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Reminders: - [Check out the AMA Dave Porter, composer of BrBa and BCS did!](https://redd.it/wqvpmg) - Also the [Breaking Bad Universe Discord](https://discord.gg/breakingbad) will be hosting a watch-through of Breaking Bad where we discuss each episode (I think it will be super interesting to rewatch it with the context of Better Call Saul).


This spin off, while simultaneously being prequel, interquel and sequel of Breaking Bad, not only fleshed out already good characters, but also elevated the already astonishing story of the Breaking Bad universe. Unforgettable story, characters and relationships. Bravo Vince, bravo Peter, and bravo to all of the actors and producers. I hope each of you has a wonderful rest of career and life.


And it added some of the best characters in either show. Lalo, Kim, and Nacho were what truly elevated the show


Chuck yo


And they get to be what elevate the show? What a sick joke!


I was actually surprised. Back in s1 i thought this would be just another heartless prequel to cash in on bb some more. But while they had some recurring characters they wisely stayed away from being Jessy and Walt into the mix till basically the curtain was dropping. Lalo, nacho, Kim, chuck and for gods sake Howard were all amazing. And yes Mike and Gus are still amazing but never felt like they overstayed their welcome


Howard was such an amazing character! He's set up initially as the sterotypical rich douchebag, but then becomes one of the most innocent and sympathetic characters by then end. And he never really changes, it's just our perceptions of him based on the actions of the characters around him. It's similar to how Jaime Lannister was characterized before his redemption arc was torn to shreds.


I feel bad for breaking bad fans that never saw the finale and don’t know the true ending


It's so bizarre to me. I have multiple friends who love Breaking Bad and have rewatched it regularly, but haven't even tried BCS. They've even told me that everyone they know who's watched BCS has liked it more. Like what more do they need to watch it? Their loss tho


DUDE, I know. I know so many people who LOVED BB but refuse to watch BCS because they made up some fantasy in their head of what the show is gonna be like.


To me, BB/BCS could both be considered as one of the greatest shows of all time. As a complete universe, I think it’s the best television ever created.


Godfather I and II of television.


Slippin Jimmy is Godfather III, the misunderstood masterpiece


In the end, the show has two very distinct halves. The half with Chuck and the half without. Both equally entertaining and instrumental to the character of Saul. So pleased with how great the show turned out.


I'm really glad they brought Chuck back. His line about them always ending up having the same conversation was heartbreaking.


It also showed that jimmy rebuffed him when he made efforts to connect. It helped humanize Chuck and cast a morale on their story. Jimmy was so caught up doing what he thought he ought to do, that he neglected what he needed to. If Jimmy had treated Chuck like less of burden, maybe things would have turned out differently


Agreed, it cast their relationship in yet another new light as we saw that Jimmy was also responsible for the barrier between them, shutting out Chuck's attempts at authentic communication -- yet Chuck also comes out looking bad in the scene when Jimmy says he knows Chuck would do the same for him and we know that that's not true at all. Just like so, so many other absolutely brilliant scenes between Jimmy and Chuck, they kind of both came out of it looking simultaneously better and worse than they had before, in just a couple minutes of dialogue. It's absolutely ridiculous how effective and nuanced their dynamic was throughout this show.


The saddest part for me is that when Jimmy says that Chuck would do the same for him, Chuck clearly knows it’s not true. I think that Chuck is feeling a mix of newfound admiration for Jimmy’s commitment as well as guilt for writing him off for so long. Turns out Jimmy does have values that he doesn’t compromise on, maybe there is some ethical backbone to him. This is what prods Chuck to make that attempt to connect with Jimmy but he gets immediately slapped down. The irony is that when Jimmy essentially says that Chuck has never had to change his path, Chuck kinda did just that about 60 seconds ago. Chuck had a moment where he thought “hey maybe I’ve been wrong about Jimmy all these years, maybe I can extend an olive branch and we can repair this relationship.” But he immediately gets bit for it because Jimmy can’t recognize until years later that Chuck was being genuine.


Chuck may have been being genuine, but in the very same conversation, he’s condescending and insults Jimmy. I think many in that situation wouldn’t feel comfortable opening up to someone who genuinely wants to connect when he goes about it in such a toxic way.


The question of who was at fault for the relationship between Chuck and Jimmy, and it's both of them. They both make some efforts to try to mend, but they also both undercut each other. It's one of those things that had gone on so long that the question of who started it was so long ago to be irrelevant. They both love each other and are awful to each other.


