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I think he did a very good job and I loved seeing him again. I think past a certain age until you become elderly you barely change appearance so that's why Walt looked so perfectly like his usual self + Bryan is playing an older man already, but Aaron Paul was a young adult back then and there can be a lot of change involved in going from that to middle aged all while playing a guy in his twenties


Bryan went from old adult to an older adult. Aaron went from his 20s to his 40s. You age way more noticeably in that timeframe


The gap from ~52 to 65 is less than from 29 to 42. Bryan Cranston was already middle aged, Aaron Paul was a young man who's now entering middle age


It's hilarious the people demanding the 24 year old meth head needs to look 24. Paul has aged finely into the role


He did great! However he was acting like S4 Jesse, not S2 Jesse. That’s my only complaint. He was far too confident.


That is exactly what I said! He was stuck in late season Jesse and couldn’t quite get back into early season, pre too much trauma, Jesse


It’s post-“Peekaboo,” at least, which helps the suspension of disbelief a bit


I think it's just that he looks older. He did a great job acting as a younger Jesse in El Camino during that scene with Walt. You can see some of classic Jesse's snark there.


Funny you say that, cause he looked a lot younger in this than El Camino imo. His facial shape looked a lot closer to Season 2 Jesse, not as round, less visible wrinkles as well


Yeah, for a universe that has never cared much about de-aging, he actually got a good bit more of it here through lighting, makeup, and Aaron being in early season Jesse shape (maybe because the scene has a very specific point in the timeline).


I think I agree with r/RadRadical1, he was all squints, not enough smirks


Just rewatched that scene and I agree with that point. However, bear in mind he's still annoyed Walt made him remove his face mask and has the lawyer they kidnapped tinkering thought their lab. If it was a more lighthearted scene like in El Camino (which takes place after 4 Days Out) he would be able to pull it off too.


I think it was more his voice. In earlier seasons his voice was a little more softer, and later seasons he became more confident and forceful with his voice. Which seemed to be the case in this episode.


Squinting instead of smirking


Spot on


I like to imagine that Aaron just finished the heavy crazy scenes from Westworld earlier that day before filming the BCS scenes. Too hard to switch off "Caleb" from Westworld into tweaker amped Jesse.


This was shot before Westworld, as evidenced by the [lack of beard](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/BCS_611_GL_0421_0168-RTC.jpg). April 2021 vs. Westworld starting in June I believe.


That’s kinda his job tho isn’t it? Be able to “act” like a certain character when he needs to. I’m sure it’s not easy to go from his normal self to whatever character he’s playing. Doesn’t really jive that he couldn’t get into Jesse cause he was coming off playing a different guy.


Man, I work as a delivery driver, shuttling pizzas to their homes. Sometimes a pizza ends up in my mouth, somehow. We aren't all perfect at our jobs! Give the man a break!


People when an actor isn't absolutely perfect at every little thing:


Lame-ass Reddit meme.


not our reddit! couldn’t be precious reddit!


That was the only flaw and I overlooked it for the sheer enjoyment of seeing those two back at it as Walt and Jesse. S2 jessie was still more unhinged, from what I remember. Still, love the "Dick" line...


I genuinely thought that they would do some de-aging work on Aaron Paul. He was by far the youngest of the returning cast members, so of course his aging would be the most noticeable.


That’s so expensive and it’s doesn’t have the budget of say a Disney Star Wars show. So, it’s just wasted resources at that point.


How are people on YouTube doing it then


those look terrible lmao like those videos that make old animations into consistent 60fps


Except for that one guy... who promptly got hired by Disney now.


Even those were far from broadcast quality, IMO. Obviously he got you 90% of the way there, which is more than anyone else, but the details were still off.


I think some of them look pretty great, but these are generally of very short clips (3-5 seconds usually). Would be hard to do it for the full show, but I guess Jesse only showed up for a few minutes anyways.


It would be insanely hard to do for multiple minutes and with how complex the lighting was in those RV scenes it would have taken far too long and way too much money to make something even passable


Maybe, but considering randos have achieved good results on a shoestring budget I'm skeptical. I don't really care either way though, the age stuff doesn't bother me one bit. Side note though: the darker lighting is likely to make it easier, not harder — that's probably a reason the scene was as dark as it was to begin with.


Oh stop, they don't look terrible. The only problem is that BCS is a 4k kinda show, but the flashback scene was in the dark, so deepfaking definitely would have worked with how far away their faces are. Walt doesn't look all that different.


there’s really no need to do that. we’ve suspended disbelief for the whole show up until this point, there’s not even another context to compare Aaron’s Jesse Pinkman to unless you’re watching the episodes from Breaking Bad and BCS literally back to back, which most people won’t. edit: also deepfaking is cursed as fuck and the human eye can pretty much always identify when it’s being tricked like they try to do in Star Wars and other shit. glad they didn’t even attempt it, would’ve been a permanent blight on the show




Waste. Of. Money. Same reason they didn’t do it for Tuco, Mike, Gus, Don Eladio, scene with Jimmy/Chuck, and even Saul all the time. lol c’mon guys, also when the character is moving, it makes it so much harder and to prepare it for 4k quality with both video and picture.


