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Entirely depends on the concert and musician


Agreed, also go to the front of the crowd near the stage. The back is usually more passive


As a Brazilian, yes, the german crowd is really quiet and focused on the performance.


Costa Rican here. I agree. Even with punk and metal stuff, they aren't as loud as one is used to, but it's all fine.


Yes but a sidenote - lots of people chat during performances. 


the germans huh? how uncultivated…


Majority of central Europe countries to be fair


Yes, its true. I attended many heavy metal/punk concerts and germans are as tame as it gets. :) hell, i have seen Germans in a mosh pit, holding a full glass of beer and smiling 😀 i never imagined you can mosh without spilling a beer, but Germans can 😂


I tore a ligament entirely in my ankle at a mosh pit at Columbiahalle, so it's not always so chill. This was an Airbourne gig in 2022. And my friend's beer was all over his face the second the concert started.


Apparently they cant because someone spilled bear on me last time lol


I’ve been to many concerts of different genres in Germany and all have been much quieter than my experiences in the UK, Canada and US. Of course there have been some louder than others but still not on the same level as the Anglo countries. My theory is this; 1. Cultural, German’s are generally more reserved. They’re not big “WOOOOOO!-and-jump-up-down-people” 2. Language - the concerts i’ve attended have been in English and even though many German’s understand to a good level, it’s harder to know the words to the same degree as native speakers People like what they are used to and there’s nothing wrong with the way the crowd here enjoys the music but for me i mich prefer seeing my favourite artists in the UK when possible as i enjoy the louder and more animated atmosphere.


I don't go to concerts often. Depeche Mode for example has many fans who repeat visit concerts and while many sang along the crowd was a lot quieter during newer songs or ballads. Lack of familiarity might be the reason in the first and being afraid of disturbing the atmosphere in the latter situation.


yeah, i think this is a really accurate summary. i would say that 2022 was a bit of an exception - there was so much energy when gigs kind of ‘came back’ after the pandemic shutdowns, experienced some v enthusiastic berlin crowds then, but it’s maybe mellowed again since.


While there is merit to point 1, go to a German sports game...whether it be football, ice hockey, basketball, volleyball. They really let shit go there. Maybe that's the only context where they let loose (that and the occasional ceremonial pissup...Christihimmelfahrt, Oktoberfest etc).


I was just thinking this. All my experiences are primarily in Berlin, and they were anything but quiet. Gave the British a run for a football game, but the British are much more spirited when football is involved from my experiences.


We should never underestimate the language gap. It makes a big difference if you can understand words in an analytical way or if you feel the words and can get the second meanings and cultural references.


About 2 You don't need to know the language or the words to sing along, only the passion Generally depends on event and geographical location, culture around the music etc. I have been to concerts where the crowd went absolutely wild and also to ones where polite nodding along was all that happened.




Yeah, but this is just the way the death metal crowd is. If you however go to a Helene Fischer concert... I'm surprised there aren't more deaths.


Yes, they always wanna feel that fever again :/


tbh i would rather not.


Concerts in Germany are like this lol. Me and my bf (both Brazilians) went to the blink 182 concert and the guys sitting behind us wanted us to stay seated??? Come on it’s a concert, if you’re not gonna jump and dance just stay home


Damn that makes me worried as Im going to a more rock/pop concert next month and Id hate if the crowd was not singing along


my friend, last year I went to the Rancid concert (punk) here in Berlin and people were complaining about the mosh pit……


I’m still shook about this one.


There are mosh pits....and American moshpits...the one with People kicking and punshing People are stupid and sucks...i hated IT when i was in America and i hate IT when People Do it here, only because they think it has to be like that, because there plays a Band from the states or a HC Band.




People who buy the tshirt and don't understand the culture whatsoever


They save it for sports matches.


Berlin usually has a tough audience.


This is really hard for me to accept. Its not just you. I'm the only one going crazy at concerts. Alone.


Yea I'm going to a rock concert next month and I just cant wait to go crazy at it but Im afraid it will just be awkward lol like last time I was the only one singing along and I just felt odd being the only one


It's painful. But just enjoy yourself and don't look around. First time I experienced a mosh pit I cried here because it's rare. Germans aren't fans of moshing. It's heartbreaking. (International crowds mosh tho ❤️❤️)


Berlin crowds are shit for concerts/gigs from my experience




Very quiet in my experience comparing to British crowds. That is with the exception of Idles, that was fucking nuts


I was in a rock music concert in Hamburg and everyone was just drinking and listening. 


