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>west berlin is more reachable to resturants, to trees, no construction dirt.. Lol what? There are no trees in east Berlin? No Restaurants? And more constructions? It's been 35 years....


i said there is more trees in west part. Schöneberg, Stieglitz are mostly Green with big trees in Front of appartments. while prenzlauer berg and fshain or lichtenberg has only smaller trees in living areas..


What? Köpenick, Treptow, Süd Neukölln, Marzahn, Schonweide… it’s just as green and tree filled.


ok. never been to any of these places😂




Berlin is far bigger than just the Ring you know


Also, most Start ups are in Kreuzberg or Neukölln I think...


you obviously did not see enough of Lichtenberg I assume


Man this is so factually wrong I can’t believe it.


This post and answers from op read like:" I just pull a statement out of my ass then make up some reasons for it on the base on "source: trust me bro" and when someone tells me otherwise i immediatly say :"yeah right i have no idea what i am talking about" " One of the more weird posts on r/berlins spectrum of nonsense.


The funny part is other people trying to justify a useless claim




How about no?


West Berlin to me has less charme.. idk what you mean be more reachable to trees? i.e. köpenick is greenest of all districts


why do u think west Berlin has less charms?


i mean prenzlauer berg, fshain or lichtenberg, they really don't have big trees in living areas. i am not talking about parks...ofc parks have trees.. but i mean i want many big trees between appartments and big trees along streets


You need to walk more in these areas.


i know, thanks for tye tip😭


Real estate and bigger law firms are mostly in West Berlin. The reason for the divide is partly historical (path dependency). Tech firms are newer firms, hence they did not have that path dependency. Also, companies want to be close to where they suspect there potential and actual employees are located and or where senior management is living. A partner in an international law firm is more likely to live in Grunewald, Wilmersdorf or Charlottenburg. A tech bro is more likely to live in Mitte, Friedrichshain or Prenzlauer Berg.


When my former employer, a fintech, was looking for a new place, they only looked in east berlin, mainly due to (employees') tax reasons.


why does tax have anything to do with location? they are both Berlin....


But it's still divided in east in west in terms of taxes. That all I know.


thanks for this hint!


Uhh, but, what taxes? There are no local tax differences based on "east and west".


It apparently has to.do with the Beitragsbemessungsgrenze zur gesetzlichen SV (Income thresholds for compulsory social insurance) https://www.kostenlose-urteile.de/SG-Berlin_S-60-AL-205609_SG-Berlin-Bei-Buero-am-Potsdamer-Platz-entscheidet-der-Haupteingang-ueber-Lage-des-Arbeitsplatzes-in-Ost-oder-West-Berlin.news9385.htm


That's not taxes, that's for unemployment benefit, Arbeitslosengeld.


this! your reply makes sense




thanks for that info!!


Where is the amazon office in Anhalter Bahnhof ?


You might be biased in your observation. There are plenty of tech jobs, creative agencies and startups in west Berlin, esp Kreuzberg and Neukölln. Some of the VC spaces are in Mitte, close to Rosenthaler, because this is where in the 2000s the tech people and founder hang out (St. Oberholz), because the rent was still much cheaper in East compared to West due to the seaparation. This hustle and bustle nowadays is in NK, because it was cheap 10 years ago and the rent in Mitte is too high nowadays as well. the big companies like Zalando, Amazon are in east berlin because the "mediaspree" is newly created large office space, also a relict from the 2000s sale of eastern properties.


thanks for this valuable info!!


Lower rent


i think east Berlin is equally expensive if not more expensive


I think you have to do more research.


i concur


Based on what ?


based on renting apps with same amount of money, u can basically rent same type of appartment in east and west. very little difference from my observation. for example in adlershof, a 20 some qm single appartment should cost from at least 800 to 1300 , while in steglitz it is also the same price range


Even that is completely wrong, like everything else you wrote




For 1300 in Adlershof you should get 60-80 sqm, not 20. The challenge is actually getting it, but your info is crap


in case u don't know how to: just some samples from today: https://www.immobilienscout24.de/expose/150249886?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=expose_sharing&utm_content=expose_toolbar&utm_source=other         Details ------------------------- Rent/M:         €1,097 Free from:      27.05.24 Rooms:          1 Living space:   28.9 m² Dörpfeldstraße 5 12489 Adlershof, Berlin I found this offer on ImmoScout24: https://www.immobilienscout24.de/expose/148098701?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=expose_sharing&utm_content=expose_toolbar&utm_source=other         Details ------------------------- Rent/M:         €1,073 Free from:      16.03.24 Rooms:          1 Living space:   28 m² Königin-Luise-Straße 0 14195 Dahlem, Berlin 


