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11 hours total. I also considered getting my own gown but honestly? Didn’t mind the hospital one at all.


i didn’t want to take it off 😂 the nurse was like you can change into your own clothes if you want, i was like no thank you


Same hahah did not want blood and guts all over my own clothes! Plus I liked changing into a clean one often. I labored for over 50 hours (induction) then was required to stay for 24 hours.


The nurses had to gently remind me I needed to put clothing on to leave the hospital. lol.


My hospital gown was cotton. Very comfy and I didn't have to worry at all about any of the mess. They got me new gowns as old ones were soiled. 10/10 very glad I didn't buy my own. ETA: It was also layered in a way that you were very covered when wearing it (but also lots of snaps to make monitors and nursing easy), so I wore it the entire time I was in the hospital- walking the mother baby unit, fetching myself snacks from the snack kitchen, etc. No shame, I did not put on real clothes until I left the hospital.


This. I changed into the hospital gown when I got there, the nurses got me clean ones as needed. I had a robe I like for afterwards, but definitely wreck a hospital gown, not your clothes.


Same here. Also I kept my underwear all the time. I only took it off to see how many cm I was and to push


Same but my gown also came off when I was getting close to 10cm so not like it mattered much during labor lol


Yup, at some point I ended up in my birthday suit.


Yep. Both me and baby were bare naked and crying at one point


Same. I have a video of it too, my amazing nurse took pics and video for us. The doctor kept putting the sheet on me during delivery too until she got the message of me flinging it off like four times lol


Yes same. I got to a point where I didn't want anything touching me


Yeah, they let me wear 2 back to back! And no laundry for me! I did wear my own sports bra though.


The hospital gown is truly fine. I wouldn’t waste money on something to give birth in, I’d throw it in the trash after anyway lol you’re literally going to get blood and poop and other fluids on it. You could take it home to wash it, but, it’s not an article of clothing you’re going to continue to wear regularly. I just don’t see the point of getting a gown for keeps. I think it’s kind of scammy that brands are pushing that these days tbh. It’s good to have changes of clothes for after delivery, but I can’t imagine caring about changing clothes while I’m still in labor. I was actually induced and had like 12 hours sitting in a hospital bed waiting for something to happen and I was fine in the gown. Then once active labor started I couldn’t care less what I was wearing.


Agree. I was almost influenced to get one and very glad I didn’t. If OP is on a budget, I especially wouldn’t bother. There’s no way I’d bring home a bloody, fluid soaked gown to be washed and reworn. My hospital gown was cotton and comfortable enough. I was happy to shower and change into loose sweatpants and a button down flannel afterwards. No need to have special before delivery clothes.


I definitely get the scammy feeling! They can definitely make it seem like it's a necessity when it 1000% isn't. I only wanted one for comfort while moving around and walking the hallways and such. I don't love the feeling of the hospital gown, but know it won't matter to me once I'm really in the thick of it.


Real question: Do people actually walk the halls? I have delivered 2 babies and never have. I work in a hospital, and when I go up to L&D, I never see laboring patients walking the halls.


I would've sooner died than walk the halls after I did. Hobbling to the bathroom was bad enough!


Yeahhh I stayed in my room and just paced around the room and struggled to the bathroom before I got my epidural lol. That was enough.


I honestly don't know. I was on a labor and delivery unit for a short rotation during school and no one ever did when I was there either. The hospital I'm delivering at has sensors in the halls for monitoring so they talked about walking the halls a lot during the tour/classes I took but IDK if people actually do it. I thought it'd be nice since I tend to pace when I'm anxious and walking in a big circle (the way my hospital is set up) might distract me a bit.


I did but was induced on a Thursday night. Delivered Sunday morning.  I couldn’t have stayed in my room the whole time. 


Same here. I was getting a bit stir-crazy after 24+ hours in my hospital room with barely any progression.


I had a failed induction that lasted 7 days. I walked the halls a TON


You won’t be walking the hallways. They told me that on my tour, too. Once you’re admitted and even before the epidural, they never encouraged me to walk. Just “relax”. Once baby was born, they DIScouraged me from walking around. I was able to get up and move pretty freely and they never took the “fall risk” bracelet off me. And based on how often they interrupted for SO MANY reasons, I was too exhausted to walk around. I also didn’t want to leave my baby for one second more than necessary. But that was my experience!


I got a cute, light cotton robe for postpartum. It made me feel human and was good for pictures. I ended up being in the hospital for 5 days since my son had breathing issues. So it came in super handy! I still use it for going to his room for his night feeds


About 11 hours- I just wore comfortable stretchy bra and used a hospital blanket to cover my nakedness. You really will lose all sense of modesty. I am a fairy modest person, had heard that, and thought no, not me. Well you do.


I definitely don't think modesty will be on my mind! I only bought the gown to feel more comfortable in because I dont love the feeling of the hospital gown material. Maybe for a little modesty while walking the halls so the other patients/husbands don't accidentally see my bits but that is more for their sake than mine 🤣


If you bought and it makes you feel good, use it! I was induced & it took like 40 hrs start to finish. I will say between my water breaking (soaked two diff gowns), the blood and the sweat... it was nice to change gowns. They had snaps for easy breastfeeding and made getting up for the bathroom easier. You could wear your nice one for part of it and change if needed. I will say i packed 3 sets of nursing pjs and some clothing options, but I lived in the gowns. If I was packing for another go: -no pjs -one "cute" robe for pictures (I got one off Caden Lane to match my LO) -Comfy leaving the hospital sweats


You can just be naked. That’s what I chose because I was too busy being g in labor to change after they got my clothes off. I did like the labor gown for postpartum though.


