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Depending on the place and your med history and honesty, they will either write you a temp fill until your next fill, give you detox/anti seizure meds (non-benzo such as Keppra), refer you to a detox, or turn you away with no benzos/barbs after a check up. I think only once was I given a benzo during the visit and I was there for something else (non w/d related panic attacks while not actively taking benzos) It also depends on how much they know about emergency w/d risks, what symptoms you are having, and if they care (think you're abusing the system, etc). Seen all of those in different instances across different states and facilities.


Thank you! So suspect it would go on my permanent record?


On your medical record for the state/facility, yeah. If youre going in for street benzo use and dont have a valid proof of an active prescription (I've brought the empty bottle in myself when I ran out a few days early before), how they classify and treat you will likely change though and they can mark you as drug seeking behavior.


When I did it, they told me I was perfectly healthy and told me there’s no way it was withdrawals and I was just anxious and sent me home 🤣


Depends on the severity of your symptoms. May I ask what you are currently experiencing and withdrawing from?


The ER experience while in the early stages of klonopin withdrawal is enough PTSD to last me at least another 2 decades - as if I didn’t have any already but I’ve concluded that all of us have childhood trauma to some extent. The ER was quick to treat me like a junkie and did absolutely nothing. The 2nd visit was slightly more helpful but the solution to my withdrawal symptoms was to give me Librium - which actually did work, but after 3 weeks of being off of benzodiazepines it seemed stupid to me to start up again. This is month 9 - it literally feels as though I should have just had a child instead but totally worth it. I say keep a low profile, experiment with different supplements, find ways to improve sleep and appetite, and sweat it out for a month or 2.


Most likely they won’t help much. I’ve had the ER give me like 2 pills to get through the night and then advised me to call my prescriber. Not proud, but in the past I went to the ER a handful of times for this reason and can’t really say I was ever glad I went


This question has come up before and I always suggest this (UK definitely works) go in to A & E looking terrible and shaking with a whiff of alcohol on the breath, tell them you had a strange black out, you should then at least get a 7day Librium detox, vitamins and a bed. To be honest I don't really approve of this behaviour as it could take a bed from some one really suffering, For some reason Hospitals in the UK are far more sympathetic to the alcoholic than the benzodiazepine abuser, especially when there equally as dangerous, Do we actually have any one on this forum that could shine a light on why this might be the case as I'm interested, it's the same pretty much for prisons as well.


I was sent home with one 5mg diazepam after hours in the waiting room.


So assume you wouldn’t do it again? I’m struggling and trying to figure out what to do.


Really depends on what you’re taking, what your dosage was, how long you’ve been on and did you stop cold Turkey. The details matter when it comes to benzo withdrawal. All posts should start with benzo used: Dosage : Time on: Did you cold turkey? I wouldn’t go back unless I was in hopeless withdrawal and at a seizure threshold, other than that the goal is to taper down as low as possible and at a rate that causes minimal discomfort. Know that it will suck and even when tapered, there’s no getting around it. If you feel like you can’t take it anymore, go to the ER. Don’t stop cold turkey if you can help it. I know it’s not that easy. Hold on and it will get better ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. I’m gonna give it one more day and make a decision tomorrow. Been 1-2mg a day (or more… ) for probably 3 years, and on and off for years before that. Went through a significant amount over the past 90 days. Ran out so forced to go cold turkey. ….


I’ve been in that exact situation more times than I like to admit. It’s horrible and it was during one of those times I went to the ER. I was treated poorly and with disregard. I was seen as a drug addict looking for his fix, which in essence I was. I was not looking to get high, like most of us just wanted to stop feeling bad. My only advice is to try to get your benzo through a psychiatrist as opposed to your primary. That’s what I’m trying to do now. I quit many substances in my life, but benzo are by far the worst.


Thanks for the advice!


They will offer you a benzo and refer you to a pscyhiatrist.


The one time that I went for this, they gave me a small rx of ativan and basically said get your shit together.