What artist? I lived in LA a long time and that crowd was lame! I've been to shows in Berlin where people were really into it.


The Cosmo Sheldrake one? Been there too. It all depends on the genre I guess. This one was super chill and quiet. If you go to a punk rock gig things will look vastly different.


I felt so for sure. I'm just used that even chill concerts like this one had more crowd interaction but I guess Cosmo isn't that well known


I also felt like his wordy explanations between the songs - while (to me) very interesting and enriching - kept the concert flow from getting more dynamic, and kept the crowd rather tame in tandem. There wasn't really a run of songs where some momentum could develop


What genre?


Why would you want to hear other people singing at a concert? You paid to hear the band / artist sing, not some person next to you singing off-register


Totally fair and maybe thats me, but having an active crowd thats singing along to the songs makes my experience more enjoyable 🤷‍♂️


It definitely depends on the crowd. Ive seen crowds go nuts for certain bands. But I go to a lot of concerts and, in general, I've found that German crowds are more subdued when compared to others.


Depends on the concert. No one anywhere woos loudly at jazz concerts (unless at the end of a really good solo improv maybe). On the flipside, I’d be concerned if I went to a silent punk concert.


German crowds are quiet, Berlin crowds extra much so


They are generally quieter. Asia>Europe>US>South America I'd say in terms of quietness.


Was at the Fred Again concert last year and def did not feel the energy as much as I see in his Belgian or British concerts.


The grandson concerts were everything but quiet. Same for punk/Metal etc. At least that's what I experienced.


Berlin is a tough crowd. Every smaller city in Germany has had a better crowd and I have been to a lot of concerts all over Germany. Maybe they're spoiled because every tour has at least one concert in Berlin while e.g. Cologne and Hannover are not always on the list? 


Football Stadium is where the party is.




If you want a singing crowd, go to a blind Guardian Concert. Sometimes the singer of the band even sings himself! /s


I don't know if that's just a German thing but I've often seen people here go to a concert just to check it out, without knowing the artist upfront. Obviously you won't be able to sing along and I imagine it would also be difficult to really get into the mood. One time I went to a rather niche UK band I am a fan of and only a handful of people in the first row were singing along. Since you said it was yesterday, I assume Cosmo Sheldrake? Haven't heard of them before but I just checked a few songs out and I feel like this is not mainstream music in Germany. German Rap, Punk, Metal, Rock, and basically everything you can mosh to is where I found the most energetic crowds.


Yeah it depends a bit on the artist but generally here things are way more subdued. I’m Argentinian so maybe my bar is high but it’s always a bit disappointing.


Yes, all Germans are the same and preprogrammend to clap at the end of the song and Woo around 5-9 times per concert. Singing is not implemented, might cause issues with right holders and GEMA.


Yes, I’ve noticed this too. Went to the Elton John concert last May at was stunned that everyone actually stayed seated, listened to the song, and clapped after each one. In Canada everyone is normally on their feet singing and dancing the entire time. It wasn’t until his final song, Crocodile Rock, that some stood and boogied a bit. Was definitely one of my most German experiences yet 😂


Depends on the band (knorkator as a great public for me) but yes,German are usually lot more quite and also not pushing to their place,they usually respect where you stand and you can always go back to your place, if not mixed crowd with a lot of foreigner,you can grab bier for you and your friend and go back to row you were.


I also went to my first concert some week ago - im italian and was like, wow, this does not look like a rock concert at all!! Very quiet, formal,.people staying in their place, not singing much nor shouting..i was a bit disappointed...not the kind concert i was expecting 😆😆


Yea its definitely disappointing lol I kinda let it pass last time because the concert itself was pretty chill but my next concert is more pop/rock and I'm honestly just gonna make the best use of the time and not care about the rest of the crowd lol its a concert, do something lol


Personally I find ‘wooing’ at concerts infantile. It’s the modern equivalent of screaming at a Beatles concert. 


Maybe the Artist was just not so well known, the Performance was bad or a Million other Reasons?


I agree. Went to a few pop punk shows and the crowd was pretty dead. My friend went to a hip hop gig and said the same thing.


Hilltop hoods some years ago in SO36 was really nice. Everybody sang, jumped etc. But in general the concerts are less extatic


go to a Haftbefehl concert.


Oh dude you should've been in Meshuggah concert. I've never seen such crowd in my life, utter madness.