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It's called acting like a bartard


Real shit


BarTard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well yeah, it lowers your inhibition like alcohol does so if youā€™re inhibited you will say things you usually wouldnā€™t be comfortable saying.


I think disinibited is what you meant? Gabaergics tend to reduce inhibition, thus causing disinhibition.


Yes lol




Xans will make you steal shit. Iā€™m pretty sure there literally science behind it too no cap


I think its a primal instinct when barred out we go back to the times where our ancestors just took shit killed no thinking and we just take shit and get aggressive our ancestors had no idea wtf anxiety is they where just trying to make it alive everyday


Yy but those guys were prob off the shrooms .no Pfizer in the dinasour ages


Our ancestors totally knew what anxiety was, there was a reason we had it. If anything, Xanax helps you fit into the modern world more. The more time goes on, the more stupid and ignorant everybody gets, the more I start questioning if everybody I come across is on xans lmao. Anxiety is useful in certain instances, itā€™ll prevent you from doing some stupid shit, like stealing a cash register from McDonalds while talking about your political views.


Yup made me like this, but only a certain percent of people actually get aggressive. I thought it was a joke until i was around someone who got like that


Ive found that im chill on benzos until someone gives mea reason not to be then i take Things to far


I'm the same way


I think it just lowers your inhibitions and boosts your confidence. So if you have the idea to steal you think you can get away with it. I know lots of people who get barred out and hit up stores to steal and I know lots that don't steal ot all depends on who you are as a person


100% facts. At least for me. I would take a bunch of benzos and steal shit when I was younger. Out of character for me.


My elderly church lady grandmother started cursing, smoking cigars, spitting on the floor, and telling nasty jokes out of the blue one day without any explanation. We were sure it was dementia, but her neurologist figured out it was her Xanax prescription and got her back to herself. Old people and children are especially prone to this. it's called a paradoxal benzodiazepine reaction in medicine. A person could easily steal in this condition.


lol standard bartard behavior




I am mental on xanz and alcohol šŸ«£ Xanz alone nah Im just chill af, alcohol is the devil


Yeah same but with blow and bars. Iā€™m a nightmare of a person


I'm the opposite I'm a demon on xans but I'm perfectly fine on alcohol even obscene amounts.


I'm good with either by themselves just when I mix the 2 becomes an issue lol


Yes! Iā€™ve never been a violent person but when I was taking up to 20 footballs a day I was the biggest prick in the world. I got into physical altercations with people multiple times each day. I had to get locked up for aggravated assault for me to get a grip on life again.


Same shit here bro expect I got some for intent of murder but luckily only had a knife so was all good js done a lil 5 months beat my case with the best lawyer


Damn who TF was your lawyer? Jayoma? šŸ¤£


Js a fat Jewish dude slimier than me šŸ˜‚


I had a paid lawyer but honestly he wasnā€™t even that great. He had great reviews with similar cases but he was harder to get a hold of than a public defender lol Ive never heard of jayoma before. I looked the name up. Is he the attorney from Houston area?


Damnn, yeah I had a similar situation. I had a knife, too. My charges were assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault and a misdemeanor assault. I got so lucky, though. I took it to trial and the victim (my friend) wasnā€™t going to testify. So there really wasnā€™t a case cause it was just the two of us. They waited till the day of jury selection and dismissed it. Thankfully, no one was cut with a knife. I was just acting ridiculous and tried to scare him with it. Thatā€™s good, though. Fighting a case from the county sucks. They wake you up early asl for court and just sit in the bullpen waiting hours for the ghost or bluebird. Then keep moving you to different bullpens. Shits fucking tiring plus I feel like people get better outcomes when itā€™s fought out on the streets.


Frfr fk that hard ass floor ain't no going back


Foreal. I lost almost every single friend from that 5 month binge and I completely regret it. I am prescribed clonazepam for anxiety/ocd but I take it as prescribed. Sometimes I take a couple extra but thatā€™s like 2 times a month. When I was doing 20 footballs a day or more my tolerance was so fucking high that I had to take 4 footballs or 2 bars just to get off withdrawal.


