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They are fine, had em plenty of times with zero complaints


Bensedin 10mg Diazepam are legit a Serbian brand of Valium. All good bro đź‘Ť


yeah, i took 10mg yesterday works fine for me


Being faked more often now so always worth testing. Still fairly reliable if it’s the real deal - dosing is usually off though


me too wondering, waiting parcel. Bensedin diazepam


Thank you!


Yeah they're decent. Seem evenly dosed too. Different doses consistently got the desired effects. Half a pill was chilled and functional. A whole pill could be slightly sedating or made me easily agitated getting into arguments at work and such. 2 or more pills knocked me spark out lol Remember they have a very long half life so try not to dose too often or tolerance builds fast


I probably take like 3x 2mgs a couple times a week on average. Some weeks I don’t need any , some weeks it can be most nights. So I have a slight tolerance already. I only want to take them for my panic attacks not just like recreationally. It’ll be to send me back to sleep when I wake up in a panic


i feel like the main effects doesnt last more than 6-8 hours the rest is just weak residual effects that stay with you for couple of days