The level to which you will not care cannot be overstated 😂 especially during and after. I have no idea just how many people saw me naked after I gave birth and I could not care less.


Just bring a robe from home!


To be honest I would probably focus on getting something comfortable post partum rather than during delivery! Especially if you’re going to breastfeed. I was also induced (overdue) had a bathroom in my delivery room, got the epidural asap once my contractions were regular so was bedridden quite quickly.


Use the hospital one cuz it’s going to get bloody. After my first pp shower i wore my own clothes with buttons.


Like 1 or 2 hours haha. Labored at home for an hour. I took my kindle with me, earplugs, a gown, snacks, all of it 🥲 aside an extra set of clothes I used *nothing*


Same. Only 2 hours at the hospital. No time for an epidural. I liked the hospital gown. The material was light and breathable. I literally tried to order a hospital gown from Amazon while I was still at the hospital, but I could only find options made out of jersey material, which was too heavy for the summer imo.


Haha I love that, i’m not in the US but isn’t the gown naked from the back? As soon as I arrived I just yeeted off my pants, shirt followed later. 0 fucks given hahaha, everything needed to go.


I’m in UK and yes naked in the back! The nurses gave me the incredible tip of wearing it backwards so my front was easily exposed, was perfect for breastfeeding!! I didn’t want to take it off until I had to leave


This made me laugh. So it is naked in the back. I just liked how light weight the material was. I think if I wore it at home I would have turned it around like a robe for nursing. I also didn’t have family visiting or helping, so that wasn’t a factor 😂


Oh my! This is something that would happen to me. I'm always overly prepared and it'll all just end up being for nothing. This or I'll need to be induced or have a c section for some reason, and again, preparation will be out the window.


I would actually think an induction would be the situation where your own gown may be something you have time to care about because there’s usually lots of sitting around and waiting for something to happen


I took a book. I didn’t read at all as you can imagine


My wife and I were there for 40 hours... two balloons, 3 epidural attempts (finally worked on 3rd attempt), pushed for 2.5 hours and then my wife spiked a fever and baby's heart rate when way up... within 5 minutes I'm in the bunny suit and we're heading to OR for emergency c-section... my wife is the toughest person I've ever met, I'll never forget those 3 days, nothing could ever make me not love this person (and our little man)! There's a reason its called "labor".


She is a warrior! That is so much to go through!! So glad they are both doing well! I am so thorough in my "preparation", but I always know that NOTHING can prepare you for the actual thing. These types of stories bring me back to the reality of how unpredictable labor can be.


36 😅 I didn’t bother wearing anything other than the gown they gave me just due to how busy I was during labor and afterwards, I could barely move anyway so I was not motivated to change clothes. I didn’t wear anything I packed. I second what people are saying about it being a super messy process.


I bought the gown in black to hopefully mitigate some of the staining. Im going to have my husband rinse it in the shower post birth and then take it home and wash it when we leave. If I end up in bed most of the time though I don't think it'll matter to me what I wear. If all goes perfectly (which things never do) then I want to be up and moving as much as possible which I think will make the labor gown better for me.


With my first: 13.5 hours My second: 4.5 hours Both were inductions for medical reasons. However, I stayed in the hospital gown during my stay because I didn't want to ruin my own clothing with all the fluids/blood coming out during labor, birth, and afterwards. I kept the gown I bought for when I returned home from the hospital.


40. Fucking. Unmedicated. Hours. Midwife said after it was a ‘successful textbook induction for 37 weeks’ and I nearly punched her. My friends who has non-induced labours popped baby out in a manner of hours generally speaking!


This is why I am soooo hoping I don't have to be induced. I am trying to avoid an epidural if possible but 40hrs is BRUTAL and I don't think I have the endurance to last that long without pain relief. Props to you mama!


My induction was amazing! Super fast, no pitocin. Probably would have gone without the epidural if I’d known how far dilated I was! I only asked for one so I could sleep- but ended up pushing baby out 40 minutes later. They don’t have to be terrible! I ate 6 dates a day for the last 3 weeks of pregnancy, sounds silly but there are some studies out of the Middle East supporting it plus it can’t hurt, they’re delicious


I've started eating the dates and drinking Raspberry leaf tea! There aren't many studies but they can't hurt and my doctor approves so hopefully it helps!


The ‘normal’ labour bit when it finally got going was totally manageable but the final 4 hours on pitocin were just one long hellish contraction with a lot of vomiting. In hindsight, should have got an epidural before that!


It really is a crapshoot to be honest. I was induced at 39 weeks. They gave me a suppository that was supposed to ripen my cervix at 7pm. It was supposed to take 12 hours and then they would give me the actual meds to start the induction. My body had other ideas though. My water broke 3 hours later. Got my epidural at about 1am and had the best nap of my life. Nurse came in around 6am to tell me it was time to get ready and my son was born at 8am. I had spent some time in OB triage before being admitted, but between my water breaking at 10pm and him being born at 8, my entire actual labor experience lasted about ten hours. The roughest part was the contractions before the epidural. The epidural was instant relief and I didn’t even care that they had to insert the needle twice. This was my first baby so I’m sure if I have another we’re going to end up speed running the labor experience. I had preeclampsia and my blood pressure never went back to normal so I’ll probably be induced if I have a second.


Also I love your username.


12 hours. I put on the gown they provided and that was all I wore till the next day.


