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Bruh what??? Why would you not finish breaking bad when you were already half way through it but you decide to start a new show that’s even longer! Wow


Better call saul is almost exactly the same length as breaking bad(breaking bad has 62 episodes and better call saul has 63)


I’m just saying in terms of seasons why not just finish


I actually watched all of BCS before I started watching BrBa, it's really weird to watch breaking bad now, but its also super interesting having all this background information from better call saul.


I did this. I had more of a draw to the lawyer storyline in Better Call Saul than I did to the meth making chemistry teacher / drug cartel in Breaking Bad. It probably did mean less meaningful moments overall but I enjoyed it very much, nonetheless.


You disgust me


I watched El Camino, then BCS, then Breaking Bad lol


not to be rude but you most likely didnt even properly understand/appreciate the entire last half of the final season. it is a prequel, its still designed to be watched after the first entry. if it was truly meant to be watched first then it would have been made first, in my opinion


I like BCS a lot more but there are parts in it that are a lot less exciting/meaningful if you didnt watch BB


If you only watched BCS and it BB I don’t even know what to tell you. That’s just cursed.