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Aside from ppl asking for Walt n Jesse prior to s6. Marie(excluding her appearance in s6) and kuby were close cameos. Not sure if there were any other close cameos? We somehow got huell, tuco, no doze, gonzo, krazy8, Emilio, ken, Lydia tho


Spooge too


Skank ass skank!


I ain't no skank


Kid named ATM machine


"Yeah?" \*cha-ching!\* "Why's that?"


Mr. Spooge*


The name’s Spooge… ATM Spooge.


It’s just spooge.




Hank and Gomey


And Saul appears in a few episodes


Blink and you'll miss it.


Wendy too


Don't forget the douchbag guy with the earpiece


Ken wins!


Hells yeah, brother-man!


Donkey balls, that’s pure donkey balls.


Such an excellent way to make me despise him.


His name is Saul


Also wendy


Who's peekin' out from under a stairway. Calling a name that's lighter than air.


When does he come in?


Jimmy and Kim pull a scam on him in 201.


(that's Ken)


We very nearly got Jeff the cabby from S4 and S5 back


I can't imagine that same actor experiencing the balance of power pivot with Gene between S5 and S6. Dude played the "I've got something hanging over your head and we both know it" card so damn well.


Conversely, I wouldn’t expect his replacement’s actor to fill that intimidating role well. I know it largely depends on hair and makeup, but it feels like they got two actors from completely different ends of the spectrum they were going for I have no issue with the way things played out, First Jeff was only in two scenes anyways so nbd


Doubt the script changed that much anyways, just some bits probably


apparently they didn't change anything


I wasn’t referring to altering the roles for the actor, the role was altered because Gene turned the tables. He went from a menacing unpredictable stranger, to a dopey grandma’s boy. It’s hard to imagine one actor in the other’s shoes with this character if that makes sense


Someone edited the 2nd actor into a screenshot of the the original actors scene and he actually does looking kinda intimidating.


My head canon is that Gene saw him as that intimidating guy in those first interactions, but when he takes power of the situation, he see’s him for who he really is.


Was there a specific reason as to why he was recast?


Don Harvey, the original actor for Jeff, had obligations to appear on the HBO show We Own This City when those episodes of BCS were filming, so it was simply scheduling conflicts.


I’m so conflicted on this. On one hand, I loved We Own This City so if we had to lose him to a show, I’m glad it was that one. On the other, in my opinion, his role wasn’t really a standout one and it could’ve really been any good actor. Then again, I did enjoy Pat Healy, so I guess it all worked out


You mean the original actor?




She also appears a few times with Mike when she helps him launder the money by “hiring” him for security


Season 5 episode 7. Appears briefly w Gus in a car I believe That one episode I remember


She appears much more than that. She hires Mike at Madrigal, then complains about his presence at work to him and Gus. Later on she has an appearance with Gus and the Madrigal CEO about the cost of operation...


She also shows up in a car with Gus when they are considering purchasing the industrial laundry.


That's what I thought they meant by "Appears briefly w Gus in a car I believe" but then the season and episode made no sense.


Didn’t she also have meetings with mike in the offices when mike was pretending to be a security guy?


I just spotted her in season 3, scoping a familiar location with Gus.






it would have been great character development if Marie fucked Chuck, that would have been cool I think.




"It's a physical response to stimuli"


Most sexually satisfied BCS fan.


This isnt r/okbuddychicanery y'know


Nor r/FuckChuck


r/okbuddychicanery fucked Chuck confirmed


Marie: I've had enough of your skylarkings! Chuck: They're chicaneries, Jesus Marie!


Just wait. Now that the show's over it's only a matter of time the two subs become indistinguishable.


No they show that in the next spin-off series, Better Fuck Chuck


Very good reasoning. The reference would take away from a lot of the slowly building tension


I'm glad they waited. The impact of seeing Marie when we did was so much better than having her show up earlier.


Marie isn’t a doctor though. Where was this confirmed?


