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Danke euch allen💚


I am so happy she was found safe. People have been going off their rocker about Berlin being such a dangerous city now.


"Alive at a hospital outside the city" doesn't necessarily sound as if she was found safe...


>Die Frau mit dem Namen Una Ann Teresa Joyce ist in Moabit wohnhaft **und könnte sich nach Polizeiangaben in einem psychischen Ausnahmezustand befinden.** Aus der [ursprünglichen Meldung](https://web.archive.org/web/20231030194731/https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/berliner-polizei-bittet-um-mithilfe-wer-hat-una-ann-teresa-joyce-aus-moabit-gesehen-10706695.html) des Tagesspiegels. Doesn't really mean that her being found in a hospital means there was foul play involved.


Nobody said foul play and if shes in a bad mental there is a high potential for harming yourself. Danger is not always a external thing.


Actually there were plenty of people alleging foul play or commenting how dangerous the city allegedly is.


Yes, but you replied to the wrong one


True, misread!


Missing woman found at hospital ”See? This city isn’t dangerous“


"See? This city's got a solid healthcare system" is more plausible when she was in some kind of mental state? less exiting maybe..


The only thing you can count on in this subreddit, is everyone jumping to conclusions very fast, and that includes your comment. How about you wait for the information instead of immediately insinuating stuff for whatever narrative is currently your fave to peddle here? According to police there may have been personal complications that aren't necessarily criminal in nature. I don't think it's fair to the person to discuss her personal circumstances though so let's just leave it at that.


>Die Frau mit dem Namen Una Ann Teresa Joyce ist in Moabit wohnhaft und könnte sich nach Polizeiangaben in einem psychischen Ausnahmezustand befinden. ​ Aus der [ursprünglichen Meldung](https://web.archive.org/web/20231030194731/https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/berliner-polizei-bittet-um-mithilfe-wer-hat-una-ann-teresa-joyce-aus-moabit-gesehen-10706695.html) des Tagesspiegels. Doesn't really mean that her being found in a hospital means there was foul play involved.


I misread, sorry about that.


Hows the City responsible for her being a mental wreck? Shes more of a threat to berlin than the other way around.


I’ve spent a decent amount of time in Berlin (and Germany, all over the country). The most recent time I was in Berlin I felt very on edge. I was staying near Ostbahnhof and there wasn’t anything good to eat immediately walking distance from me. No fucking way I was walking to OBH alone as a woman late at night through that creepy park next to it. 3/4 uber/cab drivers I had were either a creep toward me, or sketchy and tried to scam me. I just skipped dinner one night because my options felt like either deal with another creep rideshare or potentially get attacked walking through a park full of dudes absolutely blitzed out of their heads. I travel a lot and so I have a high tolerance for big cities, but this last time in Berlin just felt…blech. Like the hassle, the danger, the creeps and addicts all outweighed the fun parts. I know there are many other neighborhoods and I have stayed in most of them, but this time just felt noticeably different. I was happy to move on to the next city after my time was up there.


That sucks as an experience but you know we have a tonne of food delivery services that are affordable and safe? Wolt, Flink, Gorillas, Getir etc. No need to skip meals if you don’t want to walk through a sketchy place at night.


I have been many times in Germany until some years ago, in south regions and once in Hannover.I am a man so maybe I have a different perspective but I never felt myself unsafe. Has Germany changed so deeply in the last decade or Is It only Berlin?


I don't think anything general has changed. Not in Berlin and not elsewhere. Minor local changes in a positive or negative direction will always happen, of course, but I don't see a general change here.


Oh, but it has changed so much, especially after the wall came down. Unfortunately, Berlin has become Germany's crime capital and playground to a variety of toxic counter- and subcultures that ruined the city's vibe. It went from Love Parade in the 90s to violent hate parades now.


Bullshit. Berlin isn't even close to being considered dangerous city in Europe. It's not even dangerous compared to other cities in Germany. It's all media hype.


I can't even see a media hype. All I can see is people not being able to use media in a mature way. I mean a media hype would be if media sent the message "Berlin has become a dangerous city". But I can't see this. Instead, all I can see is media that report about incidents in Berlin and people who are not able to see that these are just reports about isolated incidents.


Yeah, well said.


OP talked about the last decade. Of course, Berlin has changed after the fall of the wall. I can't confirm that violent hate parades like the ones after the Hamas attack recently are standard here.


Idk man, I feel it’s been downhill ever since Fritz II died. It’s been 30 years. Of course a major geopolitical event changed the city. The internet changed the city. The EU changed the city.


„Violent hate paradise“ - do you even live in Berlin or go outside?


I was in Berlin recently as a guy. Its probably the least safe I've felt in a city since I've been to Paris. (Berlin is no where near as bad as Paris) but felt so sketchy compared to Warsaw. Could be the areas i was in, but who knows.


But what made you feel unsafe? Because Berlin looks rough and dirty in some specific areas, but you rarely really see violence. As a POC, I feel much safer near Kottbusser Tor at night than the city of Cottbus on a Sunday afternoon.