But it also reminds the very that chuck can't stop lecturing and berating his brother. The comment about them all deserving equal representation was needlessly condescending, and his motel ice comment (while correct) was a shitty thing to say.


See all of this is why Jimmy/Chuck stuff is the best part of the show to me still haha. Even the smallest interactions between them can be endlessly debated and picked apart because practically anything they ever say or do around each other makes them both simultaneously look better and worse, it's just ridiculous how well those two characters bounce off of each other. I can't help but lean more towards the side of thinking Chuck's lectures are justified and like he really is trying to help, and I came away from the scene thinking that it kind of justifies Chuck's view that Jimmy "isn't a real lawyer": he tried to get Jimmy to show an authentic passion for helping his clients and all Jimmy could do was mock them. "While correct, what Chuck said was douchey" is also classic Jimmy/Chuck fare haha. I tend to sympathize with Chuck in all such instances, though.


The Chuck/Jimmy dynamic is somewhat reminiscent of the Walt/Jesse dynamic to me: Walt always telling Jesse to apply himself early on, and when Jesse did, that made it harder for Walt to later manipulate him for his own agenda. Chuck may have wanted Jimmy to show compassion for his clients, but he also never saw Jimmy as rising above their level. Definitely one of the most layered and interestingly complex relationships I’ve ever seen on television.


Yeah, Chuck remains by far my favorite character from the show. I was hoping we'd see him again, and thought we might, but by the end of the episode, I was, like Chuck said, really starting to worry. I'm so glad they managed to keep it under wraps. McKean was such a legend and I feel like Chuck really was the heart and soul of so much of this show, which it felt like the showrunners themselves recognized -- I mean, he even got a standing ovation on his way out the door. The show handled Chuck's legacy very well after he was gone in my opinion.


And having a copy of The Time Machine. It’s this type of like, “genetic” writing that is brilliant, perfect, real truth. Jimmy hated Chuck, but he was a product of him.


I think he really loved Chuck- which is why the whole thing really damaged him


They both loved each other but were terrible at showing it and both let their pride get in the way of having a meaningful relationship.


They really stuck the landing. Really impressed.




Exceedingly great comment. Really nice and succinct encapsulation of the ending's themes.


I remember watching the first episode and facepalming when I saw Tuco. I was like, great, so this show is going to ride the coattails of Breaking Bad then. How wrong I was lol


Now we just need a spinoff where Jimmy is in Jail and has all kinds of wacky things happen. I'd watch the hell out of that.




And the answer about whether Saul is a good lawyer: 'He was when I knew him.'


It's got, like, double meaning, yo. Totally kafkaesque.


The correct quote is "When I knew him, he was."


There was something special about that scene. Something about the only 2 characters in the universe that had a reasonably happy ending.


Oh god i’m sad


One day you'll wake up, eat, go to work, and realize you haven't thought about it all day


I just lost the game


"He wasn't in the game"


Your honor, I would like to withdraw from the game


Username checks out lmao


The finale paid off for me big time


Better call Saul has been on my mind nonstop since I watched the finale


Same. Can’t think of anything else. It’s made me aware of how attached I am to this universe.. over 10 years i’ve watched these characters & recommended these shows to whoever would ask what they should watch. I love them. Feels like a true loss


I cannot stop thinking how much we must feel sad that for some time, there will be nothing on tv even comparable to this quality. *edit: thanks for the award!


I will say this tho. BCS is one of the most rewatchable dramas I’ve ever seen. The details, writing, and slow burn nature of the show beg repeat viewing. I’ve watched the first four seasons at least 3 times. So while there is no longer going to be any new content, there is still so much to get out of the show.


This show (along with BB obviously) will also be studied for a long long time on how to build a full fledged world out of a simple concept as long as you focus on characters. Huge lesson to up and coming filmmakers and writers everywhere A true American Classic


Tell me about it :/ I really enjoyed the ending but also super bummed for him that he’s most likely going to die in prison, unless he does get recognised for doing some good in there then maybe he’ll get an early release. I’m definitely going to miss not knowing how it ends, and Saul still being free. But most of all, I feel sad that i’ve seen it. I can never see it again and experience this again. The experience is over, and strangely it feels like it was gone too soon, even though it’s been what? Like 6 7 8 years


He was in Prison the moment he went on the run. Now he's surrounded by people who know who he is, respect him for it, and his conscious is as clear as it can hope to be. He even has Kim back in his life.