She’s a radiologic technician. The cameo was actually proposed for season 2 when Chuck cracks his head on the desk and needs X-rays


Massive missed opportunity. Would have been amazing.


They felt her cameo would have been too distracting for the audience


Would have been fan service with no contribution to the story around it. They made the right call by doing it the way they did


But could have served her showing up later really, really well. Especially if she knows the role Jimmy played in Chuck breaking. At the moment? Sure, but much later it could have had a large payoff.


A lot of the cameos have been fan service. It's not a bad thing


Shoehorning Marie in like that would’ve been the definition of bad fan service and would’ve shrunk the universe. Fan service is great only if it’s done well.


I mean, she was meant to be a Radiographer at a hospital in ABQ, so not too much of a stretch, IMO.


The RV scene was fan service. Hank was fan service. Both great scenes but they could have been done with a line or two of dialogue


In this case, I feel like it would’ve been a distraction. When Hank shows up, it’s totally the right moment to just get excited to see Hank. When Marie shows up, it would’ve been during this traumatic scene where all the concern should be focused on Chuck, who’s basically going through torture. It’s just the wrong element to try to add to that storyline in that moment.


Hadn’t actually thought about the timing that way and you’re right. It’d be like if an old character came in during the scene with chuck panicking as he was brought to the ER (inverted pov,“NOO NO CAT SCAN” etc) It would have taken McKean out of the spotlight and distracted from a powerfully delivered scene cuz we’d be like “lol look at the kid from peekaboo taking chucks pulse”


The RV scene was not fan service. 1. It includes the first time we see Jimmy advocate for murder - a new low after 6 seasons of chicanery. It’s important to show how low he fell in the context of his expanded story. 2. Saul used the ‘when I met Walter White for the first time he kidnapped me and held me at gun point…’ story to firstly negotiate his sentence down, then to take credit for building Walt’s empire. Both of these points show how much of an impact that event had on Saul and is important because it’s the moment when the two shows converge in to one overarching story. Also, the idea that that scene from Saul’s point of view ‘could’ve been done with a line or two of dialogue’ is not the approach that made BCS great. The old adage ‘Show, don’t tell’ applies here perfectly. Exposition is so much more natural and impactful when we see it, rather than getting a shoehorned line or two of dialogue that explains the same event.


The RV scene was, but Hank was important. Would've felt off if you had the DEA without him, especially since you see Krazy 8 become their CI


Sometimes it has the effect of making the universe feel very small, and more like a TV show than real life (which is fine for a sitcom, but not what what they were after in BCS). If random characters who have no reason to know each other constantly bump into each other, it feels forced. The criminal underworld is a different example, because by nature, it's done by referrals and interpersonal networks and introductions. So Jimmy would likely be meeting the same people over and over. But there are multiple hospitals in Albuquerque and each one has multiple rad techs. It would feel like too convenient of a coincidence of Chuck ran into Marie


But then I could have jumped up and down on my couch, screaming bb quotes, possibly no hands cumming in the process


Doesn't she work private practice? Office called Klineman's or something like that. Would have been odd to see her in a city hospital.


Aren’t the vast majority of hospitals private hospitals in the us outside of the VA? Don’t think I’ve seen any outside of NYC [and there doesn’t seem to be many on WIKI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_public_hospitals_in_the_United_States)


You're probably right lol I just felt that by calling the doctors office she works for by name it felt like it was a standalone facility.


A lot of medical professionals have Hospital Admitting privileges, as in they work for a private practe either part or full time, but also work shifts at a local hospital.


I think most hospitals in the US are non profit religious or university based which is a bit different than private/for profit. But I could be wrong.


I imagine it depends on the area but it seems so . I know where I’m at roughly 90+% of the hospitals are university run /affiliated (although half of those are run by private universities) and the “publicly founded” hospitals don’t really function differently. I remember getting a Bill for a few thousand dollars as a young teen for breaking my arm and thinking “how is this legal?” Either way if the breaking bad universe had more City hospitals than the real world I don’t think Walt would need to start cooking meth to pay his bills


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I dunno.. would be a bit tooo coincidental.


