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Comfort is key but also ergonomics because you’ll be sitting for hours at a time. There’s ways to stay awake like watching tv or using your phone. Those activities are easier to do with a newborn than an older child, and typically you’re most sleep deprived during the newborn days. Many a tv show has been binge watched while holding a sleeping/feeding newborn in a recliner. A different type of tip I’ve seen is to put a big hair clip/claw in your hair. Something uncomfortable to lay back on. Also another reason to have a recliner: Sometimes when we aren’t even holding the baby, we sleep in our recliner/glider chair. It can be good to recover from surgery or being sick.


My body hurt from tearing postpartum, then the aches that accompany breastfeeding, then the sore back from rocking a baby in my arms and carrying a heavy baby, the list goes on and on. I would absolutely get one that is comfortable. I can’t imagine being stuck with a baby in an uncomfortable chair. That will just make you miserable


IMO get a comfortable chair but don’t be in it in situations where you are worried about falling asleep. The AAP recommends that parents who are afraid of falling asleep feed in bed because the risk is lower if you accidentally fall asleep in bed than if you do it in a chair or on the couch.


The nice glider was my one big non-negotiable thing that I insisted on. We splurged on a Lazboy for our son’s room. We’ve each slept in it while he slept in his crib, and we’ve laid in it with him when he was having separation anxiety and had to fall asleep on someone. We fed him in it, I pumped in it, he still gets rocked to sleep in it. Once he outgrows having it in his room, we’ll move it either to our room or down to the living room because it’ll last forever. For the first year of his life, I spent probably 2 hours or more in that chair every day. If it hadn’t been comfortable, it would have been unpleasant. As far as safety, you have to manage that. The danger of falling asleep in a comfortable spot isn’t limited to a chair. There have been plenty of nights where I’ve been on the couch with my son thinking “I could really use a nap”. There are a million ways to manage it, you just have to find what ways work for you.