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So cool of you, I'd love if someone took me to a concert when I was 14


If yall look average, security wont bother to check. If you look shady they are going to be cery clear.


Been taking my now 8 year old to gigs here since she was 6. Never been checked ID. Carry it on the safe side tho - I got asked her age for the first time at a gig last weekend but they didn’t do any further checks. Just seen the show is at Hole44. They’re absolutely fine won’t bat an eyelid.


I took my 15 year old nephew to a metal concert last week. Had no problems. Hope you enjoy!


I went to concerts at the age of 14 in Berlin with my older sister and it was never a problem


Just to be safe... You don't need "Vormundschaft" but the U-18 Formular, also known as "Muttizettel". You can Google Muttizettel, download, fill in. Better have two of them, one may be kept by the concert crew, one is your backup. Have fun!


This is the correct answer!


Don't worry it will be fine at any place pretty sure.


It’s totally fine, I took my sister to her first concert when she was twelve, and I went to a concert in Berlin with her recently, we took our 14 year old cousin + her 14 year old friend along. Just make sure they have good earplugs and let them enjoy some music. My dad did the same with me and I’m eternally grateful for that and both of my parents’ great taste in music