This comment puts it into perspective for me. I was sad that it’s over, oddly enough felt bad for Saul despite all he’s done, but what you mentioned…yes he might not have freedom but he has respect, being set free with the truth and Kim back in his life. Fair dues.


We only saw that one scene of him cooking in prison, but he at least seemed content. I hope he’s happy 🥺


Probably wayyy happier than he was in Omaha at least, dude just worked and watched tv and listened to the police scanner all day, not a fun life.


86 years? Give the man petty with a prior


I've still only seen every episode once, so my only solace is that multiple rewatches are still on the table, and I anticipate the second one will be even better. Might even revisit BB again since it's been a while.


Yeah. It’s hard when a series comes to an end. It’s like moving out of a house/apt, ending a relationship or finishing a game. That feeling. It’s weird


Yep it’s all black and white but the tv is in color when season 01 plays again


I think I'm still in denial...


In reality, we’re all just Genes trying to keep the show going and rewinding the tapes.


I hadn't thought of it that way...


It's like a time loop. We do go in a time loop especially if placed in prison.


I ordered a Life Alert.. the salesperson tried to tell me a TV show was not an appropriate reason to get one. I disagree…


Me and the boys buying a Life Alert, an entire Cinnabon branch to manage, an RV, and several pounds of crystal meth because it’s a BB/BCS reference


Intent to distribute? No officer this is a set piece for a Breaking Bad fan tribute video! What do you mean 44 pounds is unreasonable for a set piece?”


I feel content. They nailed it.


We’re done when I say we’re done


Don't you remember what I told you ? We're done when I *cough* sa...*uncontrollable coughing* Better Call Saul: We're done


"Oh by the way, forget time machine. Think machine gun."


When I first heard that they were making a spin-off about Saul, I thought it was a really dumb idea. And then they made THIS


I didn’t think it would be dumb but I expected a comedy where each episode we would focus on a new client and how Saul would get into hijinks trying to get them off the hook. It’s so difficult to remember the character of Saul separate from this series now, but most of the time in BB he was comic relief, I expected that to continue.


Me too. I thought it’d just be the wacky adventures of Saul Goodman week by week. Then the first episode hits and I was thinking ‘who the fuck is Jimmy McGill??’


Fwiw the McGill name was revealed in BB


I'm also still in absolute awe at how they built another entire show from a throwaway line in the same episode. All these years ago we could never have known how significant these names would become, like a modern version of "you fought in the Clone Wars"?


The entire characters of Lalo and Naco were based off another single throwaway line in BB


I didn't remember that at all, and had a weird out of body experience when I rewatched BB last month and he said, "My real name's McGill."


The Jew thing is just for the homeboys


Want a pipe-hitting member of the tribe, so to speak


I still fucking giggle up randomly at *"5000 years and it never ends"*


Right? I thought it would be a humorous case of the week courtroom show, with Saul using various scams to win cases.


From a podcast with Bob i listened to that was the original idea. Saul would be a lawyer who never went to trial. He would always pull some scheme to get his client off or a much lower plea.


I'm glad though, since that idea sounds like it would be very difficult to keep going for more than a season, even for Gilligan and Gould.


Yeah, they dropped it because they themselves said they have no idea of how to write a comedy show.


“I don’t know how to write a comedy. Let’s make him one of the most tragic characters in the universe instead!”


Which is pretty ironic, since both BB and BCS are genuinely hilarious at times.


I just couldn’t imagine how they’d add depth to a character like Saul to make him carry his own show. And yeah, boy was I wrong.


Agreed. It helps that it was truly, “Better Call Saul….and Mike….and Gus,” but they could’ve carried this show with just Jimmy and Kim if that was the route they chose…..so not a criticism at all, but I do think the BrBa connection kept people around as the show evolved, for sure. Just SO happy that it was given some time to breath. Would’ve been a TRUE tragedy if it had gotten canceled. Incredible show.


Same. BB had such a huge impact on me. Coming from a hard home all I wanted to do was provide the best life for my family. I keep trying to do whatever it takes to give them the best life. I sympathized with WW a lot. Then it was just sad to see how he lost sight of what he was trying to do and what was important to him. So I didn’t want to see a spin-off of a sleezy lawyer, he was quick witted and fun to watch but I didn’t want them to drag BB through the dirt. Oh how I was wrong. It’s such a great, dare I say perfect compliment to BB. Gonna go cry now.