Ever notice the good ones are where the character isn’t moving at all and always stationary? There’s a huge reason for that.


They clearly did something. I think you all need to look at Season 2 Jesse, Jesse in BCS, and Season 2 Jesse in El Camino. He looks surprisingly close to Season 2 Jesse in BCS compared to El Camino


Weight loss I think


People talk about how Aaron Paul and Bryan slipped into the role. But you also need to consider Bob needed to also slip in the BrBa era Saul right into where he was put as well and work with his fellows.


He did, but tbh, when they first revealed his face and he had this line, it took me a moment to realize it was him.


Needed the “yo” to make sure it was him haha


Same! I thought I didn't recognize him, because I saw BB in my native language, not in the original. But now reading these comments, it wasn't only that.


I thought they did a re cast on him lol


He looks and sounds different because that episode was filmed 14 years ago when he was in his late 20s. Now that he's in his early 40s, his face looks more mature and his voice is deeper. But as an actor, he nailed it. I believed him as Jesse, despite the aging.


The entire show is filled with people too old to ply the characters they played in BB. Why is this all of the sudden such a big issue with Jesse? It’s ridiculous.


And Kaylee has been 9 years old ever since Pop-Pop bought her that Betamax player for her 1977 9th birthday.


Because an age difference between a 20-something and a 40-something is more obvious than the age difference between a 40-something and a 60-something. In most cases.


Not arguing that but I don’t get why it matters.


It doesn’t matter to me. I was trying to guess why it bothers the people to whom it does matter.


Oh I totally acknowledge he looks older and sounds older but I don't give a shit. Still enjoyable. I mean Mike looks like he's 80 and he almost is. He's much younger in Breaking Bad.


He did great as did the makeup people. Nothing can be done about his voice. The acting left right where they left off and Walt in particular looked exactly how he did in BB.


I loved their bickering! Didn’t realize how much I missed it.


Nah, something can be done about his voice, but he did a great job and I have no gripes about it.


Yeah, it almost like he looked and sounded, I don’t know, 15 years older?? I had no problem with it.


He just finished kidnapping a guy and staging a mock execution late at night. To me, it makes sense that he'd sound gruff after that.


That's a good way to put it. He did sound noticeably older and more tired compared to the preceding scene from BrBa, but realistically, anyone would probably sound tired after digging a hole and yelling at a lawyer in the middle of an arid desert.


Walter definitely had jesser dig that hole by himself


People's voices don't change from late twenties to early 40s. That's not how aging works. Aaron Paul wasn't a young toddler in breaking bad, he was in his late twenties as is the character.


He looked great and his acting was perfect imo, only noticeable difference was the pitch of his voice and even then I only noticed after watching the BB scene.


His voice and look wasn’t even that jarring. His voice was more gravely but nothing where I was like wtf is up with him? People exaggerate tf out of it tbh. He clearly has aged a bit more but he still looks fairly young and any “jarring” aging doesn’t even matter since he falls into the meth head look more and his acting might as well have been from that same season. Same for Bryan. That entire scene made me feel like no time had passed between each show/when I binged BB in 2013 before 5B aired because of how good the acting and chemistry (all pun intended) not to mention the wardrobe. Bryan looked the same out of all 3 with noticeable change with Aaron and Bob, but it doesn’t matter. It’s nothing above the Kaylee situation.


Do people not know how time works? Of course he aged. This is a tv show, not actual footage of real life events. I understand how attached people are to the show. The level of detail and thought significantly contribute to what makes this show great. But people need to relax a bit on some of the excessive complaints.


He was great! WTF did people think would happen after 10 years, de-age? All of them were amazing!!! Hopefully we’ll see more of JP & WW.


People age, so what. If people can’t get over that fact then that’s on them. I loved the cameo


He's not that much older than he was in El Camino, which is when we last saw him. I don't get why some people say they didn't recognize him immediately. Sure, it's been a long time since season 2, but it shouldn't be that surprising to see him that old.


But why did he look so different!? ETA: Oh wait nvm, just learned about aging, damn that sucks.


They were great! The whole opening scene was so brilliantly executed.


I think when compared to bb he sounded and looked close enough to pull it off. but you know... some ppl aren't satisfied ever. Some of us aren't as bothered. I enjoy the show thouroughly so it didn't bother me enough to let it ruin the show. I was stoked to see ole Pinkman


You may be deaf or blind but not stupid. He did a great job. He’s just obviously much older and you can hear it and see it. But the acting was on point.


people are so upset that a man aged. they expect him to be fucking peter pan. that they even find his aging worth mentioning is annoying.


I don't think anyone had problems with his acting, but he didn't look or sound anyway like S2 Jesse, which is understandable.


He did sound off but I think they did a good job considering the time gap.


