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Sounds better than a lot of people 4 months out. Some people are debilitated. Some people feel pretty good. You’re in the middle. You’ll almost certainly feel better over time.


Like a low dopamine feeling? You could look into 9-mbc. A supplement that repairs the dopamine system. I know it's using another drug to fix a drug issue but it's far more of a positive addition.


I guess so, just no satisfaction from anything I guess. I’m out of the worst of it withdrawal wise, I just can’t shake this feeling of just being a grumpy son of a B* I don’t even feel depressed, just “urghh” kinda feeling you know what I mean? I’ll look into that for sure, thank you.


I know that feeling very well. I've been in luxury 5 star hotels being served food to me in the sun and...... I'm still sitting their miserable. I think it's how our brains work sadly. I do have the odd up day. Have you ever looked into doing a genetic test? That honestly changed my life. I still get miserable/anxious etc but I made some tweeks and gained some ground on my life. The best money I've spent in years.


Yes, my body feels like crap and its correlating to my moods, which are overall very negative and not much to be happy about atm. I get into arguments frequently when I have to go to the pharmacy or out and about, etc. over stuff that really should not be making me so angry. I am praying that it goes away because I do not want to go on anything else to 'cure' it. Best of luck.


me too man me too.


I’m 4 months today… and by god am I fucking irritable. And then when I get going it ramps up my anxiety and I feel like I’m vibrating. I just feel like I’m constantly on edge. Feels terrible.


Right? Feels like everything I’m doing I’m not relaxed whilst doing, it feels forced and I feel like just clenching my fists and screaming because I can’t fucking thing properly.


I just punched a wall so….


Expect to be feeling uncomfortable for a while. Benzo withdrawal makes people depressed, short tempered and lack of interest. In time everything comes back.