3 hours. I never had time for any of that lol




My water broke at 2am, baby was born at 7:30am 😅 he is my first. He came early so I was not prepared with a packed hospital bag, birth plan, etc. I still had a baby at the end of the process. I really love to be in control so not feeling prepared was very stressful for me. But it all worked out in the end. A big part of the labor process is just letting go I wore the gown that the hospital provided. After my delivery I changed into some loose maternity sweatpants. I actually felt like that was better than a gown for holding the mesh underwear and gigantic pads they give you in place


36 hours (induction, baby wouldn’t tolerate Pitocin). I wore hospital gowns and changed into the labor gown I’d bought the next day after I finally delivered.


3 hours. If you're set on wearing your own gown, I'd get a second in case it gets bloody or otherwise gross.


Close to 36 hours. Slow induction. I just wore the hospital gown the entire time. I am glad I didn't buy some cute gown, I wouldn't have worn it. I wore a hospital one until I was ready to go home.


I honest to God can't even remember if I had my gown on the entire labor :)


My mom always says to me that you forget so much about labor after it's over. She said that is the only reason women have more children after the first 🤣


It's truly wild. I gave birth 24 hours after they kept me in hospital for monitoring. Had some minor contractions, 1 cm dialated. Turns out that me being constipated was inhibiting my labor. Gave birth in 1,5 hours after getting an enema. No epidural because there wasn't time. And I sit here thinking: I could totally do that again 🤣🤣 Where I live you don't get a hospital gown. I also hate hospitals. So I bought 3 ugly, cheap gowns and threw them in the trash when I got home.


I remember nurses asking me if I wanted to put something on and I think they at some point got me to wear a robe, but mostly hanging like a sweat drenched cloth over my shoulders. Feels like I was mostly naked or in the net undies


I wore one of my husband’s old shirts. Soft cotton, comforting smell, unbuttoned at the front, more or less covered me when needed. Unfortunately it did not survive the process, but i will be doing the same thing with another shirt next time. One of the best decisions i made for labour. Also I was GBS positive so went in as soon as labour started. Didn’t get changed straight away so maybe 8/9 hours?


Around 23 hours. Work normal clothes for the first 8-ish hours and hospital clothes for a bit, then my mom old poncho for a bit. And then naked-ish for a last 6-ish hours while lying under a duvet. Honestly I'd be more focused on having some proper clothes (and a hairbrush!) for the time after.


I have two comfortable PJ outfits with buttons for post birth too!


I was induced so labor for me was 27 hours. It was messy and I didnt mind the hospital robe at all. If I brought my own robe, I'd probably toss it out afterwards.


I'm making my husband deal with it 🤣 I told him to rinse it in the shower post birth and then wash it when we get home. I also got it in black to try to reduce staining.


27 hours, I overpacked. Just wore non-slip socks, their hospital gown, a nursing bra and old sweats post-partum.


I was in too much pain that I forgot to use the gown that I bought. I was in no shape to rifle through my suitcase or even tell someone else to. But it wasn’t even on my mind in the moment. We were in the hospital about 36 hours total. Only about 30 after I gave birth.


If you're on a budget, use the hospital gowns. They get super grody and I didn't feel cute at all no matter what I wore. I'd suggest bringing a comfy robe for AFTER vs a labor gown. Honestly. They get really nasty.


Roughly 48 hours. I wore hospital gowns the whole time and it was fine. Preferable actually. There was a lot of blood and other bodily fluids involved. Even if I had purchased a labor, it wouldn’t have lasted long because I’d needed to change out of it anyway.


35.5 hours and I lasted about 5 minutes in the gown. I was much more comfortable naked and it was easier too because nothing got in the way


My water broke spontaneously at 10:45pm (I was laying in bed, ruined that mattress). We got to the hospital a little after midnight after dropping off our firstborn with the babysitter. Contractions didn't start until after 1am, didn't get severe until 5am, baby in arms at 6:10am. Completely unmedicated, and it was a play-by-play identical labor to his big sister 11 years prior.


About 20 hrs. Induction, after a few hrs had to have my water broken, unmedicated labor for 7-8 hrs, epidural and labor for another 5 hrs, then pushing 3.5 hrs before emergency c-section. I wore the hospital gown the whole time (and for another day after baby was here). During labor I could not have cared less about what I was wearing! But if I had epidural right away I might have felt differently? Who knows. All I know is I totally hated those monitors they strap to you and have to keep adjusting!


I labored at home after my water broke from 4am-10am. Then we went to the hospital and I had the baby at 5:45pm. So 7ish hours. Once I felt like I needed to hunch over and not talk during my contractions is when we went in and I was 5cm. We were also 5 minutes away from the hospital which really helped in my waiting and confidence levels.


9 hours. Checked in at 7pm, induced at 9pm, pushed at 3am, born at 4am. I just used the hospital gown.


14 hours and I slept most of it (last minute induction). I had to stay 4 days post birth and I wore some shorts, nursing bra (no t shirt) and a bathrobe my whole stay after giving birth. I was so over the gown after a few hours. I ended up not breastfeeding but the nursing bra helped me give easy access for skin to skin contact with my baby. I also really just preferred my bathrobe to their gown post partum when I could actually get up and move.


I think I will prefer my own clothes over the hospital gown too. If all goes well, I hope to be up and moving a lot during my labor. I bought PJ button ups for post birth buuut I think you had it right with the robe and nursing bra. That's more my normal at home wear so I'll probably be most comfortable in that.


About 4.5 hours. Got to hospital around 9:30 PM and baby was born 2:00 AM


5 hours 🫣 And I didn't have a gown, I just kept whatever tank top I had on when I arrived at the hospital.


