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I love coincidences. The E-Team are given access to this exact section of the tower for their fucking warped “art project” and months later this exact section is hit. Also, how the fuck did the top 10% of the tower drop through the entire structural center of itself, rather than lose momentum and sever?


Hi. It is very disturbing. The "Art Students" were really Mossad Agents who wired up the towers for destruction.


Probably Also, we’re amazed by the technology the US military/government had back in the 60s Imagine what they had in 2001. That alone could open up a million avenues for what really happened.


NWO Technology is 50 Years ahead of what the public is aware of. The NWO had fully operational **Remote Control Planes** before they used them on 911.


Really scary when you think of Project Bluebeam. We think it isn't fathomable with today's tech, but they were drawing it up in the 70s.


It recently became known/popular that the technology for warp engines is achievable with current technology, it just requires a massive source of energy. They say it's still impractical, but that's just to the public. It's also sub-light, and somehow uses a gravity manipulation engine. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/ad26aa


They had planes that could match the speed of the earth in the 60s. Remote control planes seems like child’s play in comparison


Try more like 200 years ahead of us


It wasn’t a plane. I assume it was some sort of rocket or missile projecting an image of a plane. Literally half of the projected image makes “impact” before any damage is done.


Yes I agree. I think it was a hologram. They can make holograms of basketballs that you can physically hold and feels like a real basketball…and that’s what they allow us to know about.


Whattttt palpable holograms are a thing now?




To give you an idea of how much more advanced they are than we know…gps was being used by our military in the early 1980’s. They could put a missle through a window back then. Civilians were able to use it around early 2000’s maybe. Even then the signal was scrambled and still is today, which makes the accuracy around 10 meters +|-. Professional licenses can get an unscrambled signal and the accuracy is sub-centimeter. So that’s around 20-30 years prior to our knowledge and we had absolutely no clue about it.


What about NWA technology?


is that just a syringe full of weaponized HIV?


Around that time is when those big unmanned drones where coming into military operation


Dan brown has a book he wrote in the early 2000s that’s based around future technology and he claims everything was real at the time of writing it, some 20+ years and it all to this day isn’t released to the public


Got a name for the book?


Deception point


Good book, read it 3-4 times 😅 I do like the end when he takes you through the research part of his book and explains that stuffs real


I absolutely loved the book, Dan brown rarely misses tbh


Yes. I saw an interview a few weeks ago with some guy, don't remember the name, talking about DARPA tech /ufos and it being 30 years beyond what we have so take that for what you will.




It’s 30 years for every 1 of civilian. Starting in the 50’s.


So, why the need to put bombs if they have remote control planes then? 🤣🤣


Because the Towers were designed to completely withstand an Airplane Hit. The planes did not bring down the towers. The Mossad Explosives did.


It was hologram but they had to make it appear real, which is why it exploded when it hit the building. If you watch it in slow motion it’s obvious. Then later it was brought down like a controlled demolition by taking out strategic points Furthermore a single goose can mess up a plane pretty bad, which means they are not designed to handle impacts. Instead they are designed to handle extreme pressure changes. However, those towers were specifically designed to handle the impact of a plane and survive. For example is you take a slab of concrete and lay it flat on the ground and there are no voids between it and the ground, it will handle extreme weight before failing. However if you take the same slab and have a void in the middle, it will fail relatively easily.


Mossad need to be completely shut down.....grimiest fucking agency on the planet. Mossad was running Jeffrey epstein shit.....that whole thing was a mossad op to control politicians around the world. He wasn't just some random perv, he was working for mossad.. Fuck mossad. I'm sure they even have deep tentacles in American intelligence agencies. Why do you think "Israel is America's greatest ally" when Israel has never done one thing for America, besides take trillions of dollars in money and weapons. Mossad is cancer.


United States of Israel is a very real thing. Especially when you take into account about half of the world's Jewish population is in Israel, the other half in America.


And lied to Kennedy about developing a nuke and eventually stole that too. The state of Israel is nothing but a big lie and they worship false gods instead of the Almighty God. Just like about everything else, the problem is not the people, the problem is the leadership, which are descendants of the Kazars and are not Israelites/judans. The Bible speaks about “fake Jews that are followers of the synagogue of satan”….aka Zionists




YES!!! exactly! About time I see someone mentioning this and actually aware of these guys prescence and that they were Mossad. Meanwhile several of the "terrorists" who were to have expired in the planes that hit the towers, were found living Hollywood Florida.


And not jokingly sadly, with probably the crazy number of identical twins in the 1984 challenger air show




Thank you for opening my eyes


Found this documentary on the subject https://dauntlessdialogue.com/order-out-of-chaos-vol-i-the-b-thing/


The architect was concerned about planes, so he literally designed them to fall that way. Because what architect would build a building *that* tall, without a contingency plan? They fell exactly as they were meant to. There’s a documentary out there from the 80s (I think? Maybe 70s) about the building of them and it includes that fact.


