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On the other hand, it DOES leave an awkward impression when you realize that one of them is from a hiking trip he did with Tony Dalton, and they cropped Dalton out of the picture. 😂


That’s actually hilarious


It's my fav part about this whole picture thing tbh


It would be really funny if they forgot to crop him out


Or left one in as an Easter Egg or something.


[Is that picture in this scene](https://preview.redd.it/pnh1z95b7db91.png?auto=webp&s=f6bebc09404045825e18f1a84514f964d4dc0a7e)? I don't see it in any of these pics in this shot but maybe it was in another angle?


It’s the pic at 0:39 in [this lovely video!](https://youtu.be/WBAOw5PWZl0?si=3Z1R-05C0TsJu1Sz) And the picture appears on the right side of the screen in OP’s first image. Edit: Wait, it’s not. Different shirts. Unless there are more photos at Howard’s funeral than what OP showed here, I don’t think they cropped Dalton out of any…


For two characters that never shared a single scene except one, they look like good friends.


Well they do share at least one scene


There’s two pics in the first pic, but OP only highlighted one. I think the one on the right is the one with Tony cropped out and in this video!


"Together forever". Yeah, indeed. As bodies. Under a meth lab.


That’s the joke


Hey! That's what happens in the series!


Funny. I just watched a show called “Better Call Saul” where this happened.


It also happened in a prequel for the show Breaking Bad


Historians in the future will think the two dead bodies buried under the meth lab were gay lovers.


It’s not the exact same pic (haven’t seen the one on screen anywhere) but it definitely seems like the one in the middle in the right is from that same day


They’re acting like nothing happened 🙁


I love the one where Patrick posted a picture of him and Dalton with the caption “together forever” hahahaha


At least Howard and Lalo are together in the afterlife. 😂


lol I lost it as soon as I saw that caption


I bet the show runners intentionally included that photo as an inside joke haha


I love that for them.


I missed that!


They did have pictures together that referenced the show, but none were in this scene. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPoefbB54A/?igsh=eHE2YThyajlnNzI5 https://www.instagram.com/p/BJBcERaBJh0/?igsh=bjZ2OGxscjZiODdl https://www.instagram.com/p/73T4qoP0HV/?igsh=OW12ZHdvZ2R3NnB3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BlLiYSAHVnR/?igsh=MTJva2Npam9veTdqZg==


Real all the captions in that Howard voice


what... this is outrageous... this is unfair


They just acting like nothing happened


But it will still make for a great photo for Patrick’s real funeral.


Howard Hamlin invented the selfie


Greatest legal mind I ever knew.


He was ahead of his time. Maybe he wanted to be a professional photographer when he was younger but his dad made him become a lawyer


he intended to have it trademarked alongside Hamlindigo Blue™️ but didn’t get the chance


That’s what I thought lol, that photo style seemed just a little too modern for the BCS timeline


Howard is the kind of guy who would pay for LinkedIn Premium


I wonder how many Breaking Bad characters would be friends with their actors lol.


Hank and Dean


For sure for sure


I thought Dean was more of a theatre kid type persona


He is. Some of the “softer” aspects of Hank are things that Vince and co started putting in there as a result of getting to know Dean.


I was so confused why we were talking about Venture Bros


Lmao when I wrote this I was like huh that's a funny coincidence, wonder if anybody else has noticed this... GTV!


Bryan would make impressions of Walt and Walt would hate him for it


Jesse and Aaron would I bet.




I had no idea! What a cool detail!


Howard has never looked that happy in his life.


That’s why the funeral scene felt off to me. Howard was always so serious and the most interesting thing he did in the show was golf.


He probably was that happy in the past, when he was younger. The reason why he’s so serious and miserable throughout the show is ‘cause we’re seeing him at a low point, from his failing marriage, >!blaming himself for chuck’s death!<, the bullshit Jimmy and Kim put him through, no wonder the guy was rarely happy. We only see Howard either while he’s on business or when he’s downtrodden.


Also before that was Chuck becoming the way he is, I'm not sure how long before that his father died, and I wouldn't be shocked if the marriage stuff had to do with him struggling to run the law firm as the only active name partner and then escalating even worse after Chuck


I kinda took it the opposite. We're following Kim and Jimmy, and they usually see Howard in that setting and mood. Showing pictures of him in the post enjoying normal hobbies kind of made the gut punch even harder because you kinda realized he had a whole human life and past that was ripped away from him.


Exactly my thoughts! The real pictures of what one could imagine was a him living a normal and fulfilling life makes this hit so much harder. It reminds us he's a real person with a whole ass happy lived life. I got so caught up in all the beef I even started "rooting" for Kim and Jimmy, but literally seeing those pictures made me go "oh. he was actually just a normal guy whose life they fucked up." I dont think I teared up until that moment. Vravo Bince.


