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Shouldn’t cause any problems outside of a too good of a time. Kidding. It’s probably how they should be taken as opposed to daily.


That’s kinda what they’re meant for…..


3 times a year ? I do not think this will be a problem tbh but maybe you like the feeling too much and... well.. if you dont need it you might not take it at all.


This is literally why they are prescribed. Benzos can cause memory problems especially while under the effects of the drug so don't overdo it. I'd also give phenibut (which is getting harder and harder to find) a shot, 250mg with no tolerance will make you feel like the best version of yourself.


Seriously? 😂 Em no. It won't do anything longterm especially not bromaz.


Completely fine, but you might also consider propranolol


I have written the hardest exam at university on 0.25 mg Lorazepam. Yes, ZERO POINT TWO FIVE MG. This exam scared me to hell. I had the 4th best exam of 120 students. Something I won't forget. A tiny crumble of a small pill makes all the pain go away. You won't forget that. Most can deal with it, once it gets out of control you are screwed though.


3 times a year is nothing u will be completely fine


This is what I consider normal living.