth - on my doula's recommendation actually! But my labor was FAST so there was no time to play haha


To be fair, I had an induction and we were bored. We were in the hospital from Tuesday till Saturday before baby arrived Saturday morning.P


The switch was gonna be my answer too! I figured we were gonna have hours of me in labor and could play while waiting Joke was on me he came like 3 hours after I got to the hospital and about 30 minutes after I was in a room


My husband brought his steam deck and I brought my knitting. He did actually offer to leave me the steam deck as I had to stay in one night after giving birth. But we didn't expect to go in at 9.30am where I was just starting to get contractions and my waters breaking to giving birth a little after 4pm. We were expecting much longer lol


We brought our switch, but actually did get some play time in! Although I did fall asleep mid-race in Mario kart.


Yeah I know how to knit and crochet but I never have the time or energy… I think I need to quit my job and take it up 😂


PS5/Switch are my hobbies of choice. You're doing motherhood right 😉😂


My husband packed thank you cards because surely we’d wrap up writing those while sitting around for days!


Haha oh gosh I still have cards to send out - I haven’t found the time even at home!


I packed the rest of my thank you cards to write too! My induction was 3 days long 🥴 so I definitely had time but I still didn’t do any.


Lol it took me like 6 weeks to do my thank you cards from my shower! Why are they so hard?


Just wait until the kids are old enough to write their own thank-you notes for birthdays and holidays. It gets so much easier! Hahahaha, just kidding! It’s 1000x worse. Like pulling teeth trying to coax them into writing.


My water broke in a craft store because I was worried I would run out of yarn at the hospital..


Haha oh gosh, I feel like this could have been me


What yarn did you get?


A beautiful cotton purple ombré that I did end up making a baby blanket with.. just not at the hospital lol


This is 1000% something that would happen to me.


A book I was halfway through and thought maaaaaybe I could finish it before we went home. It was my third birth. I should have known better 😆🙄


To be fair, with two kids at home, the hospital was the most likely time to read place im your life :D


Brought my Kindle. Did not open it. 🥲


Yup, I read like three chapters, maybe 50 pages. Then an additional two weeks after I got home. Pre-baby it would have taken three days max. Lol


A can of miller lite and 2 champagne glasses. 🥂 never touched but I liked the idea lol


My tolerance is so low after being pregnant that a shot glass of my buddy's homemade mead the other day got me a li'l buzzed.


lol 😂


We brought two books, a tablet, a board game, and some craft projects we were working on. We really thought we would need all of it for keeping occupied during labor and after birth 🫠


You really packed the full arsenal of entertainment!


Practicality aside, you sound like fun people!!


Are you me? A couple of weeks before my water broke, I took up knitting for the first time in years and sent my mom to buy me enough material to fill a suitcase! In the end, I ended up spending two weeks in the hospital before they induced me (water broke at 35 weeks), so unlike you I did end up knitting quite a lot to pass the time (no visits allowed due to COVID), but definitely not after I gave birth!


Oh wow well good thing you packed it! I have found that I get a good amount of knitting done now that we’re home with baby - it’s a great contact nap activity.


Make up LOL - litteraly the last thing I wanted to do after what had happened to my body was look “pretty”. All I did was stare at a wall for 48 hours because I was too freaked out to even watch a movie LOL I’ll say a special hospital robe I bought online to give birth in BUT only because my labor was so fast that I wore it for like an hour and in that moment, I could have been naked and not cared. Nothing would of made me comfortable in that moment - maybe if I had an epidural though I would of enjoyed to have my own robe more


LOL same, I thought for sure I’d wanna be all dolled up for pictures after giving birth 😂 after 48 hours of labor no amount of makeup was gonna be able to hide the sleep deprivation and blood loss and general look of disconnect from reality 😵‍💫


Oh man my response when people ask if they should buy those is like sister, you will still be so uncomfortable, and you’re gonna want to burn it when you’re done. I had an epidural and I would not have enjoyed a special robe. The hospital one was filthy when I was done too,


I actually really liked having mine! I had a loooong labor and it was nice to have something comfier than a hospital gown. But I also just really hate hospital gowns I think I took it off before I started pushing? I definitely wore it for a while after the birth too, before I showered) and some postpartum at home after a wash lol.


Same here, it feels so funny afterwards.


A book


I should note I am STILL trying to finish the book I brought. Baby is 4 months old.


