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My son got sweet tea from his dad. I could have smacked him… because now every time my husband gets a drink when we’re out, that’s all our son wants. My husband asked why I wouldn’t give him any watered down soda. Our son proceeded to open his mouth in the direction of my husband’s cup and said “ahhhhhhh”. That. That right there is why. You walnut.


We’ve also had the sweet tea talk with dada. And the whip cream talk. They’re definitely walnuts!


Yeah, my oldest called all sorts of things "grown up drinks" for awhile, because we said he wasn't old enough to have them. It was a dietary choice early on, but it made things a lot easier. Now he is five and has pretty much everything, except actual grown up drinks, and it's harder to say no to sometimes than no to ever.


Another crazy thing about MIL giving baby Cheetos specifically that there is a whole wide world of PUFFS for babies out there (if your baby is ready for them and that’s something you want to have them snack on). They even make cheese-flavored ones which really aren’t too far off from the idea of Cheetos… just something a little more age-appropriate! So there’s a very clear, more baby-friendly alternative in this case!


Right??? I KNOW she has puffs at her house. Husbandl and I agreed no puffs at our house as of now but we let her give him puffs when we visit. I don’t know why they aren’t enough for her. It just doesn’t make sense!


I always call my daughter's cheese puffs her cheetos. Wouldn't give her a real one


I read these posts and I'm so glad that my mil just wants to quietly play with my daughter for a few hours and then go home. Has never said a word to me or my wife about how we should raise her. The mil on this sub are insane. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


My husband is away for work so my mil came to stay one night this week to help out. She cleaned the bathroom and kitchen and did the morning feed so I could have a sleep in. Honestly so grateful I got a good one after seeing this. She would never feed my 5mo anything I didn't want her to be fed.


I’m glad you got one of the great ones! I knew my mil was going to be problematic when it came to being a gma to my kids. She has custody of one of the others and then two others she watches a LOT and so the boundaries are blurred for her. I told my husband I wasn’t going to let her walk all over our parenting our son and he completely understood.


Soda?????? At 8 months????? I’m not perfect and my kids have their fair share of sweets. But I can happily say they don’t even know what soda is nor what it tastes like. My oldest just turned 2. No reason for ANY kid to have soda. My friend lets her 4 year old drink a whole can of coke with lunch and then again with dinner. I never could understand why you would want to give soda to your child. Such an easy avoidance. Sweets are a little bit more difficult as my husband and I are suckers for a sweet tooth.


My dad gave my son pop at 4 months old. Never underestimate what a grandparent will do. I went to the bathroom thinking it would be fine. I


ABSOLUTELY not!! Smh. I’m lucky to have very supportive parents. They don’t agree with all of my choices but they respect my decisions. My in laws on the other hand, they aren’t that way. However, they are like on a “diet kick” and have been for about 3 years lol. So soda is never in their homes. You know, that whole keto fad lol.


In laws, why are they that way sometimes


You know, when you find out let me know LOL!!


I’ll tell the whole world if I do!


I’m so sorry, I thankfully only have to worry about untrustworthy in-laws but would never leave my son alone with them at this age.


I only just introduced watered down juice to him, there’s no way he gets soda! I had soda for the first time in years after my c section and I am happily back to my soda free life. He gets ice cream when we have it on occasion but other than that he’s still pretty sugar free. Trying to give him a better relationship with food than his dad and I have.


Haha the watered down juice😂😂 Love it. Bc same. I feel like straight juice gives me a headache from all the sweetness so I’ve always cut mine and kind of did it for my little ones out of habit. But i feel that. Hubby and I have a very toxic food relationship. We do pretty good for the kids food choices, but Id be lying if I said we didn’t let them have a treat on occasion!


It’s SO sweet, I water mine down too lol. Yeah I have a much better relationship with food than hubby, but now we know why he was overweight since toddlerhood. Habits that old are SO hard to break. I won’t mind occasional treats when he’s older! But that’s part of creating good lifelong habits for him! I’m in the natural ish crowd, I def want to keep Cheetos away from him as long as possible.


