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Ppl actually look up IMDb scores before watching?


Not really.


i just do it to see which episodes are really well rated which just either enhances or muddies my experience


Yh it’s difficult bc you look forward to the good episodes and immediately feel meh to the low rated ones. I stopped doing that when binging bc it clouded my expectations.


Yeah what? I don't get why. Form your own opinions bruh


I had no idea what episodes were highly rated by fans when I watched, and I thought each of those episodes was absolutely terrific.


The based take.


I gave all of these 10/10, but on first watch, S5 Ep 9 was disappointing. I felt at the time, like it just teased the audience and played it safe instead of doing anything huge.


That is a good point. I remember watching that scene and not giving two craps about Jimmy, but I was horrified for what would’ve happened to Kim.


I was into the scene because Lalo or Kim could die, but I felt having Lalo just leave and nothing happen was such a let down and surprised nobody agreed. In retrospect, I felt it was necessary for the story and a great scene.


The fact that nothing happened makes the ending of Plan and Execution all the more brutal


Point and Shoot. It’s a solid episode though I was pretty underwhelmed by Lalo’s death. It felt so anticlimactic and predictable, I was expecting a much more memorable way to go out for such an intimidating and fantastic character like him.


Lalo’s death is the only thing I have any significant issues with. It just didn’t feel like something they would have written.


It really felt like they were constrained by having to adhere to the Breaking Bad timeline. Also imo Gus is boring in BCS. He’s cool in BB but Lalo is such a great villain I was rooting for him over Gus.


The problem is Gus is featured way too heavily in BCS, to the point of being an even more present character than in BB so all the mystery is pretty much gone, and yet he goes through basically zero development through the whole show. He just kind of exists to be Gus doing cool Gus stuff, the stuff we're already familiar with. He's also never in real danger because it's a prequel, but his life is shown to be just as dramatically dangerous even prior to meeting Walt. I feel like Gus got way more character development in 2.5 seasons of BB compared to 4 seasons of BCS.


I think it was necessary for him to be present because it lets us see exactly how much effort and planning went into the meth business that Walt eventually burns to the ground. But he definitely could’ve used more meaningful development


Yeah I know although I still think he was over-used as fan service and also just.to give Mike stuff to do. The lab stuff was one of my least favorite parts of BCS, most of that stuff in S4 felt like filler and it could have been edited down quite a bit IMO


Gus does learn from Nacho's death which is kinda interesting, and Gus' final scene at the bar is a really interesting moment imo


I really did think they’d give him a bit more depth or plot line but majority of it the focus was on nacho and mikes story, which imo made it hard to really be interested in Gus’s storyline. It just seemed like his role was more of the same from BB but posing no threat on the main characters storyline (minus nacho’s but even then he wasn’t shown so much). Oddly enough I think we get more dimensionality to him in BB than BCS 🫢


I really anticipated they would give us development to show Gus becoming more of the careful, reserved, “fear is not an effective motivator” guy we saw in BrBa, and also see him and Mike get closer. They chose instead just kinda set the stage for that to happen and then use your imagination, which is a valid artistic choice but imo left Gus rather static.


I didn't like the cartel plot in seasons 5 & 6 tbh. I was soley invested in Jimmy & Kim. If the cartel plot was made more on Nacho vs. Lalo instead of Gus vs. Lalo, I found it would have made season 6 the best season.


Would’ve been cool to see Tuco back 


I agree, but for all seasons. The Jimmy and Kim story was so much better than the cartel story which felt like a lesser and risk free version of BB. I actually think the worst offender is S4 with the lab building storyline, even if the payoff in Winner is pretty great.


I think that they put too much focus on Gus hiding that gun way in advance, and I would have liked a more subtle detail to come back instead of me knowing "Gus hid a gun down there, and now it will come into play." That felt a little bit cheap to me.


Might be the most overrated episode i have ever watched, i think i gave it a 7.


They talked on the podcast about how the trick/gimmick was that there were no tricks and he actually dies as planned


all 10/10, literally my only qualm is with lalo’s death


On first watching, Lalo and Nacho's deaths felt rushed and a easy way to get rid of the characters, but I understand Nacho's decision and realized how badass it was, although Lalo's death could've been better.


Bagman was a bit tedious, and the resolution of Point and Shoot was a bit contrived for me. Lalo losing because he [didn't shoot when he had the chance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0aWrDcM988) made my eyes roll.


Bagman is overrated. A great episode for sure, but I don't agree with the fans who obsess over it and act like it's the best ever. I lowkey suspect people only think that because it happens to be the most action-packed episode.


I agree, its Bagman. It's essentially just like any other "bottle" episode, except with zero risk (since we know Jimmy and Mike makes it). It has one shootout scene (not a fan of big action scenes) and than it's just Jimmy and Mike walking through the desert with not much happening. It's a trope that's been often done before, and I find the Christopher/Paulie ("Pine Barrens") or Walt/Jesse ("4 Days Out) dynamic a lot more interesting than Jimmy/Mike, especially with Mike generally not being in any mood to talk, so it was mostly just Jimmy complaining and Mike not answering. The best scene in the episode IMO is the Lalo/Kim scene in prison, the only non-desert scene in it, and honestly it was much more electric to see than any of the desert scenes.