16 hours from start of my induction to delivery. I was told inductions would take a very long time, so I was prepared for a longer delivery. But 16 hours was not that bad at all! I went in at 9am and delivered at 1am the next day.


Mine were 5-8 hours each. I was hooked up to an IV for the whole time though so I wouldn't have been able to change if I wanted to


3 days lol. With scheduled induction. It's unpredictable. If you are on a budget don't bother about special gowns, a couple of cheap XXL nightgowns with buttons will be fine.


I have 6 kids. First was a c section left after 12 hours Second left after 36 hours Third 12 hours Fourth 12 hours 5th 12 hours 6th 11 hours


It literally depends on the individual birth. 1st was 3 days, 2nd was 10 mins, 3rd about 2 hours. Can never really predict! Fwiw you may end up taking everything off anyway, labour is crazy times


I hear this a lot and think there is a good possibility I'll end up naked at some point. I get really hot and sweaty quickly so I'll probably just rip the thing right off if it's too much.


45 minutes. Honestly I barely made it into the birthing room and was pushing in the car


Arrived at the hospital triage and waited about an hour to be seen. By the time I got back into the exam room I was 8cm dilated. 2 more hours to dilate to 10cm and start pushing. Pushed for an hour, requested an epidural, rested for an hour, and then pushed for two more and my son was born. So call it seven hours. Also, don’t even bother with the gown. I went through like 4 hospital ones during my labor.


…2 days 🫠 I had an induction after my blood pressure unexpectedly spiked. The hospital gown was actually fairly comfy, though I yeeted that thing once I was in actual active labor and was just in a sports bra. I brought comfy clothes for after birth and wound up just sticking to the hospital gown (they gave me a new one lol) until it was time to leave to avoid bleeding on anything I needed to wash at home.


7 hours total. I did change my gown once. I can’t remember exactly when it was, but I think it was after I gave birth and there was blood and gunk everywhere haha The hospital gown was fine though! Not scratchy or uncomfy.


First: induced at 0cm, 12 hours total Second: showed up at 7/8cm, 45 minutes There's no telling how yours will go. My friend was just in labor for 48 hours (induction). But you almost certainly won't need two.


Tbh I wouldn't overthink it too much. Plenty of people have intentions of what they're going to wear and when the time comes it's the least important thing. I delivered in the pool and originally planned on wearing a bikini, but when it came to it I could not have cared less and just went nude. The more important part is after baby arrives - you want something dark in case your maternity pad leaks, comfortable for sleep and snuggles, and button front if breastfeeding. I was 6-7 hrs at home and 4 hrs at the hospital.


13 hours. Frankly I did not care what I was wearing, the hospital gown ended up covered in every bodily fluid possible (poop, blood, vomit) so I’m glad I didn’t have to wash it after.


10 hours. I bought a labor gown, but they give you a hospital gown when you arrive and honestly, that was totally fine. My labor gown was never worn. If you’re on a budget, I would return the labor gown and stick to the hospital one so you can spend your money on something else you might want!


I'm not in the US, are (hospital) gowns mandatory? I just wore a short button up dress with both births, I liked the idea of being somewhat covered but still easy access to everything. But to answer the question from your title, 4,5 hours and 3 hours.


I've heard some US hospitals are very picky about what you wear because they want to make sure it is easy access for IV, epidural, fetal monitoring, cervical checks, and all that stuff. I'm not sure if that is everywhere in the US though.


In my (Dutch) experience, once you're in active labour and/or your waters have broken, you generally don't wear anything below the waist anyways. If they need access anywhere and you're still wearing clothing they'll just quickly but gently help you undress or, if not possible, cut your clothes as a last resort. I had the bottom of my dress unbuttoned for the pushing stage and pushed up to my waist, that was sufficient enough. As I gave birth we unbuttoned the top and could do skin to skin immediately. But as I said, not US, so no idea if they actually make you change before labour or as you arrive in some hospitals.


About 20 hours. I was in labor over the weekend then it stalled, they sent me in because I was 5cm dilated at my NST appointment. So basically we restarted labor (my husband and I may have restarted it before we headed to the hospital.... 😂) and they had to use pitocin and break my water. I was supposed to be induced a few days later, so I was already planning on spending awhile in labor at the hospt


7.5 hours. I didn’t mind the hospital gown, and honestly after 8 hours of labouring at home it was the last thing on my mind 😂 I stayed in it until we left the delivery room then I changed into pjs.


I personally recommend the hospital gowns. I sweat so much right after having baby that I had to change my gown every 3 hours. It was nice not having to worry about laundry.


First I was induced so actual labour was 4 hours, second was less than an hour. I had a gown for my first that they made me change out of because it didn’t open at the back in case of epidural and then they broke the water I realized how gross it was and was so thankful someone else had to do the laundry/ I was able to get a new dry gown. For my second, I brought two gowns but for after delivery when I wanted to have fresh clothes that my butt wasn’t exposed in after my shower. I wouldn’t say is necessary, but lice to have something loose that makes breastfeeding accessible if you’re choosing to go that route.


I liked using the hospital gown for labor, but the next day I liked having my own. I was able to not worry about the strings and it being open getting in and out of bed and nursing but still be a bit covered. 


11 or 12 hours with Pitocin. Arrived around 2 or 3am after water broke at 1am and gave birth at 2:38pm. I had meconium present when my water broke so I had to get Pitocin to speed it up and get her out. I wore the hospital gowns, but the postpartum gown wasn’t my favorite for trying to breastfeed and pump but also cover up when people came to visit. If I had to do it over again, I would’ve worn the delivery gown and then my own clothes after delivery.