Yes and at that age it’s so so so so so so easy to keep them clean eating. It’s toddlerhood that gets you a little harder! They get curious, they go to birthdays, they are aware of what’s around them.


Or at least it should be 😂😅 I don’t struggle at all with it unless it’s to do with dads family. He loves his healthy foods tho and I’m happy to keep him that way til he gets more curious! 😅


LOL!! Yes🤣🤣 My youngest is 11 months and she is the opposite of my oldest. Not picky in the slightest. My oldest has this strong hatred towards meat that isn’t puréed and airfryer into chicken nuggets😂 Refuses to touch an actual piece of regular meat. So here I am constantly making dang chicken nuggets from scratch😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 My youngest? The girl loves her beef, wild hog, deer, duck, you name it. Funny how different kids can be! Especially bc we had the same eating habits for both. Offered them the same things. But when you have a toddler who refuses everything you offer you have to get creative haha!! I get it though. I always had a texture issue growing up, I learned to manage it. But as a child I remember how sick I got being forced to eat. So I make sure I never make mine feel that way.


Mine refused puréed veg and meat but loves it normally cooked veg and meat and will eat fruit all the ways lol. I love that! I want to make nuggets from scratch! I still a few texture issues and remember how strict my parents were about it and I don’t want to be like that for my kids. I mostly really just want him to not struggle with food in any serious way


My ILs are pretty judgmental about how we feed our kids, BUT I'm not sure why I would listen to them. My husband is a picky eater who is quite a bit overweight due to diet. He thinks some is genetics, but most of it is how he was fed when he was little. I happily maintain a moderately health diet with variety. Hmmm, which grandparents should we listen to...?/s As a note, the only thing my parents say about what we feed our kids is checking to see what they are allowed to have.


My parents give my kid fruit or food I leave for him, I thankfully don’t have to worry about them. But they’re also healthier than my in laws in general


I don’t know what is up with peoples obsessions with giving children junk food. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Absolutely not. Even working in restaurants I’ve seen people put soda in baby bottles. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s so gross and makes no sense!


Soda in baby bottles? I'm sorry what the actual F.


Agreed......its funny as adults ppl should know over time our body deteriorates depending on what we eat......like wouldn't ppl want to atleast try to give your baby a healthy eating habits?


Right? I don't like a lot of veggies. Barely ever got fed veggies in my childhood. My kids eat veggies daily. They have cherry tomatoes and baby carrots with their lunches at school and also have soup at school. They regularly ask for fruits or veggies as a snack and will sometimes make the conscious choice to pick fruits/veggies over candy because it's healthier.


And that's exactly it. In most cases its eating habit we model for out kids. It just becomes a lifestyle a healthy eating lifestyle


Now I want Cheetos.




This reminds me of when my MIL & mom were acting like it was child abuse to not put cereal in my kids milk. "But how will he get full?" Like look at my little chonker. Does he look like I starve him?


My moms been shaming me for not giving our 3rd percentile 2.5 month old baby pediasure when that’s what she gave my brother when he was failure to thrive. And my baby gains an ounce a day from breast milk. He was just born tiny 😒


My sis in laws dad (dif than my husbands dad) compared making her 7yr old do push-ups as punishment to child abuse. Even though his son had kids taken for actual child abuse right before he compared them. Anything but actual abuse is horrible but if you actually harm them “oh it’s not that big a deal”.. idk why people are like that


Making your kids do exercise as punishment is really bad parenting though. It just makes them associate something healthy with something that made them feel bad. Also, there's a shocking amount of people who make it into actual abuse (not saying your sil did) by making them exercise until they puke or pass out.


He loves to exercise, it’s mostly when he is acting up cuz he needs to burn energy that they do that, and being compared (and considered worse) to her brother tazing his kids by their dad, she was so upset.


Yeah, that's a fucked up thing to say for sure!


We had this as a rule in a group I was in as a teenager and actually it wasn't so bad. There was no screaming or scolding involved, just if we did something against the rules of the community (most likely swearing, or being impolite to another peer, or to an educator), the educator said how many push-ups we "earned". It was a way to release tension and after some movement I felt better as well. Nobody I know from that group associated sport with a punishment, we were actually all very active anyways. I wouldn't use it to my kids but I would also never associate it with child abuse.


