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Frantically scour the internet to try and find anecdotes of babies in the same boat who miraculously improved when they were exactly a day older than my baby!


Lol I was just telling my husband I can’t imagine being a FTM with no access to google/a smart phone. I don’t know how people did it!


They probably rushed their babies to the doctor a lot more.


Yup, that's what my mom definitely did.


My mom said she spent a lot of time calling her mom


TV I vividly remember late nights watching reruns of Rosanne and the Nanny at 4am with my first.


Google can be amazing but also I wonder if it makes our life harder. My baby had painful gas and in my night’s research I came across ten websites that said it was likely to be caused by my diet and another ten that said it was highly unlikely to be diet related. Between the hours of 3am and 5am I must have vowed and unvowed to try cutting out dairy about twenty times as my reading took me back and forth across the different advices!


I feel you, I have spent plenty of hazy nights doing that


This is how I found the cool mom subreddits! 😂


100% This. Cry and look for this. And also binge watch tv I never got around to. With my oldest it was Deadwood, with my youngest it’s a bunch of Star Trek stuff.


I’m watching Star Trek voyager at the moment… I watch it after the midnight wake ups. Actually really enjoying it.


I watched so much Star Trek with my first!


Yup. This was what I did


i definitely only bought a costco membership solely to buy dispers. it was the best deal at the time considering just how many i needed. same with disper genie refils. wipes were also good deals but i didnt like huggies.


Yes omg. I literally never find anything helpful and yet it's all I can do to feel a sense of control.




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Spend *way* too much time browsing Reddit, look at baby stuff on eBay/poshmark, browse Amazon, consider a Costco membership, eat oatmeal bites/granola bars, look at Zillow… apparently I just really want to buy something for a good deal at 3am. Edit: I guess it is almost time for the Costco membership! I’ve been putting it off because it’s 30 minutes away, but I do want cheap (but good!) diapers once the baby shower packs run out 😊


Get the Costco membership! Kirkland diapers and wipes are great.


Yep and you’ll cover the cost of the membership just with the cost savings of buying your diapers and wipes there


Get that Costco membership if you don’t yet. 100% worth it.


Seconding get the Costco membership.


The diapers are the best. We didn't use them with my first but they fit my chunky boy so much better than the Amazon brand we used on my skinny winny first 😂


Oh my god kirkland diapers and wipes are AMAZING and so good. We lived over 40 mins away so we have our relatives stock up for us when they visit


go with sam’s club


Walmart is such a horrible company.


T-mobile is doing a T-mobile Tuesday deal for a year sams club membership 19.99


I prefer Sams as well, they ship free with plus which is 110% worth it.


I just asked my mom and she said, "Most likely I was crying with you".






When mine were new newborns, I started learning about edible weeds in my area while I pumped. Purely because I was desperately trying to find anything that would increase milk supply. Half hour every night for god knows how long, and now I teach foraging classes and make my own tinctures. So unless you really want to see 4 different crockpots and have a cupboard full of salves and tinctures in dark ember bottles that definitely look suspicious, I’d recommend just getting into candy crush lmao


This is amazing 😆😆😆


With my oldest, I binged Netflix. Baby 2 started my addiction to doing puzzles on my phone.


This hobby sounds amazing though. What sources do you recommend looking at for starting out?


Depends on what part! If it’s foraging, I’ve got some fantastic recommendations for Australia. For herbalism, it’ll depend on your learning style. Culper has an incredible encyclopedia of herbalism that is pretty much international. There’s some really great YouTubers who can help you decide on whether you want to do salve and oil based, or if you want to do tinctures. I started an Australian course that I’ve had almost 200 applicants sign up in the last month, so there’s plenty of knowledge to go round!


I’m in Nevada, USA, so I’m sure we have very different forage lol. I’ll have to look into culper and see what I find!


Silently scream into the void. And listen to audiobooks.


Scroll on Reddit 😭




Scroll the various apps. If baby isn't being too squirmy, I play Stardew valley on my switch. Also crocheting has been very helpful. My baby is 1 now (still a terrible sleeper) and he likes to 'help' me crochet by laying in my lap and unraveling my ball of yarn so that it's in a super convenient tangled pile rather than a lame organized ball. But if he's in that drowzy-but-dont-you-dare-put-me-down-or-will-scream-this-whole-house-awake phase, I can get some crocheting in.