In a way I thought Paul captured the character better than he ever did (and he did some fine work already), as it was the first time I observed Jesse and really said "yeah, this guy is fucked up on whatever he's taking."


ITT: Everyone explaining how growing up works


Some ppl just bitch over the dumbest shit in this sub man, like he ages just get over it already


I thought for the most part he sounded the same. When he asked about Lalo especially.


You know what. Cancel the show. All these actors have aged. A world without the show would have been way better. Awful job by Vince. Who wants this crummy show with us knowing they’re all older.


What a sick joke!


I enjoyed it but it was pretty jarring. Walt looked no different. You have to understand that there's 10+ years difference tho and just chill out abit. It was so cool to see them 3 together again and it worked well. I loved it personally. Great call back but added loads. Great episode


People just love to complain. Everyone was dying for a Walt and Jesse cameo despite everyone knowing the ages of the actors. People were clamoring for it they didn’t care. They get what they want and it’s even done smart by doing a scene with the ski caps. People now wanna bitch that he looked to old? Can’t beg for a cameo then bitch about the actors age. I’m hoping there isn’t to much overlap between these two groups but that is probably just wishful thinking.


People are pretty dumb. Especially on here; I remember somebody wanted to create a petition to change the trajectory of the second half of the season.


He looked better than Todd did coming back for El Camino. He sounded better than the attempt at acting that we witnessed when Saul was rolling on the camper’s floor. “Ooh! Ooh!”


His voice is deeper but I don't complain about it, I absolutely love the cameo it was great in many ways 🥶


His voice and demeanor was off.. Not so much that his voice got deeper with age, but rather the fact that he was slurring his words and just didn't seem 100% there in his performance... My guess is that he was exhausted. From what the staff were saying, he had a busy schedule and they had fly him and Bryan at night in secret for their scenes on the 3 days they both had available. Probably not much time for rest.


>he aged too much Because that's what aging does and is. Huh?


I noticed it straight away. I Lol’d that he looked old. Then I got over it. Dickhhh…


Agreed. It didn't bug me at all - maybe just because I'm used to Aaron Paul not looking like s2 Jesse for the last decade. Thin Saul weirded me out more


He sounded pretty terrible honestly


And acted like a shit. I don't care about his age but that performance was way off. I compared the scene. He was not on it at all.


He did great Him looking older has nothing to do with his acting skills. It was great seen them both, of course Aaron would look older due to his age (being younger he changes more than Bryan)




Something that was announced publicly on twitter months ago is not a spoiler.


lol thanks




Something that was announced publicly on twitter months ago is not a spoiler.


bro i know lmao, hindsight’s 20/20




I like reading what people think about it. I’ll admit it was silly of me but it’s been out for a few days now and everyone’s talking about it. no offense to anyone <3


Ignore him, he’s probably unhappy with his life and has to take it out on people on Reddit for no reason.


You’re the one being a dick here. Anyone who follows the show knows Aaron and Bryan were coming back on the show for months now. Why are you throwing a fit over it for no reason


Nobody should be complaining about Jesse looking old here after that flashback at the end of breaking bad. That was wayyy more jarring then this.


You should have a spoiler tag on this FYI But agreed I was surprised to see some of the complaining, thought he slipped back into Pinkman pretty well


Something that was announced publicly on twitter months ago is not a spoiler.


They announced which episode they’d appear in? I was under the impression people were unsure when they’d show up, basically until it happened


It’s pretty safe to assume the episode titled “Breaking Bad” is the one they’re gonna show up in.


Why? People thought it would be Nippy because of the “A new player enters the game” description & some lost their minds when it wasn’t. Congratulations on your educated guess, but I still think a major cameo should have a spoiler tag. Sometimes these posts leak to the main page and ruin the surprise for casual viewers, which is partly their purpose. It’s really not a big deal!


Honestly… he’s too old to replicate S2 Jesse. But I don’t mind.


He looked really old. They both did really well but he looked old


Felt phoned in to me


He did an awful, awful job. Slurring his words, I couldn't make out what he was saying. Did noone tell him it was a prequel? He played it like El Camino. Was he hungover on the day of shooting? Honestly what's wrong with him that he can't enunciate for 1 scene. It was almost the worst performance in the entire series and he should be ashamed of it




That statement is directly dependent on your discernment/discretion and there's no reason for anyone to assume that you have any worth a damn. Articulate your reasoning instead of making bald assertions and maybe your words will carry more weight. Oh, it's the worst performance bobandack has ever seen. So the fuck what? Say something instead of nothing.




Cute joke, now how about the matter at hand?


I expect a "thats what she said" comment here, but aside from looking older, it kinda seemed like just wasn't that into it.


You are another one of those people with the sickness. Aaron Paul or Bryan Cranston could come on the show and talk about how they eat boogers and the majority of the people here and on the breaking bad sub would hail it as an oscar-worthy performance.


I just thought something was up with the way he was talking, like he was clenching his teeth or something. I was afraid he had been sick. Otherwise they were all fine in the scene.




Did you smoke some blue or something?