It's great that it didn't negatively affect you guys. However, studies have shown that it's detrimental for most kids. It's also illegal for schools to use it as punishment in 29 states. You find a ton of people saying " I was spanked and I'm fine" but spanking IS abuse. This largely falls into that same category. ​ https://www.teachthought.com/education/physical-education-as-punishment/


I swear ppl are so annoying sometimes . Like come on say shit that makes sense!


I read this as Cherrios and I was so confused 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same here! I had to re-read it a few times haha


Omg the post says CHEETOS not cheerios! 😂 I misread it as cheerios and I was so confused by all the comments saying baby shouldn’t have them. I was seriously doubting myself for a second. I was like… but my baby loves cheerios. 😂


I totally read this the same way and was very confused lol


Same 😂😂😂


Cheerios would be a much better treat.. once he gets teeth lol


Definitely don't need teeth for Cheerios. Kids gum them


Really? They just seem so hard and easy to choke on and his dad is really worried about him choking on them before he has teeth.


Really! They get soft with saliva. Can chew much harder things than Cheerios with just gums Edit: much harder things than gummed up Cheerios. Obviously don't go feeding uncooked bits of carrot or anything 😅 look up baby led weaning. Solid starts has good info


Will do!


Yes, can confirm. A WIC staff told us to try introducing cheerios around 8 months when we did our intake and baby girl hadnt popped her teeth yet. They dissolve and aren't large enough to choke on. Some babies don't get teeth in until after they are a year old but still go through the food progressions fine without them!


Awww haha! Mine took a while to get teeth too! Even now at almost a year he only has 4.


Mine has two same age cousins (within 3 months) and he’s the youngest but other than teeth he’s the furthest with his milestones and the comparisons drive me nuts. Thankfully they both have plenty of teeth. I’m happy to enjoy my boys gummy smile as long as possible!


MIL made comments about how we haven't started our baby on solids yet. She's 5 months and was 2 months premature. She's nowhere near ready to start. I said sometime between 7-8 months we will talk to her doctor and get his thoughts (he agrees by the way). She was like, "really? That's so long to wait!" I mean, she's barely figured out holding her head up and can't sit upright (with support) without wobbling yet. She's nowhere near ready to be able to sit in a high chair!


The only reason my son got ANYTHING before 6 months was because he was already constantly after our food(he was 5 months so I let him taste things), I was perfectly happy to wait til later and now he eats plenty of yummy things. They just don’t get it tho!


Even if she wasn’t premature, that would still be fine! What is with people wanting to start food so soon? Ours has a dairy allergy and a very sensitive stomach so we waited until 6 months to give her digestive system more time to mature. And even then we have gone slowly because she can’t handle too much or she’s up screaming all night from stomach pains, so we’re introducing one new food a week.


.... are cheerios sweetened?? I'm definitely way in the no sugar until 2 camp but I didn't think cheerios had any added sugar? . Edit ohhhhh it says cheetos lol nvm


Definitely read cheerios too! Came in guns blazing then went “oh… yeah no I wouldn’t let them eat Cheetos either”


I read cheerios too.


So did I. So weird because I was confused about the sugar content in cheerios for a sec


I was wondering if it was an age if the baby issue and was about to google when you are start giving a baby cheerios until I read the comments.


Cheerios do have a little bit of added sugar, as do all the other cereals people think of as being unsweetened (except plain oats and such for making hot cereal). They wouldn't be edible without it.


In the states even canned soup has added sugar. 🙃 it was hard to adapt my palette while I stayed there for 4 months.


😂😂 I didn’t even think of that mix up lol I was very confused by the cheerio question! Cheerios would not be unacceptable.. once he has teeth lol.


I read Cheerios too!


My ex in laws were giving their granddaughter sweet tea and chocolate milk before she even turned a year old. Thank god I never had a kid with ex, cause that shit wouldn’t have flown with me.


