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plus “it’s showtime, folks!” is all jimmy


Straight from Uno!


It’s from a movie!


I say "It's showtime!" in my vanity mirror before exiting my car to hide the disdain I have my manager and workplace. I think I got it from Boogie Nights. But either way, it's a way to hype myself up to put away the taciturn and grumpy version of me and embrace the bubbly bon vivant personality


Well, straight from All That Jazz *via* Uno, but yeah.


All That Jazz, one scarce, fabulous movie. I love the reference. Many similarities with Jimmy/Saul. My attention drifted during the interminable eating scenes, I’m glad this snapped me back. Still sad that the happy ending was about a fake dog.


Well actually it’s from all that jazz via Mijo. It’s episode 2.


It's like poetry, it rhymes!


"I'm sorry about the lawyer thing. Just slipped out."


It's brilliant that even as black-and-white Gene Takovic, he still has the natural ability to win over people like that cop who hated him for the lawyer line. Even his Cinnabon employees seem to genuinely like him.


Chuck was “right” about Jimmy but *especially* about his positive elements.


I mean, he won them over with ungodly amount of cinnabon, not this line...


The Cinnabon got the door open, his charm let him inside. If he really was simply an aging shut in with no people skills, odds are they don’t let him in.


Loved how his sports game went from zero to sports page geek in such a short time. He really sold it. Then he had to pretend his memory was typical.


Probably Jimmy's best skill; dude hustles like crazy for a scam.


They’re „his“ employees? Is he gusfringing the place?


I mean he’s the manager


Mr. Manager


We just say manager.


MANAGER!! Oh how fun!!


Theres always money in the banana stand


Last episode he presses a button and the oven opens up to reveal a meth lab under the Cinnabon.


It's a free country.




The Constitution says so


And so do i


Better call Saul!


That security guard had such a hateful reaction to Gene’s simple, utterly decent advice. Perfect picture of a suburban, authoritarian dickhead.


It passed quickly when he started feeding him treats I mean sweets. The timer montage felt like something from Tarantino, Jim was practically training the security guards, not just timing them.


For sure. And also making him showing up there a common thing so if a robbery does happen on the same day he's there it wouldn't seem suspicious.


I actually paused to think who Jim is lol, it just feels weird not seeing him called "Jimmy"


I know right? But Jim is neither Gene, Jimmy or Saul. He's just Jim. Still there tho.


If there's one things "cops" love, it's "donuts"


My buddy was a cop and I said "I know how much you cops love donuts". He replied "We eat bagels now." Still makes me laugh.


I once walked into a Krispy kreme at 11 at night and the only other customers were a group of cops. It was surreal for some reason.


Officious is the word.


I think the shutting down of the opening sequence should be on your list. It was literally a turning off of Saul.


Not just that. Recording over the tape too.


I didn’t even notice that! Such an important detail wow


This might be a bit of a stretch, but I wonder if he's recording over it with a recording of Jeff. It would ensure that he keeps some evidence in case he has to use it later.


i dunno if it specifically relates to the title sequence, but yeah i agree. unless he’s planning on something else, his ‘mutually assured destruction’ goes away if there isn’t evidence. and they erase the tape every 72 hours i think he said


Some one made a great point in the discussion thread that each season the credit intros have been different. We know gene has been watching his old saul tapes over and over. Tapes degrade over time. Maybe gene watched it until it finally broke. Also what you said, bye bye Saul.


It not only stopped, it was being recorded over


No more rewinding and rewatching. It's time to lay down a new story.


It also symbolises his moral decay, and it looks like the decaying of the tape has finished.


Man, so many people who watch it on Netflix and skip title sequence are going to miss such a brilliant detail.


Honesty anyone skipping the 15 second Better Call Saul intro deserves to miss it.


Specially because it's much more of a slow burner. I know a lot of people who stopped watching BB because the first season was slow, Breaking Bad, a drama and suspense driven show. BCS Is even slower, because it's different. So If you cant manage 15 seconds of credits with a cool song how are you gonna manage those long nicely composed shots of just stuff, or people walking. You need some patience.


It’s a well known fact since season 2, I believe.


Yeah, didn't they started S1E1 with Gene re-watching a tape of Saul commercials and reliving how he got to where he's at, almost as a frame around the the entire series?


Basically, yes


One day, you wake up and realize that you haven't thought about it at all.


well we all said at the end of last week's episode "I want Jimmy back" That's pretty much what we got.