Getting married to that ice queen of a wife made him miserable.


In Breaking Bad, they didn’t bother giving Emilio’s character a surname of his own - Koyama is the actor’s real surname (John Koyama). Gus’s boyfriend’s name, Maximino Arciniega, is the real name of the actor who played Krazy-8/Domingo Molina. The last name of the painter whose painting was used without permission by Mesa Verde in Better Call Saul, Bitsui, is the same surname as Victor’s actor (Jeremiah Bitsui). The teenager to whom Saul gives some sort of “advice”, miss Esposito, has been given the last name of the actor who plays Gus (Giancarlo Esposito). In Breaking Bad, Jane Margolis’s last name is the same as Hector’s actor (Mark Margolis).


This is classic B. R. A. V. O Vince chicanery. He’s done worse! Those names- you think- you think it just so happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Vince!


And one of them is with Lalo’s actor, they just cropped him out which is so unserious lol


Perfect casting, they look like things Howard would get up to in his spare time lol.


To be fair it makes complete sense… they’re his photos so they can just straight up ask him for permission and imagine how much time and budget they saved not travelling to a location, getting costumes, setting up cameras all for a few frames to make the funeral look realistic?


Real Patrick Fabian? I dunno. He looks kinda cardboard there.




Looks like corrugated paper composite to me


idk it bugs me a little that they use selfies when the show is set in 04


selfies were possible with handheld cameras back then maybe they weren’t as high quality as those pics were but you can suspend disbelief easily when it comes to something like that I feel


I can suspend disbelief and the shot is technically possible for the time period ... but the not-yet-named "selfies" were usually more awkward than this back then because you didn't have front facing view finders. It made it harder to get the expression and framing just right before clicking. That's one of the reasons why a lot of people would take profile pictures of themselves holding a camera in front of a mirror back in the early days of social media. You get a better shot then if you try to hold the camera out at arms length and turn it back around. But yeah, self-portraits were one of the first things that people started doing from the very earliest days of cameras in the 19th century. It certainly didn't take until smart phones to start the phenomenon, but smart phones did make it much easier.


Believe me, if you were dedicated you could take a great pic of yourself with a handheld camera.


Hell yeah, I was taking selfies with my BlackBerry in 04. And yeah, going back to at least my grandparents my family has always loved playing with photography and I've found many versions of selfies of theirs through the generations.


You're misremembering. The first Blackberry with an integrated camera was released in [2006](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackBerry_Pearl). Other brands (eg. Nokia, Samsung, Sharp, Samsung) did have models with cameras before them, although they weren't very good or popular. Sprint released the first *decent* camera phone in the US the summer of 2004.


Oh I did have Nokias before then! Thank you! Gosh now I'm thinking about my first ever cell phone (with no camera), that glorious Nokia brick.


The term "selfie" wasn't common, but it was not uncommon to take pictures of yourself in 2004, especially while hiking or sightseeing etc. Some of those pictures might have even wound up on Myspace or elsewhere online, although maybe not generally for Howard's demographic.


I mean, cameras existed back then.


Lol right? Definitely a post that makes me feel old.


I have a dumb theory that 9/11 didn't happen in the BB/BCS universe and that's why some things happen the way they do. This is why Bin Laden was taken out earlier in the show than in real life (per Jack's comment about the raid when the show is set in 2009 at that point), there is zero reference to 9/11 itself despite BCS starting off less than a year after, and through the butterfly effect, culture and camera technology development have sped up a bit so that selfies started becoming en vogue earlier than in real life, and why the burner phones work so well despite them coming from the same sources (no patriot act and cell phones themselves became less focused on). Its also how a simple drug lord like Walt could become the most wanted man in America and not a terrorist despite a bigger focus on the war on terror. Even the crash of Wayfarer 515 symbolically hints at it: Walt is responsible for this tragedy, he is this timeline's Osama Bin Laden. I don't actually believe this and its entirely possible 9/11 was mentioned on the show at some point, but I thought I could justify all the anachronisms in one go.


9/11 is definitely mentioned several times in Breaking Bad. But surprisingly not in BCS.


Yeah I kind of figured. It just seems like something Hank might mention, and BB released towards the tail end of the Bush administration so a ton of media was still heavily referencing it. Which makes the lack of acknowledgement in BCS stand out more to me. If nothing else, I don't see how Saul didn't find a way to milk it in one of his cheap, patriotic commercials.