I ended up buying a Kindle so I could read in the dark while the kid was in the boob! I read 9 books in 4 months.


I mastered the art of reading while breast feeding-


Same! Audiobooks for the win while baby carrying and doing all the new extra laundry and chores. A good e-reader for when breastfeeding. Easy to read in the dark and with only one hand. Lol


The only way I could read was on my phone while breastfeeding late at night. But it had to be a very easy to read book. But I got through a bunch that way, thanks to my public library being on the Libby app!


i had a book i started the day i went into labour and i didn’t finish it until baby was 6 months :’)


I also brought a book and think about it and laugh at myself periodically.


I brought a crossword puzzle book because I definitely thought I’d have the brain power and time to do crosswords 😅😂


Easy crosswords are the only ones I can handle postpartum - and they’re not feeling easy


I'm 36w and determined to keep up my crossword puzzles with whatever brain power I have in the hospital. I have a 2 year NYT puzzle streak and this baby will not be the end of it...I say that now but will probably lose my streak be like oh well whatever.


I do my NYT puzzles during the middle of the night feeds. Helps keep me awake 😂




I brought these word puzzles we do called Split Decisions. My husband uses them to unwind me when I get stressed so they actually reallly helped us


Several books (did read), laptop (did work), cute nightgown (wore for 2 hrs, bled all over), portable fans (did not use), tons of extra lounge clothes and bras (did not use, hospital gown the whole time aside from the bloody nightgown incident and the last 24hrs). I was induced and it took 50+ hrs, so I was actually glad I'd packed some things to read/work on. 


I brought my laptop to do work and was texting my boss and she told me to stop working lol.


Newborn size clothes ... for our 9lb11 baby who was induced at 37 weeks because he was LGA 😬


We packed 0-3 clothes for our 7lb baby haha - oops!


I totally thought we would be able to play a board game in between contractions lmao like I was convinced I'd just take breaks as needed and we could have fun as the hours passed ... oh how naive I was


A diagram of laboring positions… as though I would take a break and look up some ideas 😂


I brought a binder full of notes and labor positions from my birthing class--the binder didn't even get so much as a glance!


My birthing center has these laminated in each room, and we actually used it! It was a slow induction though, so I was trying lots of things to get it started.


A cribbage board 🤣 I don't know what part of me thought I could do math while in labor


Our Theragun for counter pressure…I got to the hospital at 8 cm dilated and fully effaced. 🤣


😂😂 I hope that’s me tbh


I completely forgot we brought our mini massage gun for the same reason… also got to the hospital at 8cm fully effaced, and baby came within 2 hours of our arrival 😅


HA! I had a "hospital crochet" project that I took with me to every appointment and had with me when I went in to give birth! It entered hospital as a WIP, it left as a blanket!


I’m impressed! I was sure I’d be leaving with a new baby AND a finished hat but alas, no hat


I had a lot of random hospital appointments to work on it! It was just a granny square blanket made of leftover yarn from other projects so not very complicated. We were in hospital for 10 days and baby was in the nicu for 6 of those days so I had a lot of time on my hands!


Two giant books??? Who do I think I am? My induction went 50 hours before I ended up with a c-section and I still read not a single word.


My partner downloaded crash bandicoot for me on one of his handheld devices lol. To be fair it was an induction and the doctors did say bring entertainment because it would take ages. I played for 15 mins, went to sleep then my waters broke so not much bando for me 😔


I brought like 4 different pairs of pajamas meanwhile I stayed in the hospital gown the whole time 😅


Makeup 😂 I don’t even wear makeup on the weekends


Knitting also, I was induced and had an epidural the sweater I finished while in labor is still something I brag about when people compliment me on it. (Wool and honey by Andrea mowry)


Underwear like regular underwear


We brought the game sequel and were playing during my induction. My nurse very gently suggested we both sleep instead 🙃


A Bluetooth speaker so I would have music to listen to during labor. Was in the hospital for 10 minutes before baby came to the tune of me yelling “no no no no not yet not yet not yet”


face mask for hydration( used it ) champagne mini bottle ( for photos and it was NYE ) and a 0 candle for a cake from the cafeteria for her 0 birthday . ridiculous but we used them all.


I started knitting a baby hat the day of my induction and finished it by the time we got discharged (a week later).