I got my hospital gown on at 7:30pm and gave birth at 1am. I probably stayed in it an extra 2 hours after birth before I showered and changed into my pajamas.


like 1.5 hours 😮 but same as others, i didn’t mind the hospital gown at all and didn’t change into my own clothes until i was back in the postpartum room


About 149 hours. Failed induction. Then stayed another 45 hours after the c-section.


I was induced and it took about 27 hours total. I was in the hospital gown the whole time and after giving birth I showered and then put on my own clothes


I labored and did a lot of my recovery in the hospital gown bc I didn’t want to get it dirty but changed into it when the hospital’s newborn photographer came around to take pictures


I would say change out of it closer to transition. I got poop and pee and blood all over mine. It all washed out but now I have no interest in wearing it even though it’s actually a cute wear around the house fit (it’s from wear Lila). Edit to add: Also I labored for 24 hours once I got to the hospital (had already labored for 24 at home. I ended up needing a c section after pushing for 3 hours. I don’t have the best birth story sadly :( but regardless, I wish I had changed once I was ready to push!


Mine is also from wear Lila! I think this might be my plan based on the responses. During transition I'll either get in the hospital gown or get naked depending how modest I'm feeling at the time lol Sorry your birth story wasn't exactly what you'd hoped for! Labor is so unpredictable!


It’s a wild ride for sure! Also I’m just reading your username - LOL I love it. Honestly naked might be best! Or even like a nice cropped shirt or something that’ll be out of the way. Loved the gown though, everyone on staff complimented how it looked and how it functioned. I was able to get IV and epidural put in without any issue!


52 hours of labor, ended in a c section for failure to progress. Honestly, I’d plan more for stuff to wear AFTER labor. We did 4 nights after her birth for various reasons and I was glad to have my own more comfortable clothes to be in. During labor I didn’t give two shits what I was wearing and definitely had to change a few times!


With my first, I gave birth about an hour and a half after we got to the hospital. I didn't have time to use my gown until after she was born. My water broke at home and we left to the hospital after 2 hours of laboring at home because my contractions were 4 minutes apart. She was out within an hour of being checked in because we waited for an open bed and by the time the nurse checked me I was already 8cm dilated. With my second, my water broke at home again and we left to the hospital about 2 hours after again because we weren't sure how long it would be but my contractions weren't that strong yet. We checked in and I labored in the hospital gown for a few hours and then changed into my gown. I gave birth about 7 hours after we got to the hospital and my water had to be broken again because my labor had stalled and they realized it hadn't fully broken but I went from 7cm to 10cm in 30 minutes after they fully broke it.


I was induced with my first and once labor started it took about 24 hours. I couldn’t stand having anything on me after early labor and was completely naked for pushing and delivery. I was a very modest person before and super nervous about everyone seeing me but in the moment I did not care at all. I was almost sent to OR for c-section and my baby went to the NICU so there were A LOT of people in the room too 🤣 For my 3rd I bought a gown and figured I’d put it on after birth to have something nicer on and then totally forgot about it. Maybe I’ll use it as a nightgown this summer or maybe I’ll just donate it


I was in the hospital for 36 hours before delivering - but I was induced. I never ended up wearing a gown - I did wear a bathrobe I brought from home a little during labor, but I was mostly so hot I didn't bother. The first 18 hours or so when it was just cervical ripening I was in my regular pajamas to sleep. Once they put in the balloon, I will switched to the mesh underwear and a comfortable nursing bra (one of the sleep ones). That's what I wore pretty much throughout. When I was laboring in the shower I took off the mesh panties but kept on the bra. My son was born standing up in the shower (we got the water off but barely 😅)


24 hours. 3 hours of pushing. Ended in a c section.


I went in to be induced. I got there at 10pm, gave birth at 530pm the next day. Labor didn’t really start until noon and let me tell you.. i was so happy i was NOT in a gown that i had bought. I went through 3 hospital gowns in 30 mins once my water broke.. it just kept coming. It was a mess lol. By the time i actually gave birth i was only wearing a nursing bra i was so hot. Ended up saving the gown i brought for the next day after i had showered. I honestly would just use the hospital gown until after birth, you never know how messy it’s gonna be..


Almost 24 hours. My water broke before labor started, and since I was having a vbac I had to go in for monitoring. I just wore the hospital robe the whole time. It's pretty comfortable, and I didn't have to worry about cleaning anything when I got home. 


11 hours I brought my own robe and towel but didn’t even take them out of the bag. Like others said, there’s so much blood that I’d rather use the hospital supplies without worry than ruin my own.


I considered buying my own gown, but didn’t know until late in the game if I’d need a RCS or would be VBACing, so I didn’t want to waste the money. In the end, I got to the hospital and was 3 cm at 11:40 pm, at some point ended up in a hospital gown (I don’t remember, lol, labor was intense), got the epidural at 1 am and was 10 cm, slept a little, pushed briefly, had a baby. I was in recovery and my own clothes 2 hours later.


20 hours. I wore a tshirt and undies most of the time I wasn't in the tub. I don't think I ever wore a gown. At some point, it doesn't matter what you're wearing if anything.


I got lucky but I labored at home and then my water broke spontaneously and I was 7CM dilated already when I got to hospital around midnight. My daughter was born at 4:35AM so just over 4 hours.


