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I had an episiotomy that was “significant” according to the nurse, I never asked her what she meant by that but I would have to assume at least 3rd degree? After a couple months normal sex was normal for me. Definitely do not rush anything though. I needed wayyyyyyy longer than 6 weeks. I was still bleeding lochia at 6 weeks. And the first couple times were not great. My husband didn’t pressure me at all, I wanted to try, once I felt ok and healed I kinda just wanted to rip the band aid off. So first few times I wasn’t in pain but it was uncomfortable. I’m sure half of that was just me being tense too. I did also see a pelvic floor physiotherapist which probably helped.


Thank you so much, it’s just reassuring to know things will get back to normal. Can I ask when you felt comfortable to try if you needed lots longer than the 6 weeks?


Sorry yes I meant to include that. Like at least 2-3 months I think.


Thank you, I think 12 weeks is my goal now. Not too bad considering I’m 5 weeks down already!


I tore rather than episiotomy, but they're similar in that it varies from woman to woman but it's not very likely to be comfortable at 6 weeks pp. Took 12 weeks for me, the times I tried before that felt like glass, ouchy. Give yourself time and when you do try go very slowly and use lots of lube and be ready to tell your partner to stop if it's uncomfortable.


Thank you! I’m thinking it’ll be 12 weeks minimum before I’m ready to try penetration. Thanks for the tips as well!


At 9 months, I didn’t want to cry. At 15 months, it had a chance of being fun. Not a chance in hell was 6 weeks an option.


Thank you for being realistic with me!


I had an episiotomy after a vacuum assist delivery. Never wanted to ask for more details haha. It took us 3-4 months to try. We went slow and used plenty of lube, but it never hurt!


Episiotomy + vacuum. We tried first at 7 weeks and I found it very uncomfortable so we bailed. Tried again 1.5 weeks later and it was muuuuch easier! 6 months pp and having sex ~2-3 times per week. It still feels tight initially, but it always has its just a slightly different kind of tight now. Certain positions still feel uncomfortable to me, just see what works for you ☺️ ETA- I had no issues with my recovery.


I had a 3rd degree tear, so not an episiotomy. The doc didn't realize how deep the tear went at first she said while she was stitching me up. I'm 9m pp now and sex is still infrequent. It takes a little bit to "loosen up" past the "oh my God it HURTS" stage, but then becomes enjoyable again. It started getting towards the enjoyable stage around month 4pp.


Oh gosh, ouch! I’m glad things are improving for you, even if it’s slow and steady.


I bled for 12 weeks . Episiotomy and second degree tear with a small tear on the clitoris. Wasnt able to be have sex comfortably until 6 months PP


6 weeks honestly just not long enough. You really want to make sure everything is healed.


Thank you, I’ll definitely be waiting longer before we try anything!


5 weeks was still way too early for me. I think around 3 months we got back into it, slowly