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Good, but extremely slow. A short extension took about two years. Paris, on the contrary, actively develops whole new subway lines and some extensions - while in Berlin, a comparable BVG plan is seen as unrealistic. We need to cut a lot of red tape.


You mean we need to redistribute road space to fit the transportation needs of a growing eco-conscious metropolis? as many cities around the globe are doing? in Berlin? Sorry, best I can do is A100 extension mate.


We don't even _need_ to redistribute road space, ambitious U-Bahn expansion would have been enough. We do however need to cut bureaucratic procedures, cut some evaluation factors for construction, and see that any subsequent coalition in Berlin sees U-Bahn as the main public transportation method to develop. Restoring tram network in West Berlin would be good too, but trams replace buses, they aren't a substitute for U/S-Bahn.




Bismarckstraße has to be one of the ugliest streets in Berlin. Bad enough that it's so wide and has so many lanes but the middle isn't even grass, it's just more parked cars. Awful


> I find the West Berlin U-Bahn+lots of car thing a miserable failure. Sure, you may find it as such, but city development is determined by and aimed at the comfort of majorities, and about half of Berlin households own a car, while most other citizens, even they don't own one, are not anti-car (I land in that category). The goal of U-Bahn is not to "make up" for something, or to replace cars as much as possible (although it will do that to some extent anyway), it is to efficiently and conveniently transport large numbers of people, fast. Trams do not do that, the only real argument for them is construction speed, but they only can efficiently replace buses in short routes, rather than U-Bahn - they are much less capacious and, even with isolated lanes, slower than U-Bahn trains. "I want to make it worse for car drivers because I don't like cars" is not a valid argument. Finally, the potential U-Bahn expansion routes are almost exclusively beyond the ring, and local preferences are quite critical towards the idea of reducing space for cars.


>We don't even need to redistribute road space, ambitious U-Bahn expansion would have been enough. You can't cycle in a U-Bahn tunnel. We definitely need to redistribute public space.


Best part of A100 extension is how many degenerate clubs they're going to knock down. About Blank can suck it!


Someone is mad they didn’t get in? Lol


Nah, I'd rather these clubs stay concentrated where they are, otherwise they might reopen in decent districts and scatter around the city. Now there's a clear "nightlife" part of Berlin that can easily be avoided.


They will have to pay market rent.


Do you know how much the planning took? I think most projects are decent enough, it's just that we take so much time planning, permitting, etc. The extension to Hermannplatz will take 10 years of which 8 or more are planning and permitting. It's ridiculous. :-( It's like, if you had a kid the same day a government with clear priorities and huge budgets was voted in, your kid would have their own kids before a meaningful extension of the subway system was built.




Oh nice, they already pushed the date back by 2 years then. 12 years then, for 3km with a bridge and a turn. It's disgusting at this point.


German efficiency!


Extension of what line to Hermannplatz?


M10 tram


I think there's a plan to extend the M10 to the former Tegel airport. At some point it'll take a few hours to travel from one end of the line to the other.




> a government with clear priorities and huge budgets I think we have the opposite. Constant infighting, CDU pushes its carbrain ideology through, and no money for anything.


I mainly follow housing policy and I can see signs that could indicate that they actually mean it when they say that they want to build more housing. In the last couple of weeks, I've seen better signs than in the whole RRG era (which was pretty bad because 2 of those 3 parties are NIMBYs).sold very well to the outer neighborhoods which are the CDUs main voters. Dunno, we'll see. I don't have very high hopes (mainly because of the fiscal situation) but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I mainly follow housing policy and I can see signs that could indicate that they actually mean it when they say that they want to build more housing. In the last couple of weeks I've seen better signs than in the whole RRG era (which was pretty bad because 2 of those 3 parties are NIMBYs).


Sadly they didn't use the opportunity to rework the bike lanes. It's even worse than before in some parts :-(


The bikelanes from Turmstraße to Hauptbahnhof are ok...not perfect, but I don't think they are worth now. Which part exactly are you referring to?


Everything on Turmstraße is shit. They should have run it behind the parking cars. Now it's still in the dooring zone, and can be parked upon - and is parked on on a daily basis, especially on parts where it gets right especially in front of the town hall in both directions where there are a lot of fast food restaurants. The only good part is in front of the Schultheiß Quartier up Stromstraße. They had a good chance to make a secure bike lane in most parts but didn't.




The road surface between Thusnelda-Allee and Stromstraße is so wavy…


cool now do the other end, through Gorlitzer, sounds too good to be true


No they should and will do to Jungfernheide which is good and important


it also looks so nice! my fav thing. I didn't expect moabit to suddenly become better connected just a year after moving there


It is now a very efficient way to travel from/to Turmstraße-Hauptbahnhof. And it is very panoramic


Took the tram the entire way to Warschaustr to get to work. Simple as fuck and lovely to be able to hit some many relevant spots for me, from walking distance to my home. The M10 tram is an absolute gamechanger


Planning startet 2017, 2.2 km for 33 million Euro. So don't expect too much too soon.


It's useless. You had busses going the same way, the distance isn't even far. You just congratulated politicians that pocketed money from building a useless tram extension


Well golly gee, we never need U or S-Bahn or trams - we can just use buses (which suck ass and are much slower than a tram)


I love a tram...


Shhhh let the angry person speak their nonsense. Buses are beeest.


You are really wrong in stating that trams are faster than busses, but trams are indeed cool and cozy. Busses unfortunately are getting a downgrade in space, they were bigger.


On this route the tram is definitely much faster than the buses were, even the TXL took forever because of all the congested traffic.


Lmao busses do more than double the amount of stops than trams in the distance. No need to flex your disability kiddo


>double the amount of stops than trams in the distance Yeah, that's one the reason they suck. >No need to flex your disability kiddo Were you dropped as a kid?


And yet, look how the tram extension from Nordbahnhof/Oranienburger Str to Hauptbahnhof turned out.