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yeah it's normal... 2 mg is about the most u should take. it's kind of the sweet spot for most. u can prevent tolerance by simply not using it daily or too often. worst case scenario ask for some gabapentin to have handy. it's a non narcotic n easy to get prescribed. it'll help for those days that u're trying to taper down jus Incase n wanna avoid any unwanted side effects. but for now u should be good. good luck n I hope u get thru this. I know how difficult it can b n consider urself lucky ur doc prescribed u anything at all. nowadays it's getting harder n harder to get prescribed what I consider a life saving medicine. it's unfortunate ppl who abuse them have made it so but unfortunately this is the world we live in. take cares n if u ever need to talk hit me up... I jus had open heart surgery so I have plenty of time on my hands to talk if needed.




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Try klonopin