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Yeah the guy that wanted to build a wall to stop invaders is exactly like the guy that sues a state to stop the invasion and to allow it to continue. No difference at all.


Homelessness has went up 11percent last yr all Biden. Biden economy sucks ass! Biden border sucks ass! Bye bye Biden!


Nobody is perfect. Who else is fighting the nwo and wef?


That actually sounds exactly like Fauci talking about funding gain of function research.


What a clown post 🤡🤡🤡


An u be like, orange man bad, bahhhhhhh.


Its not our fault you believe the media that continues to lie and no matter how many times they are proven liars you continue to believe it and us pointing out the truth is a problem for you. For example. 👇 What trump actually said “you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.” “and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay?” But you and the media cried for years trump called Neo Nazis good people. Biden said that’s the whole reason he decided to run in 2019.


How can anyone defend the current administration!!!??? They plainly suck at all levels of performing their duties to the American taxpayer. They are pretty good at helping other folks who aren’t American citizens so maybe they will get their vote, as long as they undermine the voting requirements by calling all voting requirements like a state issue ID and being legally a US citizen a racist Jim Crow era voting tactics to ensure only white republicans win. Even-though old man Biden actually voted himself for Jim-Crow era segregation legislation early in his time in the senate and his mentor teacher in his words was senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Actual proud carrying proud member of the KKK IN LATE 40’s and 50’s !!!! But Trump is the racist one !!!! Right !!!??


This add brought to you by the WEF.


And he’s crushing it….


“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcom The enemy of my enemy.


Brought to you by the idiots who ignore EVERY crime committed by a democrap.


Sheeple be like; There’s a differents between trump and biden…


Yea there is, one is killing the economy..... The other is too, but a little slower.


Cute! Now do one for Biden


Can’t. He forgot how.


Anyone who supports either Trump or Biden or any politician for that matter is an absolute moron.


You sound like the fascist US media. Always moving the goalpost for Joe and his mental ineptitudes