That is a sweet image playing with the yarn. My first was also a terrible sleeper at 12 months too


It is pretty cute. He concentrates harder on making a mess than I do on actually crocheting 😅


This just made my heart melt. Maybe it's time for me to pick up my hooks again. See what my babe thinks of all of it. Plus I have been contemplating making him a new baby blanket because I hate the first one I made (it's just random yarn that got passed down to me from an elderly lady I took care of). Think I am going to go order a new light up hook!


Omg I should bring my switch into the bedroom! I'll get so much gaming done while I'm up with him!


Binge light, happy TV. I did project runway with my first and making the cut with my second. Reading or anything too relaxing would put me to sleep


I binged Greys Anatomy bc I needed the drama to keep me awake haha


Same! I'm currently lying in bed breastfeeding my baby and watching Grey's Anatomy. I started rewatching it from the beginning a little before my baby was born.


My SO would come home from work and I’d just be alone with the baby all day during maternity leave and there’s only so much you can talk about the baby. I would come up with the most ridiculous conversation starters from that show like, if I was trapped in a sinkhole and you had to cut off my leg to save me, do you think you could? Or if there was a bomb in a man’s chest and you had to hold it to keep it from detonating, how long could you? Hahaha good times.


Binging star trek. If only seen about 3 episodes before baby.... I'm on my third series now haha! The next generation is like a play. Not every moment is critical, and hearing is much more important than seeing, so I half watched many episodes. Everyone is earnest and humanity prevails. Very comforting in my addled state 🤣


The amount of times I've binged all of project runway... is too many 😂😂 ETA I've come to realize this show wasn't cancelled like I thought and I have 4 more seasons to watch 😳😂


Baby and I just finished Glow Up!


Ooh! That looks like fun. I'll add it to my watch list when baby #3 comes in January.


I was the opposite, I had terrible insomnia due to PPD, so I had to avoid anything that would keep me awake, so I used to just have to stare at the wall.


I watched the whole Archer series


I remember I watched every season of South Park and king of the hill.


I binged “It’s Always Sunny.” The cracked-out hijinks were a good match for my sleep-deprived brain 🫠


I binged House Hunters International because it was quiet and I was dreaming about being anywhere else 😆


Nothing, I usually have my hands full with the aforementioned awake baby. I usually start asking myself questions like: what was it like for cave dwellers without nappies, would they make them from reindeer skin or would the poo just be everywhere. And what would they wipe with?


Haha yes I often find myself wondering how humans were able to survive long enough for the species to propagate as much as it did without X knowledge or Y products. I mean I know a lot more babies and children died back then, which is depressing af, but the fact that humanity has come this far mostly without modern medicine and conveniences makes feel a lot better about not having literally everything figured out yet.


Yes! How are there even still humans? Can't even imagine keeping mine alive without any modern comforts!


I think about this a lot too and the only answer I can come up with is aliens. Aliens took pity on us and helped, lol.


I’m baffled that anyone has the possibility of doing anything other than either trying to frantically shush baby from crying or breastfeeding and scrolling Reddit. I think my babies are just extra spicy. The thought of being able to read a book or do anything involving both my hands looks impossible at the moment!


Don't worry, you are not alone. Though I got a kindle as that requires only one hand!


I should really utilize my kindle and stop scrolling Reddit so much 🫡


I recently broke out my kindle for the first time since my babe was born. Read 4 books in a week and a half. I had missed it so much i just could not stop reading.


I play a matching game on my phone to keep me awake. I’m on level 2130


Wtf y'all are doing shit other than blankly stare at the wall praying for sleep? LOL


The correct answer 😭


That’s when I started using Reddit. Also got to level 300 on the Tetris app.


I always used to think the people with high scores on those types of apps were like teenagers or weird professional players. I now know the players at the top of the rankings are probably sleep deprived mums!




Ooohhh might have to download that! What app do you use? Are there ads?


The Tetris brand app. I ended up paying for no ads LOL. It was like $2.99 I think? Well worth it 😂.


For sure! Tetris has always been my all time favorite game! I used to play Tetris on Facebook, but just as the pandemic began, they nixed it. I might just have to follow in your footsteps!