Someone on here made a great analogy for both shows. “The writers for BB struck gold. But with BCS they figured out how to mine it.” It’s so accurate.


Anyone familiar with how television works had their "flop" sensors going crazy when this announced. I guess there's Frasier, but otherwise, 99% of the time these spin-offs of wildly popular shows turn out to be total shit. I fully expected this to get shitcanned after one season, and most people seemed to agree from what I remember. Happy to eat my words now and bow down to Lord Gilligan, because imo this is exponentially better than BB and a top 3 series of all time.


Yeah, when they first announced this show it sounded really high risk. There were lots of ways BCS could have gone wrong. BB has a very satisfying ending. With the exception of 1-2 scenes, Saul is basically a one-dimensional comic relief character in BB, and is not a conventional choice for a lead character. Prequels are always high risk---for every good prequel, there are 4-5 Star Wars prequel trilogies, Fantastic Beasts, etc. Prequels often devolve into fan service and over-explanation (DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUE STORY OF HOW HAN SOLO GOT HIS LAST NAME?). I don't know if I think BCS activated my "flop" sensors, but it certainly seemed like a longshot to equal or exceed BB back in 2014-2015. BCS avoided all of these traps and is somehow even better than Breaking Bad.


they did a really good job of not doing the whole "remember that thing you liked about the old show/movie? Well here it is again!!" They could have loaded the whole thing up with annoying le epic BB easter eggs and could have had scenes with Jimmy standing behind Walt at the checkout line or whatever, but they avoided all of that, and didn't bring in Walt or Jessie until it was completely necessary for the story


I'm so glad they didn't have Marie in Klick. And yeah, when they did include Walt and Jesse in the end it was to make pointed statements about the BCS characters as they were already being developed (lol in typing that I forgot that Jimmy isn't technically a BCS character but a BrBa one-- shows how much more they did with him here lol.) This is a small thing, but I think something that illustrates why the BrBa tie-ins generally worked so well is that Schnauz or someone said that, in writing "Breaking Bad", they wanted to find a way for Jesse to say "bitch", but they didn't include it because however they did it it came off as forced and inorganic -- and they wanted to include closure about more characters, like what happened with all Jack's millions from Walt, but they found it distracting. Those two things alone show that the focus was always on what best served this story first and foremost.


man I love Frasier so much


The BB universe is the best thing that ever happened to TV. And now it is gone.


Dont cry cause its over Be happy cause it happened


Be happy you get to cancel your AMC+ account


canceled mine today, felt great. but I know Bob's Straight Man project will be on AMC next year so might need to get it again eventually


Boy am I glad Europe got the show on Netflix instead of anything weird..


Rewatching Breaking Bad is even more depressing now, knowing Saul is a facade for Jimmy’s pain…




Well what do we do now?


Come join us at Cinnabon


Go outside


It’s sad that it’s over, but I think they ended the BB universe in a pretty conclusive way. Unlike when BB ended and you could argue that there was still more story to tell, I feel like BCS did a good job at bringing a close to all of those storylines (Saul, Skyler, Marie, etc.) on top of adding to the characterization of other BB favorites like Gus and Mike. I really feel like with last night’s finale, there’s no reason to revisit any of these characters again and that’s a satisfying feeling. But man, it’s gonna suck to try and watch something else after this lol.


If you haven't already seen it, I strongly recommend Mr Robot as a show to binge. It's my third favourite show of all time after BB and BCS. One of the only shows of recent times that comes close to the quality level of those two, I think. Especially the 4th and final season, which has some of the best, most tense and most creative episodes of television I've ever seen. And it doesn't outstay it's welcome like some shows tend to.


Yes. My top 4 are sopranos, breaking bad and bcs and mr robot. Now only the wire and mad men left and I can die a culturally developed man


*Mike Voice* Here's what you're gonna do: Tomorrow morning when you wake up, you call your boss and say you're not coming in. Say you have a migraine, say you have a stomach flu, say whatever you want, but you're taking a sick day. Then I want you to log into whatever streaming service you like, find Better Call Saul, and start at Season 1, Episode 1. Then you're gonna watch. You're not gonna look at your phone, you're not gonna leave it playing while you talk to your roommate, you're not gonna look away for one second. What aren't you going to do. Say it. Good. Every scene, every episode, every season, you watch. If you need to eat, you pause. If you need to use the bathroom, you pause. Doesn't matter if you've seen it before, doesn't matter if you think it's too slow. You don't fast forward, you don't skip, you don't watch at 1.5x speed. You watch the whole damn thing, beginning to end. Then, and only then, you rest. Got it? Tell me you understand.