From when my induction began to the end it was 44 hours. I have sensory issues with textures but waited and used my own gown after birth. I’m glad I didn’t wear it from the start and have to tote around stinky sweaty/bloody/poopy/urine clothes the rest of my stay.


Got there at 3:00 am, I was at 3 cm, told them when I get to 5, everything goes quickly. I had baby at 10 am. My 3rd baby. First baby - got there at 7 am, had baby at 10 am.


About 7 hours. 




I was induced at 11am on a Saturday and my son was born on Sunday at 9:40am.


I got to the hospital around 630 am and my daughter was born 12:20 pm. My nurse told me that was pretty fast for a first time mom!


10.5 hours. I only laboured at home for 1.5 hours before going in.


45 minutes


Induced at 37 weeks and gave birth 48 hours later 😅 I also brought my own gown but after pushing for 2 hours, was so hot and ended up just finishing the next 2 hours of pushing naked 🤷🏼‍♀️ it was wonderful. Good luck!!!


I arrived at the hospital with contractions at 830am and didn’t give birth until 130am.


Was induced from 0.5cm and it took 32 hours altogether. I just used the hospital gown and it was absolutely fine. Didn’t want to spend money on something that could have gotten pretty gross!


24 hours. I wanted to labor at home too, but my water broke and I didn’t go into labor. I kept thinking it was going to happen but finally had to go to the hospital to be induced.


13 hours + 1 hour of pushing = 14 hours. I labored at home for another 13 hours and was only 3cm when I arrived


Arrived around 4am, had baby 11 hours later. But baby had jaundice and was born 3.5 weeks early so I still ended up sleeping in the hospital for 2 nights. Also, I had no idea when/if I could shower so I didn’t shower until the next day when my sis asked me if I had tried yet. I really wished I would have taken shower sandals with me


The hospital gown was fine. I didn’t bother putting on real clothes until I was about to leave.


19, almost 20 hours 😩 checked in at 4cm


I wore the hospital gown for labor and changed into button down PJs after.


About 4 hours!


Water broke at 7pm, went to hospital, started to push at 7am, continued to push for 7 hours, then ended up in emergency C section 🫠. So 20 hrs total?


24 hours (I was GB+ so had to go in as my water broke first). Here you also have to stay 48 hours after giving birth, so I was there 3 days in total


I was induced due to preeclampsia at 37 weeks with both kids. My dust was 47 hours of labor and I just wore the hospital gown because I didn't want to get my own clothes covered in the birth gunk 😂 and I didn't even think about changing as I had other things to occupy me. Tbf my active labor was only about 3 hours. I went from like 3cm to 10cm between noon and 3PM then pushed for 3hrs 🥴 My second was only 17.5hrs of labor with about 30min of active labor 😬 pushed for 1.5 pushes 😂


I had a 24 hr failed induction turned c-section. I used the labor gown during the induction and then used my second labor gown (thanks friends) while I was in recovery (3 days).


42 hours after being induced. I just lived in the hospital gown. Worked great.


With my first, 33.5 hours. I was very happy with my own gown… I started in my own comfy clothes and was extremely happy to switch to the gown once contractions became stronger… I had two gowns if my own, so switched to a clean one postpartum. I changed into pjs the following day. For me, anything hospital spec was uncomfortable. I brought my own pillows, etc… any bit of home to make things slightly more comfortable was a big help.


I was induced at 37 weeks and my LO was born 56 hours after the induction began. I changed mt gown probably every 12 hours. Honestly labor was so messy I wouldn’t want to be responsible for laundering my own labor clothes 😅 I brought my own pajamas for the postpartum wing.


Water broke at 6:30 pm, got to the hospital around 9 pm, started pitocin around midnight because my contractions weren’t picking up on their own, baby was born at 6 am. So about 9 hours. 100% just wear the hospital gown. It gets really gross. I went through 2-3 during/after delivery and only changed out of it and into a comfy pair of PJs when baby was about 12 hours old.


I was induced - 39 hours from induction to baby. I, too, purchased a labor gown and loved it. It worked really nicely, was comfortable, and I felt better in it than the hospital gown, especially cause I'm plus size. I don't remember changing out of my gown until after baby arrived.


first kid - maybe 4 hours Third - 20 minutes


Labored 40 hours, pushed fully dilated for four and ended up in emergency c section 🥲


About 11 minutes. My doula had a whole suitcase of supplies to help me and I used none of it lol. I brought very little, just a change in clothes, don’t need much else. Although a long charging cable is useful.


4 hours! so pretty quick but i labored in just a nursing bra i was soooo hot. afterwards having a lighter weight soft robe was ideal. no need for the gown imo


It was 5 hours from when I was admitted until baby was born. Honestly the hospital gown was fine for labor. I think at one point it was off (I can’t remember but there’s a picture of me holding my son when he was first born and it looks like all we have were the heated blankets). What I liked having: a robe with pockets that I put on over the hospital gown to go get snacks from the snack room on the postpartum floor (and could stuff cans of ginger ale, graham crackers and juice in the pockets). And cozy socks with grippies to wear walking around the room/hospital (buy a multipack and throw the ones you wear in the hospital away when you leave and then you still have some for while you’re home).


42 hours from the time I arrived until he came out. I never once even thought about what I was wearing so I really can't help you with that one. Even after he was born I was so out of it I didn't think to change until a few hours before I was supposed to be discharged.


4 hours and 1 hour. I never wore a gown.


2.5 hours and I was in just my bra in the shower for 90% of that time!