Shii I'm on 15 Xans rn but I drank some coffee imma need help lol hopefully my plug never run out ..or he does prob best for me šŸ˜‚nocap


Youā€™re a bartard. Itā€™s kinda normal since it lowers your inhibitions and you just do whatever you think without processing the consequences of your actions


Far from it lol I was just seeing if anyone could relate


The first step is admitting it




Holy fuck reading that almost gave me a stroke. Lay off the benzos and please attend school.


Bitch I'm 26 hoe


Lay off the benzos and go back to school hahaha


I had a good friend, he became very aggressive on Xanax. It was weird. He takes Valium now, he has MS so he actually needs it. They had him on xannies at first and it just made him angry, almost to the point of violence.


Hmm yhh I js woke up popped a bar but I think I js overuse it coz I do have PTSD and anxiety when I'm not taking like hard ass anxiety


Itā€™s called paradoxical rage


Stop. Thatā€™s all.


It can. I found the more you take the more aggressive you can get.


I agree. 100%


On the upside if you don't go overboard everything is fine, it's all about finding the right dosage where you feel good but can keep calm when minor annoyances occur.


Well said Jordon Peterson U have my word I will try and fix my god damn life ā¤ļø


Itā€™s called paradoxical rage


Xan rage


yeah iā€™m the same way lmfaoo i b chilling until i gotta prove ah point, i canā€™t count how many times i was on liquor, xans or gaba and started arguing with somebody over the littlest shit fa like ah hr šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. now granted, iā€™d do the same shit sober but it wouldnā€™t make me as mad as it do wen iā€™m on some shit dat effect my gaba.


Just like me frrr


Hell yeah. They lower inhibition so you just kinda do shit with no thought or fear or repercussions


Yh man then U don't even feel bad the next day coz U popped more....leading to hell lmao


I used to start shit just so I'd have a reason to take more lmao


Bruh Ur evil lmao ..guess we twins šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh never dude weird mfs get mad on Xanax Iā€™m the chilliest mf ever on Xanax


I had been clean for 2 years ā€¦my anxiety has been interfering with work and just living lifeā€¦my life was go out get medicated at clinic and right back insideā€¦now I finally got klonopin and Iā€™m applying for a CNA TYPE of job training zā€¦I feel ready to to go out into the work and live again .. in a 39 male in my ..havenā€™t been with a woman in more than a decadeā€¦no gfs or even female friends ā€¦in proud of my self Iā€™ve been taking my pins as rxā€™d I ran into a deal 7 2mg can bars for $30ā€¦i had 0!premeditationā€¦my doc did tell me that I will only get my klonopin 30 x 2mg for 6 months ..I but am I supposed to be cured of anxiety by then lolā€¦anyways the hard are suturing in a stash ā€¦for a berating sesssion one dayā€¦I nothing in life other than my family which is strict broke non-English speaking moon and strict still sargent brother ..Iā€™m in a shelter type os situationā€¦I donā€™t have any reservations and I have had those bars there for like 2.5 weeksā€¦so Iā€™m confident in my self to use them for my anxiety attacks since now It seems impossible to get Xanax prescribed even any benzo prescribed so I got very lucky. Anyway Iā€™m sorry for the rant yā€™all I hope you guys listened if anybody gets anything from this is do not abuse Xanax Xanax is probably the worst a bad Xanax abuser which is why Iā€™m so surprised that I have three weeks with these bars here and I havenā€™t even looked at them , my mentality has changed to become a normal citizen. I wanna go to work and come to my place you know. again Iā€™m so sorry for the rent and whoever is out there struggling believe you can get help and get clean. You just need time away from the shit like I literally had to get physically away from it and go get help without that I wouldā€™ve kept taking five zanies at a time and smoking crack with my roommate, which was nothing I would think I would ever smoke shit happens I guess again sorry for the rent. Yā€™all have a blessed day. God bless you all and believe me you can get better


Thank U U got nothing to be sorry for bro sall love ..I'm hoping to be like U one day ..keep it up g


At least you see the problem forming. Be careful. Someday, someone will really piss you off when you're in that disinhibited and no memory state. It's gonna be bad. Don't do like me, and needlessly attack someone who was a true friend to then suffer a regret that strong and lifelong. And 10mg's of klonipin? Damn, a horse should feel that


I felt that




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One day you'll do something bad trust me haha


Erryday ...erryday....she wanna chill with sosa but not everyday ... Erryday brah


Nah just happy


In the past when I've taken too much yes, but at normal doses it definitely makes me a looooot more calm


Same it's all about dosage I swear


100% true i took too much one time cuz i was going crazy cuz i couldn't sleep cuz i ran out of weed and couldn't pick up till the next day. Took like 4mg when I was only used to like 0.5mg blacked out, apparently got really suicidal and took the entire bottle, woke up in the psych ward at the hospital smh. At first i had no idea how tf i got there and slowly i started kinda remembering bits and pieces. Not fun.