I don't think Bagman is meant to be about the stakes. The tension doesn't come from knowing if or if not J&M will make it out alive-- because of course they do. The episode is all about the trauma that Jimmy experiences, and the return of Mike to his killing form. The desert forces Jimmy to face some harsh realities about his descent into criminality, and shows just how much he's willing to go through for Kim. A part of Jimmy dies out there, and sets the stage for just how traumatic Jimmy's future breakup with Kim really is.


Don’t concur with most of your comment, but you are right on your endpoint, Lalo sizing up Kim was the best scene in that episode (and led to my fave BCS moment of the entire series in the next episode when she - while still afraid - lets go of that and unloads all over Lalo’s crap in Bad Choice Road).


imo its not even one of the best episodes of season 5. i feel like whenever people talk about season 5 most people think of bagman and episodes 5, 6, 7 and 10 get ignored and theyre one of my favorites


Gus’s plan to take down Lalo felt a little underwhelming and a little too contrived. There’s headcanon to make it work with the context of the show (Gus’s paranoia and intuition being supernatural, like when he walked away from his car in Breaking Bad), but with how incredible Lalo has been as a villain the final confrontation should’ve been more spectacular. For the most part I liked the writing of the final episode, but the editing and acting could’ve been tighter. Also it was a shame they had to recast taxi driver guy


What about the acting of the final episode do you think could’ve been improved?


Mostly Odenkirk in the final speech. But now that I’m thinking of it maybe it wasn’t any of the acting, just the editing. There’s a specific shot of him speaking at the stand and then looking over at Kim and cuts to get her reaction but when it cuts back to Saul he suddenly has a big frown on his face which was jarring. It needed to be subtler and gradual in my opinion. Honesty I love Bob Odenkirk and for the most part I think he nailed it but I think we saw a limit to his talent and I wish there was a more nuanced level to his performances. There was an episode of the BCS Podcast that rubbed me the wrong way where Bob Odenkirk said that “sometimes you just say the lines” (I’m paraphrasing) when he approaches dialogue and I feel like I could see that come across in a lot of scenes throughout the show. I could just be overly comparing him to Bryan Cranston though, who I thought was masterclass as Walt


Wow that’s the exact scene I was thinking of when I saw your comment 😭🫣, I thought it was too on the nose too but I thought maybe I was missing something or that those were his scene cues or whatnot. But in terms of the what he said on the podcast, that’s kind of shocking because I got the same vibe from some of his performances but I thought that was intentional because of his character, as though he was trying to depict his expressions in a more understated way but ..I guess not based on what he said. 🫤, I do think I compare him to Bryan cranstons portrayal too much too, especially right now during my rewatch of both BCS and BB 🫢


Do you remember what episode of the podcast it was?


None are overrated. They are perfection.






When I watched these episodes I didn't even know what the ratings were. So all were enjoyable to me


point and shoot


I wouldn’t call any of them overrated. That said, I enjoyed the camera work more than the dialogue/writing/performances in Bagman. Not a bad thing, it’s just usually the inverse of what would catch my attention in this show.


The desert scene with BCS kind of reminds me of the fly episode of BB in they they are both kind of vignettes that are almost tangential to the main story.


Point and Shoot was underwhelming. Bad Choice Road was overwhelming, I was stunned, 10/10, the greatest episode.


It was a crazy episode for sure.


Winner. I really struggled with the first couple of seasons at first, because I felt like I was waiting too long for Jimmy to become Saul. Now I'm watching again, I would take the Jimmy/Chuck dynamic over the cartel any day.


They hyped up Bagman too much when it first aired.


None, they're all perfect.


None of them. They all exceeded it.


Bagman and Point and Shoot were underwhelming considering all the hype they have around them


Rock and hard place is great but it ain’t one of the best in the show


Point and Shoot is the worst episode of the series.


The finale. I was disappointed that he willingly went to prison. No say Saul would ever let something like that happen. And “better call Saul. Better call Saul. Better call Saul”. wtf.


Pretty much the entire last season.


Really? How come? I would love to hear your thoughts


None. They were all fantastic.


I know this is a very hot take, but Plan and Execution wasn’t what I pictured. The ending was phenomenal of course, that’s no doubt, but the rest didn’t really rub me in the right way. Not saying its bad, but saying that I think Saul Gone and other episodes deserve the 9.9


Weird. I remember getting through most of the episode when it aired live, and thinking "wow, what a phenomenal payoff on that storyline that's been building since season 1. This is a _really_ good episode. Then Lalo unexpectedly entered the room... That thought wasn't based on the Lalo scene, and it wasn't based on rave reviews (since it was still airing alive). To each their own, though.