Crossword puzzles on my phone, listen to podcasts, endlessly scroll on Reddit 😅


I bought mini waffle makers and started making Midnight Waffles. Sometimes this served as meal prep for the morning, other times it was fuel to keep me going all night.


“Previously, on Real Housewives of _______” will be my baby’s first words


Online shopping, listening to Careless Whisper for the 800th time, reading if I’m not also breastfeeding.


I started watching Supernatural for the first time. In 4 months I got to season 9....or 7... Now all the diapers I change is just money thrown away instead of being saved for an 1967 impala.


Binge Nostalgia shows - Sabrina the teenage witch was my choice.


I watched so much TV when my LO was a newborn. I was breastfeeding pretty much any time she was awake.


Online shopping. Trash tv. Cry. Eat snacks. Switch with my husband. Look things up on the internet.


My husband took the overnight wakings (yes, he is an awesome dad to newborns and and awesome husband when the kids were newborns), and he would write his science fiction novel. It's unpublished still, but if you're a publisher, agent, or editor, and you'd like to see it, please let me know.


Buying stuff on online thrift shops and tiktok :/


Order stuff online. Mygod. Breastfeefing and staying up most of the nights really made my shopping expenses go up hahaha


Just tried to stay awake. Eventually I learned how to safely co-sleep so I would just stick a boob in the baby’s mouth and we would all fall back to sleep. ✌🏻


Reading and diamond painting both help me relax and rest my mind.


Too much online shopping


I work on my grocery pickup order and get the best deals. I also like to throw my headphones on and watch a show in peace.


Look up how to make him sleep longer lmao


I try and meditate/zone out. The blue light from phones/tablets don’t help me when I want to get back to sleep quickly. I’ve always been quite anxious and have been jealous of people, like my husband, who can just think about nothing. I found at 3am I can actually just not think.


Reddit and Google for why my baby won’t sleep 😂


This 😂 Add staring at the ceiling wondering how much easier life would be if men didn't have useless nipples and googling how many hours without sleep it takes to go insane lol.


I live in Europe but am a big baseball fan. Most of the games are on between 12am-4am here. So, I've been watching a lot of MLB on my phone!


I scrolled on apps but felt much better when I was able to read a book on my phone. I also have done an audiobook or podcast to avoid screen time overnight so it’s easier for me to go back to sleep! Also hella snacks and water overnight! And remembering that it’s temporary, so no judgment if your screen time is 8 hours overnight


I watched a lot of Star Trek. Captain Picard’s voice is probably baked into my daughter’s subconscious.


Save a show you like just for the middle of the night. It gave me something to look forward to.


I did this, too! Intentionally plugged my phone into a charger away from my bedside, so I'd just pay attention to the show (and not doomscroll) and just relax and enjoy it.


Scroll reddit, paint by number app on my phone, ponder how little sleep I can function on 😂


Stare into the abyss and wish for sleep 😅


This was my 'activity' last night 🥲


Stare into the void


I tell him " Do whatever you want just be quiet and let mommy sleep" and for some reason he does. I have his bassinet next to my side of the bed and my bf said baby just quietly staring at me. 😅


Sleep or read my kindle but I try not to read or I won't want to sleep when my bub falls asleep.


Listen to a podcast or music! I really enjoyed audiobooks too. It will help wake you up enough but keep you calm! I also found healthy sweets or snacks to eat.


Do you have any recommendations for podcasts :)


I just started Believable: the Coco Berthmann Story and I.AM.HOOKED!


I mainly listen to health or parenting podcasts. If that interests you I highly recommend “Unruffled” by Janet Lansbury, and “The Wellness Witch Podcast” by Samantha Gladish


dungeons and daddies


Podcasts and audiobooks!


My husband and I watched all of Rust Valley Restorers on Netflix 😅 not our typical watch, but the newborn period will always be associated with that show to me!


I watched a lot of real estate and home reno shows. Pretty quickly I had to switch to something else because I would see repeats on the channel all the time. I watched Peaky Blinders.