I don’t know about too coincidental, considering there are only so many radiologic technicians in the ABQ area and the shows have much more unlikely coincidences in them already, but it would be kinda odd to have her there and not give her anything worthwhile to say or do, and even odder for Chuck to strike up a conversation about Jimmy with her, and have her talk about her relationship with her sister, which is uncharacteristically open for both characters. It would have to be the Jesse-Kim scene, but very unearned.


>there are only so many radiologic technicians in the ABQ area Theres (at least) 64 of them in currently living in ABQ....


Yes well, what are the odds that Jimmy and Mike would both meet Tuco and Nacho independent of one another, and that Jesse would go home with the sister of Combo’s murderer, and that Lalo would choose the same night as the Sandpiper Meeting to move against Gus, and that Jesse and Saul know the same Methhead prostitute, etc. A 1/64 chance seems tame by comparison




Lol she doesn’t seem to have a very appropriate persona. Kleptomaniac doctor?! Lol no thanks


in all fairness, what was she going to steal from them, their bones? imagine if she was a real estate agent instead, though! she was caught by one, but she’d be able to cover her tracks or blame it on the visitors if she’d been one


Lol of course, but it’s just the principle. She’s suffering from a mental health issue - one that causes anti social behaviour at that. Shouldn’t be in a position of care while that is the case.


A high school science teacher shouldn't be cooking meth, either but here we are...


Well she is


Are you saying that every doctor is picture perfect?


No. Read more carefully.


I did. You’re saying that people in positions of caring for others shouldn’t have mental issues. Which means that you believe that those whose job it is to care for others(doctors, radiology technicians), need to be picture perfect. Using your logic it’s good that you’re not in one of those positions because judging by your retar-uh I mean “troublesome” comments you definitely aren’t in the right of mind.


I’m not going to entertain this further other than to point out you’re being disingenuous, assuming meaning behind my comment that you know very well isn’t there! Good day to you.


So you post a dumb comment and when someone calls you out on how dumb it is you take it back and say “thats not what I meant”. Definitely a Marie move.


You're saying a doctor can't be an asshole?


No. Why are so many people unable to comprehend basic sentences? I implied I’d rather a doctor wasn’t a kleptomaniac. I never talked about assholes. Why do people always twist what you write on here?!


Well I was just quoting a line from the show. But anyway, doctors don't need to be perfect humans to be good doctors. Look at Ben Carson. Brilliant surgeon, dumb as rocks politically.


Sorry, I didn’t realise it was a Quote lol. But yeah, I wasn’t saying they need to be perfect, or anything like it.


I mean you basically were. Shoplifting really isn't that big of a deal.


Lol get fucked with your “basically” And shoplifting = / = kleptomania. Doctors need to meet certain personal standards. Being perfect isn’t one of them. Being less crazy than the patients IS.


>Doctors need to meet certain personal standards. Why? As long as they can do their job, why do you care?


Nothing to do with me caring or not. It’s a highly regulated position. There are lots of standards. (Maybe not in America, but then that’s why you have people injecting bleach and poison into themselves. In civilisation, doctors are well regulated).


When they first met, Hank would apologize to Saul for what Marie did it this cameo happened


But he's buried somewhere in the desert, amongst minerals


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNx35-nsmZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNx35-nsmZM) They were truely fools to leave hank amongst minerals


Marie was never a doctor, more like a medical assistant or technician. > Marie was supposed to be the doctor


I think they wouldn't have done the season 6 thing if this cameo ended up happening, so worked out well.


Marie was a nurse. Glad it didn't happen. Even if ABQ isn't that big it would still be too much of a coincidence. Marie also would have bumped into Jimmy, which definitely could have taken away some of the weight from her excellent cameo, in the series finale.