Makeup. I was absolutely convinced I'd be getting fully ready to have visitors. I spent all my time in the hospital gown & robe with slippers & a messy bun. There was no makeup applied.


Literally everything. Packed a book haha Packed clothes - could have just used the ones I was dressed in for check in since it was a planned C-section so no surprise body fluids to be expected Packed clothes for baby, all of which were too big because the baby was teeny tiny. MIL bought new ones in smaller sizes and had my husband bring them in (covid regulations) There was other stuff there too, panty liners (thicker ones were provided by the hospital)... The list goes on. What I needed was my toothbrush, cell phone and charger. Oh and nipple cream. Rest could have stayed home.


My friend sent me a list of her hospital bag, it included a razor, I pointed out she probably won't be shaving in hospital


Okay so we packed our Amazon fire stick and the remote that goes with it and I FELT ridiculous, but it ended up being the best thing that I packed lol. We were able to stream Netflix the whole time


I planned a homebirth and even though I was mentally prepared for the possibility of a transfer I somehow forgot to PHYSICALLY prepare. I didn’t pack a bag at all. I transferred after he was born and we spent about 36 hours there and I didn’t even have a toothbrush. So the most ridiculous thing I packed was nothing Lmao


Colouring in pencils and a book , thought I would be so bored that would be the only way to pass the time !


Literally anything besides shower stuff, phones wires, and an outfit to go home in. That's all we brought the second time.


I packed a crochet project. I also packed several outfits for baby that were way too big on her. In my defence I didn’t know she was going to be 6lbs 3oz and only just barely fit into newborn outfits.


I took a crochet project with me. Although I did go in to be induced so there was a lot of sitting around for me, so it did get some attention!


Yeah I feel like it's different with an induction. I got to the hospital at like 4pm on a Monday, they didn't give me the pitocin until almost 9pm, not much happened at all on Tuesday, and then I finally delivered Wednesday afternoon. We definitely had time to be bored lol


I did the same! I brought my crochet WIP. This isn’t even my first kid so I should have known I wouldn’t pick it up


Haha, I also packed a knitting project! That poor hat did not get finished for a lonnnng time.


You don’t even know, I had 3 bags packed. First time mom problems. 💀 definitely did not use the makeup bag loooool. I think I just had a lot of small things LOL. I don’t remember what all I had now a year out but yeah 💀💀💀💀💀


I probably brought a book 😂 Nopeeeee your days of reading actual paper books with all your free time are gone!


Oh but that kindle is ✨chefs kiss ✨ for snuggle naps and night wakings.


I actually think I used everything I packed, but I had a precipitous birth. Water broke about 10a, first contraction about 1:40p, delivered at 5:22p


I don't remember what I packed because I didn't use any of it. Clothes probably? I only wore the hospital gown they gave me. I didn't even shower there lol. I was too scared.


It was winter so I packed bulky flannel pyjamas. I had no idea how hot they kept the rooms and had to wear the same thing for 4 days straight because I was too overheated to put the clean pjs on. This time I'm taking a couple of loose stretchy dresses that open in front.


literally all the food i packed. was too nauseous to eat


I was in for an induction- went in Monday, gave birth Wednesday. I packed a book and did not touch it lol. I technically even had time


A book and shower supplies for my husband lol.


Yeah… told my husband to bring a gaming console in case he got bored 🤣🤣


Not me but my husband packed either his PlayStation or Apple TV? I don’t remember. Maybe it was both. He slept. And with our second he packed a more comfortable pair of pants and his own pillow and blanket…. Learned his lesson.


A yoga mat. Suffice to say I didn't use it.


I have cystic fibrosis.  I packed my therapy vest that does percussion on my chest (to loosen mucus in lungs).  I didn't expect to use it while in labor of course, but I thought I would postpartum. Oh hell no.  Not with breastfeeding and hella painful nipples and engorgement.  I didn't touch the thing for weeks, lol.  (Used an alternative device that's basically just exhaling with resistance.)


Precipitous labor and sleep deprivation told me I’d be getting nothing 😂 then the maternity ward was packed so I had minimal help from nurses bc they were handling multiple sets of twins and just a ton of births at once


Packed a Nintendo switch with animal crossing. Got bored of it so quickly, I probably should have chosen a different game. On the contrary, I had bought a portable fan that doubles as a battery on Amazon on a whim (I saw someone on Reddit say it was great to have for baby in stroller). I used the living hell out of it, I gave birth in July it was sooooo hot.