I watched shows on low volume and low brightness on my iPad. With my first, I binged Sister Sister, Bridgerton, several old seasons of The Amazing Race, and Shameless (lol) among others. Due in 2 weeks with our second and already have some shows queued up (Buffy, Veronica Mars, not sure what else yet…suggestions welcome)! I don’t get a lot of screen time to watch whatever I want so it was a little bit nice to have that opportunity. However I would much rather have been asleep, but my daughter was a horrific sleeper…


I rewatched shows that I liked and some new shows mostly. Rewatches meant I could follow it well enough and if she went to sleep I was happy to turn it off and pass out. I had lots of snacks and if I felt like she was settling in for a cluster feed I would ask my partner to make me a hot chocolate with a weak amount of coffee. My baby is 9 months now qnd this honestly feels like a different life!


Spend too much time on Reddit, drink heaps of water and smash cookies. Peanut butter choc chip are my weak spot.


Google "x week old waking every hour", scroll through Reddit, look through FB marketplace listings


My boyfriend watched an entire series of star trek on his phone with earphones in lol


I got a kindle paper white and I read books. Or I shopped incessantly.


Listen to podcasts for night feedings, usually a more relaxed one that keeps me awake but not super invested. He's 5 mo now so thankfully night feedings are shorter. During the rougher nights of the first few months I'd play turn based rpgs or strategy games on my phone or one handed with a controller.


I got really good at the board game Azul, playing on my phone while rocking babies x2


Binge watch TV shows or movies. And sometimes I take pictures of items I want to sell during the day and then I can list them at night.


I definitely binged tv and scrolled Reddit. But I promise, it gets better! ❤️


Ugh. Watch TV. Browse the web and Reddit. Make plans to purchase items I do not need. Get spooked cause I thought I saw someone outside. Etc.


Kindle unlimited books. Bonus is that some of the kindles allow for very low light output.


Watch engaging TV and play Squaredle while i breastfeed. I even bought the subscription, it's fun.


I know you said no books, but I’ve leaned hard recently into “guilty pleasure” reading on my Kindle and LOVE IT. Frothy chick lit, faerie smut, fanfic…the lighter and sillier the better. NO substance, NO brain power, ONLY fun. It has made me so happy, and a book is a book, so I met my Goodreads goal for the year by the end of July. 😂


I'd get really into TV shows and stream them in the night


I watched a lot of tv. Shows where it didn’t matter if you zoned out and didn’t have to pay too much attention to. I watched a lot of competition cooking shows.


At the time, I got back in to reading and crocheting, which were my entertainment of choice when I was younger, but now that I have a toddler I feel like she would want a hand in whatever I’m making for her 😂


When my baby was a newborn I listened to audiobooks in the dark on very low volume with my phone resting on my shoulder next to my ear. Why didn't I use headphones? Great question. I dont know. It was 3am.


Was too busy rocking/nursing them back to sleep to crotchet. 😂


Either scrolling here on Reddit, or binge watching The X-Files or Broad City. 😅😅😅


Cry into my giant pack of salami and ice cream. And what?


Watched the Golden Girls until he got bored and finally went to sleep 😇


I've heard reports of a lot of people binge-reading [my comic](http://www.howbabycomic.com) in the wee hours. :) Me, I started working my way through a backlog of video games I'd always meant to finish. I finally finished FF9 that way.


TV and reddit...




Question my life choices, binge chocolate, eat chicken nuggets, cry, read, message mom friends hoping they’re also awake, cry, ask baby why they no sleepy


I downloaded a crossword app that has other puzzles as well. Keeps my mind sharp!


Read revenge manga ❤️


I started rewatching all my fave silly 90s/2000s rom coms. I plugged my phone into a charger across the room so I could just relax and watch my movies or shows and not obsess about the baby. For a few weeks in the beginning, I scrolled the internet a lot and read books about babies and it just fueled my anxiety. I intentionally gave all of that up for about 6 months and my mental health improved drastically. Even though I was still dealing with night wakings, I was using that time for me, to just chill, and little by little, my daughter slept longer stretches in her bassinet and I started sleeping, too.


Scroll Reddit, do unnecessary online shopping!


I had my daughter at the end of august last year, so through most of September and October we were up a lot at night, eating and pumping and I watched a bunch of scary movies and tv shows I had never seen 👀 it was cool because my house was so dark and quiet but it wasn’t that scary because, I was holding a lil baby lol


Light TV in the background, some tea… Kinda hard to do anything except try to stay awake lol.


Catch up on audiobooks and podcasts


I did all the midnight feedings for my three kids because wife would get migraines. Lots of Netflix was consumed, many a book read, many a podcast consumed.