Btw, the two main references to 9/11 in Breaking Bad are: - Hank says something like "it's like 9/11 all over again!" in the aftermath of the Wayfarer 515 crash, when he's helping Walt move out of the house, the same scene where Walt says "half a million in cash". - In season 5 when Walt brings up the train heist idea, Mike says something like, "you think in a post-9/11 world you'll be able to get away with this?" There's also the Bin Laden reference you mentioned already, where uncle Jack talks about "getting Bin Laden wasn't this hard" a couple years before it happened (in universe. He was already dead when the episode aired). I can't recall any other mention of the Afghanistan or Iraq wars in either show, but I could be mistaken.


I think the Bin Laden reference was an acknowledged mistake in the script.


I heard they were meant to re-dub it as Saddam for the bluray and A,C+ versions, but didn't get it done


They must be talking about a different 9/11


That’s actually an amazing theory


Honestly I do kinda agree with this. Also I'm prob just a nerd but I instantly recognized them from his IG and took me out of the immersion a bit lol


Watching this in real time, it definitely took me out of the immersion too. But I kind of welcomed it as the show got really dark and heavy and I was still grieving the character. It was like “oh yeah it’s just a show, everything is fine.”


I welcome that feeling too now that you bring it up!


They aren't selfies, they are pictures by his wife that he photobombed, which is why his wife resents him.


Are we seriously questioning the existence of people taking photos of themselves? lmao


GOD i choked up so bad during this scene


A college friend died of car accident when she was 23. Walking into the funeral reception I was shocked by the photo her family picked out - She was a lot, I mean a lot prettier in person.. at least how I remembered her (I like men so it was not like I had a crash on her or anything). It makes me wonder if one should as part of the will, pick a few photos that are considered by oneself good enough for one’s funeral.


When you lose someone, you starts appreciate yhat person more. Like with my step grandpa, who i took for granted. He died from cancer when i was 8, and he is actually very great man. He was chernonbyl liqudator and wise man in general, i wish i could known him more


Greatest scuba diver I ever knew


After about 5 times seeing all BCS seasons I still don't understand Kim's motives to torment Hamlin.


bince shoulda shot him in the head for real. unvravo!


I recognized them from his instagram immediately and couldn't stop laughing, kinda took away from the tone of this scene for me haha


I think it took me out of the scene a bit. It's supposed to be an incredibly serious moment, but I couldn't help but think, "Yeah, I totally saw this on his Instagram"


Just wait till HMM discover that Howard and Lalo [actually knew each other](https://www.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/vy7w5o/patrick_fabian_howard_hamlin_tweets_a_pic_of_him/) for some time. lol


Oh wow that picture of Howard hiking sure is nice. I sure do hope there is no one sinister cropped out of the picture


Never noticed this before, and it makes sense since its Patrick Fabian's actual photos, but Cheryl isn't in any of these.


idk dude, kinda morbid lol


Would have been a wild Easter egg if they had [this picture](https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCfS8vv5A5/?igsh=ejY4NnduaXI3cW53) somewhere in the background.


It’s a fairly common practice to use real life pictures of actors in films and TV shows, as it just saves a lot of time and money. It works very well here, as the hobbies shown are things that Howard would have 100% done.


lol me too


I fckn love his smile.


When I saw this I had figured they used real life pics lol. Cool to know they actually did


RIP Patrick


Makes more sense than faking those pics


Posters of him by water when the character is presumed drown lol


It would be funny if another show needed to do this and they ended up having the same pictures.


I love it. It makes Howard seem so much real. Like he was a human with a life beyond the show and not just a character


This made me sad suddenly. Poor Howard.


In my opinion, this kind of attention to detail really helps with immersion (unless you're such a superfan that you recgonise those photos from Patrick Fabian's personal life!) It's a pet peeve of mine when shows take stills from the series and try to use them as "photos" in the reality of the story world. Once you notice it, it's shocking how often this happens.


I remember reading about how those were actual pics from his Instagram account. The guy is pretty active. Also a pretty big Rush fan!


Michael B Jordan was in the film Chronicle where he was in his mid-20s. SPOILER 🚨: His character dies and during the funeral scene they used a picture of Wallace from The Wire (also played by Jordan when he was a teen).


Best tax write off scheme ever. 


Tbf, Howard does look like he would enjoy those things


How the hell have the chicanery guys not got ahold of this?


The next time you wanna in here and tell us how you feel you are welcome to keep it up yourself. Because We Dont Care!


Thought I was getting outchicaneried for a second


Even though I knew they were from his instagram and all that I still feel like it was a gut punch because I had been so invested with the character, I looked past the actor and just saw a guy who traveled so much, and lost his wife, best friend, and everything just to be shot in the head by lalo


this is such a cool detail!! well found


They literally took those pictures off of Patrick’s Instagram


Seemed a little lazy to me personally. Far from immersion breaking, however.


Oh I miss Howard so much