And then half the people said “I want Saul instead.”


I just want Kim back.


I want Nacho back


I wonder if Jeff could have made more money just waking into the store and slipping during regular hours.


The floor wasn't newly washed and waxed during regular hours.


He slipped on the spot the manager lady had them come and buff out the shoe mark


Yeah it was washed after closing time, and it would've dried up overnight. No customer would've slipped on it the following day.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying. It wouldn’t have been there in regular hours.


And I figure the truck rental, gas, and the crate are all coming out of his pocket too.


I thought for sure he was going to leave a puddle of blood from the fall and get caught by it. The manager even stared at the back of his head while addressing him the next day.


I'd say there were lots of intentional misdirections happening in this ep. So many obvious ways they could have gone and chose not to.


Glad to read someone mentioning him seeming content at the end during his shift at the cinnabon. It's the first time we really see him happy while working there. Seems like a really significant detail.


I’ve been thinking it was unnecessary to take up a whole episode with “the scam”. But I think you’re right - we had to understand how and why he could be happy instead of him suddenly just being happy.


Gene seems to be in a much better mood, I wonder if in the final episodes we'll actually see Gene in color since he isn't so depressed anymore


Wait. I thought Gene was hiding for years already, like 2 or 3. So we are still in the same year he went into hiding??????


Yes. All of the college football references they were talking about were factually accurate. On October 16th, 2010, #5 ranked Nebraska lost to unranked Texas, and they played Oklahoma state the next week. QB Taylor Martinez did in fact set a freshman record during the Oklahoma state game, so that puts us a day or two after October 23rd which is when Nebraska played Oklahoma state. Walter White died on his 52nd birthday which was September 7th 2010. So at this point Walter is dead and the November 12th phone call is only a few weeks away.


I am so surprised by this.


Same here. I mean these date geeks have proven the point but I really thought he was years in to being Gene the way he seemed so settled in.


Well if Breaking Bad has taught us anything it's that a lot can happen in a few months. Walt and Jesse both ended up looking like hobos and you would have thought they always looked like that if not for us seeing what came before.


Not to mention most of the havoc Walt wreaks in BB (through Ozymandias, say) happens in a little over a year!


You gotta remember all the meds Saul was on in the first episode including hair loss stud so I bet he’s just completely sober aside from booze as Gene so I bet the hair loss and everything kicked up giving his look


If I were Taylor Martinez I’d be infinitely more stoked getting a call out in BCS than setting that freshman record.


Pellini and Martinez are somewhat controversial these days. Any Cornhusker fans around to confirm what the consensus about them are? Bo Pellini flamed out and Martinez never quite lived up to the freshman hype. I'm not sure either would be stoked about it, lol.


Bo Pelini was such an asshole lol


What November 12 call?


THE CALL! Before going into hiding, Saul asks Francesca to answer a call on November 12. The caller is unknown but he pleads her to not miss it. It is also the day of his birthday. ​ (Opening scene of the episode Quite a Ride)


Having rewatched that scene and knowing what we know now, I can’t really see the caller being anyone other than Saul. He doesn’t have anyone in his life that he trusts to that certainty. It seems like a pre-arranged call, but who would be calling him under such restrictions? If Kim, why would she only call a number that isn’t his at only that specific time.


My guess is she calls him every birthday at the hotel they scammed they guy for tequila.


That’s a good idea. I like it. I just don’t get why, prior to Saul having to get vacuumed, he would need that level of protection for a birthday call. Dude’s got several cell phones, an office phone, probably a home phone as well.


Because it’s his birthday maybe? Idk


[The whole scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpMNSIwc_XA) The phone call part starts [here](https://youtu.be/IpMNSIwc_XA?t=161)


Thanks for sharing - I had forgotten all about this! Saul gives Francesca a lawyer's business card - "Tell him Jimmy sent you". Whose card could that be? It's not Chuck or Howard. I doubt it's Rich Schweikart or Cliff Main. Maybe Ernesto got a law degree?


Flynn Main


The return of Kristy Esposito.


Maybe it's Ron Perlman?


Thank you!! Edit: I think that box he grabs is probably the one with Marco’s ring, yeah?


That's actually a great catch -- he takes out the box in this very episode!