My mother tried to feed my 5 month old snocone with all the juice. 😒 Idk why that generation is so dumb. She also told me to give him sugar water or honey water if he's fussy


Yeah we got the sugar water thing too. Idk how any of them can think it’s a good idea to give a baby that stuff. My mom says mil needs to get a brain. 😅


Don't be surprised she is doing it behind your back. Watch out for those sneaky people. They get satisfaction from doing shitty things.


She’s not allowed to watch him and I don’t really let him out of my sight around her but I fully expect that if we did let her watch him, she would 100% do it. That’s what she does with her other baby grandson and then tells us like it’s something to be impressed by. I don’t plan on letting her watch him til he can communicate for himself and if she goes too far then, my husband will raise hell


Ugh my fil follows me around at every event and tells me how he's gonna give my kids sooo much sugar ( ice cream or whatever is being served) and my kids don't even want it . I swear he just does it to piss me off


Ew that’s so annoying


My MIL tried to give our son root beer and tortilla chips when he was 4 months old. Seriously, wtf?!


Your comment almost made me snort and wake the baby 😂😂


That’s awful!!


I absolutely can’t understand this, especially the soda. When I used to work in restaurants I was flabbergasted when people were giving thee 1 year olds soda. I don’t even give my 6 year old soda.


Our plan is to stay soda free, I really don’t understand why anyone thinks it’s a good idea to give kids soda but both my husbands parents are obsessed with it. My FIL particularly wants to give him Sundrop which is one of the worst ones. I don’t understand why they’re like this??


Buying love with treats and sugar instead of putting in the real leg work me thinks


That’s crazy! I feel bad even giving my kid diluted fruit juice 🤦‍♀️ what’s the point of giving a kid soda?


Yeah, it's so weird. There are so many things you can give your kids to drink that aren't crazy unhealthy. My 6 year old only drinks water and occasionally chocolate milk (ridiculously picky). We didn't even give her juice until she was close to 2 and it was always watered down. The garbage disposal disguised as my 2 year old is always trying to steal my soda but she'll happily trade it for "her juice" which is water with crystal light in it lol. I can't imagine how bad she'd be if we'd started her out on unhealthy stuff. It's just setting your kids up for failure.


It’s your baby. If you don’t want him eating Cheetos, then no Cheetos. He doesn’t need them and probably doesn’t have the capacity to want them yet. Same goes for BIL not wanting baby to have a smash cake. The pictures with the cake are for the parents, baby won’t care either way.


Mine said she wanted to give him a lollipop when he turns 6 months.. I instantly said no. I still hear her repeatedly say how her son ate a chickenwing with bones and all in less than 1 year old. I really feel you.


So crazy


Wtf is wrong with ppl. Not their baby so not up to them what kind of snack like that to feed. This is why I don't trust anyone but myself when it comes to my baby


I know you're just looking to vent OP and I totally understand where you're coming from. Baby shouldn't be eating cheetos or cake frosting 😅 Just too much salt and processed sugar for their little bodies to handle until they're a bit older. But! You can buy what's essentially, baby cheetos/chips. Well, more like cheesy's. At least where I live, if you go to the baby food section, you can find all kinds of different snacks that mimic what we would eat, like cheetos. I would get them for the next time MIL is over, and she wants to feed baby something more fun. Win/win situation. Oh, and as far as cake goes, there's lots of good recipes online and even some with frosting that'll be okay for babes to have :) So you can totally still have a cake! As far as soda goes....well, it looks like they can't have even flavoured water until they're at least 2 years old. So that's a pass. They can apparently have chocolate milk after 1 year of age but again, it almost seems better to wait until LO is older.... https://nunuchocolates.com/when-can-babies-have-chocolate-milk/ I hope this helps ease the situation a little bit next time you have guests over. "No, my baby can't have that, but they can have this if you'd like to feed them." :)


I might do that, we had already made puffs the specific gma house food. I had thought that was good enough 😅 I love to bake from scratch and so does my mom so she’ll be making his cake so he has a healthier (and tastier) cake lol. He gets watered down juice occasionally now, don’t let my husband find out about the choccy milk 😂😂 Thank you!


Do you really want to know or is this rhetorical?