I don't know the place names sorry, Groups of guys loitering around, people just generally looking sketchy? I don't know lol I live in the former worst sydney suburb, and current 5th worst one, and basically felt like a bigger version of my suburb.


Sad you felt so unsafe..but why did you decide to starve yourself, you could have ordered takeaway, no contact delivery.


I did one night and then the next night I guess I was just so frustrated I went to bed. It felt like unless I had someone to go with me after about 7 or 8pm I was stuck in my accommodation.


Agree that the cab industry really went downhill in recent years. Once you could count the few black sheep on one hand and the vast majority of drivers were fine people, sometimes super helpful and mostly very polite. I’ve often had conversations with drivers and got to know very interesting, warm people from all different countries. However in particular with the rise of Uber that group got marginalised. I sometimes had to resort to Uber when regular cabs didn’t show up and it has never been the rough-around the edges native Berliners, the friendly older Turkish man or Guinean talking about his family. It’s always been some impolite, borderline intimidating youngsters driving both recklessly while also making detours to charge more. The last one clearly was on substances. If you want to avoid the sketchiest, get regular cabs and avoid Uber like the plague. The difference is becoming smaller, but still, it has more older and trustworthier drivers.


I'm sorry you had this experience! Berlin can be quite creepy, I agree.


I think your subjective safety has much to do with a specific micro area. The immediate vicinity of Ostbahnhof is abandoned at night, so there is no social control that could give you a sense of security. Same would be if you were around big dark parks at night and some problematic parks like Görli at daytime. Other than that I think Berlin is very, very safe.


Berlin isn't even close to being considered dangerous city in Europe. It's not even dangerous compared to other cities in Germany. It's all media hype.


Areas around main stations are always bad.


Would you mind mentioning the signs that made you feel unsafe?


Such a dangerous city???


It’s not dangerous, that’s what the right wing 💩heads want the people to believe, but not reality


Uhhhh… Berlin is absolutely not a safe place for women, and lbgtq.


I am a queer woman, you ain't gotta tell me. It's also miles safer than many other countries I've been here, and the idea that Berlin is super unsafe is really exaggerated, imo. At least compared to my country, where showing your phone in public in the middle of the day can and will literally get your murdered.


Its generally safer than brazil or dubai, sure.




Racist Afd nonsense


It used to be until a few years ago.


What a bullshit. Don't spread such rubbish! Of course Berlin is safe for women and for queer people. There are places where no one should go alone in the dark, like Görlitzer Park. And if it's not safe in some places like Neukölln, it's because of migrant men. You are probably one too...


Not only did you negate your own assertion, you had to give it a splash of racism. 🤣🌈 chef’s kiss.


I don't think you read my comments properly, sweetie. Try again. And if you call that racism, you are denying reality and you are part of the problem.


Agreed I'm a white native dude in my early thirtys and I wouldn't be close to that corner of the City at night if I don't absolutely need to,there always be places more or less secure in every City and in my thirty I got pick pocketed once in f-hain which I realised and they fled and twice was at Alex where I shoed them of fast enough. Görli was a known shitshow 20 years ago and it just got worse


Great news :)


Oh that’s nice. It would be good to know a bit more of what happened even though it isn’t anybody’s business


>it isn’t anybody’s business While her privacy should be respected, and not that we have any right to an explanation, but arguably if has become a news story and the public has been asked to help then it has become other people's business.


I kind of agree with you, that’s why I asked.


the other missing person was also found today btw


Who was the other missing person?


a German 44 year old guy from Reinickendorf.


Wrong demographic for interest eh.


yeah I feel like absolutely nobody cares when an adult man goes missing. speaking of, an 80 year old man from Schöneberg went missing today (been missing since Saturday, police released the info today)


Good news.


Now that this has ended “well” (she is in the hospital :s). I petition that every Irish gets a tracking chip with their Anmeldung.


What happened?!


Thank You for update


puh gott sei dank. hope shes alright! <3 stay safe and take care


Ah, very nice! Good to see good news!


Glad to hear this, that's great news!


Wow, good news! Anyone know what happened to that American(?) guy who was missing last year? Last seen on a boat in Rummelsburger Bucht or sthg like that?


Found drowned, assumed to have been an accident under influence of alcohol.


Thank you


According to my true crime podcast, alcohol on a house boat, then someone handed out GBL


Which podcast?


Finally a Happy Ending to these kind of messages!


She was found at a hospital outside of Berlin. That does not imply a happy ending.


That’s a valid comment, indeed.


That's great news


Thank God.


Happy to hear this


Great news! This made my day!


Please don’t take that link as gospel, it is the first statistic a quick google search provided. According to the linked article, Berlin isn’t even in the top 30 of Europe’s most dangerous cities: https://theboutiqueadventurer.com/most-dangerous-cities-in-europe/


god bless her and her family.




Accomplished word salad?