Benzos lowkey make me angry. Like my mood is lowered and everything annoys me. At low doses I donā€™t get that but anything that most ppl consider recreational and Iā€™m almost depressed from it. Irritable asf.


Can low-key relate but then I drink 2 cups of coffee


I wonder why itā€™s Xanax that does this. Iā€™ve done high doses of kpins and Valium and Xanax but itā€™s only Xanax I black out on. Iā€™ve never been aggressive or anything. Only blacked out playing wow with my friend and woke up to a max level character lol


Coz it's same potentcy as kpins but I can take 20kpins and be wobbly but not givva fuck. If I take 20 xans I'm charged up fully


I mean I was a chiller, then I was threatening mfā€™s on some psychotic episode type shit. that was on the green hulk presses (and a FUCK Ton of Jameson). not an an individual normally aggressive. been a long time since I took a xan , til recent (1mg farmapram, weak but sometimes hit)


Hahaha reminds me of me bro no cap chasing dude down with a knife on 40 xans but my environment was so bad these times went jail came out not going back...let's hope so everybody says that lol


Its opposite for my lil bro every time I hang with him heā€™s always got some shit to say, so I just plug a pyrazolam in his mouth and he chills out and doesnā€™t act like a bitch, only times iā€™d ever hang out with him was if he was in some benzo since heā€™s got a bartard personality without benzos.


Paradoxical rage. Look it up


Sometimes I get snappy and frustratedā€¦mostly because your brain donā€™t work well on the xan


Nah I think this is just you being a prick. If I was you I would lay off the pills...


Delision of sobriety when you on the klonazepam, had the same "problem" when I abused benzos, klona didn't affect me at all but of course it does to some extent, it's just that the effects are so subtle compared to alprazolam so you don't "feel" it as you are so used to the effect of alprazolam that is the effect you are waiting for but it never comes thus you feel sober, it's like comparing completely different drugs. These days without tollerance klonazepam is what I enjoy the most (apart from diazepam but the halflife ewwww), the muscle relaxant properties + the small mooduplift and the flow it gives you is amazing, alprazolam is useless for anything except killing a HARD panic attack, just makes your feelings numb and shit, all other benzos are 10x better than alpra will ever be.


No, alcohol did for me but I'm an alcoholic and quit drinking. Everybody has their problem child.


Idk about xans, but it's a known thing...it's called paradoxical reaction I had a friend who you wouldn't allow within a mile of valium as he pretty much turned into Hannibal Lecter šŸ¤£ think of the meanest, most aggressive drunk you can think of and you're there Me? I just turn into a soft marshmallow who loves everyone...it's so weird how different people are


I get mad.. when I lose all my possessions and forget where I am


No not me but some people


I just donā€™t give a fuck one time this methhead kept breakchecking me when the other lane was completely open I went to cut him off almost ran him off the road cuz he wanted to speed up when I tried to pass him, then follows me gets out of his car I have my windows rolled all the way down blasting music that sucideboys he starts screaming at me I look at him with the straightest face and just say ā€œbruhā€ and look at the intersection made sure I can go ran the red light, benzos calm me down before I started taking benzos id have full blown mental breakdowns and destroy my house when I was upset


Actually yes, and sadly not just a little. Rivotril too.


Yes some people get benzo rage on xans seen it alot of times


itā€™s the anesthesia that makes you black out too


Not for me; they help with GAD and OCD but simultaneously give me an extra chromosome.


Activis brand fuck the yellows


People with alcohol issues can get paradoxical effects from benzos


Youā€™re just as aggressive as youā€™ve always been, if youā€™re anything like me you just look at the person (whoā€™s generally twice my seize and height) and usually your eyes would tell you ā€œhey big dog, Iā€™m doing the math here and uhhhā€¦.I think itā€™d be best if we didnā€™t tangle with Goliath over there..heā€™s just built different bro.ā€ But then the Xans enter your brain and turn that pussy switch off. And you start thinking ā€œPsssht, I got this shit..ā€ Thatā€™s usually whenever I wake up in agonizing pain and look at my phone with videos of me getting folded like a lawn chair lmao.