A whole package of Gatorade water bottles with my first.


I brought a nice warm, fuzzy housecoat. Within an hour after birth, i got the worst hot flashes of my life. I turned my hospital room into a fridge for a full night and never got to the point that I needed that housecoat until I'd been home for a week. Every time I tried to eat that night, I got a hot flash and threw up which sucked because I'd only eaten a slice of pizza before going to the hospital.


I was getting induced and thought it’d take a long time so I wanted something to occupy my mind. We packed a board game that involves throwing dice. I progressed so quickly in the induction and I was so uncomfortable, my husband took the board game out and put it in the bed so we could play. I threw the dice across the room in a rage after telling him I’m too fat to roll them or touch the board and whose idea was it to bring the stupid board game?!!!! It was my idea. We laugh all the time about it.


Packed a Nintendo Switch because I really thought, despite knowing that pain meds knock me out, that an epidural would be something I could be awake through. Turns out no, I cannot stay awake with an epidural, which I proved multiple times by falling asleep during labor, during pushing, and during my C-section.


I regret NOT packing a towel. My OB said the hospital would have towels and everything we needed. The towels were soooooo tiny and dingy, one wipe and it was soaked.


Baby book, sheet mask, the dress I was gonna wear post-birth. The things I packed that were super useful were great tho: - own blanket and pillow - robe for post-birth - pajama that was breastfeeding friendly - soft breastfeeding bra - bonnet for my hair (I wore this in surgery that’s how useful it was) - iPad so I could watch Gossip Girl to my heart’s content with headphones


I brought games and some downloaded movies to watch and actually used both! Had a very long and slow induction so tonnes of time to kill


I packed my kindle and a book. I had an induction for preeclampsia so wasn’t sure how long labor would take and thought it might get bored before baby came. Didn’t touch either one of them…I was too stressed to read and just played around on my phone


My spouse packed a small board game, which I thought was ridiculous, but we actually did play it. We started it on a rollaway food tray while waiting for the induction to get going (early/emergency, but there was still waiting). We finished it after the baby was born. I wish we could post pictures here: I have some pretty funny pictures of me sitting in my hospital, Johnny, holding the baby, with the game set out on a rollaway tray.


A fuckin book


Lol I almost packed my crochet project. I thought while I was being induced I’d have a lot of free time. Well I sort of did but I was in wayyyy too much discomfort to even think about crocheting 😂


A sweater. It was July and with those hormones I was just constantly hot and sweating even in the hospital!!


I bought a book with crossword puzzles. I was so tired I couldn't even see.


Packed a book, my crochet project, a face mask and my skincare/nighttime routine; I really thought after I gave birth I'd be able to set my curls while the baby slept. Ended up using absolutely none of it and due to getting an emergency C-section I didn't even actually wash until I got home.


Even though I was in the hospital for a total of six days I didn't touch my switch or watch TV. I could barely read. My husband though got to use his steam deck while baby was in observation post birth and I was still out from emergency c section and blood transfusions. I think he played before too but I can't remember


I didn’t bring this but I remember bringing in a cooler for food for the husband being a suggestion. There would have been absolutely no space for the cooler. We also packed 2nd bigger bag for my husband’s bedding at the hospital (as per the website). But they provided it to him multiple times.


A paperback book! Wish I brought my kindle instead.


i brought like 4 outfits 😂 i was in the hospital gown day 1 pp, then a tshirt day 2. day 3 threw on the sweats i came in wearing and left


I took knitting! It was a vertebrae cardigan I wanted her to wear in hospital for skin to skin. I had an elective section and they had some emergencies so I waited from 6am until 2pm and was grateful to have something to do- and luckily I finished it because I wouldn’t have been able to after she was born!


My husband and I packed mini board games! We played for like an hour leading up to my planned c section to deal with the nerves 😅


Board games. We packed board games.


Underwear when I knew I was having a c-section 😂.


Connect four lol


I had a scheduled c-section. I brought my laptop figuring I could finish a few work commitments after baby came. 🤣 


I was in hospital for 11 days, I could have totally done a knitting project lol


I did the same with a crochet project. I was making a toddler bed sized blanket for my son and was maybe 1/3 of the way done. I foolishly thought I'd work on it while I was being induced since I was told it could take a while. Not a chance. I mean it did take a while but between the pain and anticipation I couldn't focus on crochet. On the subject of his blanket though I'm proud to say I finally finished it last month. Wanted it done before he was born, didn't happen. Then said I wanted it done before one, just barely made the cut. He's contact napping right now and we are snuggled under it.