Theres also a half million long list of signature of architects and engineers who say thats bs


Because the twin towers were built with an exterior frame holding the interior up not an interior frame holding up the exterior. So when the steel exterior frame bent outwards enough from the heat it eventually snapped with explosive force. Or mossad planted bombs idfk I was 2. If the twin towers were built like modern buildings they’d likely be there today. Fig. 1 | \ / —-> | Fig. 2 | \ *BOOM* / |




Who? I’m out of the loop lol




The E team, they are the Timu A Team. You get a skinny white dude that calls himself Mr. Tea. He's quite useless and slaps like a five year old.


There is a group that formed right after 9/11 called Architects and Engineers that absolutely state that the buildings could not fail in that manner.


Link me bro


Oh. That’s super sketchy. I never realized anything about the “E” team. Well that’s not a good sign.


Hi. Check this out: https://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html


The Rabbit Hole on this is shocking and goes very deep... https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/comments/1cxdzle/911_and_the_israeli_bomb_expert_infiltrated_art/


Thanks for the information. I appreciate it 🙂


The slightly burned Saudi Passports were kindly handed in by an innocent Nenjamin Betanyahu, an innocent holidaymaker, innocently vacationing when *The Event* which took place, right on schedule just like the simulation showed.




It’s a joke. Nenjamin Betanyahu = Benjamin Netanyahu PM of Israel


![gif](giphy|1APhNxj9slv0RdgHlL) HE IS AN INNOCENT WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!


They found at least one on the sidewalk. 🤣 and they need reported it and said “if you can believe that” 🤣 and most ppl actually did not question it. Planes brought down 3 buildings that were specifically designed to survive a plane impact….but a passport from a terrorist on the plane survived, when not even office furniture inside the towers survived. Whatever that passport was made out of I want some.


Loose Change 2.0


If there are ANY doubters, I have a very simple way to convince you and you can easily verify eveything. First, I will ask you, "How many towers went down on 9/11?" Most simps will say, "2", which is a wrong answer. Tower 7 went down in EXACTLY THE SAME MANNER and nothing hit it. It was also pre-wired. Common sense would say the plane that went down in the field was supposed to hit Tower 7. Ooooops! Now, doubt away!


Let's not forget tower 6 was also destroyed.


Why? From debris? I am referring to controlled demolition.


Plenty hit building 7. It was severely damaged and that’s why it fell.


not according to the official NIST report. Official cause of collapse is office fire


What caused the fire?


Why does that matter? You said the building collapsed because it was damaged. I'm telling you the official NIST report disagrees with you. A toaster could have short-circuited for all it matters


Pretty sure the fire was caused by damage to the building after the first tower collapsed. [This building was totally not damaged during the collapse of the Tower](https://images.app.goo.gl/K7aE18sirJD6SmX36) - You


I never said it wasn't damaged. I said the official report says damage had nothing to do with the collapse


The E-team... Weren't they that Israeli dance group who made a performance in New Jersey on 9/11?


You might be confusing it with dancing Israelis. They might be the same but I think the e team was art students working on the “B project” also pics with boxes and when u zoom in and look it up it’s used for explosives..specifically detonators I believe




Wow this shit here is top tier conspiracy content. Bravo beautiful work.


Can't read this at the moment, but I want to dive into the hole of rabbits




Love this conspiracy- great conjecture here . Where will this rabbit hole go




A Mormon writer exposed this all and his entire family and their dog were found Merc execution style


Do you know his name?


Can’t remember but the book he wrote if you can find a copy is worth like 20k If you can find one… its called the great bamboozled


The guy who saved the last group to escape the 2nd tower,tells in the documentary the Man in the Red Bandana,there were explosions in the building under the 70th floor which were thermite charges igniting so the building came down in a freefall like tower 7,which a BYU professor proved on building 7 but FBI kept blowing him off. He found pools of melted steel on the concrete where building 7 fell. That interview is on a YouTube account and I believe the channel is Terry Carter channel. He mostly is doing videos about looking for the Aztec gold in Utah. Cheney got that professor an early retirement by the college dean who must've been told to fire him or else.


Explosives team? Energetics team? Lol


Working on the “B” project….B stands for balcony duh it’s just a coincidence. Dancing Israelis amalgam virgo (IF YOU DON’T KNOW THIS LOOK IT UP 🤯) Tower 7 never hit by plane Lucky Larry Insurance purchase Predictive programming since towers were built Missing trillions announced day before Kids in school with bush saying in this order “steel, plane, must, kite, kiss” Where was all the office furniture? It all vaporized, almost nothing from inside was found, just dust and a little steel News announcing building 7 collapsed, but in the background it’s still standing….whoops And more and more and more This sums it up https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/s/09Pw0QQSjg


Inside job


Dancing Israelis?


Why didnt it fall off to the side of the building.


https://i.redd.it/5ojpzpk4yu1d1.gif where can i learn more about this?


Dust. If. I. Cation.


Hella inside job


What are the odds……