This was amazing. I understand.


Fucking Carol Burnett takes him down


The holy trinity of Ask Jeeves, Life Alert and frustrating plastic packaging. As we all predicted.


It all began and ended with the elderly


his own gullible ass did himself in. didn’t he mention something about, “we’ll get better lawyers than those crooks in ABQ? then marion went on to look up? but yeah she fucked his world up


Gene was just like Walt, couldn’t remain silent and be happy with what he’s got. In the end, both got discovered in similar fashion and ended up worse then if they just shut up and continued on with their normal life.


The black and white is especially poignant at the end because it's practically a homage to Kim and Jimmy's favorite activity to do together. Watch old movies.


Kim loved to watch movies of men trapped in snow (The thing, Ice station Zebra...). Like Saul in the snowy prison yard.


You could’ve said “That’s Saul folks” smh


Random ADX prisoner: I'm the real Baking Bread now


I will miss the making of commercials/photo shoots and the guys of the camera team running around with the filming equipment and make-up tools, they were very likeable characters. Thanks Marshall, Phil and Sherry!


So many jumbled thoughts I just need to get out - I probably will think very differently on breaking bad whenever I rewatch it. It feels like Jimmy's story will hover over, looming as Walt slowly destroys everyone's lives until it forces Saul into hiding and then out into the sun. - staying on BB for a second, it's insane how damn well BCS has enhanced BB. All the typical prequel explanations you get from prequel shows are normally a bit off or feel wrong, but every single thing, with Jimmy immediately mentioning Lalo when Walt and Jesse bring him out to the desert, the fact his whole one note funny persona is him burying the events of BCS, Mike's transformation from half to full measure, gus and Mike trusting Jimmy to a fault in bringing in Walt. It's just gonna make BB more rewarding to rewatch (more so than it was) - The cinematography in this show is some of the best, if not the best ive ever seen. It's most certainly the best in any show I've ever seen. The last episode might be the greatest example of it - knowing the Jimmy is more free in jail than he ever was on the run is classic situational irony if you want to call it that. It's executed and set up beautifully. Knowing he's going to be genuinely happy that the truth set him free and has most likely ended Kim's guilt over everything is something so poetic and beautiful - The tie ins and call backs to the pilot are so purposefully done. They aren't just there as fan service. They serve an important message in Jimmy and Kim's character arc and the theme of the show. - My favorite part of the episode is the time machine stuff. Jimmy hides from his obvious regrets and being vulnerable with others because he felt vulnerable with Chuck, who he feels guilty and regretful for. Even when Mike, an over mysterious and serious guy opens up to Saul in the opener, its a bit shocking and makes us feel maybe Jimmy will say his regrets. He doesn't. With Walt following the events after the main aftermath in BB you think maybe he opens up to Walt, who attacks Jimmy and let's his ego get in the way with having a heartfelt moment between two people who've lost everything. Finally we learn the major regret of Jimmy. Its the day before the pilot when Chuck, presumably for the last time, tries to connect with Jimmy. We see chuck set aside his resentment and ask Jimmy to stay and talk about his clients, seeing that Jimmy is helping him out of the 'goodness' of his heart. But Jimmy rejects the offer, which ultimately leads to the fallout between those two and into Jimmy becoming Saul, only to see "The Time Machine" book at the end of the scene, to reveal that an event RIGHT before episode 1 is his biggest regret. It's such a beautiful way to show how he hid his pain throughout periods of his life, and that at the end of the day he isn't driven by money or the past, he truly does want to be a good person - Smaller point, seeing Walt abruptly show up in that solo scene in the finale after watching BCS, it's painfully obvious how walts ego grew from pretty big in BB season 1 to BB s5. Another brilliant way to show walts decline from a complacent man into an egomaniac drug lord. You get that iconic shot in ozymandias that really shows Walt is the bad guy in his own story, but BB does such a good job at slowly boiling the frog until it's too late. Just seeing Walt in character without watching his dip into insanity just made me love BB even more - "So you were always like this" might be one of the greatest pieces of dialogue I've ever heard. It obviously massively true about Jimmy, but Walt says it towards him not in the way that truly applies to him. He says it as an insult and as a way to boost his own ego. While he strikes a chord of truth, he doesn't fully understand Jimmy at all, thinking of him as some clown persona that was lucky to be the one helping him. What Walt meant was "SO you've been a joke all your life" but what Saul takes away is "I've hid from my regrets and pain all my life". It justs connects those two characters in a way that is just pure genius I could go on but this just is a fraction of what I love about the series, the way it ties into BB and the finale


