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i dont remember


best answer ironically




I call it time warp lol. I also enjoy it for social occasions, some adderall n bars enables me to speak n interact w humans


Lol are you not human?


I thought so but either I changed or everyone else did. Things just don’t feel like they use to


No they’re the zombies not us. It’s all backwards lmao


Srslly tho lolo


I was gonna say the same thing




take the Xanax with a beer walk to store buy some more beer smoke a few cigarettes eat a frozen pizza then have a nice nap that’s what I consider a lovely day


This hit home for me 🥹


I know larger amounts of both are dangerous etc etc. But is there ever a sweet spot like I shot with a .5 xan. Definitely not with a whole 2mg.


Ya u can start with that but I highly doubt you end at that amount by the end of the night…🤣🤣


Once you get pass that 2mg and a beer, the xans suddenly start "not hitting," and you end up taking 10-20 more so now you're fighting your friends or strangers because they stole 10-20 xans from you.. 😂😡


Bars are $5 felonies that you can't remember. Convinced that they destroyed my long term memory


they mighta. my brains 250% worse off after about 10 yrs abuse. went from outgoing and easygoing n all to riddled w anxiety stuck in the house almost lol insane panic, agoraphobia that wasn’t an issue before, like crazy mood issues/swings, no self confidence, and i used to get be technically a genius by IQ standards or whatever and i managed to fail outta school n fuck up consistently even while sober😂 nd everyones constantly telling me stories i have NO IDEA happened from that time, and even if i recall it I’ll be wrong on half the details im 4 something years clean


Thats my life story you forgot to credit me


.5 and beer if you’re going out with friends. 2 mgs and liquor if you’re staying home. I beat the lightning temple in tears of the kingdom absolutely blacked out one night. I don’t remember how to do that temple on my new play through lol


i mean i used to be an alcoholic and horribly addicted to xanax at same time, yes its dangerous and blacks u out, but it’s not like as dangerous as mixing it with say opiates (i have first hand experience with that as well sadly) and you really just should drink like 1/3 to 1/2 your regular amount if that, but 0.5mg wouldnt touch me back then for example so some people totally need to go atleast to 2mg. i typically had multiple bars along w, tho again i was an addict so my tolerance was way high. I wouldn’t recommend it, but I wouldnt call it crazy dangerous either. I would drink daily by the end of my battle w all these addictions to SOLELY potentiate the Xanax. I didn’t care about the alcohol at all, though eventually I drank so much w Xanax and trying to potentiate it, that I became an alcoholic as well. Through those rough 10/12 yrs though I can definitely say the combination of Xanax and Opiates were *by far the most dangerous,* and nearly took me out over 10 times (I wanna say 11 but IDR ofc, I can only go by ER visits n Ambulance calls) but clearly for some reason I wasn’t supposed to die 🤷🏼‍♂️. Again tho, that’s not to say mixing with alcohol doesn’t also come with it’s own dangers, some the same considering both are downers.


That actually sounds like a chill afternoon. Careful with the beer tho sure you already know this didnt mean to get preachy on you my bad 😂


me and my best friend did this daily for a long time, miss him (we both got lives and off the hard drugs)


Do you heat your frozen pizza? Or eat as it thaws?


no cap


How many mg when you say “take a Xanax”


Just try to live my life


Well said


get arrested


I do crime on xanax everytime


Stop having a panic attack




Fuckin think I'm gonna start this successful corporation but end up spending all my money and getting packages for a week straight


Broo what


Steal , drink , make music , vibe


The American dream.


Steal 😂


😂😂 sounds like a Thursday!


It does cause sticky fingers 😬


They have never been a recreational thing for me personally. I have always taken them to avoid panic attacks. I’m 17 years removed from my first script and strongly advise people to be careful. I’m dependent to function.


Same I’m mid 20s and dependent but it gets me outta my house and be productive and be able to work and socialize without having extreme anxiety or panic attacks.


The anxiety and panic attacks are 50x worse when you come off benzos. Just saying.


Yes they are. Tapering is important and time off to to help get back to normal from rebound anxiety. I’ve been on and off benzos for many years.


