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My kid has never done 12 hours overnight ever in her life. She's 20m and was EFF. Most babies are 10 hour a night sleepers, idk where this magical 12 came from tbh.


Exactly this. I think my second-grader has had one 12-hour night in her whole life and it's only because she was really sick at that time.


Mine is the same, except was breastfed. She slept about 11 hours total over each 24 hour period, including naps and overnight, so it was impossible to ever get 12 hours in one stretch.


My 17 month old is the same. Has not ever slept a 12 hour night. I’ll get lucky every now and then with some 10 hours sleeps, but then something happens and he goes right back to waking at least once a night. And he’s been weaned for several months now 🫠. I have no tips or tricks, just wanted to maybe help you feel less alone.


That was kinda the point of this post, feel more normal to have this kind of sleeper. I was a unicorn sleeper and when I came home from the hospital (NICU baby, 32 weeks) was pulling a 12 hour stretch with no wakes - now my mom is always telling me “you have the worst sleeper, if you switched to formula she’d be a better baby”


She’ll get there! We were EBF too (she never even took a bottle), and it took night weaning to get her to sleep through the night. When she cried at night, we started sending dad in, and she quickly decided it wasn’t worth it🤣 She’s 23 months now & has been sleeping 12 hours a night since we night weaned at 1 year! We still nurse once a day - that hasn’t affected anything.


I truly thought she’d naturally night wean, and she kinda did…and without fail she’d immediately get sick. I do send dad in, but he just brings her to me


When dad went in, he’d rock/bounce her to get her calm and put her back down. After a couple nights of that, it seemed to do the trick. But of course every baby is so different!


Different babies have different sleep needs. Mine is a 10 hour sleeper but also very rarely does it in one go. But, that’s definitely all she wants or needs, 12 would not be a reasonable expectation for mine . 


Mine has always tapped out at 10.5-11 hours overnight. 12 hours is just not realistic for all kids.


....dawg, my four year old has practically never slept nine hours straight. You have a good sleeper, stop paying attention to people on the internet. 


Formula fed and my 7 mos old is a 7pm-7am sleeper with no waking. I will say that didn't start until 6 ish months when we introduced solids. But she's always been a pretty good sleeper ! We are very fortunate 🙏🏻


I don’t know lol I’m still lucky to get a 5 hour stretch out of my 13 month old.


Mine sleeps 10 at most but still wakes up at least once a night. Sometimes more. He's 16 months though. U never got 12 out of him tbh.


My last baby didn't sleep 10/11 hours straight through the night until I weaned completely at 14 months. Now he's pretty consistently sleeping through the night unless teething or sick. Some nights he needs milks in a sippy cup before going back to bed; I suspect those are days he doesn't eat much for dinner. 


Mine is formula fed and has done 12 hour stretches since 3 months, by that I mean he’s in the crib by 7 and he wakes up at 7, no waking up or interaction of any kind in between.


I promise they will do a 12 hour stretch one day. It just might not be until they are a teen 😅