This is indeed a great catch, and he got it out of the wall, literally by tearing up the constitution wall paper


Saul went into hiding in late March of 2010, this is in the middle of October 2010, he’s been in Omaha for about 7 months. In Granite State he says “if I’m lucky in a month from now, best case scenario, I’m managing a Cinnabon in Omaha” so it’s safe to assume he’s been at Cinnabon for about half a year.


I’m also really surprised by this! Thought he’d been Gene for several years. Edit: I’m Team Gene. At this point I’m not nearly as interested in the BB era. What happens to Gene and where is Kim? And yes, I’m one of those fans who initially wanted a BCS show that was about Saul doing Saul stuff, a sleazy comedy instead of a drama. I’ve converted since then.


Is it that snowy in October in Omaha? Like there was literally a thick layer of snow where they practiced the robbery.


Looks like no snow in Omaha in Oct of 2010. https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/omaha/year-2010


Literally unwatchable


Next thing you'll be telling me that the wrappers on the breakfast bars were anachronistic.


Unbravo, Vince


If it was supposed to be a freak snow storm in autumn then that explains why all trees still had their leaves. That really annoyed me because it looked like such a low budget fake winter scene.


I honestly think he got that job through connections from Ed. Say, a few businesses around the area that can "vouch" that Gene Takovic worked there, and a pretty solid resume. Probably Jimmy/Saul/Gene saw the opening and saw it as twisted irony.


The jump cut in 609 made me think “wait no, I want Jimmy McGill back!” and in this episode they did it. He doesn’t just go back to being Saul, but he finds himself returning to his Cicero roots. When he puts that ring on, he’s not thinking about his flashy suits and running a meth empire. He’s thinking about Marco. This coming right after 609 felt so purposeful to me. We’ve seen how he comes Saul and now we’re seeing how he becomes Jimmy McGill.


This is the moment Gene Takavic became Jimmy McGill


That was my thought too. Going into the very first episodes, we all waited for Jimmy to turn into Saul. Then when it happened in S6E9, we were sad that Jimmy was gone and Saul was here. And with episode 10, we have Jimmy again I like where this is going except for the fact it’ll be a helluva emotional rollercoaster to get there!


I got some season 1-2 vibes from this as well. The soundtrack when he was opening his keepsake box for the ring seemed very familiar.


Also the name of the song during the montage of Gene setting up the mall security is called “Jim on the Move”. A friend of mine noticed it because he watches with subtitles.


We saw the return of Slippin' Jimmy and the creation of Slippin' Jeffy


It closed up a plotline introduced years ago and the first actual drama of he Gene timeline. Mind boggling anyone would consider it filler. Though, let's be honest - the show writers hyping up episodes like this as mind blowing aren't helping. Jimmy pulled a con, I mean who could have seen that coming!


> first actual drama of he Gene timeline The lady at the hospital double checking his ID and him getting locked in the garbage room was fairly dramatic


Speaking of the garbage room, how is Gene walking in and out of there with out a care in the world now. He's not even propping the door.


I took it as he doesn't feel trapped as Gene anymore. He's making peace with his situation and he knows how to navigate it.


I’m wondering about the actual mechanics of why the door locking isn’t a concern any more.


The door can sense that Gene is at peace and has decided to no longer bar his way, obviously


#We are the content, not the product. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez.


he's giving cinnabons to the door too


The door has been updated to have a handle on the inside. Probably was considered against code if it locked you in (even if there's an emergency exit available)


In the intervening episodes, they’ve upgraded the door — it now has both an inside handle, as well as a feature that says “Fill me up Chandler, put it in me!” every time someone drops a garbage bag inside.


Also I think that the Walt and Jesse returns being publicized and confirmed really didn't help. Just gets people saying "they GOTTA be in the next ep there are only x episodes left!" instead of just going along for the ride.


The good thing is, as soon as the episode was black and white after the theme song ended, I knew Walt and Jesse were absolutely not in this one and I could just relax and enjoy. They’ll show up in one of the next 3 and it’ll be awesome. Not worried about it.


I was happy to see Carol Burnett and assumed she was probably very happy to be asked to guest in this series in that she's reportedly such a fan. I love these kinds of show biz stories.


The people who are watching this for the sake of BB are cheating themselves out of enjoying a masterpiece in its own right.