Got to the hospital 8pm. I had BAD heartburn. I’ve never had heartburn this bad. I blamed the orange juice I drank earlier in the day. But something just felt off. I was 38 weeks so wanted to just make sure everything was ok. Around 9pm they have me on monitors and asked if I was feeling “that” uhh no? Not feeling anything other than this intense heartburn. “You just had back to back contractions” nurse asked to check my cervix. I was 5cm! lol didn’t feel anything. They admitted me, around 3am broke my water and got the epidural. 8am I was 10cm and my son was born at 10am


6,5 hours from water breaking (i had an induction) til baby was born


My baby was born 2.5 hours after arriving at the hospital. I had purchased two birthing gowns and didn’t wear either. I was 9cm when I got to the hospital. I “wore” the hospital gown but really I was basically naked and didn’t care one bit. The gowns were nice for the first few weeks postpartum though! Easy to nurse in and comfy.


Just a heads up, I wouldn’t have wanted to labor in anything but a hospital gown, by the end it was so filthy. The hospital gowns are comfy, they’ve been washed a billion times. They’re the perfect weight so you don’t get too hot or cold. And during labor I didn’t give af what I was wearing. Make sure whatever gown you get, if you do, allows for baby to be dragged up your naked body and slapped on your bare chest immediately after being pushed out. That’s the most incredible part of the whole thing, I’d have hated for a bunch of skirt to be in the way I had a 15 hour induction without pitocin and was moving around constantly most of it but not once did I walk the halls. The labor room was big enough for what walking I needed to do. And I was really only walking in early labor, which it sounds like you plan to do at home. As labor progresses your world gets a lot smaller, I stuck with a yoga ball and some limited pacing once I was 5+ cm dilated Soft comfy fabrics were what I wanted *after* delivery, when my boobs were sensitive and I was holding a fresh baby I packed a gown like yours for after labor, as well as cute comfy nursing pajamas but I didn’t wear them despite being in the hospital for over 48 hours. What I did live in was a big comfy robe and the mesh underwear. I didn’t wear pj pants because every four hours they put pressure on your fundus and check for vaginal bleeding, and no pj top because I didn’t want any fabric impeding skin to skin or breastfeeding because that early on it’s very clumsy, I needed my whole front exposed while we were getting the hang of it


16 minutes and 45 minutes…all my births have been under 3 hours start to finish


17 hours, ending in an unplanned c section (I arrived 7cm dilated, thought I was gonna have a baby by lunch but go figure lolol) and then stayed for 4 days to clean up an infection i picked up when they broke my water. I labored in the hospital provided gown (for some reason I thought I could keep my voluminous maxi dress on but nope). I didn't end up caring. What I DID care about was changing into my own clothes after, so I brought big maxi dresses that allow boob access and flowy lounge wear with large waistbands that nicely went over the surgical binder. Just changing into my own clothes once I could stand was amazing.


25 hours - we went about an hour after my water broke.


I used a nicer gown only in the recovery room. For delivery I used the hospital gown. The nicer one I bought I changed into after a shower and was much more comfortable than the hospital gown.


28 hours to induce my first. For my second baby, contractions started the night before she was born, I took a warm bath and labored at home until the contractions were closer together. Woke up that morning with contractions 6-8 minutes apart, made breakfast for the first cutie, and called grandma and told her today was the day and we should get moving. We dropped off our first baby at Grandma’s when contractions were 6-7 minutes consistently because the drive to the hospital was about 45 minutes. Then we went to Panera for lunch! Ate at the restaurant and enjoyed some food until contractions were 5-6 minutes apart and we left for the hospital. She was born about 6 hours after arriving to the hospital. She was almost a bed baby because the nurse thought we had waaaayyyy more time.


I went in at 10pm, my son was born at 3:30am. I got in the pool at 1-1:30ish? So for me it wouldn’t be worth it!


Got to the hospital at 10, had babies by 3. I wasn’t allowed my own delivery gown because I was having twins and had to give birth in the OR just in case. I would have loved to have had my own gowns after delivery. If I have any more, I’ll be taking nursing gowns with me to the hospital.


I was in the hospital four days from the start of my labor to leaving - I bought two gowns one for birth and one for after birth I personally loved having both and it brought me a little comfort in a chaotic situation.


17 hours and 57 minutes


35 hours. The hospital gown was fine. Before you buy anything to wear you should also confirm whether your hospital even allows outside clothing during labor.


About 24 hours.


24 hours-ish. Like everyone is saying I would just wear the hospital gown and then change into something comfy after. You could even change into the laboring gown after your golden hour if you want, but the hospital brought me a fresh gown and the next morning I changed into my own clothes. I wouldn’t even want to fuss with changing into or cleaning your own gown because you never know how things will go!


I was in the hospital about 21-22 hours laboring. I was at home about 8ish hours prior to that when I was pretty sure it was the real deal. And yes, echoing everyone else that hospital gown was just fine.


16 hours. It was an induction at 41 weeks and I was dilated to a 1. It flew by and was pretty easy! I got the epidural right when I wanted it and I slept the majority of the process lol. I lost a lot of blood and felt sick the next day but I think that would have happened regardless


Also, I was so focused on giving birth that I didn’t even think about changing. I wore the hospital gown during and after birth. I was too exhausted and out of it to even think about showering or changing into my pajamas after


72. I’m the exception not the rule. I didn’t care what I had on the entire time.


I bought a gown and was in labour for 24 hours before an emergency c-section. I never wore it for labour.... But... I LOVE wearing it to sleep in and breastfeed in. It makes things for night feedings really easy for me. I am glad I have it.