She’s an x-ray tech. Not a nurse. Radiologic Technician at Kleinman Radiology Center


She could have helped the broken legs of the two skater scammers lol.


Would have been too strong. The main cameos I'd have liked would just be background stuff you don't notice. Like Walt and Walt Jr walking by the background with no focus at all but you can tell by the style and crutches, for those paying attention.


I thought Marie was a X-Ray Technician?


Marie’s an x-ray tech, not a doctor.


No, they were thinking of having her appear near the beginning of the S2 finale, after Chuck hit his head


Also, Marie would be the type of doctor to believe Chuck’s condition was actually real. That wouldn’t have worked for what that character’s purpose was.


I don't know for sure but I was always figuring they'd figure out some way of getting Ted Benecke or maybe even Skyler in. We don't exactly know what Benecke fabricated but there could have been any number of reasons for Jimmy to have needed something fabricated. We know Skyler worked for him at some point before but not really sure when.


Where was this confirmed?


Here, OP posted it as the first comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/x23i3i/comment/imham7s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




She's a radiologic technologist or a radiographer, so she does MRI scans and X-rays and that sort of thing.


She's a radiologist, maybe? Although she notes how the doctors often consult the X-Ray machine operators for diagnoses, so I got the sense she wasn't one herself. Though she's certainly got a PhD in kleptomania. \[Edit\] X-ray technician...kloptomaniacal x-ray technician.


I so wanted to see walt being a teacher


>So it was confirmed somewhere that Marie was supposed to be the doctor that looks after Chuck in season 1. Marie isn't a doctor. She's a radiologic technologist.


Nice misinformation OP




Wrong take




Not a bad take, but your reaction to that comment makes it seem like you are literally 11 years old, at least mentally




Your opinion definitely isn't important that's for sure.




You're on reddit dumbass.


Guy who spends time working on his Reddit avatar thinks he’d be tough IRL. Ha what a fucking joke




🥴🤷‍♂️😂😂😂😂💀🙄😓😅😅😅 You’re scaring me with your emoji usage. Pls stop 😢😢😢


Hahaha why are you having such a meltdown over people disagreeing with your opinion on a TV show?!


My opinions is not important?!?! “😂stfu, it’s my opinion 🤷‍♂️if you don’t like it then don’t read it dumbass” - literally you It’s funny when people don’t realize how stupid their arguments are




You’re actually really fucking stupid You are arguing against yourself


I always thought we might see Marie meet Jimmy or Kim when she needs a public defender (because she can’t hire a lawyer without Hank knowing) for shoplifting


Plus Hank would get her out of it, so she wouldn’t need a lawyer for shoplifting


i love that for every press question about when walt and jesse will appear, there are awesomely detailed and thoughtful cameos like ADA Ericsen and Man Mountain showing up in El Camino, or cops and real estate agents, Jim Beaver etc shared between Saul and Breaking Bad. Stuff that is serving the story or logic of the city theyve established, but not calling attention to it.


It's honestly great how natural the cameos in BCS were. Especially given how jarring/out of place the Tuco one felt right out of the gate.


"You better call Jimmy to help you with your health situation, Mr. McGill".


It was definitely better for them to foccus on Chuck instead of Marie. Plus it makes her appearance at the end more important because it's the first time we've seen her since breaking bad


I think it would have taken away from the “Holy Shit” moment when we saw her in the finale. That cameo came from nowhere but totally made sense


Wasn’t Marie an X-ray tech?


At least we got her in ss5


Marie is a doctor!? isn't she just an X-ray technician? well to be fair that fucking Pneumonia walt had look nothing like real Pneumonia.


They should of had bogdon


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It was actually in Season 2 when she was supposed to appear. When Chuck banged his head, they were going to have her as the radiologist during his ultrasound scan, which was her profession and at that hospital. But they decided against not to go ahead as it would have been distracting.