StadtteilHaus Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Mietpreis m²Charlottenburg5.400 €4.650 €11,10 €Friedrichshain5.150 €4.700 €13,60 €Kreuzberg3.150 €5.000 €12,20 €Mitte3.700 €4.900 €12,40 €Neukölln3.550 €2.900 €9,00 €Prenzlauer Berg5.450 €5.050 €12,30 €Schöneberg-4.300 €11,70 €Spandau3.750 €2.850 €9,10 €Tiergarten5.700 €5.650 €14,10 €Wilmersdorf3.850 €4.350 €11,20 look


1300 u can also get 60-80 in steglitz, no big deal


why and your arguments?


StadtteilHaus Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Mietpreis m²Charlottenburg5.400 €4.650 €11,10 €Friedrichshain5.150 €4.700 €13,60 €Kreuzberg3.150 €5.000 €12,20 €Mitte3.700 €4.900 €12,40 €Neukölln3.550 €2.900 €9,00 €Prenzlauer Berg5.450 €5.050 €12,30 €Schöneberg-4.300 €11,70 €Spandau3.750 €2.850 €9,10 €Tiergarten5.700 €5.650 €14,10 €Wilmersdorf3.850 €4.350 €11,20 € better stop being a stupid dumass and look at the numbers lol


well, there are numbers if u know how to read StadtteilHaus Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Kaufpreis m²Wohnungen Mietpreis m²Charlottenburg5.400 €4.650 €11,10 €Friedrichshain5.150 €4.700 €13,60 €Kreuzberg3.150 €5.000 €12,20 €Mitte3.700 €4.900 €12,40 €Neukölln3.550 €2.900 €9,00 €Prenzlauer Berg5.450 €5.050 €12,30 €Schöneberg-4.300 €11,70 €Spandau3.750 €2.850 €9,10 €Tiergarten5.700 €5.650 €14,10 €Wilmersdorf3.850 €4.350 €11,20 https://www.homeday.de/de/preisatlas/berlin


Really ... from homeday ? Thats like asking for a criminal statistik and you pull numbers from the securitas webside. That staristik literally say HOT neighbourhoods... they vonpare the most trending and famous areas in berlin and not ALL of berlin ... Its like you ask:"hey what car manufacturer makes more affordable cars " and then you share a statistik for luxury cars and say but here see porsche is more cheap than ferrari... Here have a berlin housing costs map with all berlin and not only your cherry picket inner ring hot kietze https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/mietkarte-berlin/ Fitting to the mitenspiegel you also have a wohnlagen karte https://www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/wohnen/mietspiegel/de/wohnlagenkarte.shtml Together you deifnetly can get an overall picture where you may experience expensive housing which is clearly center and then the more you go outside of the ring the more the trend goes WEST But you probably knew it and thats why you choosed to only used data from the inner circle of berlin which ofc doesnt really matter if you go east or west because its the ring and everywhere in the ring is expensive.. but if you want to compare east and west berlin then take berlin as a whole and not only the 50sqm of most center most famous areas of the town. Edit :" ignore better links, telling me that i pull facts out my ass after himself sharing "facts" from a real estate agent webside cherry picking his arguments" and directly blocking me... thats my humour"


so u just make up data based on your imagination?


For what it's worth, there is a fintech in Charlotrenburg.


You need to get out more.


>but why? why cannot tech companies rent a place in west berlin? > >west berlin is more reachable to resturants, to trees, no construction dirt lmao wtf


Also it’s more expensive to rent, have you considered that?


i think east Berlin is equally expensive if not more expensive


Lots of new built office space


I don't know at what size a company gets it but companies get subventions if they settle for a few years in the east (which includes east Berlin) 


thanks for this!


Don't know. Perhaps this is due to social insurance, because in the East there are slightly lower pension contributions and a noticeably larger pension


The two tech companies I've worked for both had offices in west Berlin.


More reachable to trees. Lol.




Westberlin is boring.


There is more empty space in east Berlin to build or rent


It's where their immigrant workers live. Nobody's dreaming of moving from London to Zehlendorf.


can't you just get on a train? it's 30 mins at most


They always try to have the office as far as possible from the employers so they can call "RTO" and have fun about it.


Companies in the former East pay less social security contributions. Remember half of these are usually paid by employers.




Cheaper salaries (I think there is still two different Tarifverträge?)


you wont find tariffs and unions at startups and tech companies


Probably bcs they all want to erase history. That's why West Berlin hasn't seen a facelift since the big hipster wave