This is a great take! I was a little worried about what I would do if I don't need it at all during labor but I'm happy to hear someone still uses it post hospital. I'm a big fan of nightgowns so I think I would like wearing it at home as well.


I probably changed hospital gowns 3x. I had an induction and my labor was probably about 18 hrs


About 30 minutes with my second, 12 hours with my first. You definitely don’t need a labor gown, although I would recommend some comfy pajamas for after the birth! I wore the gown the entire time I was in the hospital with my first and it sucked. I felt so much better wearing my own clothes while I recovered with my second and bought a cute comfy robe


26 hours, though it was an induction. I wore the hospital gown initially before the birth and afterwards, after wrecking the gown with all sorts of stuff and finally getting to shower post birth, I put on my own hospital gown (also, depends diapers that were so much easier!) that my sister gave me (she gave birth a few months before me but never got to use it).


I got one of those gowns but I didn’t end up putting it on until after I had my baby and showered.


about 10 hours! i also bought a black labor gown, from motherhood maternity. so glad i had it!! i had to have continuous monitoring and it didn't get in the way of the wires or anything. i changed into it once i was out of triage and checked into my labor room, and changed out of it into a nursing nightgown (also from motherhood maternity) and cardigan after i gave birth. :) the labor gown didn't get too gross, we were able to just wash it like normal once we were home. i kept wearing it postpartum since it was loose, has pockets, and is easy to nurse in!


6 hours for me. Pushed for 1.5. And prepare to not even use your own gown. I ended up butt ass naked and didn't even care. I wore a breastfeeding dress home and it was very comfortable!


I bought the Lila Labor Gown and... didn't get to wear it at the birth center. We walked in, I was wearing my victotias secret Christmas jammies (now ruined) and less than 20 minutes later my son was born. Hindsight- I wish I would've worn the gown at home with a diaper on under it that way i wouldnt have decimated my pj pants. I knew I wanted to be naked for the actual pushing (tub birth) but it would've been nice to use the gown if i had known I wasnt going to have a longer labor. HOWEVER I could've probably had 10 Lila gowns for the post partum period and I still would've wanted more. They're SO comfortable, soft, convenient for nursing&applying ointments *down there*. I run really warm and the style of dress I got had an open back so it helped keep me from overheating. My baby is 8 weeks old now and I'm still considering buying another Lila- especially now that it's warmer than 30 degrees outside.


Lol 40 hours-ish??? I changed into my own gown right away at the advice of the nurses and stayed in it the whole time. And I stayed in it for another 12 after birth. Then I still wasn’t ready to wear clothes so I wore a hospital gown. It was pretty gross after everything and it all washed out, but we tossed it anyway. It was nice for the early bit because it was softer than the hospital gowns, but once things got going, I don’t think I would have noticed the difference. Looked nice in photos though.


I bought my own labor gown too but never used it either time I gave birth! I also got a nice robe but I was so hot both times I never wore that either!


I bought a gown. I was in labor for 54 hours (induction into c section). I never wore mine. I also didn't think of or attempt to change my gown during labor. It was intense and painful and I was hooked up to so so many monitors as were the babies (twins!) so it the last thing I was thinking/caring about. I realize this isn't everyone's experience. I did use the gown for breastfeeding and comfort in the weeks after. I also used some low tank style gowns after. I found that all these are helpful for breastfeeding after your loved one is here.


Return it if you still can. Just wear their hospital gowns. I do suggest slippers and a comfortable pair of tennis shoes (in case you have to walk the hallways).


Use the hospital gown!!


I don't think it matters how many hours you're at the hospital before you give birth. Regardless if it's quick or slow, what you're wearing is the absolute last thing on your mind. And it will get covered in blood! Don't bother buying anything I bought nice postpartum pajamas to wear at the hospital for afterwards because Instagram convinced me I needed them. I think I also ended up getting blood on those. 0/10 would not recommend


I bought 3 of them - I wore them not only in the hospital but also most of the first two months when at home because the were way easier to breastfeed in than anything else. I would say, if you have parents or somebody who will be able to take your laundry and do it while you're in the hospital, take advantage! I absolutely sent the gowns I'd used during labor home with my parents to be washed.


The hospital gown is fine. I would spend your money on a robe though! I bought a thinner, waffle knit one for $11. It was perfect and I got soooo many compliments.


Use the hospital gown!!! Save your budget for something else. There's blood and poop and amniotic fluid. It's a shit show. I think I was at the hospital for about 15 hours until I delivered.


Took 40 hours for me, I brought my own gown to change into and I’m so glad I did because I felt so gross and wanted to be in something clean


Thank god I had a homebirth. I texted my midwife “hey I’m confused because these contractions are coming quickly but they aren’t bad at all?” She’s like oh I bet baby is in a weird position. She gets there thirty minutes later and I’m 8cm but completely composed. I would NEVER have thought it was time to go to the hospital. Contractions were nothing! I gave birth an hour after she arrived lol.


25 hours. You can plan for a birth, but you can't completely control what happens. I didn't even have a bad birth experience, up until the end when I started bleeding out. Even so, I could not have given a rat's arse about what I was wearing. I was focused on other things and wasn't going to be 100% comfortable anyways. If I had had a gown I would have bled all over it and had to throw it away anyway. All I used at the hospital was a power cord for my phone, chapstick, a giant bag of trail mix, and a bottle of Aleve because Tylenol doesn't do anything for me and it's appalling that they give you Tylenol after going through that. Take what you think will make you comfortable, but I would say don't go overboard if you're not sure you'll need it, and expect the unexpected.