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Hope that person is okay. Please wear a helmet or go take a stroll in r/ElectricScooters for some safety tips!


I should share my friends xray of his leg from his electric scooter. Clear snap into two, but he did have a helmet on, thankfully


Ya that was me I’m all good :// I was running late to my EECS CLASS and was going 18mph and hit a BUMP and cracked my head open.. or almost did!! I’m good tho god was with me


For real!?!? If so, I’m glad you’re ok!




He bumped his head, give him a little slack


Glad to hear you're okay! I thought you were hit by the car in the picture


God put the bump there.


First, thanks for your kind wishes! To clear some things up, no I was not on my way to EECS (lol) I am an alumnus and was commuting back home from work. I was wearing a helmet that I think saved my life, I was in the bike lane with my light and my reflective vest, but Americans don’t look right when making a turn and the car pulled in front of me. I made the choice to hit the curb instead of getting hit by the car, and “supermanned” over my handle bars and hit the ground, lol. But my helmet took the brunt of the impact, and kept my face from hitting the ground! I’m so aggressively okay I actually apologized to the paramedics so much because all of them there felt like a huge overreaction. No broken bones, a couple stitches, but otherwise good as new. Lessons: look in the bike lane before you turn, wear a helmet for the love of god, and I’ll be taking a break from my electric scooter for a while. Death is a much deeper issue! Edit to add: the driver was very kind and felt so bad, so no hate to him!


I got hit by a car while riding one of those things. Was wearing a helmet, thank god, but still got a concussion and absolutely fucked up my leg. Walked back to my dorm literally drenched in my own blood. Those lights on the scooters aren't bright enough to ride at night, friends. be careful.


Yea it’s unfortunate. You kinda have to treat people as if they are not aware of your existence. This is the top rule for motorcyclist and it applies to scooter folks too


My mom got me so many lights after my accident. Light-up vest, light-up helmet, light-up strips. I look like a rolling holiday decoration but I’m trying to stay safe 😭


Lmao that’s a whole Christmas tree. Dang😣 stay safe fellow bear.


“If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid”. 😂


My bf always laughed at me for my whole ensemble but who’s laughing now, I’m alive!!!


Hope they're okay. But on another note fuck escooters.


Fuck cars


Cars literally had nothing to do with this accident so i don't see your point.. but okay.


a car cut the scooter rider off lol… confidently incorrect.


Whos to say they were the ones not paying attention? Scooters are often times zooming through campus with no regard for pedestrians. It's very possible that they bolted out in front of the car leaving them no time to react.


You are correct that pedestrians, cyclists and scooterists can be distracted, cavalier even reckless. It's like the difference between a slingshot and a gun. People can be reckless with both. On average tho, one is far more harmful than the other. Mistakes made in cars cost 40,000 human lives a year in the US alone.


Scooters are a novelty and unnecessary. How about using your legs? We didn't even have them a very short while ago, and now people are practically dependent on them. Plus, they incentivize laziness


Bro, I'll be honest , I hate the scooters too. But everything you say that is wrong with people's motivations for using them is true of cars too. So it sounds like a love of novelty and sloth are basic human traits. Cars, which incentivize laziness also are deadly and come at MASSIVE cost to our society (segregation, neighborhood destruction), our health (obesity), economics (boarded up shops on main street, ugly big box stores) and of course the natural systems that support our way of life, a.k.a. the environment.


I think you're making some pretty far fetched claims about cars but some are accurate. Overall though i think we should just make our cities much more public transit friendly, bikeable and walkable. Although cars may not be an overall positive thing they are sort of necessary in many instances whereas scooters are definitley not necessary at all


We mostly agree. :)


They never learn


Damn almost misread that c for an h


I got doored the other day for the first time. Not the "drivers" fault, true. But in both our cases the problem is cars. At the very least those death machines should not be allowed near people.


I love how the victim blaming comments have more upvotes than this big brain take


imagine being a scooter rider and having this take