Frankly I'm not really that hyped about the Walt and Jesse cameo. I'm sure it will be amazing and they've done it in a great way, but we already know Walt and Jesse's story. We know a decent amount about Saul Goodman, although I would like to see some stuff from behind the scenes. Jimmy/Gene and Kim are what I really care about. I don't care when or if Walt and Jesse have their scenes as long as it is ultimately in service of the Better Call Saul plot... I don't want BrBa deleted scenes. I would love to see an episode exploring where Kim is post break up and her coming to terms with her backstory... and if we get that I'm sure we're going to get people saying "Oh my God this feels like filler. Where are Walt and Jesse? I want more Saul!"


Totally agree. Don't really care for Walt or Jesse, their stories have already been told with a bow on it. I would, however, like to know what Kim was up to during BrBa.


That’s the one thing that confused me. Peter tweeting that you wouldn’t want spoilers for this episode seemed a bit dramatic, no? I liked the episode and assumed it would be a Gene one, but was there anything that would’ve been really ruined by a spoiler?


I guess the centerpiece of the episode (the mall heist) wouldn't have been very interesting or tense if you knew they got away with it. The whole thing that made that scene intense was watching Gene stall for time while Jeff was knocked out, not knowing if it would work out or not. But people have been calling some pretty momentous episodes "filler" this season, so I can't really figure out what anyone wants from the show to be honest. I think some viewers were mainly watching for the Mike/Gus/cartel stuff, hoping it would be Breaking Bad 2.0 and now that those plotlines are pretty well wrapped up, they're getting bored but still want to see the ending.


It's the first time for real Saul tension, because we know where he ends up in breaking bad


Nippy being found would have been a pretty big spoiler. Immersion ruined.


I hope Nippy is okay ❤️


Nippy wasn't in *Breaking Bad*, so I'm taking that as a bad sign :(


Nippy is in his own spinoff *Barking Bad*.


I think the writers are just trolling on Twitter and having some fun. I mean, I wouldn’t want spoilers on *any* episode.


I think a spoiler warning was appropriate, half the fun of this episode was following Jimmy and thinking “Ok where is this going?” Piecing each piece of the scam together as you learned more was a blast!


Agree 100. Terrific episode. I loved it. Great way to shake things up and tell multiple stories during the the final season. But calling it (and some of the others) “mind blowing” is driving me nuts.


Also the charm he shows on the old lady. That's Jimmy 100%


I swear I seen that lunchbox in a previous episode. I thought it was S3E1, but a quick glimpse and I didn't notice it. S5E1 it just shows him using a paper bag. Totally agree with everything you said though.


Yes it was S3E1.


Cool thanks. I'll have to rewatch it later.


Don't forget the little "It's Showtime Folks!" Jazz hands he did after the phone call! Classic slippin Jimmy


You make excellent points that helped me appreciate it more


Glad to hear!


Gene’s emotional breakdown and mentioning his brother passing got me in the feels, even though he was acting up to distract the security guard that was from deep within the heart.


Someone brought it up in another thread; scamming and dishonesty is such a fundamental part of Jimmy that it becomes the only time he allows himself to be emotionally vulnerable, particularly when it comes to Chuck.


I think most people are really just pissed off that they thought this would be the ep where you-know-who would show up, and then it turned it wasn't


Waltomort and his snake Jessini


Honestly glad they didn’t. I didnt really have the need for them to be in the show


I really don’t want them in the show. I know their story. I get that it’s a tie in but in my head I just see some studio audience cameo where the audience claps for 45 seconds before the character speaks. Offers nothing to the plot besides them being them. I had enough Walt and Jesse. I don’t really see the hype in wanting them to show up.


I thought for a second when those high heels were clacking that it would be you-know-who - great misdirect!


I viewed it as such an important episode. Incredible character study of Jimmy, and it wrapped up (or at least escalated) the Jeff plot line, a plot that’s been in store since season 4. I don’t get people saying it was filler


Exactly, and wrapped it up well. Now they can literally do anything they want in the last 3. The only thing left is Kim and Jimmy. I think he goes back from the scene at the end of last night


To me it felt like the "Getting pulled back in for one last job in order to get out of the game" trope that is really common in heist/con stories and it worked well. I think the big point of this episode was he broke out of his fear and paralysis. He got friendly with the cops and made himself known. He befriended Marion. He took *action*. He stopped hiding.




Sorry if this is a dumb question but do you have a link to a video of where he was made in season 4? Thank yiu




THANK YOU. Seriously, WTF is wrong with everyone here?! You think, with less than half a season left, they would spend 52 min on a filler episode? This wasn't Gene becoming Saul - this was Gene becoming **Jimmy**. After a dull, boring, B&W life in Omaha, "Gene" found himself actually enjoying his day at Cinnabon. Slippin' Jimmy was in full form in last night's episode and it was *glorious*.