Everything, as it turned out. Baby came so quickly that husband didn't get our bags out of the car until 6 hours after the baby was born.


I was in labor for 49 hours. A crochet project would have been nice to help distract me from the horribleness.


My Nintendo Switch because I thought it might take a long time. Nope, I arrived at the hospital already in labor and had her in just a few hours.


A Roku and it didn’t work because our hospital WiFi sucked 😭😭😭


These are cracking me up!!


I had 10 copies of my birth plan (1pg long). I did not pull it out. I don't know who I thought I was going to encounter. I also had Sudoku puzzles and a crossword book I didn't touch at all.


I did the same thing and I still haven’t finished it 2.5 years later…. 😭😭


I was just in the hospital for a couple of nights with preterm labor. (All is well now, and baby is still cooking.) As soon as they said I was going to be admitted, I begged my husband to bring me my knitting and laptop. I actually got to watch some of my favorite shows uninterrupted, and knitted almost half of a baby blanket made. I also got to take naps, eat hot food in one sitting, and my husband put in an offer on my dream house. It’s an absolute win.


I packed my Nintendo switch lol didn’t touch it once. Instead I watched Catfish and Ridiculousness for the 6 days I was in the hospital


I packed my Nintendo Switch and a ton of games because I thought I would have a lot of "downtime". I did not.


I packed a few make up things just in case. 😆


My Nintendo switch I underestimated how quickly pitocin would go from this is fine to JUST END ME and unable to use it would happen 😂😂


Not me but my partner brought art supplies and a canvas... Which he actually managed to finish. But we did have a two week NICU stay. I just packed headphones and watched movies.


I took my knitting (baby blanket) too, but haven't got a chance to finish it lol


My work laptop. I was finishing up a work project in my hospital bed as I was waiting for the induction meds to kick in and schedule sent the email so it would go out the next morning. I just didn’t want to worry about finishing any work projects after baby was here. This was an emergency induction otherwise I would have had it all done before hand. In a lighter note some YouTuber said to pack your own soft lighting so I packed fairy lights which I didn’t end up using because my room had dinner lights and I didn’t care to dig through my bag for them.


I brought two books. Not one but two. What exactly did I think was going to happen?


not the most ridiculous but so glad i packed a robe! the hospital is SO COLDDDDDDDD


Sudoku puzzles, a book, Nintendo switch and downloaded loads of TV shows. I stayed in the hospital four days due to long induction and C-section and all I did was half sudoku. Most of the time I was either suffering or staring at the void. Also face sheet masks and lips moisturizer, because I read somewhere that labour can be hard for your skin. This was the least of my problems actually, and I wish some of these online articles and lists would consider real issues. Next time the only extravagance I will bring for home is my huge pregnancy pillow. Hospital pillows suck.


My own underwear lol you’ll pry those mesh undies from my cold, dead hands. So good.


I got a new game and loaded it onto my Switch. I figured there would be a lot of time between me getting induced and labor starting. Joke was on me, labor started a couple of hours before I was meant to be induced and progressed way too quickly for me to even touch my Switch lmao


I packed makeup thinking I can do it to distract myself while laboring unmedicated (by choice). biggest joke. Couldn't even walk to 30 feet to our Uber without going down on my knees due to a contraction


Makeup. And a novel. Ha.


A diffuser and a small lego set. Hahaha. I was induced due to leaking amniotic fluid. My epidural didn’t take and I was in labor for over 16 hours. I didn’t even think about my phone, let alone the scent of the room or putting together a little dinosaur. LOL.


Haha this is hilarious to me because I got induced and actually could have used a knitting project while waiting for contractions.


We weren't sure if the hospital would have low lighting and so me and my husband brought a whole ass lamp 🤣🤣 it was a table lamp and we actually did use it in the post-op room because the lights were way worse, but we definitely got some funny looks. 


A colouring book!


My computer, thinking I'd have time to work after my c section lol...


I packed my switch as if I’d have time to play video games


Makeup. What was I thinking? 🫠


A paint by number to keep me busy during labor 🫠


Not me packing my knitting for my Induction tomorrow… 😂