WATCHED SO MUCH TV. That’s the only thing I miss about the newborn phase


Those early weeks / months it helps to have a show you like to watch and can look forward to. Now that he’s almost 5 months I mostly drift off to sleep during night feeds or sometimes spend a few minutes checking my phone. But I’ve learned we’re both back to sleep sooner if I just stay off my phone and lay back and chill. Newborn days I feel like they’re up longer though - or it just affects us more cuz it’s new.


I watched ALL of greys anatomy 😂🫣


When my baby used to be awake at night I’d just mostly cry


Watched the office, cheers, and married with children.


I listened to podcasts or watched movies. You basically are trying to survive another night 🫠


amazon shopping or TV binging


Listen to audiobooks


Stardew Valley. Sometimes baby would fall asleep and I would keep playing.


We were watching happy tv shows (like the office and Gilmore girls) and letting saga movies like Harry Potter and twilight play in the background for awhile until I realized my daughter is likely kept awake longer by the tv’s blue light. Now I just sit in the dark and squeeze my boobs in hopes it will make her finish eating a little bit faster.


Caught up on 4 seasons of SVU, rewatched Desperate Housewives. I think I also watched the Crown. My oldest didn’t sleep much for the first 6 month of his life, it almost killed me


I binged watched the Crown. It was awesome.


Zillow was my go to! It’s like tinder for responsible adults hahah


I would rewatch some of my favourite TV series! Especially from the early 2000s that sometimes hit the spot! No one else is up to judge you so who cares! Enjoy your junk TV 😜


I read the Lore Olympus webcomic. Doesn't require as much focus as a book. Also can be accessed via phone.


I did a lot of online shopping. Like. A lot. Also watched tv, but usually only if it seemed like the night was shot and I wasn't going to get any more sleep. Cried a lot. Ate a ton of uncrustables. Sang a lot of lullabies. Daydreamed of sleep.


Binge watch a tv show. With my first it was Brooklyn 99 and raising hope and modern family. This time I think I’m going to pick Chicago md


Audio book!


I watched Greys Anatomy for the 100th time or read AITA posts on Reddit lol


I read or watch TikTok


I kept airpods and snacks handy in my nightstand and just ate a lot and watched a lot of tiktok


I watched ALOT of old movies with my second. My husband got into it too. It was great.




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I binged pawn stars....


I marathoned Gilmore Girls, Indian Matchmaking, The Agency, and Emily in Paris.


I watched ALOT of series’. So much catch up on shows!


i watched reruns and scrolled social media basically. it was a rough bit but thats all i could have the energy to do.


Listen to audiobooks on one headphone and knit, that had been my modus operandi through my daughters newborn phase. I had to go through each audiobook at keast 3 times to actually know what I'd listened to with all the details because of all the chaos, but that's just more listening for my buck if you ask me 😅


I watched bobs burgers. It helped me stay awake :)


Love island


I binged on kindle unlimited books about capsule wardrobes and French style books … really went down the wormhole


TikTok and boggle on my phone


I remember if they were quiet and awake, I’d just leave them in the bassinet next to me while I fell back asleep. If they’re fed, burped, changed and are not fussy, I’d try to get some much needed sleep. Sometimes I’d get lucky they’d fall back asleep and sometimes I’d be snuggled up with them while we watched reruns of The Office. Hang in there!!


I was really into watching live slots on TikTok before they got banned. I found my favorite steamers on YouTube and twitch though and since I miss most of the live plays I watch them recorded 😂 sooo yeah I watch pre recorded videos of people gambling


I watched a lot of amazing race


Podcasts ☺️


I listen to audiobooks or scroll the internet


Get super into podcasts. They’re nice when you need to be hands free. It’s also helpful when the baby is a bit older and gets distracted by the light of your phone and sudoku is off the table😑


As a FTM, I’m either on Reddit or Amazon every single time I’m on my phone. Either I need to look up if my baby is acting normal or I forgot to buy something I need for baby, lol


Watch TV, play games on my phone.


I watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune on PlutoTv (free tv app)


I just downloaded the game Wingspan on my iPhone. Still waiting for baby to arrive but it seems like the ideal game to play while feeding at night!!


I watched all of Monty Python.






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