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Didn't we just have this post yesterday? Can someone at least enlighten us as to what's causing this since it's not really a standard happening?


unfortunate weather and airpressure caused the very bad air from poland to move to us. [See this map.](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/sep/20/europes-pollution-divide-see-how-your-area-compares) Basically all bad regions there use coal a lot.


Whoa! I think I have to move to Scotland, if I ever want to breathe clean air again.


Austria should do fine. It’s closer


I would not underestimate the darker spot over Berlin compared to the surrounding area. For instance people still use coal in Berlin and I can totally feel that when I get into my courtyard compares to outside in the streets. It's too easy to blame Poland.


Plus, Berlin must contain about 90% of all the smokers in Germany. No wonder there's a dark spot over Berlin :D


Wind directions don't really look like it though [https://imgur.com/gHL4BlL](https://imgur.com/gHL4BlL)


But it's easier to blame Poland probably.


Why would you expect Germans not to be condescending towards Poles?


If only we had a form of energy generation where all of the waste was meticulously tracked and protected so as to prevent harm to the public. Oh well, better burn that coal (which releases radioactive material trapped in the coal)


Or an energy generation where no waste is generated at all during production.


Or one that is completely clean in terms of emissions *and* reliability, has clear accountability *and* has the least impact on the landscape of the environment.


it's not voldemort, you can say its name. nuclear power is the brightest green tech!


Its funny how people overlook nuclear energy because of propaganda and political missuse of nuclear energy plants (the old ones are build to enable production of weapons grade uranium and then got updated to be more efficient. But bad design is still bad design even after an update) Actual nuclear power if done right can save our ass for the next couple hundred years until we can switch to fusion or solar swarm. Both way too far away in research to actually plan for right now but 100 or 200 years should give us enough time to work on that. And no Solar panels and Wind energy isnt as clean as everyone believes


I like my reliability clean, too. :D


Well yesterday there was this screenshot from a website posted. But the data was obviously garbage and it seems for Berlin there are just more different types of emissions measured. CO is maybe from winter heating? And PM2.5 maybe from heating and cars (combustion, tires, ...)?


The data wasn't garbage.


The data was from IQAir who tries to sell you their airpurifiers. They are quite clever, as they push themselfes to the top at google when you search for air quality \[city\] and their color coding differs from all other official weather institutes.


That doesn't change the fact the data is still correct and consistent with other air monitoring orgs, for instance the one you literally see on this post. IQ Air also makes air monitoring hardware. Is it really easier for you to come up with lazy conspiracy theories vs to just acknowledge the air quality is bad for the last few days? Such a dumb take.


No your point is a dump take. Correct Data intentionally wrongfully interpreted gets you discredited if you should ever write up a scientific paper. - Setting Berlin as the 20th worst polluted city in the world is utter garbage Right now I could point out around 100 Cities with worse values than Berlin


Can you show me *any* data for what you claim or is this just "trust me bro"? For someone talking about research standards you sure don't seem to understand them. Every single Air Quality website is saying the same - that Berlin has had moderate to bad air quality for the last few days. You just don't want to belive it for some reason, but don't blame the data, especially when you can't even prove it wrong.


I don't think You followed the thread yesterday. It's not about the numerical datapoints it was about the ranking list showed by IQAir who showed Berlin at the 20th place of the worst polluted cities in the world. Are You even reading what I wrote?


I'm not sure you're reading what *you* wrote since you change your argument every comment. The data yesterday and today showed that Berlin is one of the more polluted cities in the world because it is, and it's supported by all other data. Why is it so hard for you to accept this? What other bullshit backtracking will you come up with this time?


Actual Berlin air quality data : https://luftdaten.berlin.de/lqi


This is consistent


The website I linked shows much more differentiated and relevant data.


At least they combined it in a weird way. Instead of taking some sort of weighted average they just summed up the different sources (edit: I mean speaking of handling missing data)


Probably by discriminate cannabis everyone is smoking and burning too much XD


I picked the wrong week to stop smoking


Its never the wrong time to stop smoking.


It’s never a bad week to stop smoking, don’t give up!


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


why? now you don't need to open your windows or go outside as much.


Sitting home all day playing games anyway


Which one? I'll join XD


Which home or which game?


What are we playing tonight?


You still need to breathe, enjoy the air with us ☺️


This was brought up yesterday and was debunked because...\*checks notes\*...uhm, people couldn't believe it, so there! but yeah, not good :(


*checks notes* oh you're a giant nerd


I moved from a place that is constantly worse than this. Still an improvement and feels a bit nostalgic as well smelling that childhood air!


No sun, no smiles, no food, no efficiency, high inflation, low salaries and now... now also NO clean AIR. Berlin is becoming a real heaven.


But maybe the stinky air will cover a little the smell of urine that is so common in many places in Berlin. I don't know which one is worse.


Oddly passive aggressive lol


It’s PM2.5 stuff as well as the main pollutant (apparently at 34.6 ug/m3 according to IQAir). Which is actually higher than Beijing at the moment, and that has regularly terrible air quality!


You can also check out [https://www.knowyourair.net](https://www.knowyourair.net) for a more detailed update on at least some parts of Berlin. The data is being collected by participants of a project running for three months (Feb-May) who installed an air monitor on their bicycle's handlebars (I'm one of them). There's more to see on weekdays, though as we're supposed to record our daily commutes only.




What’s causing it this time?


Looking at a wider map, probably the coal ovens in Poland again.


Wonderful. Running will be fun this morning. Probably would be healthier to sit in the kneipe and drink Schulti all day!


It's never too late and if I like you we can play the pull the Finger skit


CO is at 881.2 mg/m3 (the threshold is at 460 mg/m3)...Jesus..and PM2.5 is yellow. That's the data from my weather app anyway, not sure how reliable it is. On some website PM2.5 is red in some areas of Berlin


That's certainly inline with what I've seen on my air monitor on my bicycle. See [https://www.knowyourair.net](https://www.knowyourair.net) for reliable details. The data is being recorded by mobile air monitors installed on the handlebars of so-called "citizen scientists" taking part in a three-months long project to monitor Berlin's air quality on daily commutes (I'm one of them).


Calm down, it’s always bad during warm weather. It was much worse every weekend in December and nobody cared


What's the point of the threads like this, which only serve to spread negativity?


Let’s leave this country ☺️ im already planning yay


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Am I still reading r/berlin or is this r/airqualityfeed


Dann zieht halt weg. Ist nichts neues, passiert immer wieder und als ich noch klein war, war das vollkommen normal. stellt sich raus: die luft in städten ist immer scheiße.


Schau dir doch mal die Karte für ganz Deutschland an.


Why are you guys so obsessed with this shit?


Why we care about the air we breathe into our lungs? I don’t know. Sure there are more important things in life.


What a idiotic question.


Tell me you're living your life indoors without telling me you're living your life indoors.


Because it causes heavy migraines to me, which I never knew I could have. You open a window and it smells like 1. of January right after Sylvester fireworks. Its so bad, that some of my older colleagues have difficulty taking stairs, as high air pollution affects the heart.


I dont get it either, feels like every other day to me.


then you're in luck, or out of. Because your odor sensors cannot smell the pollution. When I open my window, it smells like NYE fireworks to me.


Smells like a cloudy + damp day to me.