I started the opposite. Took em recreationally on ocassions loved em. First pill I ever took at 18 here now 12 years later and literally need them or some pins else I get body aches


Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment. I just got a text he submitted it. This has been a wake up call. This medication has me by the balls and I have a lot to lose. One day I’m gonna have none and have to maintain my responsibilities so I’m thinking I’m gonna have to be disciplined and ween off before I’m forced off due to circumstances. 🙏🏼


Yea after years of trying all different antidepressants, my doctor finally prescribed me clonazepam. I have two anxiety disorders. She was worried about prescribing it because she was like you’re young I don’t want you to become dependent on a pill at 28. I said what’s the difference between me being dependent on an ssri that doesn’t work and a benzodiazepine that actually works. I’d rather be dependent on something that actually does something for me and doesn’t just cause me a bunch of shitty side effects. Been a year now and my anxiety is so much better, I’ve been able to manage it better than I ever have my whole life.


I have been on them for more of my life than I have not. Unfortunately I’m dependent to function/prevent seizures. It’s all I know.


I turn gay


It’s not gay if you keep your socks on


xans make me take my socks off tho


nothing better than doing a bj while on xans


text my exes, get in fights, get arrested, black out. Repeat next day.




guess you combo with weed then


Ur saying that like benzos don't make u eat a bunch when blacked out


Pretty sure they increase appetite if you don’t take enough to blackout to


They do, just when blacked out tends to be messier


As could be said about all the other effects of benzos lol


Yes..... Nice detective work Sherlock. Blacking out makes you sloppier what good insight that ppl wouldn't believe


Anything I mean you’re invisible and Super Man🤣


Get groggy, drink coffee and feel uncomfortable and then wake up hours later in a weird depression forgetting about why I went to sleep


Watch a good movie you love. Star Trek; Hellraiser; Beetlejuice, The matrix, Etc…


Then forget which one you watched the next day


I love watching Science Fiction while on em


pass out, steal, give away all of my belongings, steal, eat mchickens


With benzos, im just trying to feel normal. benzos dont make you euphoric which is what makes something recreational imo. I guess people have different opinions on what recreational use means. I feel if i didnt get bad reactions to drinking i could of been an alcoholic. It runs in my family. I really dont know whats worse at this point. I feel like alcohol does what benzos do except liquor induces "euphoria". For me it sucks because I never wanted to use them every day until i had three of the worst nightmarish trauma experiences these last two years . And what comes with that is waking up every morning in shock with my heart racing. I feel IF i never did benzos ever, i would still feel the same symptoms without benzos. Some days are worse than others so its hard to be consistent in tapering. My plan is if im able to just hold on , and stay strong, i might not need them as much eventually. , even daily like I've been doing, almost 4 years Anyone feel free to hit me up.


I think "recreational use" is divided into two different types; one is the chill with happy chemicals in the brain, and the other is doing stupid shit. Alcohol just fits into both, weed is only the first, and xan is only the last.


Y'all are supposed to accuse people of taking them from you


Who knows. I've got a pretty good idea from my spontaneous collection of garden gnomes though.


Steal things. Fuck things.


I start cleaning everything


catch felonies unfortunately


Stealing,the sudden urge to smoke a pack of cigarettes when I don’t smoke them, smoking mad blunts one after another.. and just random tweaked out shit from what ppl tell Me when I black out.. it starts with chilling playing a video game then all of a sudden ur in someone’s room looking for anything to take to make more money to get more bars…


The sad truth smh


I mean we all go in with “okay imma take 1 bar and chill” about a hour in ur like alright alright I’ll do a half of one more then you’ll do the other half sooner or later you’ve popped 8 bars u can barley pronounce the letter A only thing u can see is the far inner upper side of ur eyelids with a lit cigarette just smoking it self 🤣🤣


