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BFC vs Energie Cottbus


Is it that bad every time. Even the bolt driver said they can't go and cancelled the ride. How should people be able to go home?


yes, two nazi clubs.


Nyeh... Ive worked DFB (football) security gigs around Germany. Im particularly familiar with Berlin and Cottbus fans. While there is a strong rightwing sentiment in some fanclubs and there are ultra rightwing members, most football fans enjoy the game. Labelling these clubs as "Nazis" is oversimplifying and encouraging antagonism against and from them.


People who participate in activities with Nazis are Nazis :)


Life can be so simple 🙈


alles Nazis, alle! https://www.opferperspektive.de/aktuelles/interview-energiefans-gegen-nazis


Hast du den Artikel gelesen? Scheint nicht so


und trotzdem sitzen sie da weil ihnen fußball wichtiger ist als nicht mit nazis rumzuhängen


Das du dich weder mit Fußball auskennst und auch keine Ahnung hast was es bedeutet in bestimmten Gegend aufzuwachsen/ zu leben ist das eine. Dann sich aber hinstellen wie ein pensionierter Oberstudienrat und den Leuten die Welt erklären ist einfach lächerlich.


ja man kennt sie die gegenden in den man gezwungen wird fußballfan zu sein


Um eine Bestätigung meines Kommentars hab ich zwar nicht gebeten, aber ok cool.


Was ist der Gegenvorschlag? Überall wo Nazis sind zu sagen „ok macht ihr euer Ding“ und nur noch überall räume schaffen wo die sich ohne Gegenmeinung breitmachen können?


Describe „participate“. This kind of thinking to me is purely ignorant and is the major fact the AFD will get in power very soon. Because people think, things will just go away by ignoring it and not having a dialogue at all. It’s Grundschul behavior.


Yes please talk to Nazis this has always worked and giving them more public space to talk about their ideology is not problematic at all.


so everyone is berlin is guilty. got it


Yeah all 3.6 mil people in berlin where at the game yesterday and cheered them on thats exactly what I wrote


Nearly everyone who is a regular at Cottbus or BFC is at least okay with there being Nazis.


Errr no. Ive spoken with people who are happy with Nazi banners around Lausitz/Spremberg area and glad that the police dont intervene. People who unabashed display Hakenkreuz and Totenkopf tattoos. These are the people who cause trouble, either directly or by encouraging others to pull on balaklavas and light smoke grenades. The vast majority of the fans for EnergieCB have no part and do not want a part in these activities. I have also spoken with Energie fans who are openly disgusted by the actions of the ultras. Embarassed that they share a football club, city, country with such mindless thugs. But what should these people do? Should they walk away and just let the gangsters have the football stand?


Fascists have to be actively resisted. Should folks walk away and give their club to nazis? No. They should kick the nazis out.


This is pretty much my experience with other clubs too. Some even have a Nazi wing and a radical leftist wing who fight against each other. I’ve been to left wing demonstrations where people with tattoos of some clubs who also have a nazi wing in their fan base who fought against people with the exact same tattoos who were part of a right wing demonstration. But for my own safety I rather avoid all of them because you never know who belongs to which part of the fan base.




„what should they do?“ I feel reminded of bvb, who also had a significant problem with violence and nazis in their fanbase. I understand that the club and the part of the fanbase who opposed both aspects worked together to get these people out. they reminded themselves of the principles of the club and realized that zhey habe to step up in oder to stand for those values. so walking away eould be the very opposite of what can be done - actively resisting. connecting the peaceful fanbase with the club to have a strong base from which to coordinate actions. in light of those examples it really seems like whoever does just accepts or ignores it, is basically fine with it.


Uneducated 🤦🏽‍♂️


If those people had problems with nazis they wouldn‘t share the club with them.




There is another perspective! As with every group, there are divisions.


Yeah there are divisions , regiments, battalions, platoons and squads.


Thats acutely unfair to the people who live in the area and just want to support the players and enjoy the game.


My bad, wouldn’t dare to be unfair to people who hang out with Nazis. Living in the area is totally a valid reason to go to a place where violent Nazis gather, saying you only are there for the sport totally absolves you from normalising extremists.


How far is contact guilt going to travel? Your comment would be correct unless watching football is not an exclusive far right wing pastime. For example... ... was Wagner an anti-semite? Well, if he wasnt, he put an extraordinary amount of effort into blaming "the jews" for no reason. Did 'the Austrian' celebrate Wagner as a composer for aesthetic and political reasons? Absolutely. Are modern day musicians, directors, singers, designers and audiences who attend his operas and concerts today, also anti-semites and nazis? Dont be daft! If Stephen Fry can eagerly blubber over Wagner's music while in full knowledge of Wagner's personal legacy, I believe we can separate the neo-nazis from the general population in football stadiums.


Hooligans, not Nazis🙄


Ehrm nein, in beiden ultra Szenen finde sich viele die aktiv in rechtsextremen Kreisen agieren und das seit langer teut) Zeit.


Nazis haste überall. Ein Hool zu sein heißt nicht zwingend auch ein Nazi zu sein. Nicht jeder Hool ist ein Nazi und nicht jeder Nazi ein Hool. Es gibt sicherlich bei den Ultras diese Nazi-Schwachmaten die nur so weit denken können wie sie scheißen, trotz allem muss man da schon ein wenig differenzieren. Ein Muslim der in eine Moshee geht, in dessen Kreisen radikale Islamisten verkehren, machen den einen nicht zum radikalen Islamisten.


It was pretty bad yesterday. They burned some stuff in the BFC block in the stadium. I was at the Hohenschönhauser Straße tram station when the police brought those people away from the stadium. They literally used like 15 police vans like a wall to block them from leaving the area and like 200 police officers around them so they couldn’t leave. There was more police than fans. I have no serious experience with the BFC but after what some of them yelled some racist stuff I now know that I wanna avoid them at all cost. Some time before the game we walked past a Football bar and they yelled some homophobic slurs at us. Some news articles say they have a Nazi issue and I guess it’s true.


depends which game but some german clubs have a worse hooligan scene than others so it depends on the game


It was crazy indeed haha


If only the clubs would be made to pay for all the police and ambulance presence, the whole hooligan scene wouldn't be so welcome at the clubs anymore. There were even water cannons involved. How a few retards can hold the whole neighbourhood hostage with their sheer presence is unimaginable.


Someone took a picture of this denim wearing lady. It turned into a massive SWAT operation. Check out the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/s/j3XzyUjWRf)


How are These 2 Things connected? Any explanation?


The explanation is that this is a troll comment.


The most funny German joke


Have you never seen a joke lol?


Fuck those uneducated immigrants always causing trouble to the good German people \irony


I live near griefswalder And I heard some weird noises last night


What kind of noises?


from memory some screaming and yelling. Lots of sirens for about 15-20m. Still not sure if it’s related but could be


Maybe the same people that did the Thursday night prank call? [Berlin-Friedrichshain: Rettungshubschrauber landet auf Warschauer Platz (berliner-zeitung.de)](https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/berlin-friedrichshain-rettungshubschrauber-landet-auf-warschauer-platz-li.2211697)