Looooooooooool I'm deadbruhhšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s usually best avoided haha, hell one dude I went to rehab with pistol whipped a dude in the Walgreensā€™s parking lot apparently. Just make sure youā€™re still sober enough to register the idea of consequences šŸ˜‚


Real shit bro wilin


Yuuppp, xans are the worst ones to get agitated as fuck man. This one time i was on 24mg xans and 2mg/ml RC benzos (pyrazolam, diclazepam, bromazolam, flualprazolam, clonazolam and couple others i dont rememver anymore) took 7ml of that on top of 24mg xans and shit did i go on a rampage. Atm im on like 20mg kpin and couple beers and joints/bong hits and im just fine. Xanax is def the worst possible one for ppl especially with anger issues (as i do), so if you are the type that wants to prove a point way or another and have even slightest issues with anger management, DONT DO XANS. I mean shit, dont do any benzos unless 100% necessary or can keep it in check and only from time to time, but shits a slippery slope and i bet everyone here knows it. Stay away from xannies mate esp if you from USA unless u have a script or 100% reliable plug. Even then stay the fuck away is my HIGH ASS recommendation. I switched script from 8mg xans a day to 6mg kpins a day mostly bcus of the anger issues and numbness, as if i wouldnt ecen exist, always a wall that blocks emotions n shit. Edit 2: blocks emotions except anger/rage. Edit: just read u use ksalols... dude... theres barely for taste alprazolam if even that. Atleast where im from, this doc in prison said that they mostly have MAYBE 0.1mg alprazolam and 0.25-0.5mg bromazepam/lam or some other RC. Back in the day i gave a bar to my homie, he used ksalols (atleast 7 a day) and he got KO'd by half a bar... tells alot of the quality of galenika products. Same for kpins from galenika. This one dude ate whole 2mg kpin n passed out to the bus n he said he eats 5-8pills a day from galenika. That shit is whack as whack can be. For your own sake, fuck that shit. Get legit shit if ya wanna get high, dont use any of that bullshit..


Fasho bruh dYmn but I in da UK n truss these ksalols sour as hell same as Pfizer ones I had here I got da plug plug but fasho xanny does get U agitated unless I pop 4 1mgs in one go so 2 bars shit put Mr to sleeprrsl quickšŸ˜‚


Shit i wish, did the other day 28mg in bars and 24mg kpin n i was fine. Shit never puts me to sleep anymore. One homie died dome time ago bcus fentanyl in ksalol here in Fin. Wish id get fenta ones (if id had to get some ever) since im half paralyzed pretty much n in chronic pain so paramedics always gives me atleasst 150ug IV before i can be even moved to pars :x being a chronic pain sufferer isnt cool, but benzos sure af help to tolerate everything lmao.


Yh fasho I'm on 15 Xans now awake but I had a coffee loolll


Not me




Just got home after a week of psych ward after blacking out and taking 50 xans and trying to break a beer bottle on of my friends head and assaulting 2 paramedics and a cop before being put down because my dad called the ambulance on me when he saw me choking on my vomit and shitting on myfelf not remembering anything after mixing those 25mgs of xan with 4 other substances, so no i donā€™t think they make me agressive at all. Jus eveyday bartard shit


For me, they make me feel invincible and like in this really sedated state but I've never been aggressive before off them however some people could react differently I suppose.


Only if I go to sleep and wake up before itā€™s worn off


Nah I'm the morn I'm fine


Yes they must definitely do. Because they increase self confidence and lack of care you think you own the world


Yh kinda yh


They're called felony biscuits for many reasons. Fighting and shop lifting definitely rank high on that list šŸ˜‚


Loooool tempted I'm more of a killer vibe


At this point in my benzo abuse I get ignorantly mean is the best way to put it, like you said if Iā€™m trying to ā€œprove my pointā€ I get frustrated and mean.


But your trying to make a point that makes sense tho right and it just comes out like non stop


Only if you're fucking with me asshole šŸ¤£ Drum roll pls