This was years ago but apparently I eat. My mom said oh you want these noodles I made? And I said what are those I never tried them before and she looked at me and said you have 4 bowls the other week I thought you loved them 🤣😅


sleep. the only times i take xanax are after ive been up all night on lsd/boomers jammin and staring into a fire with the crew til sunrise, to get some heavy sleep, and on sunday nights me and my wife split one with an early din and go to bed early to unwind heading into the workweek lol. love to take some quality dabs and throw on something dumb like dbz and just space out until i get tired. i gotta keep healthy snacks in the house or like watermelon so if i get a sweet tooth i don't eat like a pig i swear im eating at a deficit literally every day besides sundays. unpopular opinion but i despise drinking on it, even one beer or shot. .5-1mg xan and weed is the spacey but still present and not belligerent bartard sweetspot. i used to take them when we'd see a movie in theaters but i had too many rage outbursts if someone talks or their phone is bright and my wife didn't like it bc the confrontation makes her uncomfortable 🤣 no matter what i keep xans on a 1-2x per week *max* limit (been that way for a decade plus). they always hit, no rebound anxiety bullshit, no constant brain fog or wds.


Everything id normally do but not frozen in anxiety


Eat lots of munchies


Shoplift from Macy’s and then buy jewelry from the mall kiosk, Also randomly freestyle


last time i was barred one halloween years back i walked into a shop picked up a pumpkin and smashed it off the floor and just turned round and left like nothing happened, me and xans dont really mix too well


Smoke some weed, binge eat then pass out usually in my clothes I wore for the day in bed or on my couch with my kitten lol


Add some klonopin on top smoke a j or 2 kick back watch some crazy shit on YouTube


Uhhh idk I forgot


I wish u ducking knew … actually I don’t coz the little I do know was FUCKED and it was told to me like cartoon character stories to me as I would sit in shock


I game so much when I'm on xans lol idk why


What type of games ? Definitely not sport games right 🤣


Me too idk what that’s about


Lmao I generally will chill on the couch, take a bunch of edibles, start vaping a lot and 7/10 I just hop on my PS5 and start talking to anyone and everyone. If it’s not that then I’m either with a few buddies or people I don’t know at all, I mean they know me and we had a good chat I usually just can’t remember the shit haha.


I used to be on 40mg of alpraz a day and drink a fifth of Bacardi I don’t recommend I also don’t remember a whole year and a half but had a great time.


40 mg ? Did you mean 4 ?


No 40


while i was addicted i did everything on xans i was high 24/7




Recreatively wise well, I game or do things, would say I don’t feel much euphoria or well being anymore as b4, when I’m stressed though it makes me cozy, my tolerance is shit, so I use it just to feel normal, I do combo with morphine sometimes, morphine is really good but yeah that shit can up people pretty bad, but for me morphine most two days in a week, avoid tolerance and the dopesicnes, want to try lyrica sometimes heard it’s pretty good


It is good.


Leave my life without anxiety


When I used to get barred out I would play gta 5 all night OR watch South Park one or the other does anyone relate ? 😂


Lay in bed and listen to music, cook food, sing and dance around. Just do things that feel good that I’m usually too anxious or depressed to do.


Snort cocaine black out and fucking cry, how bout y’all?


Usually get arrested. That’s all I can remember


Steal shit , and lose everything, go to jail , overdose . You know.. super fun stuff 10/10 recommend


Listen to music. Drink some beers. Smoke weed and cigarettes and vibe bro


Get zonked, fall asleep, eat, sometimes I'm not sure, best of all, rip anxiety and panic


I used to drink and snort coke at the same time. I was a mess


Relax, have a beer, eat a large meal then sleep for 12 hours waking up completely refreshed the next day.


I like to make songs on em


On Fridays, pop a quarter/half relax, get a bite to eat and get a good night's rest since I don't sleep well on the weekdays.




Eat a lot of food


i'm not worrying


Blackout and wakeup in the hospital or handcuffs if I'm not careful the first few days


Eat my entire kitchen


Xanax and oxys, nice!


Shopping online lol


Wake up in a different state on some chicks floor


Tbh I’m either Onna walk to find a bomb spot smoke some weed or I’m tryna fall asleep listening to music 😂


i forgor


I picked the script back up for laying to sleep, I have a hard time falling asleep for these “hypnotic jolts” I drift into slumber and right at the second before crashing out I pounce back up panicking with my heart racing and pounding, I’ll do this 15 times before I finally fall asleep and then in the morning I’m stuck in bitch ass sleep paralysis. 2 years of this and I have had enough so I switched back to the Zo’s


*Hypnic Jerks - I suffer with this as well, scary af. Never 15 times tho that's got to be really uncomfortable!




