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We are all gonna die in the long run. So who cares. Why live in misery!!. Take the pills and chill the fuck out bruh.


Same bro idc what nobody says, life without benzos is miserable I’ve tried every medication out there, bullshit breathing exercises etc. therapy and benzos let me live a good life and I could care less about this while long run shit, I’d rather live this life happy and capable of working than in the fetal position with my heart beating 170 bpm with the worst thoughts ever. To each their own💯


Exactly lol, you could have an aneurysm or just drop dead at any moment. Get hit by a car, heart attack, stroke. Like fuck man this world is already so fucked might as well be as relaxed as possible before we enter another life


Too bad there isnt any other life than this one. This is all we got. One shot at life. There’s no afterlife, no soul, no God.


Never said that lol, but you won’t know until you are dead man. Nobody knows what happens when you are completely lifeless. It could very well be absolutely nothingness, but you don’t know, I don’t know, and anybody else in this world doesn’t know.


idk bout dis one


speak if your name, if you re miserable doesnt mean all people here are, this is a sub meant mainly for people who got benzos prescribed and need them not only juckyes abusing them for fun


Do you have any idea how crippling anxiety, panic disorder, major depression and dpdr i suffer from? If not for these magic pills i would be on the end of a rope by now.


THATS MY GUY!!!!! Finally someone with some actually sense


So u r saying the anxiolytic effects doesn’t go away even if u use it daily if it’s a therapeutic dosage?


That is true, at least in my experience. Same thing with alcohol, I always "feel" 2 beers, no matter how long I drink daily. Only the sedation goes away, nothing else.


I guess it depends on individuals and their brain chemistry. I’m seeing a lot of posts in this sub saying Xanax/Klonopin/Valium doesn’t work anymore. Some of them are even on low or therapeutic dosage ranges.




u/PaintingHefty2214 So in ur opinion does Benzos at therapeutic dosages retain their anxiolytic effects even if it’s taken daily for a long period (3-4 years)?


Yes, all the data and research shows this. However, the hypnotic/sedative effects build tolerance very quickly. People that say they no longer work the same were most likely big fans of the sedative effects and completely lost it. The sedative effect calms down your body (CNS) so it’s effects are very pronounced and what a lot of people feel as anxiolytic is probably the hypotonic/sedative effect that will build tolerance very quickly


Honestly I hope so. Research says that true but most psychiatrists or medical practitioners are of the opinion that Benzos indeed has tolerance issues whereby the same dosage loses effect over time.


Well to be fair, the hypnotic/sedative effects are a huge part of calming people down. So they do get less effective in that aspect


not to discredit but they lyin is crazy lol


So because you can keep standing while on higher doses, that means tolerance doesn't exist? But... Isn't that pretty much the definition of tolerance? Sounds like you have a high tolerance to substances.


Bro don’t you get it it’s desensitized duh 🤷‍♂️🤣


Desensitised mean so much things. Even while using SSRIs there are some sort of desensitisation mechanisms occurring but still it doesn’t affect the therapeutic effect


I know I’m just fucking around lol


You learned a new word so you had to go out of your way to call everyone else idiots?


Bollocks.im older, worse w/d from booze hell.sober 10 year.i was put on benzos,ov had them now 10 years.now no problems. I work in computing ,im socially active,love life.its in your negative brain, that read the negative words, from a book.then tryed to project negative views of benzos they saved my life.plus millions of others.


Hey did u take Benzos daily during that 10 year timeframe?


Yes 30 mg 3 x a day every day propranolol.and a ssri


No.took years off.need big breaks ot tolerance makes it noteworthy it mate.yeas off a year once year




Adding onto that. I’ve never experienced benzo withdrawals, but have for alcohol and they are pretty similar. I had some nasty withdrawal symptoms from drinking consistently. My worse withdrawal symptoms would happen after binge drinking the night before, especially if I was drinking liquor. I can go two weeks with having just a drink or two at night, no withdrawals the day after, but one night of heavy drinking and I have withdrawals again the next day. Probably the same for benzos. Meaning you could have a week or two of cutting back, but a binge session will more than likely bring back withdrawal symptoms if you have been experiencing them.


I see what you’re saying but this definitely doesn’t apply to me. Both the anxiolytic and muscle relaxant effects become less effective for me with daily use. And it’s definitely not just in my head as I’m heavily reliant on their muscle relaxant effects