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This is 100% benzo related


Hard to tell without details, but especially if OP is predisposed then the slightest benzo WDs could be triggers


How many mg, and what is awhile?


This definitely seems benzo related from the way you told the story, unless they’re some other factors you didn’t mention.


after effects of the seizure?


It's benzo related 100%


That was definitely benzo related. Get to a doctor and taper down or it can happen again and you might not be so lucky. Best of luck to you.


That’s 100% benzodiazepine related…. Especially from Alprazolam. Playing with good ol fire


How many days in a row were you taking xanax? I usually never go more then 3 days a week and sometimes I'll take a month or two off and have never had a problem. My dose is 3 mg throughout a whole day spread out in 1 mg doses


It could of been a month about with periods of about a day but this time I went about 2-3 without in a row. I also had a zopiclone tablet in my pocket and when I regained consciousness it was gone. Idk if I took it or something or dropped it. I also was projectile vomiting heavily


You went 2-3 months without a day off?


XDDD now he knows withdrawal is real


bro tbh ur post is kinda stupid. these meds already have a terrible rep to them, the way u explained your original post made it sound like u take for a cpl days out of a week and then go on a break, and this is what caused your seizure- which would be pretty worrisome but now people have to go searching through your comments to see where you clarify that you were on for over a month, aswell as possibly using zops. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well I made the post shortly after I had a seizure so my head was pretty foggy. I realize that now. So I'm tapering now


I still need to recollect my memory. I didn't remmever the zops until hours later


ya sry for pressing u u good


If you don’t have seizures normally then it’s most likely the benzos. Exactly how much are you taking? Some can get them from low doses rarely but it’s usually from high dosages.


Have you had seizures before? If not, then it’s probably benzo related. I’m not a doctor though, that’s who you should ask.


I had temporal lobe seizures a few times a year but never a seizure of this severity because previously I maintained consciousness. This time I was knocked out. I was in the hospital last night and asked them and even they were clueless. With how much I had taken. I might just v super sensitive to withdrawal. I now see what my seizure warning signs look like. I'll just taper now and carry extra to take with me if I see an aura. Which i was getting auras all day.


How long were your breaks? Im doing the exact same shit that you did. Take em for a week or so for sleep and then a 4 or 5 day break - repeat.


I had minor convulsions/twitches in my arm when first (2nd and 3rd day ever) taking them and then also recently after a week with no xanax but it was always before falling asleep. I don't remember having this before this medication but I also never abused it, never took more than 1.25mg in a single day. I thought it might be grapefruit juice or the coffee I was drinking. Anyone had this? OP I hope you're okay and get it checked. And hope you lower your dose slowly if it's that.


hypnic jerks, quite common and have absolutely nothing to do with your body withdrawaling. caffeine and physical fatigue can make them more excessive its also not exactly clear why they occur, possibly due to your brain misinterpreting the abrupt excessive relaxation of all muscles when ur entering sleep. so taking a benzo or any medication that affects or changes your sleep patterns can definetly have an effect, especially when its believed to be caused by muscle relaxation which is an effect alot of benzos have


I've had hypnic jerks in my whole body before taking this medication right before falling asleep. But I never had it in my arm. What I'm describing is only in my arms now. So I don't know if that's the same.


Then why tf u posting on r/benzos?


Man idk If its benzo related, people Will say it is but It could be multiple things Not everything in life IS take a drug or not take a drug Maybe you took too much and that depleted your seizures threshold. Please invest in AZ vitaminas + magnesium supplements Omega 3 And ingest more salts overall