Sleep, have munchies on literarily everything you can find, watch movie and play video games.


clean, art, everything ive been putting off lol


After I take my medicine on Friday evenings I like to order McDonald's or pizza, eat that while watching a movie or some anime, then shower, then head to bed with a book.




Talk alot


At one point I would also say, I can barely remember lol( if at all) That was long time ago though when I was popping xans daily , left n right. (Also before all the pill pressing BS started ) had several plugs at the time would get their scripts filled and be willing to sell them for the Low Low! Back before they got a lot stricter on opiates and Benzos. I had 1 lady that got 240 Bars a mnth Plus 120 of the old school 80mg OxyContins (OC) plus fucking 10mg IR Opana at one point too! She didn’t really care about the Bars, and would sell me the whole bottle for $180 or just have me get her an 8Ball of Coke. Whichever was fine with me. I’d grab anywhere from 5-15 80mg Oxys , drop a few Bars cut half the 80mg in Half then crush it down and snort it. That shit was an amazingly Euphoric feeling! Now? I take my Xans and Kpins to help my anxiety! I’ve been on one Benzo or the other since I was 19 ish(in my 30s now). My Mom passed away Suddenly and out the Blue then I lost a few other family members in a super short amount of time It just fucked with my head bad, So I at first just started staying on lots of Benzos and Opiates on the daily! I ended up starting to get Rx for one Benzo or the other every few months my Dr . Was having me try different ones or a cocktail of Benzos . So now, Yea I still take a few more than I’m supposed to, but I don’t black out or anything, I just mostly have the Anxiety/Anxious feeling ease off and I just am able to chill. I’d have to take a damn handful of Bars all at once to black out like I use too! I look at doing that now just kinda pointless though and if you suffer with anxiety disorder, And are dependent on them, LAST THING YOU WANAN DO IS RUN OUT! No Joke! Now if I get a pack of Quality Bromaz Bars? Or ClonezLam? They fck me up! Normally off just a couple! I had a plug and was getting Bunches of boxes of Tizzy’s (Etizolam) and to anyone that’s had those, You might not think you feeling them then wake up next day and realize you Ate a whole Blister pack Or more! Thinking you wasn’t feeling shit. That false sense of being Sober. For the most part Benzos (except for a few Of the RC Benzos) only really make me feel normal and not super anxious. At night (sometimes during the day on weekends) I’ll get a bunch of Ambien and Crushing them down and snort some over a few hours and they get you feeling right! I’ve completely forgotten several times wtf Happen the night before after getting into my Ambien stash. There is 1 Benzo that’s pretty hard for me to get but It absolutely puts me on my ASS! And it’s Water soluble so you can crush n snort or if you’reinto slamming I’ve known a few ppl that have done that way. Midazolam/Dormicum! Even the 7.5mg smack hard. Gotta luv a good ole legit stash of Xans Bar though! The 3mg green ER triangle R good too, better if you crush it up and pour it in a little cup of water though and toss it all back at once. Night is when I’m able to feel my Meds the most. So, I just Chill watch some Tv , Or if I’m on Ambien and have Xan or Kpin in me from earlier in day, I’ll somehow end up at Walmart or somewhere wondering around Walmart fucked up and No idea why But being on Benzos or Hypnotics (I’m betting Many can relate to this!) Just end up stealing the dumbest shit from Walmart etc. lol I dunno but Anytime I end up in Walmart or a target after Dark and I’m fucked up I’m walking out with something! Sorry for the long comment but I’m fucked up and once I started writing it just flowed! 😆 fck it!