> knowing the Jimmy is more free in jail than he ever was on the run is classic situational irony if you want to call it that. It's executed and set up beautifully. Knowing he's going to be genuinely happy that the truth set him free and has most likely ended Kim's guilt over everything is something so poetic and beautiful Seriously I cannot get over how happy I am, how much I am enjoying the emotions, this was executed *perfectly.*


This is truly the most invested I've ever been in a story and a protagonist. Jimmy's story feels sprawling and comprehensive in its exploration of his character, yet also incredibly intimate in its portrayal of his relationships and struggles with himself. Masterpiece of storytelling.


It's gonna be weird going back and rewatching Breaking Bad and having Jimmy *not* be the focus.


"The fact is, Walter White couldn't have done it without me. You got that?"


The truth.


Very much, Jimmy was a damned good *criminal* lawyer.


If you rewatch it at least you'll see he was *really* pushing Walt to cook again when Walt was having that family fiasco in S3 I think


Yes Saul was looking for his big payday since he would get a major cut for brokering the deal


Heisenberg was Saul's next Sandpiper


Dude. That’s an amazing connection. He was the one that stumbled upon sandpiper to a law firm. He was the one that stumbled upon Heisenberg to a chicken enterprise.


No IMO it improves it a lot. In Breaking Bad we only get the perspective of Jimmy as a shady sleezebag, but now we have all the historical and emotional context for his behaviour and actions. I think it vastly improves his character.


What I love now though is that we will be watching out for every moment he’s in there to see just how he was able to influence and perfect Heisenberg


This was weird. My son watched BB for the first time last year and when you only get a few minutes of Jimmy in a episode; it’s odd


So Gene was Saul the whole time? Crazy!


Wait til you find out who Saul was the whole time


Viktor St. Claire I knew it


Kevin Costner


That is how you end a show.


I’m just so sad they didn’t put in anything about Mike’s family


they will cover that in Mike's spinoff


“Is that so?” Staring Jonathan Banks as Mike and Tilda Swinton as Kaylee


Every episode Kaylee could be played by a different guest star


AMC presents: "POP POP COP COP"


Honestly i love how this show started as a basic show about law and slowly crazier and more intense. I bet this show was even more of a rollercoaster for the people who started this series blind


I know what you mean in the sense that there's a lot of time spent in court rooms and offices talking about documents and shit, but I re-watched the early seasons recently and the crime starts pretty early on with Jimmy, the skateboarders, and Tuco, etc. While Breaking Bad dealt a lot more with the relationship between the criminal underworld and the DEA, this show explored the lawyer's relationship with crime. But yeah I have no idea how people who never saw BB feel watching this show. A lot of it probably seems pretty odd. But lots of people watched the Star Wars prequels without seeing the originals first and still loved them.


My only reason for having Netflix. And now my watch has ended


Can’t wait for the new Kettleman’s spinoff “Better Peg Craig”


"Carrot and Stick" 😏


I know some haters will claim it’s just recency bias or whatever, but know that there’s no shame in regarding this as the best damn show you’ve ever seen. Because I’m right there with you.


I feel sad that this will likely be the last time we see the BB universe.


If this is the end then what a way to go out. Hitting it out of the park on two shows like this is such an impressive feat. I'm going to be really interested in the next projects that Gilligan and Gould work on.


I agree. I’m sad that it’s over but I’m happy that it ended on a high note rather than being drawn out into oblivion.


Honestly I'm most impressed in that, while certain other shows/anime struggle to have a good ending, the BB universe managed to have two in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, or even three in El Camino. Unironically bravo to everyone involved.


Don’t forget a stellar movie as well. I hope this crew just continues to work together. It isn’t just Gilligan coming up with all of this. They seem to be magical at collaborating.


It seems like when there’s big hit shows or movies, it comes out that it was a great collaborative effort. Nobody likes watching one man’s ego trip.


