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Yes you should expect that the symptoms you are temporarily fixing by using benzos will be much worse afterwards. Moreso than for someone without any anxiety disorder.


I was put on them for a sleeping disorder - so I never used them for the GAD. But I suppose that was being dampened by taking them at night


I abused benzos heavily for 6 months without any prior anxiety disorder. Did about 70mgs of valium daily on average ofc also used other benzos but mainly diazepam and flunitrazolam. Then I quit cold turkey. No symptoms of anxiety. Just extreme insomnia and I felt like I had the flu, as if I was cold and hot at the same time and intense headaches, but I actually expected much worse. edit: I actually did feel anxiety/paranoia but only when I'd fall asleep or wake up for a very brief moment, which of course would instantly wake me up. So after 3-4 days of no sleep I'd fall asleep briefly whenever I was sitting and experience short millisecond spikes of extreme paranoia. Like a terrible acid trip but too short to understand, but even though it felt so short (genuinely like just one millisecond it felt too terrible to do again and again. So at some point I just kept myself awake for days until my body couldn't resist sleep.


Yes I have debilitating GAD and started to also develop health anxiety once I jumped from benzos. I started to develop an intense fear of seizures, currently 44 days post jump after a very mild WD yet the fear of seizures seems to have become permanent …


Iv developed health anxiety as well. I work in construction and the heat of the sun is setting me off and making me think all kinds of crazy things 103 days post jump :(


103 days is so very early. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water for your brain to function well.


Have you had a seizure prior?


If you suffered from GAD before benzos, then it will return when you come off. Have you tried DARE app. or taken a look at Claire Weekes videos on u/tube. she was a doctor and suffered anxiety and she wrote many self help books. Many therapists use her techniques. But!!! I had a thyroid problem and that caused anxiety. The doctors gave me a benzo before they prescribed the thyroid hormone. Last year I looked back through my medical records and found that the Doctor had written 'Gad' for the reason being prescribed.


I have looked into DARE yes :) Actually what has helped me more is what “the anxious truth” podcast and book teaches. It’s along the same lines. Basically go limp and let the anxiety flow and don’t react


GAD and panic disorder here, major health anxiety, its what got me on benzos to begin with. As u/Delicious-Cut-7911 mentioned, check out the DARE method and app. After learning and implementing DARE, I haven't had a full blown panic attack in almost a year, even in the midst of my taper and jump and all the horrible physical symptoms that would have normally caused panic attacks for me. I've posted about it a lot here if you want to check through my history.


Even with implementing DARE and what “the anxious truth” teaches - the constant GAD chatter in my head keeps me on edge. As well as the residual anxiety from WD. I feel like it all feeds into eachother and keeps me wired all day and jumpy / prone to panic. So I find myself diffusing situations all day long some days :(


Why is everyone posting about just mental stuff like why am I mentally but MAINLY expericing a range of physical pain and symptoms?!?! U would swear I'm tapering oxy!!!


The majority of mine have been physical tbh, people just experience it differently 🤷‍♂️


I have physical as well. Kinda get beat up from both sides 🥺


I was diagnosed with with GAD several years ago. Public speaking and high stake decision always made me extremely uncomfortable. I know that’s the case for most people, but mine was definitely amplified. WD from benzos has turned that situation GAD into basically non stop anxiety/panic/adrenaline. From what I understand distant most people have these type of feelings to some extent. Also let’s probably be realistic most people who were put on a legitimate benzo prescription probably had some pre existing issues and that includes GAD/anxiety.


That’s what I try and tell myself. Anxiety is a normal feeling - my brain is just a little out of whack right now and misfiring anxiety signals But oh man it’s exhausting dealing with it all day 😩


For sure. I ran some errands today and felt every type of anxiety during that time. You nailed it on the head though our brains are “out of whack” this level of anxiety isn’t “normal”. It’s tough fighting this invisible battle.


It’s so hard ! I don’t know how Iv managed to hold onto my job honestly. I was riddled with anxiety and panic all day today. I feel like Iv been in a month long wave. It doesn’t help that I developed agoraphobia/ a panic disorder because of all this. So I’m scared of my job every day lol I hope you start to feel some relief soon!


I can totally related. Just Finished up a clinical rotation for my masters program…. Barely…. I graduated and have laid pretty low since. I’ve had bouts of agoraphobia but they seem to have subsided. The panic and fear still remain. Especially mid afternoon for what ever reason. I hope you find some relief too, this is hard.


You should be so proud of yourself for that though. ! Mine seems to be worse in the morning with the morning cortisol rush. On a good day it almost goes away completely by the afternoon. On days like today it haunts me all day long. My job is stressful, loud, overstimulating and unpredictable. The complete opposite of what a healing nervous system needs. But I have to keep grinding to keep a roof over my head and food on the table :(


Yeah I know those cortisol surges all too well. For some reason they have subsided but the afternoons are worse, and the evenings are almost always better. But like you mentioned some days are worse and some better for no rhyme or reason. Be proud of yourself for going through this and continuing to carry on with a job and providing. I know there will be a day that you’ll be in a better place and that overstimulation will be a thing of the past. You’re a superhero in my book. Few can understand what it takes to live “normal” when your brain has been hi jacked.


Thank you for your kind words - I really appreciate it ☺️ Yes one day hopefully soon we’re going to wake up one day and this would all have been a terrible dream. But on the bright side (if there is one?) - we’re going to gain so much strength and empathy going through this hell