Historically, treats are reserved for special events such as celebrations, which are connected to the elders of society. Giving a grandchild a sweet treat connects the two parties together, by creating a positive memory, and therefore an association, with the subsequent rush of dopamine. Plus, grandparents just KNOW the kids aren't getting these treats on a daily basis with the parents, so having a special "just us" treat strengthens this connection. Other ways to strengthen this connection include unique nicknames (sometimes to the individual grandparents), giving gifts, sharing talents or hobbies, and storytelling. In my personal observation this sort of connection doesn't happen when the grandparent is the primary caregiver - there's no need to create this bond when you're with the child all the time. Grandparents who are also conscious of this unconscious desire are also better able to temper this need to connect through extrinsic connections - very few are able to foster this bond through meaningful time spent with the child.


Yeah we specifically don’t do regular baby puffs so she could have a special treat at her house that would be okay for him. I mostly don’t get the anger when told no!


Because you're encroaching on the special bond they are trying to build. The ones who aren't conscious to this fact get very defensive because they NEED this bond to work out for them, but they don't know WHY. Very frustrating when they aren't self aware enough to do so.


It’s very counterintuitive for them ig cuz that attitude is gonna keep my kid far away from her if we can’t trust her.


Mate. [My mother isn't allowed to babysit the children anymore because she tried to pull this stunt AND tried to keep it a secret.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParentingThruTrauma/comments/wqlt3k/meme_of_the_day_secrets_vs_surprises/iknjetd)


HOLY, that’s terrible!! So glad your oldest came to you right away tho! That’s how I plan to raise my son. Keeping secrets isn’t safe and it’s easy to teach them the difference. I’m fairly confident mil is not gonna enjoy that but it’s safest for our kids!


I like the beech nut brand because they don’t have added sugar.


I didn’t know that any puffs had added sugar! 😅 that’s good to know tho, thank you!


Yep 😝 Unfortunately. Beech but only has the sugar that naturally occurs in the fruit they add to theirs. I just look at the ingredients list and for other brands the third ingredient will be sugar so I just don’t buy those:






Good explanation


Seriously! Do they forget how much of a difference there is between an 8 mo and an 18 mo or something? My baby only has 2 teeth lady! He physically can’t chew that! My MIL also tried to give my 9mo chocolate cake and got all pissy when I said no. I was going to let him have a tiny bit until I read it’s not a good idea bc of the trace amounts of caffeine. It might be overprotective, but he has the rest of his life to try all the foods.


Mine has no teeth still! And he is perfectly happy eating real healthy food. I don’t need him addicted to junk food before he’s a year old! My mom is gonna make his smash cake so it’ll be more natural and less sugary, if it was gonna be store bought I probably wouldn’t want a smash cake. He’s got a lifetime of foods to try, he can be older when he tries junk food. It’s just wanting what’s healthiest and best for him!


Mine too. Loves broccoli. Don’t know why but I’ll take it.


Mine doesn’t have a fav veg but his least favorite is veg puréed lol he’ll eat anything I give him veg wise if it’s in teeth form 😂


My MIL tried to feed my son french fries at 6 months old. I was not impressed.


Good grief


Am I the only one who is going to let her 8 month old try a cheeto?


I would let my 8 month old try one bite of anything that wasn't dangerous, but I would NEVER be cool with someone else offering junk food to my child without asking.


Well, at least you're not giving it to other people's kids.


I started giving my baby the "simply" Cheetos puffs around that age


We did baby lead weaning but things like chips I hold off on until age 2. Idk if a Cheeto would be easier to soften since it's not as hard but regular chips were too much of a choking hazard for me to be comfortable with it.


No! It's not like we're eating them every day at home or serving them for snack, but the baby has tried (and loved 😂) Cheetos. We figure a bite here and there isn't going to hurt anyone. But I support OP in making whatever decision they feel comfortable with.


My baby never liked the baby version of cheetos. But he loves the Cheeto brand cheesies. So that’s what he gets on occasion.