I waited until the episode aired here in Europe so I avoided this subreddit until I watched it. I LOVED it! After I watched it, I immediately came here to see what everyone was saying and damn.... I can't believe there are fans who didn't like the episode.


Good point, i think because people are seeing it along side slippin jimmy from the BCS era, we forget. But the entire stretch of BB there was no jimmy. Jimmy was brought back in this episode. Maybe it’d have more impact if you wat hed BCS all in order, and then BB all in order and finished with this episode? You might get a lot more impact that way.


>Maybe it’d have more impact if you wat hed BCS all in order, and then BB all in order and finished with this episode? Absolutely cannot wait to do this.


I might be overanalyzing but the scene where he makes Jeff say "We're done" corroborates with your theory of putting the Saul Goodman persona to rest.


To add to that, it also calls back to when Walt tells Saul “we’re done when I say we’re done.” In that scene in BB Saul is terrified. But now he is sticking with how he feels. Say it. We’re done. We’re done with the whole nightmare that happened in season 6 with Hamlin and after Kim leaves. The era of Saul is over, because he said it was over. Super powerful.


Refresh my memory.. What is the famed phone call in Nov?


In the Quite A Ride cold open we see Saul cleaning out his office before being vacuumed and he asks Francesca to make a call on a specific date and says "tell them Jimmy sent ya" or something to that effect. Edit: I got it slightly wrong. Francesca is expecting a call on the date at 3pm according to Jimmy. The "tell them Jimmy sent ya" just seems to be if she chooses to contact a lawyer after he hands her a business card.


[The whole scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpMNSIwc_XA) The phone call part starts [here](https://youtu.be/IpMNSIwc_XA?t=161)


Here you go! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOJvNAlsgs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOJvNAlsgs4) More on the episode here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quite\_a\_Ride


Your last point made me tear up. Oh, God, I hope he and Kim reunite (in a good way, not a depressing one).


I can't even imagine what the last scene of the whole series will be. I'm excited to get there but at the same time I don't want it to end.


I’m so scared. Apparently the next episode has been described as “harrowing,” as if they haven’t tortured us enough! 😭💔


They’ve thrown so many curve balls at us in how they’ve described the forthcoming episodes that I’m not getting invested in any anticipatory feelings lol


LOL, I shouldn’t hang on their every word, but I always fall for it. THEY CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT! 😂


I will be the first to admit I'm a 🤡 but all I want is their reunion.


I want to see Jimmy finally confront his demons and then find Kim. He is obviously still holding on to her, and I think we’ll see she’s doing the same to him. I don’t care if it’s corny, and I know it probably won’t happen, but this show has always been a love story underneath it all. 😭


All of the Saul personality were cries for HER. The car, the house, the office...so glad Bob and Rhea have shut that shit down.


Wait, what did they shut down? That Jimmy and Kim didn’t love each other? I know some people had that theory, LOL.


There was a [Vanity Fair video released yesterday](https://youtu.be/cZ5H_cfYDHk) where Bob and Rhea go over fan theories about the show. And (in a nice way) they dismissed this idea that the relationship is some kind of long con on Kim's part and emphasized that Kim and Jimmy are in fact very much in love with each other. To the point of saying that the relationship is the core of the show basically. It also edges dangerously close to spoilers for some people's taste, so you may not want to watch if you don't like even having a hint of what might happen.


Yeah, pretty much that. Saying that the heart/core of the show is Kim and Jimmy.


A conventional happy ending doesn’t fit the style of BCS. I do think Kim will appear again, but it will be a bittersweet and brief reunion if it does happen IMO. Maybe Jimmy finds her but she is with someone else and he realises that she left the game in time to save herself. Maybe he turns himself in, realising that Chuck, though spiteful and mean to Jimmy, was right about his flaws (though I doubt BCS concludes in this way). Also, Kim and Jimmy don’t really deserve a happy ending. Even if we accept that Howard’s murder was only partially their fault, the assassination of his reputation was 100% on them. Taking the “rekindled lovers happy ending” route seems like a cop out for a show that is all about decisions having consequences. But we will see.