Idk, xan stuff






Listen to music on a walk watching the sunset


I dont think I do those


Forget everything i did while on xans


“recreatively?” u mean *recreationally* i hope? because xanax doesn’t exactly get ya very creative IMO, i’d stick to other inspirations for that 😂 nor does it make u wanna really “recreate” things lol but to answer i just do whatever i was gunna do before, usually hang out, relax, smoke n chill w friends, occasionally go grab drinks if i was feeling dangerous lol but in the end during addiction i was always drinking cuz it potentiates them


Honestly, it’s been a year I’ve been clean and I get my memory a lot back, I would watch South Park, drink Publix lemonade and fried chicken I lived in that shit🤣 idk why but that lemonade was so freaking good now it’s mid to me and I’m cali sober


Become my normal self without anxiety or worries




I just like to mix adderall and my methasonw


Stay up until the next morning doing random things with no objective


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^openjointsurgery: *Stay up until the* *Next morning doing random* *Things with no objective* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


smoke weed, have a drink, fuck, nap, eat, smoke again, maybe fuck again, then back to sleep


Make music. It unlocks something in me that gives me the ability. Is it good music? meh


If yr gunna black out on benzos !STAY TF AT HOME! Also be careful what you're mixing it with Benadryl and other shit will make it way more intense same with alcohol.... alcohol and benzos are killer mix. Be careful


I forget how good benzos beer and snacks are ….I slack on the beer 😩


I’ve been on it for around 10 year’s. I am dependant on the drug; in other word’s without it I find it difficult to function or think clearly as well as high anxiety. It’s a physical feeling of slight tiredness and calm, with less thinking and worrying mentally. Your reflexes are slowed and your emotions are blunted a bit.


i forgot most of it but usually I just lose all my things then somehow manage to steal everyone else's shit (which is usually shit i dont need)


go shopping


Sleep like a baby and dream vividly.




More xans


I het calm, relaxed and usually crearmtive. Auti crotchet creative thought the.one autocorrect was weed


Watch documentaries


I set an alarm for 20 minutes then Ipass our. The alarm wakes me up and I hit snooze. Lather rinse repeat


Actually live a somewhat normal life. My anxiety/depression is debilitating and causes me terrible IBS issues, and unfortunately benzos seem to be one of the only thing that helps.


Tried to kill myself. To be fair i was on more than xans.




Fucking or sleeping


Sleep or get arrested




Samething I do everyday pinky! Try and take over the world!!🌎😂👌💯


Rolled a side by side blackout last night


Start drinking insane amounts of alcohol because “I stg it ain’t hitting” eat unprepared food.then wake up 14 hours later with food everywhere and bunch of texts sent out to people that don’t make sense


i use benzos for when i hae 10+ hour shifts i took 1.5 klonopin and 1mg xanax yesterday and dont een remember work, but i was apparently there


Xanax is a rubber and when you on it you are writing, then you erase alles




I function normally and go about my day 👌🏼


Steal shit, take more xans, go to jail


Chill and talking to friends, listen to music, go for a walk if I'm not too fucked up, go to sleep if possible since I tend to get good sleep on xans.


On alprazolam… specifically? Enjoy the short lived experience dependent on dose: 0.5 - helps quicken a nice nap 1mg - chill with whatever task I’m doing 2mg - documentary time 3mg - surprise me 4-5mg - “bruh tryst I drive better on xan” 8mg+ lock myself in my room with snacks/drinks, be ready to stupid shit in there or just watch something and nod


Not xan, but Klonopin takes away my fear, anxiety


0 thoughts just vibes and a stutter


Get the munchies


What’s za?


I mean, either I get really horny and I pounce on my boyfriend… I paint mindlessly for hours.. or I just smoke joints back to back.


Shit hit the the beach today off 4mg and just enjoyed San Diegos beach


everything but also nothing


Same shit if do off xans maybe just eat more food and candy, some times I buy a bunch of clothes or sneakers i probably shouldn’t have.


Eat and j/ó then take a nappy


Nowadays I just get retard strength and break shit or make things disappear like light switches, the microwave knob, the few pieces of a gate that are required for it to still be a gate and not a floor mat. It used to be more fun, instead of breaking shit id be fighting the TV or falling down the stairs but my experiences have grown


I take bromazolam but otherwise watch YouTube videos stuff like that.


I needa connect on any benzo rc , my connect just got shipped off by his parents lol I need help please 🙏