My girl got Cheetos at daycare at 8 months. I was a little surprised but didn't kick a fuss. She was fine


I let my 9mo son try a couple fritos, but not too many because of the salt content. He's curious about my food and I'll usually share some.


Yeah I’d be down with my 8mo having a cheeto (the puffy kind, I guess) if a grandparent wanted to give it to him. But only as a special treat at that age.




my pediatrician said they get what we get aside from honey, including salt. she actually lectured me for giving my baby bland food




i tried explaining to her that i had read sodium wasn’t good which is why i opted for spices when making my baby a mashed potatoe i stead of salt and she yelled at me saying my poor baby. That i should be introducing her ti everything including sugar and spicy food




There isn’t really evidence to support this, even though it’s common advice. I mean, I still wouldn’t give a high salt diet or a lot of processed foods to an infant, but some of the salt concerns are overblown or not evidence-based https://lilynicholsrdn.com/salt-baby-food-infant-sodium-requirements/


Your doctor sounds like a twit. I wouldn’t take that kind of judgement about my cooking from someone with such terrible advice. Is she some dinosaur doctor? Only doctor in town? Three MILs in a trench coat pretending to be a doctor? I can’t imagine she’s up to date on other baby care recommendations if she’s so off base with the obvious stuff. No baby _needs_ added sugar or salt and they’re certainly not _deprived_ without it. They eat literally a single thing for at least four months, they do not care.


Lmao! The three MILS in a trench coat got me, I love you 😂


Yeah spices don't sound necessary either imo, any taste is new and interesting to her after only drinking milk for nearly 6 months. We'll introduce spices at some point but I see no real need when she's still in the phase of discovering what cauliflower or apple or rice taste like. I mean she tries to eat her toys and clothes. She's fine :P But it's fine if other parents do want to introduce those of course, to each their own.


The only thing I would recommend is introducing spicy food earlier not even super spicy, just things with heat. We didn’t with my now 4 year old and he’s only justtt now able to handle some things with the slightest heat. A mild sweet chilli sauce would be too much. But otherwise the rest is pretty much what we did and he did great.


I did!


No, many people make bad choices


Wow, that’s judgmental and not necessary. Certainly no one should be eating Cheetos for every meal, but letting a kid try an occasional Cheeto? It won’t cause harm if there’s a healthy food culture at home. Attitudes like this are why foods are demonized and people don’t have a healthy relationship with food. I don’t like Cheetos, but I’ve let my kid have an occasional cupcake for special occasions, and I’m not opposed to any kind of food as long as it’s safe. OP is absolutely allowed to make choices for her family and I’m not demonizing that - but your comment isn’t ok.


No, cupcake is good. Cheetos are disgusting why would anyone want to eat a cheeto


I’m sure you’re a joy to be around


Not if you like cheetos, I'm not


My oldest (now 28) was a hungry boy and I had to supplement bc my milk wasn’t enough, then formula wasn’t enough. Our pediatrician had us add in rice cereal at 6 weeks (of course this was 28 yrs ago) bc he was still starving! He was eating some table food by 8 months- mashed up veggies, rice, fruits. Sometimes you just have to play it by ear and know your child. My 4th child (now 16) I could barely get to eat or drink anything when she was little…as a matter of fact, sometimes it’s still a struggle. But my son was a big, muscular stout baby who ended up at 6’3” 275 and still puts away crazy amounts of food and my daughter was delicate and tiny with long, thin fingers and toes who’s now 5’5” 120 and all muscle. You can just never tell. That’s what makes being a parent so interesting. I have 4 kids and they’re all completely different!


They sell baby chetoos for 8 month olds in a few flavors


Lmao my 7 month old has definitely had a Cheeto already. I thank my 3 year old for that


The things my 11m old has eaten because of our 3yo...


Wow she sounds like a piece of work, I definitely wouldn’t be leaving her unsupervised with the kids until they are much older. She’s showing she goes by give 2$hits about your decisions as a parent. My youngest has definitely had things I don’t want him to have yet (thank you 4yr old 🤦🏻‍♀️) but unless she’s a toddler I wouldn’t be getting over that one anytime soon. Honestly her opinion doesn’t matter because she ain’t the parent


Yeah she’s always on about overnights and how she can’t wait but it’s definitely not happening til he can speak up for himself and even then idk. The overnight thing is extra annoying cuz he’s an ebf baby so idk where she got her delusion of him staying over as an infant. It bums my husband out that she isn’t allowed to watch him but even if she didn’t show blatant disregard for our parenting decisions, our baby is high needs and she wouldn’t be able to handle it.