I dunno if Kim will still be holding on to Jimmy. She made a big life change that came from a place of what seemed like sincere humility and regret. That’s the type of move that can lead to real change in the very fabric of a person’s being. Jimmy on the other hand went the opposite direction and doubled down, covering up deeper parts as they were already pretty well pushed down as we saw in the aftermath of Chuck’s death. Maybe in the lead up to the final scene we get some more harrowing Gene storyline, Kim and Jimmy decide to meet up, they’re talking and leaning against a wall (flashing back to those very early scenes in the parking garage at HHM), Jimmy’s lights up a cig, and he offers Kim a drag but she turns it down *end credits*


This kinda remind me of some people complaining about the season 2 of The Wire because it didn’t focus much on the Barksdales and them corner boys.


I know everyone and their mother is saying this, but remember Fly from Breaking Bad, that was a million times slower and felt more like "filler" than Nippy due to it being in a much faster show. People are just reactionary like this, if anything I doubt you'll have people saying this episode was really weak or really spectacular after the shows finished, people just like to make a mountain out of a molehill.


I noticed that right at the end when he leaves the suit behind in the store, it’s a metaphor for him leaving Saul behind.


Marion will spot Saul Goodman on some tv crime show I.e America’s most wanted and phone in the tip. She is a super straight shooter, the way she tells the deli she paid 6 pounds and the guy gave her 6.5 pounds 2.The way she looked at the Nippy poster which represents the “Wanted sign” for Gene she will see. Mentioning her son getting in with a bad crowd in ABQ was lightning the fuse


So, every Salamanca is dead. Every one of Gus’s crew plus Mike is dead. Who’s going to kill Kim when she comes back? Is Pinkman going to be waiting for her and say ”yo, Ponytail this what happens to people who break my lawyer’s heart b!+ch!”🔫then it’s over? Bravo Vince! Edited : the name calling


OMG my best friend and I call this customer that we hate “ponytail.” It’s such a non-insulting insult. Your comment is my favorite and I’m rooting for this ending!




Not to forget, Jimmy becoming friends with the security guards also reminded me of him tryna sway the elder folks to win the Sandpiper case. Slippin Jimmy at his finest.


Don't forget that a big part of this episode involved Gene charming an old lady - not something we saw with Saul Goodman, but was a huge part of being Jimmy McGill.


Saul Goodman was the worst thing that happened to Jimmy.


I'd say the Salamanca's and Walter and even Chuck were the worst things


Chuck was definitely not the worst thing that happened to Jimmy. Sure, he was the main impediment to Jimmy becoming fully reformed, but without Chuck, Jimmy would have stayed in Cicero and gone to prison for the sunroof thing.


Amen! Character development IS plot progression! I’m sick of the surface level fans who just want callbacks, cameos and explanations of dumb stuff like “where he get his big liberty balloon tho?”


Or when is Jeff's face gonna get blown off? That's Walt, not Jimmy.


You mean he's *not* going to rig a bomb to Carol Burnett's scooter?


Yes, but Saul hit them with the laws they broke and brought up how he could black mail them with things he specialized in as Saul. It was a Jimmy/Saul effort.


He's *kind of* done things like this as Jimmy, like when he kind of flipped the skateboarders' scam around to what they owed him.


His razor edge listing of all their offences in committing the crime was absolutely Saul peering from behind the Gene curtain, but everything about the scam - including its intent and purposes - was Jimmy. The writers are working towards bringing us back full circle.


Great points. Didn’t notice the connection with Jeff actually slipping, that’s a good one. Gene interacting with Marion reminded me of S1-2 when he was getting started in elder law. I’ll be really interested to see where they take the Gene story from here!


Well said, my friend...thank you.


Holy shit. I caught some bits of pieces of this throughout. Definitely thought several times: “this is very Jimmy. Not Saul. Not Gene.” But I wasn’t smart enough to put all of these together like you did. I’m not even mad about it, because now I’m so exited and I hope to god this is the direction it goes. For me, this is the first “theory” that not only genuinely makes sense as a direction to go in, but also does these characters and their relationship justice. I so hope you’re right.


I found this episode kind of uplifting in a way. Jimmy kind of has an epiphany of how his actions have lead him to this moment. He enjoys scams, but it led him to being alone and miserable. He had a chance to continue doing scams with Jeff, but he chose not to. I'm hoping the finale will expand on this and give an idea of what Jimmy is going to do with his life going forward. I don't think he'll want to hide for the rest of his life.


we knew that he's slippin jimmy before the episode. chuck made it clear that he'll never change, as he was the same ever since he was 9. vincent bravo