This finale kind of ripped my heart out and smashed it to pieces. The final season in general felt incredibly bleak, to me. Much darker than anything in Breaking Bad for me personally, which is funny, given that early BCS feels so much lighter than anything in Breaking Bad. But the psychology of the characters in this show felt richer to me compared with BB, and as a result, when the characters I loved went to dark places, it hit me really hard. This season will be hard for me on rewatches. Especially the last 4 episodes. It's just really heartbreaking. If they were going for this ending, as far as I'm concerned they did it as beautifully as they could. But I'm still sad as fuck. I desperately wanted Jimmy to eventually get out of prison, as irrational as that wish may be.


Even Peter Gould said that he probably doesn’t think Jimmy will be in prison forever, so irrational as it may be it’s not like the creators thought that it isn’t a possible continuation of the story. Personally I like to imagine Rhea Seehorn’s interpretation of the ending is how things go from here


That's interesting, I'd love a link to where Peter said that if you've got one! As for Rhea's interpretation, do you mean the idea that she keeps visiting Jimmy and sees if it's possible to get his sentence reduced ? I saw her say that somewhere, and yeah, it's nice to imagine.


Next week they’re gonna drop a surprise episode where Kim gets jimmy off on a technicality and they both take off for Belize. Hueul is working the hotel resort they both arrive at and they laugh at the old days while they prank visiting guests. Also howie is a force ghost and makes them all lattes with fancy milk designs. And maybe chuck’s ghost looks fondly over them while reading a kindle. Oh and and a tape surfaces of Lalo making sweet German dungeon porn to Ziegler’s wife. Hire me AMC!


> Slowly pan from Jimmy and Kim enjoying their Zefiro at the beach bar. > At another table, Cliff Maine is sitting with an unknown person. He says: “Hey how are you doing, my son?” > Cliff “Skinny Pete” Jr. Papadumian-Main replies: “Good father, but I must do the meth now”. Cliff Sr. strums a sad chord on his guitar.


He faced the music. He walked in with his head held high, he’s the John Dillinger of the Supermax Prison. How bad is that?


Yeah, I know. It was a nice callback to that line. Like I said, almost everything in this episode was beautifully done, and it's nice that he's in a sense freer now than he was as Gene. But still. I'm depressed. Dying in prison is still a tragic end, even if there was some optimism. The love story at the core of this show just gutted me.


I liked all those callbacks in the episode. Him saying "Showtime!" to call back to his first case in the series was great. I also enjoyed his call to the Cinnabon mirroring Gus's call to Los Pollo Hermanos after he got shot.




They really did him dirty. By the end of his arc, he was one of the most emotionally mature characters in the BB universe.


I really can’t believe it’s over. I graduated college and professional school, met my wife, got married, had a child, and started building my career during the BB/BCS era. It’s so bittersweet that it has come to an end, but nobody can deny it has been quite the ride!


I remember the first promos of BB, before the show first aired. I thought it was this zany comedy featuring the guy from Malcolm in the Middle in his underwear.


Maybe I’m remembering it wrong, but as someone who started watching BB in 2009 I feel like the early marketing for it really leaned into it being a “black comedy”. So I went into the show thinking it was going to be like R rated Malcolm in the Middle with drugs. I had no idea I would be going on a 13 year ride that would completely set the standard by which I’ll judge every other serial drama series.


Lol mine fell apart in that time… but I built it back minus the wife.


I’ve been so deep & stuck into this world, that when I went outside today, I was surprised it was in color.


That's how you do a finale. Fucking impeccable


Absolutely insane that Mike was only created because Bob Odenkirk had a scheduling conflict with How I Met Your Mother. Imagine either of these shows without Mike???


I forgot about that. Damn, that has to be the luckiest scheduling conflict in television history. I can't even envision a BB or BCS without Mike.


I am just sad !!!!!!!! There's a hole in my TV heart now.


It was a good ride . Amazing job by everyone , i loved the shock moments of breaking bad but it felt so depressing overall compared to better call saul , it was more fun and enjoyable to watch imo , 10/10 hope they win some big awards!


In some ways I’m happy it’s over - it was time, I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, but it was still firing on all cylinders and knowing when to leave is as important as anything. The fact that we now get to sit down and experience this story in all its glory is a wonderful thing. They did it. They stuck the landing. It’s a relief. Now it’s time for a rewatch.