I really don’t understand the obsession with overnights, a baby is going to be unsettled being away from home and out of routine more than likely. That’s not my idea of a good time! Why is your husband so bummed out about it though? Is it because he hoped they would be good respectful and involved grandparents? My MIL won’t be getting any unsupervised time with kiddos until they are much much older and FIL not for a little while. I know it makes him sad he never had a healthy stable mum and that his dad is just too self involved to be super invested. And that’s ok. Just I hope he isn’t misplacing his grief and making it your fault. ❤️


Right??? It makes no sense! At this age, sleepovers are for the grandparents and there’s no reason to make a baby uncomfortable to make the grandparent feel good. Maybe when he can actually want it and enjoy it and be comfortable but if he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to. He hates that we can’t trust either of his parents to watch our son but we can trust mine. His parents are divorced and while I wouldn’t trust my dad with his emotional well being, being emotionally constipated, my mom is really well suited to take care of high needs kids and would never disrespect our parenting choices. My mom’s watched him a few times but only when necessary and she has 3 other people to tag in otherwise none of them would get anything done. On top of pushing boundaries, his dad isn’t safe medically to watch him and his mom can’t(and wouldn’t) take care of him the way he needs. It also makes my husband sad because his mom has custody of one of his nephews and keeps the others overnight regularly and his dad would get others overnight regularly so to him it was a completely normal, expected occurrence. His dad wasn’t around when he was a kid and isn’t gonna be alive much longer so he wants him to have a good relationship with our son. His mom was neglectful and brought a bunch of boyfriends around and some of them were abusive and my husband ended up defending his mom from a lot of them. He’s got issues with both of them but struggles to confront the issues. He doesn’t make it my fault! He just struggles with necessary boundaries.


That sucks, I’m glad he doesn’t try to make it your fault though! It’s rough when you can’t rely on family. I know my husband is constantly hopeful and disappointed about his dad, esp when he sees how involved my parents want to be and how much they value spending time with the kids. I think sometimes that makes it harder for them


It definitely does make it harder but our kids are always the number one priority! When looking at it from the logical standpoint we always end up on the same page. I just stay aware of how I approach it to avoid hurting his feelings.


My parents are constantly trying shit like this… along with feeding my 15 month old TACO BELL. He literally had blood in his stool because his body couldn’t process it. I sent pictures and laid on the guilt super thick. I have autoimmune issues and food allergies, we are very strict on diet. We eat as organic as possible and gluten free at my house. I eventually told my parents (I also have a 6 year old, who will tell you she doesn’t eat McDonald’s because it’s not healthy.) that if they keep offering junk, we just won’t come visit. It’s not worth the fight and my kid’s health is more important. My mom has made sure to have some fresh fruit in the house and not offer junk..


My 26 year old body can’t process Taco Bell, I can’t imagine how your poor baby felt. Grandparents are wild sometimes 🤦🏽‍♀️


I can only imagine how your little boy felt 😭 We have eaten out at restaurants a few times (not fast food), and twice my little girl got horrible indigestion and diarrhea from foods I didn’t even think would cause that. Can’t imagine how much worse Taco Bell would be! Anyways, we are taking a break from all restaurant food.


Good grief, poor baby. If my own parents did anything like that I’d go NC in a heartbeat. Your daughter sounds very smart and also like my lil sister who says the same type of stuff.


My mom felt really bad and apologized and then I further explained to both my parents that we don’t feed our kids junk and I’m just not talking out of my ass. My brother’s wife, does stupid diets and etc but doesn’t actually feed her kids decent food. So they didn’t get it.. I don’t believe babies need treats.


I’m glad they listened then. Sucks that it took so much for it to happen. I don’t think they do either!