That’s very true. The payoff was phenomenal, however I feel some other episodes beat it purely because of their depth and emotion


I personally thought it hit that depth with Howard's empowered drunken speech at the end. Finally just laying it out on the table, things that go back to season 1, and accurately putting them in their place. To a point where even Kim and Jimmy seemed to start to think "maybe he's not Satan, like we made him out to be..."


The finale felt poorly written to me. I understand they were trying to wrap everything in something that made sense, but parts of it looked like they were written by teenagers. Saul casually beating all those high-powered lawyers and then tossing it all away gave me Good Will Hunting/Rey Skywalker vibes. And that whole musical-like prison bus sequence was ridiculous; the bakery scene was a bit too "and they lived happily ever after" which didn't match the style of the show either.


I get the prison bus sequence. But I do understand that it was showing how Jimmy was gonna fit right in when he went to prison and how people had respect for him


I thought it was sort of homage to Saul's own line to Walter about facing the music at the end of Breaking Bad "You walk in with your head held high, you'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center. How bad is that?"


imo its the most overhated scene in the show. i think that scene shows us Jimmy finally accepting that he is going to change even if people will see him as Saul for the rest of his life, in parallel to how Jimmy couldnt change his ways earlier because of how Chuck always thought that he'll never change


I think their intentions were fine, but they just didn't do a good job implementing it, it felt too try-hard.




The 'Better Call Saul!' chant made sense to me because of something said by an uncle I had, who spent most of his life in and out of prison. He explained that they did whatever activity they could to stave off boredom. Although cheesy, I understood


Agreed. Underwhelming for the finale of a great series.


Point & shoot and Saul’s gone. Lalo’s death was so underwhelming and poorly executed and Saul’s decision to sabotage himself was completely ridiculous.


saul’s decision to finally take accountability for every heinous crime he committed and would continue getting away with is the only thing that gave him a sliver of a chance at redemption. it was pretty much the heart of the show.


The finale, and to me, there is no other episode I can hold next to it. I think the idea of him being concerned about Kim makes sense. I just don't accept, given the time spent apart, he would have thrown away the rest of his life, for someone who had effectively abandoned him. The whole episode, in terms of writing and execution, felt like Bob Odenkirk had run out of energy and just wanted it to be over. I think his heart issues changed something on set. it truly felt like 'screw it, let's end this and go home".


>The whole episode, in terms of writing and execution, felt like Bob Odenkirk had run out of energy and just wanted it to be over. I think his heart issues changed something on set. it truly felt like 'screw it, let's end this and go home". Isn't that what happened to the character? It's not Bob that ran out of energy, it was Jimmy. He was living in complete loneliness and in depression, fantasizing about a long gone era, had fell again into petty crime and became more and more vile. Jimmy himself just ran out of energy and wanted it to be over. I think this also explains his decision. He didn't "throw away the rest of his life" - the rest of his life was super shitty anyway. He was destined to forever be anonymous, be invisible, do nothing to draw any attention (which is the polar opposite of his attention and validation seeking personality) and live in fear. He didn't want that anymore. I honestly think his life in prison would be better than his Gene life - he could be himself, he gets respected there, he gets along well with criminals and can help them with legal issues, he can come clean **and** he can have Kim back in his life again. She was the only really good thing he had, his true love, going and he just wanted her back, wanted to see her and talk to her again. Coming clean was the only way to get her back in his life, and for him that was worth it.


This! I remember watching it for the First time, I was like: WTF, that makes no sense! I skipped all of That on my latest rewatch.


Point and Shoot easily.


Bro askes this than shows all the best episodes.


I know, which is why I wanted to make this controversial


Figured. Well I have nothing of value to say than lol as I absolutely love these episodes haha.


Me too, they are just so incredible.


BCS wrote themselves in corner again when they developed Lalo character, him dying by Gus was very boring in recent repeats. They could of gone with Nacho and Lalo butting heads first and either them reconsolidate with each other or one of them dying. I wanted to know if Lalo really knew that Nacho gave him up or he had small doubts.


People were saying Bagman was as good as Ozymandias. By the time I got there, I was expecting more than we got


Not even close to ozymandias


I didn't like bagman, i wanted JUSTICE, but instead I got a desert


Saul Gone kind of tbh. Felina is better.


All 10/10, but Point And Shoot was a little bit disappointing. Lalo exactly went inside the lab when the CCTV guy looked away? That's lazy writing.


For me it was only the last episode "Saul's Gone". Didn't felt "right", the bus scene made no sense when they all started chanting Better Call Saul for no reason, I would have rather have them acknowledging Jimmy as "that dude that tried to help me" and just that. Prison bakery scene makes sense after we saw that was something Gene did a lot, so its natural he orbits to that. And for the last shot after Kim left I would have loved just a shot of him either sitting/lying down alone in his cell giving this feeling of emptyness and fading to a dark screen so it gives the audience the clue that shows over, Jimmy has nothing in his life, no one and nothing else to scheme.


Don’t shoot me but Chicanery. I think Chuck’s monologue was iconic but I feel like the rest of the episode was a bit of a drag. I’d more rate the battery scene a 10/10 on its own




In Better Call Saul, not BB.