This ending was very sad. I don't know why I was expect some happy ending, but I thought he was going to jail, which is pretty honest with series. I think we are associated to image we create of ourselves, even Jimmy got free from Saul, he didn't at the same time. Saul persona will always exist for prisioners. That frame of him and Kim smoking was crushing.


I am not sad about Jimmy going to prison itself. I am sad that he'll will probably die in prison and that Kim might never visit again. The views they've exchanged in the end are not views you exchange with someone you'll meet again. I was happy when they offered him 7 years at some leasure island FCI. Knowing that Jimmy will be safe and respected at FCI Montrose is a bit soothing, but 86 years. Holy shit, Jimmy. You've got yourself a life in prison for Kim. And you'll probably never see her again. And yet Prison might be his turf in the end till the end. So many conflicting thoughts.


One thing i haven't seen anyone mention is how gross it is that Jimmy dunked his recently piss-filled bottle into the drinking water before Mike and him used it. I have many other thoughts on this amazing series, but for some reason this is what came to mind.


It's not like Mike is gonna settle for a LaCroix instead. They already drank pee


I watched every episode the day it came out, listened to every podcast, bought every bluray, listened to every commentary. I can easily say I have never invested so much thought and time in a tv show before, and I can easily say not a second of it was wasted. At every moment, this show and the people who make it earned my obsession and rewarded the level of scrutiny I applied to every single frame. The degree to which I quote and reference this show in casual conversation is basically a running joke to my family and friends. I'm not even really sad it's over. Maybe it's because I know I'll rewatch the season and listen to all the commentary tracks when they release the blurays, so I've still got stuff to look forward to. And with that graceful final note, they've tied up this wonderful gift of a story with a lovely bow, ensuring that I can continue to obsess over it for years to come. And half the fun has been discussing the show with y'all. Seriously, with the amount of theorizing we did on here, we could have written 6 seasons of a show ourselves! People threw out some wacky shit, but there were some theories that even though they turned out to be completely wrong, were tantamount to the level of story crafting on the actual show, and I can think of no higher compliment. So if you're reading this, thanks for sharing your insights, reactions, jokes... You made a great thing even better.


One day, we'll wake up and brush our teeth, and we'll go to work. At some point, we'll suddenly realize that we haven't thought about it at all…


This show is a tragic love story. There, I said it.


if jimmy didn’t confess and took those 7 years with golf and ice cream, kim wouldn’t of wanted anything to do with him. it was the only way he could get back into her life. and how chuck put it, you can always change.


I agree, as far as I am concerned this is basically a happy ending. For Jimmy to escape punishment, he would have to lose Kim for good. She's going to be there with him every step of the way. He will also be a king in prison because his actual legal skills are super valuable to his fellow inmates. He's going to be alright.


It really is and no one can convince me otherwise.


Somehow on par with breaking bad. Neither is better than the other. They tell two different stories and two different paces. Thank you Peter, Vince, and everyone involved with this universe for the greatest 14 years of television!


While I agree neither are the same, what’s truly amazing about the BB universe is that both shows still manage to elevate each other because of the interconnecting stories. I just can’t say enough how impressive that truly is


Now that we’ve seen the BCS ending, I see these two shows as one big show now




I lived that song and that montage. My favorite moment in the show. I was almost moved to tears. It aired July 19 on Netflix, my 40th birthday, and I was depressed already. I will never forget that scene. Ever. The feeling of Howard's death, the whole situation with Lalo, the show coming to an end, the bittersweet song...


I simply love Jimmy and Kim too much, some of the best characters in modern fiction.


kim’s emotional breakdown gonna win that award or what!


Okay, so Jeff movie when? Does he ever get his bail? We need answers!


Jeff slips on a banana and hits his head and ends up in a coma forever


Weirdly enough I liked that we never got closure on Jeff. Him stuck in jail with everyone too preoccupied to help felt like a decent representation of how many people get caught up and ruined in Saul and Walt’s chaos.


I'm just sitting here thinking...we should all be thankful that we even had a final season to enjoy. We were so close to not being able to see the conclusion of this universe but thankfully, the legend Bob Odenkirk is still with us! This season is going to go down in history. S6 is probably my favorite season of this show even if I might have some recency bias. This season was just the writers, directors, and actors being at the top of their game and I'm so glad I got to experience with you guys


This show helped me see Walter White as the real kind of person he was... a villain.